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非均质地基承载力及破坏模式的FLAC数值分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用基于Lagrangian显式差分的FLAC算法,通过数值计算,对黏结力随深度线性增长的非均质地基上条形基础和圆形基础的极限承载力及地基破坏模式进行了对比计算与系统分析。研究表明:(1)随着地基黏结力沿深度非均匀变化系数的增大,地基的破坏范围逐渐集中在地基表层和基础两侧:(2)即使地基的非均质程度较小,当将非均质地基近似地按均质地基考虑时,由此所估算的承载力可能过于保守;(3)地基承载力系数随黏结力沿深度非均匀变化系数的增大而非线性地增大。与数值解相比,skempton与Peck等近似公式均可能高估了非均质地基承载力。 相似文献
Guang Y. Sheu 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》2011,35(3):309-328
This study presents the preliminary development of a meshless‐based indirect inverse analysis. Two goals are desired to be attained: (a) identifying fewer quantities in an indirect inverse analysis and (b) getting the interpolation results of spatial variation of a quantity insensitive to the replacement of one or few interpolation points with other points. This idea is illustrated by modifying a meshless local Petrov‐Galerkin (MLPG) formulation of a two‐dimensional (2D) contaminant transport problem under the concept of boundary control. Thus, dispersion coefficients to be identified are solved from measured or prescribed pollutant concentrations. A field problem is introduced to test the performance of resulting meshless‐based indirect inverse analysis procedure. This test finds a major motive and a minor one for performing a meshless‐based indirect inverse analysis. The major motive is attaining the aforementioned Goal (b), while the above‐mentioned Goal (a) is the minor motive. In conclusion, the development of a meshless‐based indirect inverse analysis procedure can be a valuable application of the MLPG method. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
金刚石镀覆电镀生产技术的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据对金刚石镀覆电镀生产技术的研究,将金刚石镀覆电镀生产技术工艺及生产工序中容易出现的问题,进行了理论探讨和论述。 相似文献
An adaptively stabilized finite element scheme is proposed for a strongly coupled hydro‐mechanical problem in fluid‐infiltrating porous solids at finite strain. We first present the derivation of the poromechanics model via mixture theory in large deformation. By exploiting assumed deformation gradient techniques, we develop a numerical procedure capable of simultaneously curing the multiple‐locking phenomena related to shear failure, incompressibility imposed by pore fluid, and/or incompressible solid skeleton and produce solutions that satisfy the inf‐sup condition. The template‐based generic programming and automatic differentiation (AD) techniques used to implement the stabilized model are also highlighted. Finally, numerical examples are given to show the versatility and efficiency of this model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abd El‐Aziz Khairy Abd El‐Aal 《Geophysical Prospecting》2011,59(2):279-294
In this paper, an improved method is presented to reduce vibrator harmonic distortion, one harmonic at a time and the method is illustrated with both simulated and field data. This method improves on the previous method that treated all the harmonics at once. The significant contribution in this procedure is a considerable reduction for the harmonics without any alteration for the weakest signals possibly present in positive and negative times. The core of the proposed technique depends on an accurate simulation for all the harmonics one by one existing in the positive and negative times of the data after cross‐correlation with the fundamental sweep and then subtracting the simulated harmonics from the original data using an optimization procedure. The steps and mathematical equations of the procedure are explained in detail in the body of the article in the section titled ‘harmonic by harmonic attenuation procedure’. Accordingly, a well‐developed procedure for enhancing the vibroseis data quality in both down‐ and up‐sweep data is illustrated. The procedure was tested on both synthetic and field data sets. 相似文献
In the conventional seismic design of high‐rise reinforced concrete core‐wall buildings, the design demands such as design shear and bending moment in the core wall are typically determined by the response spectrum analysis procedure, and a plastic hinge is allowed to form at the wall base to limit the seismic demands. In this study, it is demonstrated by using a 40‐story core‐wall building that this conventional approach could lead to an unsafe design where the true demands—the maximum inelastic seismic demands induced by the maximum considered earthquake—could be several times greater than the design demands and be unproportionately dominated by higher vibration modes. To identify the cause of this problem, the true demands are decomposed into individual modal contributions by using the uncoupled modal response history analysis procedure. The results show that the true demands contributed by the first mode are reasonably close to the first‐mode design demands, while those contributed by other higher modes are much higher than the corresponding modal design demands. The flexural yielding in the plastic hinge at the wall base can effectively suppress the seismic demands of the first mode. For other higher modes, however, a similar yielding mechanism is either not fully mobilized or not mobilized at all, resulting in unexpectedly large contributions from higher modes. This finding suggests several possible approaches to improve the seismic design and to suppress the seismic demands of high‐rise core‐wall buildings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献