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飓风Juan(2003)路径附近实测飓风浪的谱特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Hurricane Juan provides an excellent opportunity to probe into the detailed wave spectral patterns and spectral parameters of a hurricane system, with enough wave spectral observations around Juan's track in the deep ocean and shallow coastal water. In this study, Hurricane Juan and wave observation stations around Juan's track are introduced. Variations of wave composition are discussed and analyzed based on time series of one-dimensional frequency spectra, as well as wave steepness around Juan's track: before, during, and after Juan's passing. Wave spectral involvement is studied based on the observed one-dimensional spectra and two-dimensional spectra during the hurricane. The standardization method of the observed wave spectra during Hurricane Juan is discussed, and the standardized spectra show relatively conservative behavior, in spite of the huge variation in wave spectral energy, spectral peak, and peak frequency during this hurricane. Spectral widths' variation during Hurricane Juan are calculated and analyzed. A two-layer nesting WW3 model simulation is applied to simulate the one-dimensional and two-dimensional wave spectra, in order to examine WW3's ability in simulating detailed wave structure during Hurricane Juan.  相似文献   
Based on the Monte Carlo simulations we have studied the performance of the HEGRA system of imaging air erenkov telescopes (IACTs) in its present configuration of 4 IACTs as well as in its future final configuration of 5 IACTs. Here we present the results on the basic characteristics of the IACT system which are used in the standard data analysis procedure, i.e., the collection areas, the detection rates, the angular resolution, the energy resolution, and the γ/hadron-separation efficiency. By comparing several key Monte Carlo predictions with experimental results it is possible to check the accuracy of the simulations. The Monte Carlo results concerning hadron-nuclear showers are tested with the recorded cosmic ray events and the results concerning photon-induced showers are tested with a large data sample of γ-rays observed from BL Lac object Mkn 501 during its high flaring activity in 1997. Summarizing the simulations and current observations we give the basic recommendations of using the instrument and the major values of its sensitivity.  相似文献   
为满足多波束声纳量值溯源与传递需求,设计多波束声纳关键参数的计量测试系统。基于大比尺原型深水港池和多维运行控制机构,通过水下横向测距代替垂向测深的方式对多波束声纳进行了测深准确度与有效条带宽度的计量测试。阐述了测试系统的主要组成和测试方法,给出了本测试系统测深结果的扩展不确定度。参考标准值与示值(或标称值)比对结果表明,被检多波束声纳测深示值误差小于0.2%,条带宽度误差小于7%。为规范水下声纳设备技术指标校准,指导多波束声纳计量标准建设提供参考。  相似文献   
Franz  Uiblein 《Marine Ecology》1991,12(2):153-161
Abstract. Red Sea goatfish show marked behavioral differences related to body size in food searching, substrate use, and shoaling tendency. While smaller fish mainly use their barbels to search for food hidden in the upper sediment layers or in crevices of corals, the largest fish frequently burrow with their mouths in deeper layers of the sediment. The conspecific shoaling tendency decreases with increasing size. Only smaller-sized fish are found in mixed-species shoals. The data are discussed with regard to the relations between ontogenetic changes in body size, resource utilization, and socialization patterns.  相似文献   
在精确交叉定年的基础上 ,依据树木年轮宽度指标 ,分别精确重建了中国内蒙古包头地区过去 2 6 0a来 2— 7月上旬及 6— 8月上旬降水总量 ,方差解释量分别达到 42 6 0 %和 32 6 0 % ,并与历史记载进行了良好的对比。通过 6— 8月上旬降水总量所反应的干湿时段的分析 ,研究了东亚夏季风10 0 10 1a尺度的强弱变化历史。发现在过去近 2 6 0a中 ,东亚夏季风经历了 8次较强和 8次较弱的发展过程。同时周期分析表明 ,6— 8月上旬降水存在 12 6 3,7 5 ,5 115 2 2 ,4 5 34 6 2 ,3 16 3 5 3a的准周期。  相似文献   
NDVI能够反映地表覆盖和生态环境变化。在祁连山东延余脉采集树轮样本,分析树木径向生长与植被NDVI的相关关系,并重建历史时期植被NDVI变化。结果表明:树木径向生长与夏季NDVI受到水热条件变化的显著影响,且树轮宽度与夏季NDVI显著正相关,采用简单线性回归方法建立二者的拟合方程,方差解释量达0.600(R2adj=0.582,F=34.472,P<0.0001);公元1845年以来,重建的NDVI序列显示植被覆盖相对较低时期有19世纪60年代,80年代初期,20世纪初期和20-30年代,其中20世纪20-30年代NDVI低值期与中国北方大范围旱灾一致;重建的NDVI与旱涝指数显著负相关,证实重建NDVI序列的可靠,且显示该区旱涝演化趋势;周期分析表明公元1845年以来,NDVI序列存在2-3年、5年左右、13年左右和15年左右的振荡。  相似文献   
In this study, we determined fnax from near- field accelerograms of the Lushan earthquake of April 20, 2013 through spectra analysis. The result shows that the values of fmax derived from five different seismography stations are very close though these stations roughly span about 100 km along the strike. This implies that the cause offmax is mainly the seismic source process rather than the site effect. Moreover, according to the source-cause model of Papageorgiou and Aki (Bull Seism Soc Am 73:693-722, 1983), we infer that the cohesive zone width of the rupture of the Lushan earthquake is about 204 with an uncertainty of 13 m. We also find that there is a significant bulge between 30 and 45 Hz in the amplitude spectra of accel- erograms of stations 51YAL and 51QLY, and we confirm that it is due to seismic waves' reverberation of the sedi- mentary soil layer beneath these stations.  相似文献   
多普勒雷达谱宽资料分析应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万蓉  吴书君  汤达章 《山东气象》2002,22(1):26-27,30
概述了多普勒雷达谱宽资料的物理意义、影响因素,探讨在业务工作中如何准确地分析谱宽资料,并结合实际个例,讨论谱宽的应用。  相似文献   
Coefficients describing at‐a‐station power‐law relationships between discharge and width were calculated by applying multilevel models to field data collected during routine hydrological monitoring at 326 gauging stations across New Zealand. These hydraulic geometry coefficients were then estimated for each of these stations using standard stepwise multiple‐linear regression models. Analysis was carried out to quantify how the relationship between width and discharge changed in relation to several available explanatory variables. All coefficients describing the at‐a‐station hydraulic geometry were found to have statistically significant relationships with catchment area. Statistically significant relationships between each of the coefficients were also found with the addition of catchment climate as an explanatory variable. Further statistically significant relationships were found when station elevation and channel slope, as well as hydrological source of flow and landcover of the upstream catchment were added to the explanatory variables. The level of confidence that can be associated with estimates of width at ungauged sites, and sites with limited data availability, was then assessed by comparing model predictions with independent paired data on observed width and discharge from 197 sites. When compared against these independent data, model predictions of width were improved with the addition of predictor variables of the hydraulic geometry coefficients. The greatest improvements were made when climate was added to catchment area as predictor variables. Minor improvements were made when all available information was used to predict width at these independent sites. Although the analysis was purely empirical, results describing relationships between hydraulic geometry coefficients and catchment characteristics corresponded well with knowledge of the processes controlling at‐a‐station hydraulic geometry of river width. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
断层电子自旋共振定年中石英信号强度的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子自旋共振(ESR)是一种利用矿物在地质环境中的累计辐射能进行测年的技术方法,它采用的测年矿物石英广泛分布,并具有记录断层作用良好的计时零点,是同位素测年的重要补充。ESR信号强度是决定ESR年龄精确度的关键因素,但是各种参数条件对测量结果的影响方式及其程度缺乏系统研究。本文以取自断层带石英的一种顺磁中心——E’心为研究对象,运用单因素重复性实验方法,分析石英ESR定年中5种影响因素与ESR信号强度的相关关系。结果表明,微波功率、调制幅度、扫描宽度是影响ESR信号强度的主控因素,样品管方位及直径对测量结果影响不大。微波功率0.02~0.1 m W、调制幅度0.25~0.4 Gs可作为精确测量断层泥石英E’心普适性的参数区间,过大或过小的扫描宽度均不利于ESR测量,可利用在大扫描宽度条件下先预扫描再精细扫描的方法确定合适的扫描宽度,重复测量后求取平均值可有效降低测量误差。利用本文提出的参数区间及其确定的方法测量断层泥石英的E’心信号强度,能显著提高ESR测量精度。  相似文献   
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