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以唐山市岩溶地面塌陷区为依托,提出了单因子图迭置分析的岩溶地面塌陷危险区划分原则和方法,编制了相应的软件系统KLC,并对唐山市城市岩溶塌陷进行了综合分区评价。以此为基础对岩溶塌陷宏观减灾对策进行了探讨。提出了以防止岩溶塌陷为目的的地下水优化管理方案,使地下水状态在岩溶地面塌陷危险区形成最不利于塌陷产生的水动力状态,以实现全区塌陷危害最小的目的。 相似文献
The objective of this paper is to introduce a new algorithm to calculate analytically the overlap of two‐dimensional ellipses. The algorithm may be applied for the direct numerical simulation of granular material dynamics by the discrete element method (DEM). The stability of the algorithm is analysed. Moreover, optimization for possible iterative methods is dealt with. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The spatial and temporal characteristics of trophic structure of fish communities in the southern Huanghai Sea were examined based on the data sampled from bottom trawl surveys conducted during the autumn of 2000 and the spring of 2001. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster method and bootstrap randomization were used to identify significant trophic groups for each fish assemblage in the southern Huanghai Sea. A total of six major trophic groups were identified within this system, which classified predators based upon location in the water column or prey size ( i. e. , benthic to pelagic predators or fish to small invertebrate prey predators). The similarity level used to identify significant trophic groups in each assemblage ranged from 24% to 34%. Although planktivores were the dominant trophic group in each assemblage (60% - 79% ), there were spatial and temporal variations in the trophic structure, which reflected the differences in the abundance and availability of dominant preys. Simplified food webs were constructed to evaluate the most important trophic relationships between the dominant prey taxa and the fishes in each assemblage within this system. Although there were some differences in the key prey species among different food webs, pelagic prey items (mainly euphausiids and copepods) represent the most important energetic link between primary producers and higher trophic level predators. The trophic level for most fishes was between 3 and d, and the weighted mean trophic level for each assemblage ranged from 3.3 to 3.4. Compared with previous study in the mid-1980s, there was an obvious downward trend in the trophic level for most fish species, which resulted mainly from the fluctuation in key prey species in the Huanghai Sea. The decrease in the importance of Japanese anchovy seems to be offset by other abundant prey species such as Euphausia pacifica and copepods ( mainly Calanus sinicus ) . 相似文献
One of the potential impacts of invasive gobies on native fish fauna is predation on eggs and fry. Therefore, the diet composition of two invading gobiid species, the tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris and round goby Neogobius melanostomus, was examined in the Dyje river system (Danube basin, Central Europe) during the 2011 reproductive season to ascertain the extent of gobiid predation on heterospecific and conspecific eggs and juveniles. Consumption of fish eggs and juveniles by invading gobies was very low. The diets of both species consisted largely of benthic macroinvertebrates, and particularly insect larvae. These results indicate that invading gobies in the Dyje river system are likely to impact native fish fauna more through competitive effects than through direct predation on eggs and juveniles. 相似文献
以高精度层序地层学理论为指导,通过对岩心、地震、测井、录井以及分析化验等资料的综合研究,重建了松辽盆地大庆长垣杏树岗地区姚家组一段葡萄花油层组葡I332 a—葡Ⅰ11细层单元沉积模式。认为在杏北油田"脉动隆升作用"(所谓脉动是指下伏隆升中心波动迁移现象)是曲流复合带有规律摆动的内在动力因素。在此理论指导下,重建了该区各细层单元沉积微相平面展布模式。平面上在主力油层葡Ⅰ1—Ⅰ3共识别出了2种亚相、14种沉积微相。综合研究认为,杏树岗葡I332 a—葡I22细层属于三角洲上分流平原相,以高弯曲分流河道砂沉积为主,点坝砂相对发育;葡Ⅰ212细层属于三角洲下分流平原相,以低弯曲分流河道砂沉积为主;葡Ⅰ211—葡Ⅰ11细层属于内前缘干枝状三角洲沉积。该区沉积相的精细研究,为该区下一步油气的勘探与开发奠定了基础。 相似文献
台湾海峡及邻近海域6种对虾食性特征及其营养级研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文主要研究台湾海峡及邻近海域6种对虾的食性特征与营养级.研究结果表明,它们皆为混合食性型的甲壳动物.哈氏仿对虾、鹰爪虾和周氏新对虾的主要饵料生物属底栖生物和浮游动物生态类群,中华管鞭虾和须赤虾的主要饵料生物属浮游动物和底栖生物生态类群;它们的营养级范围在1.64~2.14之间.周氏新对虾、角突仿对虾、须赤虾和鹰爪虾属第二营养层次的杂食性动物,哈氏仿对虾和中华管鞭虾属第三营养层次的低级肉食性动物;它们的食物生境宽度范围为6.48~1.24,其大小范围依次为:哈氏仿对虾、中华管鞭虾、鹰爪虾、周氏新对虾、须赤虾、角突仿对虾;6种虾类之间的食物的重叠指数0.008~0.716.除了周氏新对虾与其它虾类之间食物的重叠指数<0.15外,其它5种虾类之间(食物的重叠指数0.387~0.716)都存在竞争饵料资源的问题.挠足类、长尾类、稚幼鱼、多毛类、硅藻类和肉足鞭毛虫是虾类共同争食的饵料生物. 相似文献
由于地震波的持续时间随震中距的增大而变长,所以主震后发生的余震事件有时因地震叠加而难以识别甚至被完全淹没,造成地震编目中的地震事件遗漏。以2014年鲁甸6.5级地震为例,通过对比不同震中距上不同仪器记录到的地震波,认为近震源区的强震记录对于识别叠加的强余震具有特别的优势。在此基础上,从震源区强震记录数据中识别并检测出主震后被淹没的两次强余震事件,震级分别为M4.6、M3.6。 相似文献
根据2020年秋季(11月)和2021年春季(3月)在温州瓯江口附近海域两次渔业资源调查的数据,利用相对重要性指数(IRI)、生态位宽度(Bi)、生态位重叠(Oik)和冗余分析(RDA)等方法,分析主要游泳动物的生态位及其分化。结果表明:温州瓯江口海域游泳动物物种丰富,春季优势种数目高于秋季,其中秋季口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)的相对重要性指数最高。两季主要游泳动物的生态位宽度(Bi)变化范围为1.20~7.53,广生态位种(Bi≥6)包括两季的日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)、秋季的棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)和春季的脊尾白虾(Palaemon carinicauda);中生态位种(3相似文献
太湖新银鱼、鲚鱼的食性比较及相互影响分析 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
在太湖,通过对263个太湖新银鱼和鲚鱼胃含物样本的食物组成分析和比较,研究了两种鱼类间的食物关系;并结合太湖历年鱼类渔获量资料,对渔获量变化间可能存在的相互影响进行了偏相关分析.结果表明:太湖新银鱼在4月份的食物中以桡足类为主,占个数的70.11%±10.57%,其次是枝角类,为29.84%±10.62%,轮虫的数量极少,仅占0.05%±0.11%;在4月份1 鲚鱼的食物中以枝角类为主、占79.35%±11.42%,桡足类占19.97%±10.78%,而轮虫和虾的数量很少,分别占0.49%±0.45%和0.20%±0.44%.而在9-10月份0 鲚鱼的食物中,枝角类占89.77%±13.69%,桡足类占7.84%±11.53%,轮虫占2.39%±4.95%;用Pianka提出的公式,计算两种鱼类在4月份5个采样点的饵料重叠系数平均为0.4739±0.2810,没有达到Keast提出的Ojk>0.7的严重重叠水平;计算5个采样点的相同食物组成比平均为46.42%±20.32%,和饵料重叠系数接近.而偏相关分析表明:两种鱼类数量变化间的相关关系是负向的,且随着鱼类密度的增加,负相关关系的显著水平有不断提高的趋势.如1973-1984年期间的负相关关系远没有达到显著水平(r=-0.2531 p=0.584),而1985-2004年期间的负相关关系接近显著水平(r=-0.4395 P=0.101).分析认为:太湖新银鱼和鲚鱼的食物虽有重叠,但通常情况下食物竞争并不激烈;种群数量变化间的相互影响是负向的,没有达到显著水平.可能仅在两种鱼类密度很高时,激烈地食物竞争才会发生、并主要表现为对哲水蚤和剑水蚤的竞争;且数量间负向的相互影响有加强趋势. 相似文献