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针对鄂尔多斯盆地天然气勘探开发存在的问题,通过对测井资料及天然气测试资料的分析,建立适合识别天然气有效储层的测井响应特征归一化方法,以及根据测井资料重构天然气有效储层特征曲线的方法,探索了根据测井资料评价天然气产能的方法.本文还分析了目前常用的预测天然气产能方法存在的问题及实际应用中欠缺的条件,形成了以中子、声波、密度测井资料为基本特征参数,用自然伽马、自然电位或电阻率比值参数等作为约束条件的天然气有效储层识别技术及天然气产能评价方法,并对实际测井资料进行了处理.没有试图通过井径校正的方法将受井径扩大影响的曲线恢复到原始地层的响应状态,而是通过极值变化消除井径扩大对声波、密度测井资料在天然气有效储层识别及天然气产能评价方面应用的影响. 相似文献
以延川南地区煤层气井的实验测试数据为基础,采用地质类比法对煤层的含气性及其他储层物性特征进行了对比分析,然后利用最大值标准化法和灰色关联系数法得出单煤层和井区的综合评价分数,并据此对井区进行了综合评价。结果表明,区内甲烷浓度高、含气量大、孔隙性能好、煤层厚度大,但含气饱和度和渗透率低,需要对储层做进一步的压裂改造;通过灰色关联分析,认为各因素的相关关联序为含气量〉含气饱和度〉渗透率〉储层压力〉煤厚〉埋深〉孔隙度〉甲烷浓度,2号煤的开发条件优于10号煤,各井区中以y-3、y-16及y-6井的综合评价值较高,是下一步井网布局和煤层气开发的首选井区。 相似文献
黏性土的应力-应变关系归一化性状探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土的应力-应变关系与固结压力水平密切相关,体现为土的归一化性状.针对黏性土固结不排水剪切试验的应力-应变关系,对黏性土归一化性状的存在条件进行了探讨分析,认为黏性土应力-应变关系归一化性状的存在与否取决于土的模量与归一换化因子的正比关系及土的抗剪强度特性,通常采用围压σ3和平均固结压力σm作为归一化因子;研究表明当应力-应变关系为Kondner双曲线方程形式,对于采用围压σ3和平均固结压力σm归一化效果很差的黏性土,若采用(σ3)n或(σm)n(选取适当的n值)进行归一化,则效果较好. 相似文献
The increased availability of multi-sensor data, and elevation information in particular, leads to the need of advanced processing methods. In the context of landscape modeling tasks, we concentrate on one central component, the extraction of terrain surface from a Digital Surface Model (DSM). In contrast to conventional mathematical grey value morphology approaches (filtering methods) or to stochastical procedures, we propose an alternative methodology for this task by applying a region-based and multi-scale approach. It consists of segmentation and follow-up fuzzy logic classification based on several features derived from elevation and multi-spectral image data. The satisfying results obtained with a multi-sensor as well as with other datasets show the applicability of the approach. 相似文献
Assessment of metals in sediments from Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia, using normalisation models and sediment quality guidelines 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Roach AC 《Marine environmental research》2005,59(5):453-472
Industrial activity since the 1890s and, more recently catchment development has resulted in significant metal contamination in Lake Macquarie, an estuary in New South Wales, Australia. This paper presents an analysis of metal concentrations in surface sediments from Lake Macquarie using normalisation models to estimate enrichment relative to natural background concentrations and by comparing concentrations with sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and effects range median quotients to assess the potential for ecological harm. Of the 12 metals examined, cadmium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver and zinc were enriched in surface sediments throughout the lake. The greatest contamination was found in the north of the lake and, for selenium, also in areas adjacent to two power stations. Comparisons with SQGs and effects range median quotients found that sediments from a site in Cockle Bay had concentrations of metals with the highest likelihood of causing adverse effects on sediment associated biota, and that the likelihood adverse decreased with distance from Cockle Bay. Comparisons with historical sediment quality data indicated that there has been a marked reduction in surface metal concentrations throughout the lake over 15 years. Models could not be constructed for all metals due to low background concentrations. For most metals, simple linear regression models were adequate, but for selenium and arsenic a multiple regression model provided a better estimate of background concentrations. SQGs possibly overestimated effects for arsenic, which has naturally high concentrations in the lake and underestimated the potential for ecological effects in coarser sediments. 相似文献
Bruce R. Miller 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1991,51(3):251-270
We examine a parametric family of cubic perturbed 1-1 resonant harmonic oscillators with an aim to understanding the phase flows of the reduced system. Variation of the parameters leads the system through five bifurcations of different types. Some bifurcations are due to passage through cases of discrete symmetry or integrability. A conjecture correlating degenerate equilibria in reduced systems with integrability is modified and reinforced. 相似文献
油气田测井数据标准化方法研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
测井数据的标准化是测井多井评价技术中的重要组成部分,其目的是使研究区的所有同种内容的测井曲线具有统一的刻度,为全油田的油藏描述奠定基础。本文重点探讨了变异函数分析和趋势面分析两种标准化方法,在山东胜利石油管理局牛庄油田牛20开发试验区的应用过程中取得了很好的效果,提高了测井储层评价的能力。 相似文献
生态地球化学评价中建立土壤元素地球化学背景方法研究:以太原盆地潮土中Hg、Cd、Pb、As为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
深层土壤与表层土壤中元素质量分数的差异被一些学者归因于表层土壤受人为污染所致。文中通过解析山西太原盆地深、表层潮土中Hg、Cd、Pb、As的地球化学分布特征,并通过对比研究区与基本保持清洁状态的源区土壤中相应元素质量分数变化特征,论述了成壤过程中元素的自然分异作用是造成深、表层潮土中Hg、Cd、Pb、As质量分数显著差异的主要原因,以及人为污染仅在局部地区造成Hg、Cd、Pb、As在表层潮土中富集的观点。通过求解太原盆地表层潮土中Hg、Cd、Pb、As地球化学背景值的实例,详细介绍了以深层土壤元素的地球化学背景为参照系,运用相关分析和累积频率分析求解表层土壤元素地球化学背景值的方法。 相似文献
滑坡临滑预报的态矢量方法研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
态矢量是统计物理学中对连续场进行粗粒化描述的一种方法。将其引入滑坡预报中,通过将滑坡危险区划分为n个子区域,在各个时间窗内对一系列子区域的监测数据进行态矢量分析,将监测数据与降雨量态矢量的模等归一化后叠加,研究一段时间内滑坡位移态矢量的发展变化规律,并提出利用态矢量进行滑坡预报的新方法。以新滩滑坡为例,对累计水平位移进行态矢量分析,发现在滑坡前态矢量的模和态矢量增量的模均发生了明显突变,按态矢量曲线的变化规律,依据滑坡预警分级方法提出3级滑坡预警,最高预警级别预报的滑坡时间比实际滑坡时间提前2天。研究结果表明,态矢量的急剧突变是滑坡发生的前兆,可以用来进行滑坡的短期和临滑预报。 相似文献
JC-TC地区有多年施工的多块小范围三维资料,但资料的品质较差,信噪比低,不能满足构造解释的需要。我们此次以较完整的二级构造单元为整体解剖对象,对四块三维资料进行拼接处理。 相似文献