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This article presents the application of a multivariate prediction technique for predicting universal time (UT1–UTC), length of day (LOD) and the axial component of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM χ 3). The multivariate predictions of LOD and UT1–UTC are generated by means of the combination of (1) least-squares (LS) extrapolation of models for annual, semiannual, 18.6-year, 9.3-year oscillations and for the linear trend, and (2) multivariate autoregressive (MAR) stochastic prediction of LS residuals (LS + MAR). The MAR technique enables the use of the AAM χ 3 time-series as the explanatory variable for the computation of LOD or UT1–UTC predictions. In order to evaluate the performance of this approach, two other prediction schemes are also applied: (1) LS extrapolation, (2) combination of LS extrapolation and univariate autoregressive (AR) prediction of LS residuals (LS + AR). The multivariate predictions of AAM χ 3 data, however, are computed as a combination of the extrapolation of the LS model for annual and semiannual oscillations and the LS + MAR. The AAM χ 3 predictions are also compared with LS extrapolation and LS + AR prediction. It is shown that the predictions of LOD and UT1–UTC based on LS + MAR taking into account the axial component of AAM are more accurate than the predictions of LOD and UT1–UTC based on LS extrapolation or on LS + AR. In particular, the UT1–UTC predictions based on LS + MAR during El Niño/La Niña events exhibit considerably smaller prediction errors than those calculated by means of LS or LS + AR. The AAM χ 3 time-series is predicted using LS + MAR with higher accuracy than applying LS extrapolation itself in the case of medium-term predictions (up to 100 days in the future). However, the predictions of AAM χ 3 reveal the best accuracy for LS + AR.  相似文献   
A shallow-water model with horizontally nonuniform density is used to study the dynamics of jet flows that arise under the influence of buoyancy and the Coriolis force. Within this approach, the jet is described by a self-similar compactly-localized solution and interpreted as a band of shear flow having a temperature contrast with the ambient fluid. In addition to stationary states, the dynamics of such jets admit cyclonic rotation with a constant angular velocity and transverse nonlinear pulsations. The phase portrait corresponding to this model shows that regimes with pulsating jets develop along closed trajectories bounded by the separatrix loop. The theory predicts that the period for warm jet pulsations is longer than the inertial oscillation period caused by the Earth’s rotation, while for cold jet pulsations, it is shorter. Thus, only warm jets can have a noticeable effect on the atmospheric dynamics in the synoptic range. In particular, they may well be responsible for additional spectral peaks that appear in this range of wind speed fluctuations.  相似文献   
We calculate the energy and momentum distributions associated with a Gödel-type space–time, using the well-known energy–momentum complexes of Landau–Lifshitz and Møller. We show that the definitions of Landau–Lifshitz and Møller do not furnish a consistent result.  相似文献   
P. Bonneton   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(10):1459-1471
In this paper, we analyse the ability of the nonlinear shallow-water (NSW) equations to predict wave distortion and energy dissipation of periodic broken waves in the inner surf zone. This analysis is based on the weak-solution theory for conservative equations. We derive a new one-way model, which applies to the transformation of non-reflective periodic broken waves on gently sloping beaches. This model can be useful to develop breaking-wave parameterizations (in particular broken-wave celerity expression) in both time-averaged wave models and time-dependent Boussinesq-type models. We also derive a new wave set-up equation which provides a simple and explicit relation between wave set-up and energy dissipation. Finally, we compare numerical simulations of both, the NSW model and the simplified one-way model, with spilling wave breaking experiments and we find a good agreement.  相似文献   
The finite element (FE) simulation of large‐scale soil–structure interaction problems (e.g. piled‐raft, tunnelling, and excavation) typically involves structural and geomaterials with significant differences in stiffness and permeability. The symmetric quasi‐minimal residual solver coupled with recently developed generalized Jacobi, modified symmetric successive over‐relaxation (MSSOR), or standard incomplete LU factorization (ILU) preconditioners can be ineffective for this class of problems. Inexact block diagonal preconditioners that are inexpensive approximations of the theoretical form are systematically evaluated for mitigating the coupled adverse effects because of such heterogeneous material properties (stiffness and permeability) and because of the percentage of the structural component in the system in piled‐raft foundations. Such mitigation led the proposed preconditioners to offer a significant saving in runtime (up to more than 10 times faster) in comparison with generalized Jacobi, modified symmetric successive over‐relaxation, and ILU preconditioners in simulating piled‐raft foundations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
核爆炸与地震识别研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了近年来核爆炸与天然地震识别研究的进展, 揭示了从频谱比、震级比到综合因素的概率方法的发展过程, 特别指出小当量核爆炸识别的重要性. 文章借助量子场论和相变理论分析讨论了地震波波长与动量的关系. 同时, 根据地壳介质的复杂性, 指出地震波传播过程中由于介质的非线性与弥散的联合作用, 导致产生孤波的可能性.  相似文献   
为了给患者以最少的辐射剂量而不影响诊断,现行医用CT仪都有基于噪声指标的自动曝光量控制。峰值电压对于图像质量和辐射剂量影响都很大,因此自动峰值电压控制很重要。本文从图像质量和辐射剂量优化的第一原理出发,给出基于衰减的曝光量和峰值电压同时自动控制的一般等式。此等式可用于单独曝光量自动控制或者单独峰值电压自动控制。对于单独暴光量自动控制,此等式要求对患者体厚度毎增加一厘米,曝光量要增加3.8%。对于单独峰值电压自动控制,此等式要求对患者体厚度每增加一厘米,峰值电压要平均增加1.53%。如果患者体厚度是常数,此等式要求平均百分比曝光量增加是百分比峰值电压减少的2.49倍。这些等式应该可以在现行医用CT仪上用于曝光量和峰值电压的自动控制。  相似文献   
线性方程组迭代解的随机模型测试研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文讨论大型线性方程组迭代解的随机模型测试评价问题。给出了常用迭代解法CG、LSQR、SIRT、SART、SASIRT等的测试结果。结果表明:(1)方程组系数矩阵的特性(条件数)及解结构都对解精度有重要影响。解模型越粗糙,解的精度越低。(2)各种求解算法都有一定的平滑效应,同时各种算法也都会产生误差大于200%的奇异解,奇异解元素数一般约占10%。(3)数据的拟合残差一般不能真实反映解的精度。(4)对含误差数据的求解问题,较好的求解算法是DLSQR与SASIRT。  相似文献   
地震波数值模拟的非规则网格PML吸收边界   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
徐义  张剑锋 《地球物理学报》2008,51(5):1520-1526
以格子法为基础,以声波方程为例研究非规则网格PML(Perfectly Matched Layer)方法.本方法的核心是建立局部坐标系下的分裂方程和基于积分近似的微分方程弱形式.该非规则网格模拟方法允许在计算域内设置任意形状的人工边界.对于二维半空间问题,与采用矩形人工边界相比,采用半圆形人工边界可减少计算量20%以上.采用光滑的曲边界,不仅可减少计算区域,还可避免常规的PML吸收边界在吸收带角点区域的特殊处理.本方法事先计算和存储边界单元的局部几何参数,在计算的每一时间步查表调用这些参数,与常规的直边界PML方法相比,不增加任何计算量.  相似文献   
In this paper, we delve into the dynamics of a barothropic relaxing medium under pressure perturbations originating from blast wave explosions in the milieu. Analyzing the problem within the viewpoint of the Lyakhov formalism of geodynamic systems, we derive a complex-valued nonlinear evolution equation which models the wave propagation of the pressure perturbations within the barothropic medium. As a result, we find that the previous system can be circularly polarized and hence support traveling rotating pressure excitations which profiles strongly depend upon their angular momenta. In the wake of these results, we address some physical implications of the findings alongside their potential applications.  相似文献   
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