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Average pulse profiles of pulsar signals are analyzed using the bispectrum tech-nique. The result shows that there are nonlinear phase couplings between the two frequency axes of the bispectrum charts, which indicate nonlinear factors in the generation and prop-agation of pulsar signals. Bispectra can be used as feature vectors of pulsar signals because of their being translation invariant. A one-dimension selected line spectrum algorithm for ex-tracting pulsar signal characteristic is proposed. Compared with selected bispectra, the pro-posed selected line spectra have the maximum interclass separability measurements from the point of view of the whole one-dimension feature vector. Recognition experiments on several pulsar signals received at several frequency bands are carried out. The result shows that the selected line spectrum algorithm is suitable for extracting pulsar signal characteristics and has a good classification performance.  相似文献   
The new Solar telescope GREGOR is designed to observe small‐scale dynamic magnetic structures below a size of 70 km on the Sun with high spectral resolution and polarimetric accuracy. For this purpose, the polarimetric concept of GREGOR is based on a combination of post‐focus polarimeters with pre‐focus equipment for high precision calibration. The Leibniz‐Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam developed the GREGOR calibration unit which is an integral part of the telescope. We give an overview of the function and design of the calibration unit and present the results of extensive testing series done in the Solar Observatory “Einsteinturm” and at GREGOR (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
磁性铁是超贫磁铁矿勘查中的基本分析项目之一,为准确测定磁性铁的含量,首先需要实现磁性铁的定量分离。目前常用的手工内磁选法由于所用磁铁的有效磁场强度难以保证,而且受人为操作的影响较大,导致分析结果的重现性差。本文应用50 m L滴定管、电磁铁和三相异步电动机,研制了一种新型磁选装置——电磁式磁性铁分选装置,实现了超贫磁铁矿中磁性铁与非磁性铁的定量分离,结合重铬酸钾容量法建立了超贫磁铁矿中磁性铁的分析方法。在选定的磁选条件下(电流2.5 A,磁选管运动频率40 r/min,磁选时间5 min)分析铁矿石标准物质,磁性铁的测定值与标准值的相对误差小于1.0%;分析采自实际矿区的超贫磁铁矿样品,磁性铁的测定结果与手工内磁选法一致,且相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)小于1.0%,优于手工内磁选法的精密度。本方法采用的电磁式磁性铁分选装置有效地控制了磁场强度的强弱,避免永磁铁出现磁损失,同时可以量化磁性铁分离的参数,提高了磁性铁的分析精度。  相似文献   
光学显微镜下直观显示水体环境中趋磁细菌沿磁场方向定向排列和游动,人们对其认识主要来自这些镜下观察的总结。但实际上趋磁细菌主要生活在沉积物环境中,很难对它们进行直接观察。因此,趋磁细菌在沉积物环境中的趋磁性、趋化性、以及在记录古地磁过程中可能起到的作用等方面均尚未得到足够实际观测数据的支持。本研究利用脉冲磁场反转趋磁细菌(Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum)极性的特性,将趋北趋磁细菌(NS)转变为趋南趋磁细菌(SS),并在只含有NS的沉积物中以脉冲磁场反转的SS为"示踪体",分析趋磁细菌在沉积物环境中的趋磁性和趋化性。使沉积物所处的外界磁场与脉冲磁场方向保持一系列角度Φ(0°~180°),利用施加脉冲磁场后出现的SS%与Φ关系估算趋磁细菌在沉积物中沿外界磁场的排列程度,证实了趋磁细菌在沉积物中沿地磁场排列程度非常低(<1%)。将脉冲SS分别置于4种不同的磁场条件(磁场方向指向上、指向下和水平)和生存环境(上部适宜环境和下部不适宜环境),一定时间后SS的垂直分布相对直观地证实了:趋磁细菌游动方向受趋化性决定,趋磁性的优势在于使趋磁细菌更有效地到达其最佳生存环境。脉冲磁场方法在理解和研究沉积物中趋磁细菌趋磁性、趋化性和古地磁应用方面有可观的应用前景。  相似文献   
A mechanism of damped oscillations of a coronal loop is investigated. The loop is treated as a thin toroidal flux rope with two stationary photospheric footpoints, carrying both toroidal and poloidal currents. The forces and the flux-rope dynamics are described within the framework of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The main features of the theory are the following: i) Oscillatory motions are determined by the Lorentz force that acts on curved current-carrying plasma structures and ii) damping is caused by drag that provides the momentum coupling between the flux rope and the ambient coronal plasma. The oscillation is restricted to the vertical plane of the flux rope. The initial equilibrium flux rope is set into oscillation by a pulse of upflow of the ambient plasma. The theory is applied to two events of oscillating loops observed by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). It is shown that the Lorentz force and drag with a reasonable value of the coupling coefficient (c d ) and without anomalous dissipation are able to accurately account for the observed damped oscillations. The analysis shows that the variations in the observed intensity can be explained by the minor radial expansion and contraction. For the two events, the values of the drag coefficient consistent with the observed damping times are in the range c d ≈2 – 5, with specific values being dependent on parameters such as the loop density, ambient magnetic field, and the loop geometry. This range is consistent with a previous MHD simulation study and with values used to reproduce the observed trajectories of coronal mass ejections (CMEs).  相似文献   
对于羌塘盆地是否存在横贯东西的中央隆起带,目前学术界仍有分歧.本文提供的最新高精度航空重、磁资料证实存在呈东西向贯通羌塘盆地的中央隆起带,并对该带的构造特征进行了精细刻画.隆起带受南北两侧深大断裂控制,其空间跨度(宽度)由西向东逐渐收敛,并被一组近南北向的隐伏断裂系切割、左滑错动.重、磁场资料还显示中央隆起带在双湖东、西两侧存在明显差异:西段基底大规模隆起,基岩深度一般在3~5 km以内,明显浅于南北羌塘坳陷7~15 km的基底埋深;东段基底隆起幅度明显降低,主要表现为潜伏的低隆起,其中双湖—雅曲段基底埋深5~7 km,雅曲—岗尼段基底埋深7~9 km;即中央隆起带基底自西向东"台阶状"降低,隆起的幅度和分布范围受到近南北向断裂控制.构造分层表明,与南羌塘地块相比,北羌塘地块的基底隆起幅度小、稳定性更好.南北羌塘基底地球物理属性的显著差异说明羌塘盆地并不存在统一的前寒武系变质基底,中央隆起带的形成应该与古特提斯洋关闭时形成的混杂岩带有关.  相似文献   
一次强震常伴随着多次余震作用,且时间间隔较短。研究表明,主震诱发的系列余震会对原有结构造成进一步的累积损伤。核岛厂房结构作为核反应堆的最后一道防线,其在服役期间可能遭受主震和余震的累积作用。参考我国现行规范,定义了四类性能水准(PL)和三种极限状态(LS),以混凝土最大应变作为结构破坏指数(DI),以谱加速度Sa作为地震动强度指标(IM),提出一种考虑主余震序列作用下核岛厂房结构的易损性评估方法。选取PEER数据库地震记录,采用增量动力分析方法,给出了AP1000核岛厂房在420条主余震序列地震作用下的易损性曲线。定量分析了主震强度和主余震谱加速度比对核岛厂房结构易损性的影响。结果表明:核岛厂房的超越概率随着余震强度的增大而增大;余震在主震对结构损伤的基础上会加重核岛厂房的附加损伤;随着主余震谱加速度比从0.5增加到1.0时,核岛厂房结构破坏状态超越概率提高了10%~40%。  相似文献   
We discuss the effects of galactic spiral arms on the -coefficient, turbulent diffusivity and turbulent energy density of the interstellar turbulence. We argue that the -coefficient and the dynamo number are larger in the interarm regions, whereas the kinetic energy density of turbulence is larger in the arms; the turbulent magnetic diffusivity can be only weakly affected by the spiral pattern.  相似文献   
山东省各岩石磁性及密度参数基本可分为高、中、低 3类。山东省磁性结晶基底为泰山岩群、荆山群、胶东岩群、胶南岩群。以沂沭断裂带为界 ,山东省区域地球物理场分为鲁东区和鲁西区。鲁东区进一步划分为 3个次级区 ,即北部区、中部区和南部区。鲁西区进一步划分为 5个次级区 ,即鲁北重磁缓变区、鲁西南重高磁高区、中部弧形重磁场区、鲁西中部重低磁高区、鲁中南条带状重磁场区。各区地球物理场由于地质原因各具特点。山东省莫氏面总体呈东浅西深的缓变带 ,在该缓变带的背景上 ,呈周边地区条带状幔隆、中部幔坳的特征。山东省居里面呈近南北向带状分布 ,有德州聊城菏泽隆起带、滨州淄博滕州深坳带、蓬莱海阳千里岩响水隆起带。鲁中隆起北部碰撞带为山东省特殊的构造地带 ,其特征为侵入岩体沿该带断续出现、岩体围岩或岩体内铜及多金属矿化较为普遍、地热田沿该带时有分布、地形上为南部山区和北部平原的分界地带。胶莱盆地内 ,蓼兰—高密缺失莱阳群层位 ;中生代早期 ,盆地东北部与西南部是盆地的沉积中心 ,至晚期盆地中心北移 ,第三纪沉积中心则为平度蓼兰附近 ;盆地较深部位位于诸城凹陷、平度凹陷。胶莱盆地的次级构造单元可划分为 11个 ,七级镇构造带控制了胶莱盆地的成生和发展。山东省岩浆岩通常表  相似文献   
山东半岛海域成矿区带划分以往研究程度较低。该文利用海域重磁资料,在研究区梳理了渤海和黄海的重磁异常特征,渤海和北黄海呈负布格重力异常,南黄海北部与之相反;渤海为正磁异常,黄海与之相反。以重磁异常为基础,基于陆域构造单元划分,对海域构造单元划分至Ⅲ级10个构造单元,海域构造单元多为陆域向海域的延伸,仅渤中坳陷和北黄海盆地为独立的海域构造单元。参照陆域成矿区带划分,以构造单元边界为界线,海域成矿区带划分至Ⅳ级6个成矿区,各成矿区特征不同,坳陷构造单元内成矿区富集油气矿产,隆起构造单元内成矿区表现为埕宁隆起富集煤矿,胶北隆起富集金、菱镁矿、煤、灰岩矿,千里隆起富集岩金、蛇纹岩、石棉、花岗石矿。  相似文献   
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