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扩频通信技术是基于信息容量和信息传输差错概率理论而建立的先进的无线通讯方式、多次野外实地证实它具有抗干扰性强、可实现码分多址等优点。通过分析传输试验数据,我们有理由相信扩频通信技术在遥测地震台风中具有较高的应用和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
Barchans of Minqin: Morphometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The barchans on the border of Minqin oasis, China, were surveyed. Our data reconfirmed that the height of slipface is proportional to the width of horns and the baseline can be roughly described by parts of an ellipse and a parabola. We attempted to study dune geomorphology using the theory of differential geometry. The geometrical characteristics of the brink can be quantitatively determined by its curvature and torsion.  相似文献   
西安地铁隧道穿越饱和软黄土地段的地表沉降监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西安地铁一号线朝阳门站—康复路站区段饱和软黄土地铁隧道为研究对象,通过施工期现场地表沉降变形监测,分析了在饱和软黄土特殊地层条件下隧道浅埋暗挖法施工引起的该区段地表沉降变形规律以及地表沉降槽分布特征。结果表明:在饱和软黄土隧道开挖时,随着掌子面的推进,隧道顶地表沉降可分为沉降微小阶段、沉降显著发展阶段、沉降缓慢阶段和沉降稳定阶段;单线隧道开挖后的最大地表沉降量为18.89mm,双线隧道开挖后的最大地表沉降量为36.4mm;已开挖隧道对围岩土体的扰动作用使得后开挖隧道的地表沉降发展较大;双线隧道的地表沉降槽宽度接近单线隧道沉降槽宽度的2倍,因此可以将其近似为单线隧道地表沉降槽宽度与双线隧道轴线中点距离之和;单线隧道开挖后地表沉降槽宽度为8.4~9.3m,双线隧道开挖后地表沉降槽宽度为16.2~17.5m;隧道开挖施工的沉降槽宽度参数为0.435~0.467,单线隧道开挖后的地层损失率为0.765%~1.324%,双线隧道开挖后的地层损失率为1.231%~2.200%。  相似文献   
大别山地区黄山松和油松树轮宽度的气候意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文基于2010年采自大别山地区黄山松、油松树轮资料分别建立了树轮宽度标准年表,利用相关函数检验了年表与附近的麻城气象站1959-2009年月平均最高气温、月平均气温、月平均最低气温和月降水量之间关系,旨在探讨黄山松、油松树轮宽度的气候意义。研究结果显示,平均敏感度、标准差、信噪比等统计量黄山松年表均高于油松年表,表明黄山松年表较油松年表包含更多的气候信息,具有更高的树轮气候学研究价值。黄山松径向生长主要受当年2-7月平均气温限制,任何月份及月份组合降水量对黄山松径向生长的限制作用均不显著;油松径向生长主要受当年5-6月降水总量限制,任何月份及月份组合气温对油松径向生长的限制作用均不显著。研究表明,在中国亚热带暖湿地区,气候要素的年际变化亦可对部分树种径向生长具有较强的限制作用,树木年轮宽度的变化对气候具有指示意义。研究结果将进一步弥补中国亚热带暖湿地区树轮宽度年表的不足,为树轮气候重建研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   
Long-time series of high-resolution temperature record from Chinese Loess Plateau is rare. An April-September mean temperature reconstruction (1826-2004) has been developed for the north-central Shaanxi Province, China, based on tree-ring width analysis. The reconstruction captures 39.3% (p<0.001) of the variance in the instrumental data over the calibration period from 1951 to 2002. The reconstruction shows a high temperature period of 1928-1933, which coincides with the timing of the extreme drought event in 1920s in the entire northern China. The two low temperature periods in reconstruction are 1883-1888 and 1938-1942. With the global warming, the April-September mean temperature in study area has also increased since the 1970s, but has not exceeded the temperature in 1928-1933. Besides the statistical analysis, the reconstruction is also verified by the local dryness/wetness index and other dendroclimatological results.  相似文献   
选择线性热敏电阻组成的脉宽电路 ,将脉宽作为控制计数的时间 ,由晶振产生某一标准频率的脉冲信号 ,通过分频以及计算译码驱动送显示。可直接显示温度数字。该设计省去 A/ D转换器 ,结构简单 ,成本低廉 ,灵敏度高 ,稳定可靠 ,使用方便。  相似文献   
运用树木年代学的基本原理和方法,研究三明地区马尾松(Pinus massiniana)径向生长对气候要素的响应。结果表明:夏季温度限制着马尾松的径向生长,年轮宽度与上一年和当年7—8月平均气温均呈显著负相关(P0.01);马尾松的径向生长受到降水和湿度的影响较大,与上一年1—3月降水量和2—3月平均相对湿度显著负相关(P0.01),与当年6—11月平均降水量和7—8月相对湿度显著正相关(P0.01);同时宽度年表与上一年2—3月太阳日照时数显著正相关(P0.01);另外,宽度年表与6—11月PDSI显著正相关(P0.05),生长季的干旱胁迫抑制了马尾松的生长。研究说明本地区限制马尾松树木生长的因素较多,1年中不同时期限制马尾松径向生长的气候因子不同。  相似文献   
How rock resistance or erodibility affects fluvial landforms and processes is an outstanding question in geomorphology that has recently garnered attention owing to the recognition that the erosion rates of bedrock channels largely set the pace of landscape evolution. In this work, we evaluate valley width, terrace distribution, and bedload provenance in terms of reach scale variation in lithology in the study reach and discuss the implications for landscape evolution in a catchment with relatively flat‐lying stratigraphy and very little uplift. A reach of the Buffalo National River in Arkansas was partitioned into lithologic reaches and the mechanical and chemical resistance of the main lithologies making up the catchment was measured. Valley width and the spatial distribution of terraces were compared among the different lithologic reaches. The surface grain size and provenance of coarse (2–90 mm) sediment of both modern gravel bars and older terrace deposits that make up the former bedload were measured and defined. The results demonstrate a strong impact of lithology upon valley width, terrace distribution, and bedload provenance and therefore, upon landscape evolution processes. Channel down‐cutting through different lithologies creates variable patterns of resistance across catchments and continents. Particularly in post‐tectonic and non‐tectonic landscapes, the variation in resistance that arises from the exhumation of different rocks in channel longitudinal profiles can impact local base levels, initiating responses that can be propagated through channel networks. The rate at which that response is transmitted through channels is potentially amplified and/or mitigated by differences between the resistance of channel beds and bedload sediment loads. In the study reach, variation in lithologic resistance influences the prevalence of lateral and vertical processes, thus producing a spatial pattern of terraces that reflects rock type rather than climate, regional base level change, or hydrologic variability. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于博斯腾湖1955—2012年湖水位变化资料,利用树木年轮法分析了博斯腾湖年和月水位变化与湖滨柽柳(Tamarix ramosissina)年轮生长关系,利用敏感度指数得出博斯腾湖滨柽柳年轮生长的敏感水位范围。结果表明:(1)1955—2012年博斯腾湖年平均水位经历了3个明显变化阶段,即1955—1987年下降至最低,1987—2002年上升至最高。受向下游生态输水影响,2002—2012年博斯腾湖水位快速下降。输水对博斯腾湖月平均水位和季节性水位变化有影响。(2)博斯腾湖滨柽柳年轮指数与当年的湖水位变化和前1年的湖水位变化均显著相关(p0.05)。柽柳年轮指数与前1年10月至当年4月各个月份的湖水位表现出显著相关(p0.05)。柽柳年轮指数与前1年冬季湖水位相关显著(p0.05),与当年春季3—4月月平均湖水位相关性显著,与当年夏季和秋季湖水位的相关性不显著。(3)博斯腾湖滨柽柳年轮生长对月湖水位变化响应比较敏感。当湖水位在1045.3m时,柽柳年轮指数灵敏度指数(Sk)存在最低值;当湖水位在1 046.3m时,Sk出现最高值。  相似文献   
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