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A palaeoenvironmental model for the Picún Leufú Formation (Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary), which crops out in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, on the southwestern margin of Gondwana, is presented in this paper for the first time. Detailed stratigraphic sections exposed along National Road 40 where it crosses the Picún Leufú Creek (type locality) and in the Cerrito Caracoles area, were examined and sampled. Based on a combination of the sedimentological data obtained (facies/microfacies analysis) and the relationship between benthic macrofaunas and their taphonomic attributes, it is concluded that the formation reflects a tidally dominated, rimmed-shelf setting characterized by prograding bars dissected by channels and thick lagoonal facies with shoal developments. In the Cerrito Caracoles area, where only the basal part of the formation is exposed, it is interpreted to have been deposited in a shallow subtidal marine environment in which shelf margin facies with patch reefs have been recognized.  相似文献   
the single ignimbrite cooling unit E (average thickness, 28 m; volume, ca. 30 km3) forms the uppermost member of the Miocene Upper Mogán Formation on Gran Canaria. It is strongly chemically zoned from basal, first-erupted comendite (peralkaline rhyolite) to late-erupted trachyte, and, apart from an upper trachytic zone, it is densely welded. E was emplaced onto a surface inclined ca. 2–5° from the source caldera. Detailed mapping of key sections, up to 300 m long, exposed in barranco walls, ca. 10 km from the caldera margin, reveals structures that are interpreted to have been produced by rheomorphic deformation of the ignimbrite along shear zones. The shear zones formed within the lower-viscosity comenditic tuff. Extensional structures include mega-boudinage and ntent/q1440151x12q5126/xxlarge8216.gif" alt="lsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">decapitated sequencesntent/q1440151x12q5126/xxlarge8217.gif" alt="rsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0"> and compression resulted in sequence repitition by overthrusting. Mechanisms traditionally thought to be important during rheomorphic deformation of welded tuffs (compaction, lateral creep, folding, vertical density-driven diapirism) cannot account for these features, which reflect lateral (post-compactional) rheomorphic movement locally in excess of 800 m. We suggest the following sequence of events: emplacement of the several flow units; compaction, with little lateral movement; rheomorphic deformation. During and after compaction, layers of secondary porosity developed within the comenditic tuff, possibly where upward escape of gas was prevented by overlying, relatively impermeable layers of densely compacted ignimbrite. These structurally weak layers of high porosity subsequently acted as shear zones.  相似文献   
In July–August 2003, the andesitic lava dome at Volcán de Colima, México, was destroyed by a sequence of explosions that replaced the 2×106 m3 dome with a crater 200 m across and 30 m deep. The two strongest explosions occurred on July 17 and August 28. The initial low-frequency impulses that they produced, which were recorded on broadband seismic records, allowed an estimation of the counter forces of the initiating process as being equal to 0.3×1011 N and 1×1011 N for the July and August events, respectively. The seismic characteristics follow the Nishimura-Hamaguchi scaling law for volcanic explosions, reflecting self-similarity in the processes initiating explosive events. The results also show that counter forces can discriminate between the sizes of explosive eruptions that are assigned the same magnitude by conventional methods of classification such as the Volcanic Explosivity Index. The increasing use of broadband seismometers may therefore provide the basis for using counter forces to determine the magnitude of explosive eruptions.  相似文献   
There is increasing observational evidence of nonlinear wave–wave interactions in space and astrophysical plasmas. We first review a number of theoretical models of nonlinear wave–wave interactions which our group has developed in the past years. We next describe a nonlinear three-mode truncated model of Alfvén waves, involving resonant interactions of one linearly unstable mode and two linearly damped modes. We construct a bifurcation diagram for this three-wave model and investigate the phenomenon of intermittent chaos. The theoretical results presented in this paper can improve our understanding of intermittent time series frequently observed in space and astrophysical plasmas.  相似文献   
运用密度泛函理论(DFT)在ωB97XD/gen (O、H元素Aug-cc-PVDZ; Rb元素Lanl2DZ)基组水平上研究了[Rb(H_2O)_n]~+(n=1~12)水合团簇的结构和光谱学性质。研究结果表明,通过分析气相和液相中的稳定能以及水合团簇可知,稳定构型出现在8配位的团簇中。第一配位层水分子数为8时形成Rb~+第一近似饱和水合层。此外,拉曼光谱显示[Rb(H_2O)_n]~+(n=1~12)水合团簇中O-H伸缩振动峰随着水分子数增加发生移动和加宽,Rb~+发生水合时,O-H对称和非对称伸缩振动发生红移,随着水合数的增多,频率蓝移。此外,文中对拉曼光谱中O-H振动的频率位置结合团簇结构进行了说明。  相似文献   
沂水崔家峪玻璃用石英砂岩矿床赋存于早寒武世李官组砂岩段中.呈近水平的层状产出。因其岩石坚硬.矿体呈环山的平台状分布。矿体厚度大,矿石品级高,特级品矿石二氧化硅平均含量98.47%,铁杂质平均含量0.043%(选矿后,铁杂质含量可降至0.02%以下),为一优质玻璃硅质原料矿床。矿石为细一中粒石英砂岩,粒度以中粒为主,矿石由碎屑颗粒和胶结物组成,碎屑成分含量为97%~98%.其中绝大部分是石英颗粒.具典型的砂屑结掏。该矿床属滨海陆源沉积矿床。  相似文献   
Through laboratory experiments conducted in a grass‐lined flume, the hydraulic resistance of grass is measured and quantified. For the grass examined, it is found that Manning's n value is greater than those recommended in well‐established texts such as Chow (1959. Open Channel Flow. McGraw‐Hill: Singapore), relatively lower than those predicted by nUR methods, but corresponds well with the value found from calibration studies of two‐ and three‐dimensional numerical models. The assumption of a uniform Manning's n value with flow depth, which is often made in numerical modelling, may be invalid depending on the relative submergence of the vegetation. Drag coefficients are evaluated for a method applicable to three‐dimensional numerical models. Further detailed experimental investigation and application of these approaches within a numerical modelling framework is now recommended. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
应用爆破检验KM-n程序定位精度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用云南区域数据地震遥测台网近震定位程序“KM—n”,分别测定了2005年1月11~27日进行的“04昆深工程”中18个点位的人工地震参数,以此检验台网近震定位程序“KM—n”的可靠性及台网的地震监测能力。洲定结果表明,对于记录波形初动清晰的人工地震,如果台站位置分布较好,参与定位的台站选择适当,用“KM—n”定位,结果相当准确可靠,误差在2km范围内。  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic data of the Akonolinga-Mbama region are analyzed in order to elucidate the subsurface geology of the area. The available data in the form of a residual aeromagnetic map is interpreted as a vast magnetically quiet region, and complex zones which do not correlate with the surface geology of the region.Within the magnetically quiet zone, a high negative circular elongated anomaly zone seems to represent an intrusion of a plutonic rock into the metamorphic formations of the region. Spectral analysis and two-and-a-half dimensional (2½-D) modeling are used to estimate the depth of the causative bodies and determine the source rocks along three profiles crossing the suspected areas. Models from various zones of granitic intrusions are obtained, thereby proposing some shallow fault lines along zones of contact. This permits us to mark out the northern margin of the Congo Craton, thus enabling us to distinguish the cratonic formations from the Pan African fold belt. Part of the belt has been thrust over the northern portion of the Congo Craton in Cameroon.  相似文献   
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