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2014年3月27日和30日湖北秭归县发生了三峡水库蓄水以来该地区最大的2次地震,文中通过多种方法分析了2次地震的震源与发震构造特征。采用Kiwi方法反演2次地震的矩张量解,该方法中使用了湖北和重庆测震台网14个宽频带波形记录和6层地壳速度结构模型,反演结果显示,2次地震观测谱和波形与理论谱和波形拟合得比较好,非拟合误差数0.57,表明反演结果是可靠的。2次地震均为走滑兼少量逆冲错动,但前一地震为左旋走滑,后一地震为右旋走滑,矩张量解中DC成分偏少而ISO成分多可能是库水对地下介质物性影响的反映。同时也使用三峡台网15个子台记录的波形资料,采用双差定位法重新精定位了从3月27日至4月27日时段内超过500次地震序列事件,结果显示余震序列分布方向为NNW向和NE向,但主要集中在NE向,并分别沿NNW和NE向作了深度剖面,剖面显示震源深度为4.5~10.0km,余震在深部呈现2个较明显的断面,与震源机制解NE向节面产状一致。野外现场宏观烈度调查指出,Ⅴ度极震区等震线为一椭圆,长轴NWW向,短轴NE向,结合野外现场考察结果和震源区地质构造背景,综合推断仙女山断裂北端的NE向破裂面为2次地震的发震断面,余震序列的NE和NNW向分布、剖面上发震层的形态和深度特征表明,这次地震活动受到了仙女山断裂和九畹溪断裂活动的控制与影响。  相似文献   
In‐plane buckling‐restrained brace (BRB) end rotation induced by frame action is a commonly observed phenomenon in buckling‐restrained braced frames (BRBFs). However, its effect on BRB end connection behavior has not yet been clear. In this study, four BRB end deformation modes for quick determination of end rotational demand are proposed for non‐moment BRBF considering different BRB arrangements, installing story of BRBs, and boundary condition of corner gussets connected with column base. Key factors affecting BRB end rotation and flexural moments are examined theoretically by parametric analysis. Subassemblage tests of seven BRB specimens under horizontal cyclic loading were conducted by adopting two loading frames to impose the expected BRB end deformations. It shows that BRB end rotation subjected BRB ends to significant flexural moments, leading to premature yielding of BRB ends or even tendency of end zone buckling. The deformation modes, the flexural rigidity of BRB ends, and the initial geometric imperfections of BRBs were found to have significant influence on BRB end connection behavior. The triggering moment induced by BRB end rotation was the main contributor to end flexural moment. However, the moment amplification effect induced by flexure of BRB end zones became prominent especially for small flexural rigidity of BRB ends. Implications and future research needs for design of BRB end connections are provided finally based on the theoretical and experimental results. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Fault network of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) is built of sets of strike-slip, oblique-slip and dip-slip faults. It is a typical product of force couple which acts evenly with the parallel of latitude, causing horizontal and anti-clockwise movement of rock-mass. Earlier research of focal mechanisms of mine tremors, using a standard fault plane solution, has shown that some events are related to tectonic directions in main structural units of the USCB. An attempt was undertaken to analyze the records of mine tremors from the period 1992–1994 in the selected coal fields. The digital records of about 200 mine tremors with energy larger than 1×104 J (M L >1.23) were analyzed with SMT software for seismic moment tensor inversion. The decomposition of seismic moment tensor of mine tremors was segmented into isotropic (I) part, compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) part and double-couple (DC) part. The DC part is prevalent (up to 70%) in the majority of quakes from the central region of the USCB. A group of mine tremors with large I element (up to 50%) can also be observed. The spatial orientation of the fault and auxiliary planes were obtained from the computations for the seismic moment DC part. Study of the DC part of the seismic moment tensor made it possible for us to separate the group of events which might be acknowledged to have their origin in unstable energy release on surfaces of faults forming a regional structural pattern. The possible influence of the Cainozoic tectonic history of the USCB on the recent shape of stress field is discussed.  相似文献   
向前  何吉  陈胜宏  吴锦亮 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3625-3632
在裂隙岩体二维柔度张量数值试验的基础上,建立了裂隙岩体三维柔度张量及其表征单元体积(REV)尺度研究的简化数值试验方法。首先根据岩体裂隙的统计参数及分布规律,运用蒙特卡罗方法在研究域内获得与实际岩体裂隙同分布的三维随机裂隙网络,提取位于不同方位的岩体试件,运用二维柔度张量的数值试验方法求出各个平面方向上的二维柔度张量,然后根据二维与三维柔度张量的拓扑关系,用数学方法求解裂隙岩体的三维柔度张量。对于含3组正交全贯通裂隙的岩体,通过数值试验获得的柔度张量与理论解相比,其主对角线上各参数的误差在5%以内,表明该数值试验方法较为可靠。最后将此方法运用到小湾水电站工程中,确定左岸坝区裂隙岩体的应力REV为11 m×11 m×11 m,并获得该区域裂隙岩体的三维柔度张量。  相似文献   
苏栋 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1681-1686
自然界的土体通常具有各向异性的特点,而传统的破坏准则大多只适用于各向同性的土体。结合应力张量和反映材料各向异性状态的组构张量,定义了修正偏应力及其不变量,提出了适用于各向异性土体材料的破坏准则。给出了共轴条件下正交各向异性和横向各向异性材料在一般应力空间的破坏曲线以及不同应力区中主应力系数b与摩擦角的关系曲线,并分析了它们的特性以及与各向同性材料相应曲线的区别。通过与真三轴试验数据的比较,表明该准则能很好地描述各向异性土体材料的强度特点。  相似文献   
分层流体中细长体波浪力的数值计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用边界元法计算了层化流体中细长体受到的一阶垂荡波浪力和一阶纵摇波浪力矩,计算了近水面细长体的波浪力及力矩,与水池实验结果相吻合。  相似文献   
为解决现有深水连接器连接性能研究中力学分析建模不准确,且缺乏抗弯抗扭能力分析的问题,基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件对深水连接器进行三维模型动态仿真分析,对连接器的受力、密封性能以及在实际工程需求中不同内压下的抗弯及抗扭性能进行深入研究。结果表明:在安装及生产两种工况下,深水连接器各部件除密封环外受力均满足其强度设计要求,密封环接触表面发生合理塑性变形,满足密封要求;随着内压的增加,深水连接器的抗弯能力逐渐下降,抗扭能力则呈现增加的趋势;极限弯矩分别在0 MPa与35 MPa内压下的判定依据为密封失效,在14 MPa与52 MPa内压下的判定依据为下毂座屈服,而极限扭矩在不同内压下的判定依据均为密封失效。  相似文献   
Wave-induced loads on a submerged plate, representative of submerged breakwater, coastal-bridge deck and a certain type of wave energy converter, in a uniform current are investigated in this study using fully nonlinear numerical wave tanks (NWTs) based on potential flow theory. The coupling effect of wave and current is explored, and the underlying interaction mechanisms of the hydrodynamic forces are described. The presence of a background current modifies the frequency dispersion. It produces changes of the water-surface elevation, and also has an effect on wave-induced loads. Depending on the nonlinearity, higher harmonic wave components are generated above the submerged plate. These contribute to the wave forces. It is found that the horizontal and the vertical force, hence the moment, are affected in the opposite way by the currents. The Doppler shifted effect dominates the vertical force and the moment on the plate. Whereas, the Doppler shifted effect and the generation of higher wave harmonics play opposite roles on the horizontal forces. The contribution of 2nd order harmonics is found to be up to 30% of the linear component. The current-induced drag force, represented by the advection term ρU∂φ/∂x in the pressure equation, is found to lead to a decrease in the moment for the most range of wavelengths considered, and an increase in the moment for a small range of longer waves.  相似文献   
More and more researches show that neither the critical downward acceleration nor the critical slope of water waves is a universal constant. On the contrary, they vary with particular wave conditions. This fact moders the models either for the probability of wave breaking B or for the whitecap coverage W based on these criteria difficult to apply. In this paper and the one which follows we seek to develop models for the prediction of both B and W based on the kinematical criterion. First, several joint probabihstic distribution functions (PDFs) of wave characteristics are derived, based on which the breaking properties B and W are estimated. The estimation is made on the assumption that a wave breaks ff the horizontal velocity of water particles at its crest exceeds the local wave celerity, and whitecapping occurs in regions of fluid where water particles travel faster than the waves. The consequent B and W depend on wave spectral moments of orders 0 to 4.Then the JONSWAP spectrum is used to represent the fetch-limited sea waves in deep water, so as to relate the probahility of wave breaking and the whitecap coverage with wind parameters. To this end, the time-averaging technique proposed by Glazman (1986) is applied to the estimation of the spectral moments involved, and furthermore, the theoretical models are compared with available observations collected from published literature. From the comparison, the averaging time scale is determined. The final models show that the probability of wave breaking as well as the whitecap coverage depends on the dimensionless fetch. The agreement between these models and the database is reasonable.  相似文献   
LI Hong-jun  CHI Shi-chun  LIN Gao 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1063-1068
A simplified procedure for evaluating aseismic stability of slope subjected to earthquake shaking, in which the effect of dynamic shear strength and time-history stress on the yielding angular acceleration of sliding block is taken into account, is presented. The fundamental feature of this procedure is the dynamic shear strength. The numerical computations are performed by using the proposed method. It is shown that the computed sliding displacement for a given core dam, with either method of dynamic shear strength properly considered, is more rational compared with the conventional computational results based on static shear strength.  相似文献   
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