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马明卫  宋松柏 《水文》2011,31(3):5-12
运用非参数核密度估计方法研究干旱发生的联合概率、条件概率和重现期等干旱特征,以宁夏盐池站的月降水为例,应用单变量核概率密度函数估计干旱历时D的边缘分布,进行参数方法和非参数方法的拟合效果比较。在此基础上,采用双变量核概率密度函数估计方法构建了历时D与烈度S、历时D与峰值P的两变量联合概率分布,并计算了联合分布的重现期、条件概率与条件重现期。结果表明:与参数方法相比,非参数核密度估计方法能够描述干旱历时D、烈度S和峰值P两两之间的联合分布,是研究干旱频率的另一种新途径。  相似文献   
Comparing three-dimensionally oriented datasets is a problem encountered in various branches of earth science. A simple statistical tool for the comparison of two 3-dimensionally oriented datasets using the bootstrap method in line with the usual nonparametric permutation test is described here. This bootstrap test involves the estimation of maximum likelihood ratio statistic for properly constructed joint frequency tables of the datasets to be compared. This test does not use asymptotic result and will work well even for small sample sizes. Also this test does not make any specific distributional assumptions.  相似文献   
王雪辉  谷国锋 《地理科学》2018,38(10):1634-1642
基于城、市的视角,揭示2005~2014年中国285个地级市城市化水平及类型的时空演化规律,并基于非参数估计方法探究不同城市化类型与经济增长的函数关系。研究发现:中国城化水平空间分布呈离散状态,市化水平空间分布呈“核心-外围”结构。中国大多数城市属于同步发展型,该类型城市较非同步型城市更稳定。不同城市化类型与经济增长的函数关系也不相同,因此应有针对性地采取差异化政策。  相似文献   
This study extends the application of local spatial nonparametric prediction models to the estimation of recoverable gas volumes in continuous-type gas plays to regimes where there is a single geologic trend. A transformation is presented, originally proposed by Tomczak, that offsets the distortions caused by the trend. This article reports on numerical experiments that compare predictive and classification performance of the local nonparametric prediction models based on the transformation with models based on Euclidean distance. The transformation offers improvement in average root mean square error when the trend is not severely misspecified. Because of the local nature of the models, even those based on Euclidean distance in the presence of trends are reasonably robust. The tests based on other model performance metrics such as prediction error associated with the high-grade tracts and the ability of the models to identify sites with the largest gas volumes also demonstrate the robustness of both local modeling approaches.
Emil D. AttanasiEmail:
1956-2007年新疆玛纳斯河流域气候变化趋势分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对玛纳斯河流域10个台站1956-2007年52 a的温度、降水量和蒸发量序列进行非参数检验,诊断其阶段性转换及变化趋势,并以阶段性转换的跳跃点为分割点,利用R/S分析方法预测其未来一段时间的变化趋势.结果表明:温度、降水量和蒸发量的跳跃点分别发生在1989、1998年和1988年,并且皆通过0.05水平的显著性检验,...  相似文献   
Remote sensing-based methods of aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation in forest ecosystems have gained increased attention, and substantial research has been conducted in the past three decades. This paper provides a survey of current biomass estimation methods using remote sensing data and discusses four critical issues – collection of field-based biomass reference data, extraction and selection of suitable variables from remote sensing data, identification of proper algorithms to develop biomass estimation models, and uncertainty analysis to refine the estimation procedure. Additionally, we discuss the impacts of scales on biomass estimation performance and describe a general biomass estimation procedure. Although optical sensor and radar data have been primary sources for AGB estimation, data saturation is an important factor resulting in estimation uncertainty. LIght Detection and Ranging (lidar) can remove data saturation, but limited availability of lidar data prevents its extensive application. This literature survey has indicated the limitations of using single-sensor data for biomass estimation and the importance of integrating multi-sensor/scale remote sensing data to produce accurate estimates over large areas. More research is needed to extract a vertical vegetation structure (e.g. canopy height) from interferometry synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) or optical stereo images to incorporate it into horizontal structures (e.g. canopy cover) in biomass estimation modeling.  相似文献   
水资源系统等级评价的一种非参数方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
水资源系统等级评价是目前水资源系统工程研究的热点和难点之一,常规评价方法需要根据先验知识预先设定评价函数的具体结构形式,难以适应复杂多变的实际评价系统.为此,提出了一种非参数评价新方法(NGEM).NGEM无需假定评价函数的具体表达形式,直接挖掘评价标准数据本身所隐含的评价信息,它用基于加速遗传算法的投影寻踪方法客观地确定各指标权重,用非参数回归方法建立评价函数.实例计算结果说明,NGEM直观简便、有效通用,在各种系统预测与模拟中也具有应用价值.  相似文献   
阿克苏河源流区径流量与降水量丰枯变化和相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用新疆塔里木河流域阿克苏河源流区出山口沙里桂兰克和协合拉两水文站1957-2008年近50a的径流和降水数据, 借助Z指数法、参数T检验和非参数检验和小波变换等, 分析了阿克苏河两水文站降水量和径流量的变化趋势, 以及二者多时间尺度相关关系.结果表明:近50a来, 沙里桂兰克、协合拉径流量和降水量均呈增加趋势, 两水文站径流量在1993年发生了显著的增多突变, 其中, 降水量突变点沙里桂兰克在1985年, 协合拉在1986年.沙里桂兰克和协合拉降水量和径流量丰枯指数由突变前的"偏枯"和"正常"等级为主转变为突变后的"正常"和"偏涝"等级占优势.沙里桂兰克和协合拉径流量变化分别存在7a和6a的主周期, 降水量变化分别存在7a和4a的主周期.沙里桂兰克径流量和降水量在整个时间尺度上以正相关为主, 协合拉则以负相关为主, 在大于20a的时间尺度上两水文站径流量和降水量均呈不显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   
Use of intrinsic random function stochastic models as a basis for estimation in geostatistical work requires the identification of the generalized covariance function of the underlying process. The fact that this function has to be estimated from data introduces an additional source of error into predictions based on the model. This paper develops the sample reuse procedure called the bootstrap in the context of intrinsic random functions to obtain realistic estimates of these errors. Simulation results support the conclusion that bootstrap distributions of functionals of the process, as well as their kriging variance, provide a reasonable picture of variability introduced by imperfect estimation of the generalized covariance function.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   
Geological sample characterizations rely on statistical assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy. There is also a tacit assumption of homogeneity at some size scale in theoretical geophysics predicated on power spectra or ensemble averaging, for example, acoustics (Devaney and Levine, 1980)or electromagnetics (Lee, 1979).Discussion is presented of a homogeneity test performed on Berea sandstone to develop methods for assessing homogeneity and for delimiting the scale at which homogeneity can be assumed. The Wilcoxon sum-of-ranks and signed-ranks tests are applied to scanning electron microscope image data. Anisotropy is found at some scales, and not at other scales. The homogeneity assumption for Berea sandstone is supported by agreement between estimates which depend for accuracy on homogeneity and values obtained by other independent methods such as bulk measurements or calculations from run-lengths.  相似文献   
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