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作者针对远洋渔场渔情预报精度偏低的问题,提出一种基于空间自回归和空间聚类的渔情预报模型。该模型利用空间自回归对收集到的渔业历史数据进行预处理,然后通过空间聚类将所有数据样本根据地理位置分划成若干个区域,最后研究每个区域中环境数据与渔获数据之间的数学关系,各自建立栖息地适宜性指数模型(Habitat Suitability Index,HSI),并以印度洋大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)为例进行验证。结果表明,本模型的均方差为0.1742,与传统线性回归方法的均方差0.2363相比,能更好地表达海洋环境数据与渔获量之间的关系,预测精度显著提高。  相似文献   
黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场的涡动能和涡特征尺度存在显著地年代际振荡,和黑潮延伸体路径的年代际变化有很好的相关性。当黑潮延伸体路径比较稳定时,其上游区域涡动能比较高,涡特征尺度比较大,反之相反。通过对黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场进行集合分析发现:当黑潮延伸体处于稳定状态时,上游涡场几乎是各向均匀地,有轻微的径向伸长;而当黑潮延伸体处于不稳定状态时,上游的中尺度涡场有显著地纬向伸长。对与中尺度涡场的产生相关的线性斜压不稳定和正压不稳定进行了计算分析,结果显示,线性斜压不稳定不是控制中尺度涡场年代际变化的机制,而正压不稳定对中尺度涡场的年代际变化有积极的贡献。不稳定产生的中尺度涡之间存在非线性涡-涡相互作用。  相似文献   
针对海底侧扫声纳图像对比度低、纹理弱、噪声严重等问题,提出了一种基于第二代Curvelet变换的声纳图像增强算法。首先对原始声纳图像进行多尺度、多方向的Curvelet变换分解,得到低频子带和高频子带;然后引入非线性S型函数对低频系数进行处理,提高图像整体的对比度;采用一种可以避免过度增强的新型非线性函数对各尺度的高频子带系数进行处理,提高图像整体的对比度,增强图像边缘和纹理细节,并通过估计噪声水平设定阈值进行阈值降噪。最后经Curvelet逆变换得到增强图像。实验表明,该方法不仅改善了海底侧扫声纳图像对比度低的问题,而且降低了噪声,突出了声纳图像的边缘和纹理细节。  相似文献   
Meddies are warm and saline anticyclonic eddies found at the mid-depth of the Mediterranean Outflow in the Eastern North Atlantic. They are observed to move almost southward at average speeds as high as 1.3±0.2 cm s−1. This paper examines a mechanism which accelerates this curious translation to a reasonable speed when combined with nonlinearity and a suitable vertical eddy structure. This mechanism is thepseudo-topographic β effect due to the westward decrease in the thickness of the mid-layer induced by the surface southward mean current. The linear dispersion relation including this effect is shown to account for a quarter of the surface southward mean current or a fifth of the observed southward translation of meddies. Three-layer quasi-geostrophic experiments reveal that the surface southward mean current certainly enhances the southward translation velocity of meddies to a speed in agreement with observation, if the meddy has a current structure of plausible intensity and vertical coherence. In the light of the current-induced pseudo-topographic β effect, previous hypotheses are also re-examined through dynamic arguments together with numerical experiments; they are suggested to have some difficulty either in dynamics or in correspondence with observation. Thus the nonlinear effect due to secondary eddies combined with thecurrent-induced pseudo-topographic β effect is the most likely mechanism responsible for the rapid southward translation of meddies among those examined in the paper.  相似文献   
A Modified Form of Mild-Slope Equation with Weakly Nonlinear Effect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nonlinear effect is of importance to waves propagating from deep water to shallow water.Thenon-linearity of waves is widely discussed due to its high precision in application.But there are still someproblems in dealing with the nonlinear waves in practice.In this paper,a modified form of mild-slope equa-tion with weakly nonlinear effect is derived by use of the nonlinear dispersion relation and the steady mild-slope equation containing energy dissipation.The modified form of mild-slope equation is convenient to solvenonlinear effect of waves.The model is tested against the laboratory measurement for the case of a submergedelliptical shoal on a slope beach given by Berkhoff et al,The present numerical results are also comparedwith those obtained through linear wave theory.Better agreement is obtained as the modified mild-slope e-quation is employed.And the modified mild-slope equation can reasonably simulate the weakly nonlinear ef-fect of wave propagation from deep water to coast.  相似文献   
非线性波浪波面追踪的一种新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Laplace方程的Green积分表达式和波面BemouUi方程所建立的非线性波动数学模型,是一个时域上具有初始值的边值问题,而精确地追踪自由表面的波动位置,给出波面运动瞬时的波面高度和波面势函数,是建立时域内非线性波浪数值模式的基础。本文采用0-1混合型边界元剖分计算域边界并离散Laplace方程的Green积分表达式,采用有限元剖分自由水面并推导满足自由表面非线性边界条件的波面有限元方程,联立计算域内以节点波势函数和波面位置高度的时间增量为未知量的线性方程组,通过时步内的循环迭代,给出每个时步上的波面位置和波面势函数,从而建立了一种新的非线性波浪波面追踪模式。数值造波水槽内的波浪试验表明,其数值模拟结果具有良好的计算精度。  相似文献   
Ship floating condition in regular waves is calculated. New equations controlling any ship's floating condition are proposed by use of the vector operation. This form is a nonlinear optimization problem which can be solved using the penalty function method with constant coefficients. And the solving process is accelerated by dichotomy. During the solving process, the ship's displacement and buoyant centre have been calculated by the integration of the ship surface according to the waterline. The ship surface is described using an accumulative chord length theory in order to determine the displacement, the buoyancy center and the waterline. The draught forming the waterline at each station can be found out by calculating the intersection of the ship surface and the wave surface. The results of an example indicate that this method is exact and efficient. It can calculate the ship floating condition in regular waves as well as simplify the calculation and improve the computational efficiency and the precision of results.  相似文献   
在时域内分析深水钢悬链立管在平台运动和波流载荷共同作用下的非线性动力响应;采用雨流计数法处理立管节点应力的时间历程,选用DoE.E型S-N曲线分析立管在单一海况和平台运动联合作用下的疲劳损伤;将各方向含概率分布的疲劳损伤进行叠加,得到立管整体的全方向疲劳损伤及疲劳寿命。平台的运动为六自由度的运动预报数据,波流载荷由某海域实际的波浪统计数据采用Morison公式计算所得。计算结果表明钢悬链立管疲劳寿命的极值点分别位于悬挂点附近和触地点附近,对立管疲劳寿命极值点各方向疲劳损伤分布情况进行了分析。所提方法为钢悬链立管疲劳分析提供了新思路,给出的结论对钢悬链立管设计分析有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
将大气和海洋中f-平面上中尺度地形的扰动问题统一起来作为一个地球物理流体力学问题,应用涡度、能量和经圈动量守恒条件,将原来高度非线性方程变成一个二阶椭园型非线性方程,用数值模拟方法分析了大气中的过山运动和海洋中的沿岸上升流,给出了与观测接近的模拟结果以及运动过程对内部物理参数和外界条件的敏感性分析。所提方法可供进一步的动力学分析和数值研究参考。  相似文献   
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