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通过不同温度和压力下岩块受力变形的模拟实验,证实了岩块受力变形导致成矿元素的迁移和富集,发现了高温高压下不同元素在同一温压条件下和同一元素在不同温压条件下具有不同的迁移和富集规律。实验表明,构造应力对许多内生金属矿产的形成、矿产中成矿元素的分带现象等都具有十分重要的作用。   相似文献   
本文提出了用ICP-AES法直接同时测定高纯氧化钇中14个稀土和16个非稀土杂质元素的分析方法,对被测元素的 谱线、氧化钇基本及背景影响进行了研究,用标准加入法测出氧化钇基准中的微量杂质元素,消除了由于忽略基准中的杂质元素含量给高纯氧化钇分析测定带来的误差,同时对工作条件进行了优化。方法中各被测元素的检出限为0.003~1.31ug/g,能够满足生产过程中的质量控制及进出口商品检验  相似文献   
利用Minolta CM-2002光谱光度计对南黄海陆架136个短柱样品20~25cm段的沉积物进行了颜色反射率数据测量,通过化学元素、粒度、磁化率等来确定影响沉积物颜色反射率变化的成分和因素,介绍了反射率光谱的一阶导数和因子分析的方法。分析结果表明,南黄海陆架沉积物颜色反射率受控于沉积物中的铁氧化物、有机质以及粘土矿物和钙质生物碎屑含量。主因子F1指示氧化环境,并与陆源物质相关,F2指示弱氧化环境,F3指示弱还原环境,主因子的波长范围分别是405~445 nm和495~595 nm,605~695 nm,445~485 nm。  相似文献   
诱导型一氧化氮合成酶(iNOS)在生物机体免疫,特别在无脊椎动物免疫中的作用近来得到了广泛的关注,由其催化产生的一氧化氯(NO)除具有已知的神经传导、松弛平滑肌等功能外,还具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗寄生虫等作用。作者通过硝基四氯唑蓝(NBT)法和血细胞形态观察等方法,对中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)血细胞中存在的诱导型一氧化氮合成酶进行了初步鉴定。在此基础上,通过亚硝酸盐法和L-瓜氨酸法对比,研究了感染白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)后中国明对虾血细胞中一氧化氯合成酶的变化情况。结果显示,中国明对虾在感染WSSV后,iNOS活性在12h内有上升趋势,实验36h后酶活性显著下降,至60h后酶活性降至对照组的一半左右。同时,被脂多糖(LPS)诱导的一氧化氮合成酶活性与对照相比也有显著下降。与此对应的是,核酸探针斑点杂交法检测病毒的结果显示:实验36h后在对虾体内能够检测到白斑综合症病毒。对照组中国明对虾血细胞的iNOS在实验过程中基本保持稳定。这说明WSSV在感染中国明对虾初期可以诱导血细胞产生iNOS,但随着WSSV在中国明对虾体内的大量增殖及其对血细胞的破坏,使得iNOS活性显著降低,对虾也趋于死亡。因此,iNOS能够作为反映对虾在病毒感染过程中健康状况的有效指标。  相似文献   
Surface NO and NO2 mixing ratios were measured aboard the research vessel Polarstern during the mission ANT VII/1 from 24 September to 5 October 1988. The measurements were taken along the meridian at 30° W in the Atlantic region covering latitudes between 30° N and 30° S. The average mixing ratios were about 12 pptv NO/30 pptv NO2 in the Northern Hemisphere and about 7 pptv NO/22 pptv NO2 in the Southern. Elevated mixing ratios of 20 pptv NO/70 pptv NO2 were found at 12° N (probably due to air masses originating from the surface of West Africa) and in the region of the ITCZ between 8° N and 5° N. Because of probable contamination by the ship, the measured mixing ratios mostly represent upper limits.  相似文献   
Shock-compressed MgO radiates thermally at temperatures between 2900 and 3700 K in the 170–200 GPa pressure range. A simple energy-transport model of the shocked-MgO-targets distinguishes between different shock-induced radiation sources in these targets and provides estimates of spectral absorption-coefficients, α ΛMgO, for shocked MgO (e.g. at 203 GPa, α ΛMgO˜ 630, 7500, 4200 and 3800 m−1, at 450, 600, 750 and 900 nm, respectively). The experimentally inferred temperatures of the shock-compressed states of MgO are consistent with temperatures calculated for MgO assuming that (1) it deforms as an elastic fluid, (2) has a Dulong-Petit value for specific heat at constant volume in its shocked state, and (3) undergoes no phase transformation below 200 GPa.  相似文献   
利用吐鲁番东坎农业气象试验站和鄯善气象站近52a(1960-2011年)冬季逐日资料,分析入冬期、冬季平均气温、极端最低气温、低温日数、负积温变化特征,以及特色林果葡萄、红枣冻害发生年最低气温的变化特征,探讨冬季气温变化与冻害发生的关系,总结冻害成灾指标,为防止果树冻害提供理论依据。分析结果表明:吐鲁番盆地冬季平均气温和最低气温呈上升趋势,入冬期偏晚,冬季结束时间提早,冬季持续日数缩短;冬季气温在1985年发生突变,存在7a的周期变化。在无稳定积雪的情况下,最低气温负积温较历年平均值低180.0℃以上,日最低气温≤-18.0℃持续15d以上,且日最低气温连续≤-20.0℃持续5d以上,休眠期的红枣、杏树花芽会发生中度冻害;最低气温负积温较常年低200.0℃以上,日最低气温≤-20.0℃持续7d以上,且日最低气温≤-21.0℃持续5d以上,红枣、杏树及无积雪、覆土厚度〈30cm的葡萄会发生严重冻害。  相似文献   
Lepidocrocite (γ‐FeOOH) nanoparticles were synthesized from iron(II) sulfate solution and characterized using X‐ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform‐IR (FT‐IR), nitrogen adsorption, and point of zero charge pH (pHPZC) analyses. TEM, XRD, and FT‐IR analyses proved the synthesis of nano‐lepidocrocite. Surface area and pHPZC of the synthesized lepidocrocite were 68.1 m2 g?1 and 4.8, respectively. Utilization of the synthesized lepidocrocite in the adsorption of Lanacron brown S‐GL (LBS‐GL) from aqueous solutions was investigated, and the effect of lepidocrocite dosage, pH, temperature, and contact time on this process were optimized and modeled using response surface methodology approach. The lepidocrocite dosage of 0.015 g, pH 3.5, temperature of 38°C, and contact time of 100 min were determined as optimum adsorption conditions. Isotherm and kinetics of the adsorption process were analyzed at the optimum conditions. The equilibrium data were fitted well to the Langmuir isotherm model. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity was 528.21 mg g?1. The adsorption process was described by the pseudo‐second‐order kinetic model. Furthermore, the effect of pH on the desorption of LBS‐GL was investigated. High LBS‐GL desorption efficiency was achieved at a high pH value.  相似文献   
Thirty borehole temperature–depth profiles in the central and southern Urals, Russia were scrutinized for evidence of ground surface temperature histories. We explored two inversion schemes: a simple ramp inversion in which solutions are parameterized in terms of an onset time and magnitude of change and a more sophisticated functional space inverse algorithm in which the functional form of the solution is left unspecified. To enhance and potentially identify latitudinal differences in the ground surface temperature signal, we subdivided the data into three groups based on geographic proximity and simultaneously inverted the borehole temperature–depth logs. The simultaneous inversions highlighted 13 temperature–depth logs that could not both fit a common ground surface temperature history and a priori models within reasonable bounds. Our results confirm that this is an effective way to reduce site-specific noise from an ensemble of boreholes. Each inversion scheme gives comparable results indicating locally variable warming on the order of 1°C starting between 1800 and 1900 AD. Similarly surface air temperature records from 12 nearby meteorological stations exhibit locally variable warming also on the order of 1°C of warming during the 20th century. To explore the degree to which borehole temperatures and surface air temperature (SAT) time series are responding to the same signal, we average the SAT data into the same three groups and used these averages as a forcing function at the Earth's surface to generate synthetic transient temperature profiles. Root mean square (RMS) misfits between these synthetic temperature profiles and averaged temperature–depth profiles are low, suggesting that first-order curvature in borehole temperatures and variations in SAT records are correlated.  相似文献   
Broadly speaking, there is, at least within geomorphic circles, a general acceptance that rocks with low albedos will warm both faster and to higher temperatures than rocks with high albedos, reflectivity influencing radiative warming. Upon this foundation are built notions of weathering in respect of the resulting thermal differences, both at the grain scale and at the scale of rock masses. Here, a series of paving bricks painted in 20 per cent reflectivity intervals from black through to white were used to monitor albedo‐influenced temperatures at a site in northern Canada in an attempt to test this premise. Temperatures were collected, for five months, for the rock surface and the base of the rock, the blocks being set within a mass of local sediment. Resulting thermal data did indeed show that the dark bricks were warmer than the white but only when their temperatures were equal to or cooler than the air temperature. As brick temperature exceeded that of the air, so the dark and light bricks moved to parity; indeed, the white bricks frequently became warmer than the dark. It is argued that this ‘negating’ of the albedo influence on heating is a result of the necessity of the bricks, both white and black, to convect heat away to the surrounding cooler air; the darker brick, being hotter, initially convects faster than the white as a product of the temperature difference between the two media. Thus, where the bricks become significantly hotter than the air, they lose energy to that air and so their respective temperatures become closer, the albedo influence being superceded by the requirement to equilibrate with the surrounding air. It is argued that this finding will have importance to our understanding of weathering in general and to our perceptions of weathering differences between different lithologies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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