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江苏如东洋口地区断裂特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合已有地热钻孔采用多种物探方法研究了江苏如东洋口地区断裂的空间展布特征。研究结果表明,洋口地区分布3组断裂,分别为隶属滨海断裂的北西向雁行型次级断裂、近东西向栟茶河断裂及海安-河口断裂。北西向雁行型次级断裂为4条,主要分布于洋口地区北段及老坝港地区,断裂陡倾,倾向北东,倾角70°-80°,推测切穿至新近系。栟茶河断裂由3条次级断裂组成,主要分布于洋口地区中段,断裂走向近东西,倾向北,整体呈曲折状延伸,倾角60°-80°。结合以往地震地质特征以及地热钻孔资料,认为栟茶河断裂为活动性断裂,切穿了第四纪全新世地层,全新世地层断距较小。断裂的活动性影响如东洋口经济开发区的建设与发展。海安-河口断裂自海安延伸至洋口地区南段,走向近东西,倾向南,倾角约为70°,切穿古近纪地层。洋口地区断裂的分布与该地区地热资源分布具有良好的对应关系,其对于该地区地热资源开发具有良好的指导意义。   相似文献   
胡积球  马涛 《甘肃地质》2017,26(3):18-23
土地堂金矿位于碧口金、铜、钴成矿区,金矿体主要赋存于蓟县纪阳坝岩组中,区域上金矿床的分布受早期NEE向韧性剪切带控制,金矿体的展布严格受叠加在韧性剪切带之上的NEE向脆—脆韧性断裂构造控制,且与印支期花岗闪长斑岩脉空间关系密切,特定的岩性组合和断裂构造双重控制着金矿体的空间分布和形态。通过分析研究金矿床与韧性剪切带发展演化之间的关系,初步认为土地堂金矿不具有典型韧性剪切带型金矿的特征,其成因类型应为中低温热液构造蚀变岩型金矿。  相似文献   
在推导出覆岩层下沉曲面方程和微元面平面伸张量方程的基础上构建了地下煤火燃空区各覆岩离层裂隙率、破断裂隙率和总裂隙率的二维分布模型,经实例分析发现,覆岩裂隙场是由离层裂隙场和破断裂隙场组成的竖向不连续具有各向异性的非均质多孔介质,覆岩四周裂隙率大,内部裂隙率小;随着覆岩埋深减小,裂隙发育程度逐渐降低,离层裂隙率极大值由0.36、0.20、0.14、0.12逐次降低,破断裂隙率极大值由0.32、0.11、0.05、0.02逐次降低;在覆岩中部区域出现裂隙率竖向变化突变点;覆岩周边裂隙率分布形式由破断裂隙主导,内部则由离层裂隙主导。基于钻孔红外热像分析技术提出了一种间接性的覆岩裂隙现场实测方法,经验证选取的5个点的裂隙率计算值与实测值的差异率都小于9%,差异率低,模型具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   
张庆艳  陈卫忠  袁敬强  刘奇  荣驰 《岩土力学》2020,41(6):1911-1922
为了研究富水断层破碎带隧道突水突泥灾害演化机制,自行研制了一套可考虑质量迁移及地应力状态的大型室内突水突泥试验系统。利用该装置开展了不同水压加载方式、不同破碎带介质参数等条件的断层破碎带突水突泥灾害演化过程模拟试验。结果表明:(1)断层破碎带突水突泥灾害演化是渗流?侵蚀强耦合过程,在水压作用下,破碎带介质中的细颗粒首先发生迁移,导致充填介质孔隙结构增加,进而加速细颗粒流失,促使涌水率不断增长,随着细颗粒不断迁移流失,水流流态由层流转换为紊流,最终诱发突水突泥灾害;(2)破碎带介质初始孔隙率和施加水压越大越易诱发突水突泥,介质渗流演化特征越明显,渗流场参量如渗透率、孔隙率、雷诺数增加越快,且渗流场参量演化曲线出现突增现象;(3)梯度水压加载模式下断层破碎带介质较恒定水压加载条件下突水突泥演化特征更明显,介质发生突水突泥的临界水压更小。在此基础上,基于涌水率?时间(Q-t)、水力梯度?涌水率(i-Q)关系的流态转换分析和基于渗透率?水力梯度(k-i)关系的渗透性演化特征,建立了断层破碎带渗透演化特征概化模型。该研究结果对于断层破碎带突水突泥灾害演化机制与防治措施具有一定的理论指导价值。  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-2):71-97
Most of the tectonic units cropping out in Western Tuscany are fragments of the Jurassic oceanic crust, ophiolitic successions, overlaid diachronously by Upper Cretaceous-middle Eocene carbonate and siliciclastic flysch successions with their Cenomanian-lower Eocene shalycalcareous basal complexes. These units, so called Ligurian, have been emplaced during the closure of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean. Ophiolite bearing debris flows are common in the flysch basins and their relationship with ophiolitic tectonic slices points to a strong relation between tectonics and sedimentation from the early compressive events of the Late Cretaceous. The tectonic activity reflects in a rough morphology of the ocean floor. It progressively influences the distribution and sedimentology of the turbidites. During middle Eocene this relationship begun very important and a paleogeographic reconstruction with prominent linear ophiolitic reliefs that bounded some turbiditic basins can be done. In our reconstruction the sedimentary and structural evolution can be framed in the context of strain partitioning, developed during the ocean closure, between subduction processes and ancient weakness zones crosscutting both the ocean and the Adria continental margin and reactivated in compressive regime. These weakness zones can be interpreted as transform faults of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean with prolongations in the Adria passive margin.

The weakness zones crosscut the oceanic lithosphere and the Adria continental margin and interfered with the subduction processes. The activity of the weakness zones is reflected in the Ligurian Units architecture where two main structural strike trends of thrusts and folds axial planes occur. The first trend is WSW-ENE oriented and it is connected with the reactivation of the weaknesses zones. This first orientation developed progressively from Late Cretaceous to Pliocene, from oceanic to ensialic convergence (D1, D2, and D4 deformation phases). The second trend is NNE-SSW oriented and is related to the late Eocene continental collision and the subsequent translation to the NE of the oceanic units onto the Adria continental margin (D3 deformation phase).  相似文献   
断裂构造对于岩体的工程性质起着十分重要的作用。建设中的十漫 (十堰至漫川关) 高速公路,地处两郧断裂带穿越地区。结合该段最长的隧道——二道垭隧道左、右隧道不同围岩类别与特征,分析了两郧断裂带的影响。针对隧道不同围岩类别,探讨了不同的开挖和支护方法,并就其施工效率和成本进行了比较分析。研究成果表明, 断裂构造对隧道施工和稳定性有重要影响。高速公路选线应加强勘察,尽量避开断裂带,从而达到施工安全、迅速、经济的目的。  相似文献   
为了建立符合蒙陕接壤区煤炭开采防治水技术体系,以纳林河二号矿井首采工作面为例,开展了覆岩破坏规律、水文地质条件、涌水量预计、顶板水预疏放等研究,结果表明:应用钻探取心、钻孔冲洗液漏失量观测和钻孔彩色电视探测手段,实测得到首采工作面导水裂缝带高度为103.23 m,裂高(导水裂缝带高度)采厚比为18.8,导水裂缝带可沟通3段含水层,其中直罗组底部含水层钻孔涌水量92.0~136.0 m3/h、水压4.0~5.6 MPa,呈\  相似文献   
虎家尖银金矿床为赣东北地区典型的受一组NE向韧脆性断裂破碎带控制的中低温热液型银金矿床。矿床赋存于中元古界双桥山群浅变质岩中,矿脉均产于断裂带内,具舒缓波状、膨大缩小、分支复合、尖灭再现等特征。研究表明,控矿断裂具有长期性、多期次和继承性活动的特点,经历了早期压扭性塑性变形、中期张扭性脆性变形和晚期压扭脆性变形3个演化阶段。通过地质调查、数据处理和成矿构造分析,认为成矿期石英多金属硫化物阶段的构造应力场:σ1为190°∠2°,σ2为90°∠78°,σ3为280°∠12°,差应力约为71.3~99.3 MPa;银多金属硫化物阶段构造应力场方向与石英多金属硫化物阶段基本相同;石英碳酸盐阶段构造主应力方向表现为NW-SE向挤压。文章总结了断裂对矿体空间定位、似等距性分布、矿体侧伏等方面控矿规律,断裂面凹凸转换部位为成矿有利地段,矿体在水平方向和垂向上似等距性分布明显,并且整体大致呈45°向北东深部侧伏。结果表明,在矿区50线深部及北东部深部找矿潜力巨大,矿区外围北东向韧性剪切带有后期脆性变形叠加的断裂破碎带为找矿有利地段。这对赣东北地区同类型矿床的深部及外围找矿具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
A model has been developed to simulate the statistical and mechanical nature of rupture on a heterogeneous strike-slip fault. The model is based on the progressive failure of circular asperities of varying sizes and strengths along a fault plane subjected to a constant far-field shear displacement rate. The basis of the model is a deformation and stress intensity factory solution for a single circular asperity under a unidirectional shear stress. The individual asperities are unified through the fault stiffness and the far-field stress and displacement. During fault deformation asperities can fail and reheal, resulting in changes in the local stresses in the asperities, stress drops, and changes in the stiffness of the fault. Depending on how the stress is redistributed following asperity failure and on the strenghts of the neighboring asperities an earthquake event can be the failure of one or more asperities. Following an earthquake event seismic source parameters such as the stress drop, energy change, and moment magnitude are calculated. Results from the model show a very realistic pattern of earthquake rupture, with reasonable source parameters, the proper magnitude-frequency behavior, and the development of characteristic earthquakes. Also the progression ofb-values in the model gives some insight into the phenomenon of self-organized criticality.  相似文献   
Present-day tectonic concepts of events on the western paleo-Pacific lithosphere must be assessed relative to new data. Data collected by the newer techniques of geophysical surveying reveal leaky fracture zones, trending NNW–SSE and WSW–ENE; non-sequential in-line ages on most seamount chains; and orthogonal intersections of fracture zones. The fracture zones meander, braid, merge, splay, start and stop at any place, and are generally aligned with, or contain, linear chains of seamount. The combination of these in-line features is called megatrends. When the GEOSAT data are compared to the available bathymetry, this seemingly jumbled tectonic structure is verified. As the pole of rotation changes, the stress field changes alignment to agree with the Chandler wobble of Earth. Younger megatrends, propagating ever eastward, cross the older, already imprinted megatrends. During the Cretaceous, the voluminous outpouring of igneous rock created the large Pacific plateaus and rises where the megatrends, active and inactive, orthogonally intersected. The magma floods at the intersections flowed outwardly, and the outward flooding accounts for the fanning magnetic lineations around the Manihiki, Magellan, Shatskiy, and Hess rises. A case study of the Mid-Pacific Mountains (MPM), lying in the north-central Pacific Ocean basin, shows that the MPM formed about 125–110-Ma by overprinting the orthogonal intersections of fracture zones at the Molokai and Easter/Krusenstern–Emperor megatrends and the Murray and Tubai/Mamua megatrends. The MPM have been undergoing distortion into a vortex structure, a feature which has been confirmed by updated bathymetry, GEOSAT altimetry data, and drillsite information.  相似文献   
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