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海底浅层介质切变波的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初步分析了中国沿海海底浅层介质切变波的传播特性,讨论了多种海底浅层介质切变波与压缩波、物理力学性质之间的关系,并与Hamilton和Chen等人的结果进行了比较。认为海底浅层介质存在切变模量,切变波可以被测量出来,切变波速为50—600m·s-1,测量频率在50—200kHz之间,用波速比可以评价海底浅层介质的应力 应变性质。研究工作有助于描述和评价中国沿海海底浅层介质声学物理性状,并为最终建立中国沿海海底地声模型提供依据。  相似文献   
谢涛  罗强  张良  连继峰  于曰明 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1682-1690
极限状态下墙体侧向位移对土压力计算和支挡结构设计影响显著。根据Rankine变形体和Coulomb刚塑体模型,将墙后土体变形分别当作单剪和直剪试验中试样的剪切过程,以达到极限剪切变形(剪应变或单位长度剪切位移)作为进入主被动状态标准,构建了土体变形与墙体位移的几何关系,提出了反映土体变形与强度特性,同时考虑静止时初始应力状态影响的墙体极限侧向位移近似计算模型。分析表明:土体极限剪切变形、滑移区范围、初始应力状态是影响墙体极限位移的核心要素,其中极限剪切变形占据主导作用,是导致不同颗粒组成及密实程度土体进入极限状态所需墙体位移差异显著的主要原因,而主被动区范围不同和因静止土压力系数 1引起的初始剪切变形,则是被动状态墙体位移远大于主动的关键因素;算例中主动与被动状态下墙体位移与墙高之比分别介于0.5‰~13.2‰和?0.4%~?5.2%,且主动状态下细粒土墙体位移大于粗粒土,计算结果与工程经验及相关文献模型试验基本一致。  相似文献   
高俊丽  张孟喜  张文杰 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3225-3230
高密度聚乙烯(high-density polyethylene,简称HDPE)土工膜与土之间的抗剪强度较低是填埋场沿底部衬垫失稳的一个重要的原因。尽管糙面土工膜与黏土之间的摩擦系数较大,但随着应力积累,糙面土工膜很容易被拉裂,或者由于表面的颗粒被磨掉而使界面摩擦性能降低。在传统土工膜的基础上,提出了一种非满布单层加肋土工膜,并进行大量的界面直剪试验,研究在不同正应力和加肋间距下土工膜与砂土之间的界面特性、强度特性。试验结果表明,条状土工膜提高的是黏聚力,其内摩擦角有所下降,而块状土工膜黏聚力和内摩擦角都有很大程度的提高;随着加肋间距的减小,黏聚力逐渐的增大,而内摩擦角超过一定值后,又随着加肋间距的增加逐渐减小,这说明加肋间距存在一个最优值。加肋土工膜相比于光面土工膜、糙面土工膜,在提高界面抗剪强度的同时,依旧保持其较好抗拉裂性能,是一种较好的新型土工合成材料。  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic units of Terre Adélie show two types of structural domains associated with HT–LP metamorphic conditions: domes and NS–N340° striking vertical shear zones. Shear zones reflect dextral transpressive motions. Domes reflect sub-vertical shortening and principal stretching subparallel to shear zones. They could partly result from longitudinal flow coeval with transpression. Deformations are comparable to those described along the eastern and western boundaries of the Archean Gawler Craton (South-East Australia), which underlines the continuity between these two areas before opening of the Austral Ocean. To cite this article: A. Pelletier et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 505–511.  相似文献   
Summary Based on an extension to a model originally proposed by Zhang (1990), a method for estimating the shear strength of a jointed rock mass containing two joint sets is developed. Compared to the original method in which only a single en-echelon joint set was considered, the new method has the following advantages: (1) it allows a much more realistic joint pattern to be incorporated; (2) the effects of joint connectivity and intersection angle between joint sets on shear strength are included. Use of the new method is demonstrated by application to the calculation of the stability of slopes in jointed rock. The importance of joint connectivity, joint persistence and joint set intersection angle on slope stability, as predicted by the model, is revealed.  相似文献   
The deep structure of the eastward-subducting Indian plate can provide new information on the dynamics of the India-Eurasia collision. We collected and processed waveform data from temporary seismic arrays (networks) on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, seismic arrays in Northeast India and Myanmar, and permanent stations of the China Digital Seismic Network in Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, and Sichuan. We combined these data with phase reports from observation stations of the International Seismological Center on the Indian plate and selected 124,808 high-quality P-wave relative travel-time residuals. Next, we used these data to invert the 3-D P-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle to a depth of 800 km beneath the eastern segment of the arcuate Himalayan orogen, at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The results reveal a high-angle, easterly dipping subducting plate extending more than 200 km beneath the Indo-Myanmese arc. The plate breaks off at roughly 96°E; its fragments have passed through the 410-km discontinuity (D410) into the mantle transition zone (MTZ). The MTZ beneath the Tengchong volcanic area contains a high-velocity anomaly, which does not exceed the Red River fault to the east. No other large-scale continuous subducted plates were observed in the MTZ. However, a horizontally spreading high-velocity anomaly was identified on the D410 in some regions. The anomaly may represent the negatively buoyant 90°E Ridge plate or a thickened and delaminated lithospheric block experiencing collision and compression at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The Tengchong volcano may originate from the mantle upwelling through the slab window formed by the break-off of the subducting Indian continental plate and oceanic plate in the upper mantle. Low-velocity upper mantle materials on the west side of the Indo-Myanmese arc may have supplemented materials to the Tengchong volcano.  相似文献   
It is found by field investigation that the near horizontal top surface of the brown or brick-red hydrothermai alteration zone varies obviously in elevation at different sections of the same layer on the caldera‘s inner wall of Tianchi, with that at the north section near the Tianwen Peak about 110 m higher than that at the south near the Jiangjun Peak in Korea. The top surface of the hydrothermai alteration zone can be taken as key horizon to tectonic movement. The difference indicates that the total uplift height of the NW wall of the Liudaogou-Tianchi-Jingfengshan fault, the principal fault trending NE at Tianchi, is bigger than that of the SE wall ever since the occurrence of hydrothermal alteration. This also explains why the topography in the northwest side of Tianchi is steeper and with more developed river system than in the southeast. The uplifting of the northeastern wall is bigger than that of the southwest along the principal NW-trend fault, namely, the Baishanzhen-Tianchi-Jince fault. It is observed from characters of hydrothermal alteration and the palaeoresiduum, that the recent vertical movement rate along the principal NE-trend fault is larger than that of the principal NW-trend fault. The two faults intersect at Tianchi, dividing the volcano into 4 blocks, with the uplift magnitudes decreasing successively in the order of the north, the west, the east and the south block. The biggest uplift of the north block corresponds well to the shallow magma batch in the north of Tianchi observed by DSS and telluric electromagnetic sounding, and etc. and they may be related with the causes.  相似文献   
低空风切变是影响航空器起飞和着陆安全的重要因素,利用多普勒天气雷达径向速度数据,从风的空间和时间变化上对低空风切变的识别进行了研究,并利用一次飑线过程和一次低空急流过程的资料对识别算法进行了验证。识别算法的核心是分别计算二维合成风切变、垂直风切变和时间风切变。在计算二维合成风切变时,先利用风切变强度因子自适应地选择拟合“窗口”的大小,再利用最小二乘线性拟合方法,得到水平风切变。结果表明:自适应多尺度最小二乘法得到的合成风切变,在低空风切变识别效果、切变连续性和边缘数据处理等方面都优于我国多普勒天气雷达的PUP合成风切变;垂直风切变反映了雷达径向速度的高低空配置情况;时间风切变可提供径向速度随时间的变化情况。算法还可应用于民航机场低空风切变的识别和预警。   相似文献   
利用19812016年68月河南省淮河流域64个国家自动观测站逐日2020时日降水量资料、常规高空探测和地面观测资料等对淮河流域连续性暴雨时间分布特征、影响系统等进行分析和天气分型,结果表明:1)36年淮河流域共发生45次连续性暴雨,2000年的最多,19982008年是高发期,近10年较少,年出现次数无明显减少趋势,存在2~4年和4~6年两个周期;7月连续性暴雨次数最多,6月的最少,旬分布呈正态分布;最长连续时间5天,连续2天的最多。2)影响系统主要有切变线和高低空急流,高空急流在方向转换的过程中,降水有24h左右的减弱期,低空急流有明显的日变化特征,夜间加强,白天减弱。3)连续性暴雨按照500hPa影响系统,分为低槽型、副高边缘型、西北低涡型三类。4)以不同类型的3次典型连续性暴雨为例,从大尺度环流背景、高度距平场、水汽输送、高低空急流等方面探讨了连续性暴雨的维持成因,3次连续性暴雨的发生与异常的500hPa大气环流、高低空急流、切变线和持续偏强的水汽输送等有关。  相似文献   
井筒式地下连续墙水平承载能力模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井筒式地下连续墙利用构造接头把地下连续墙段连接成一个平面为封闭形状挡土结构,其刚度大,承载力高。由于基础内部含有大面积的土芯,存在墙内土芯、墙体以及外部土体的相互作用。采用水平单向单循环维持荷载法,通过3个不同截面尺寸的单孔闭合墙水平静载试验,研究闭合地下连续墙基础的水平承载特性。基于墙身内力及位移测试结果,研究了井筒式地下连续墙基础在水平荷载作用下的承载机理,分析了水平荷载-位移特性、墙身位移、墙身弯矩、剪力、转角随深度的分布规律。试验结果表明,闭合墙基础呈整体倾斜破坏特性,墙身弯矩随墙深呈非线性变化,墙身剪力在加载处最大,在墙身弯矩极大值处墙身剪力为0,0点以下,墙身剪力随深度呈“大肚形”变化,并且闭合墙的承载力随着闭合墙边长的增大,深度的提高而提高。  相似文献   
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