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The characteristics of moisture transport and budget of widespread heavy rain and local heavy rain events in Northeast China are studied using the NCEP--NCAR reanalysis 6-hourly and daily data and daily precipitation data of 200 stations in Northeast China from 1961--2005. The results demonstrate that during periods with widespread heavy rain in Northeast China, the Asian monsoon is very active and the monsoonal northward moisture transport is strengthened significantly. The widespread heavy rainfall obtains enhanced water vapor supply from large regions where the water vapor mainly originates from the Asian monsoon areas, which include the East Asian subtropical monsoon area, the South China Sea, and the southeast and southwest tropical monsoon regions. There are several branches of monsoonal moisture current converging on East China and its coastal areas, where they are strengthened and then continue northward into Northeast China. Thus, the enhanced northward monsoonal moisture transport is the key to the widespread heavy rain in Northeast China. In contrast, local heavy rainfall in Northeast China derives water vapor from limited areas, transported by the westerlies. Local evaporation also plays an important role in the water vapor supply and local recycling process of moisture. In short, the widespread heavy rains of Northeast China are mainly caused by water vapor advection brought by the Asian monsoon, whereas local heavy rainfall is mainly caused by the convergence of the westerly wind field.  相似文献   
中国区域多源土壤湿度数据的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用中国区域1992~2010年的土壤湿度观测资料,对欧洲航天局(European Space Agency)的卫星遥感反演(以下简称ESA)和欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)的ERA-Interim(ECMWF Reanalysis-Interim,以下简称ERA)两套再分析土壤湿度数据在典型区域的可靠性进行了评估。结果表明:两种土壤湿度均能较好的描述观测区域的总体土壤干湿变化,但均值和趋势一致性存在时间和空间差异。ESA、ERA资料都能较好的描述中国区域春、夏、秋3个季节土壤湿度的干、湿分布格局。在干湿程度上,ESA在北方地区较观测偏干,在江淮和西南较观测偏湿;ERA在北方和西南地区较观测偏湿,在江淮较观测偏干;在江淮、华北部分区域,ERA与观测数据的相关性要高于ESA。ESA、ERA与观测在秋季时相关性最好(大部分站点大于0.7);在全国大部分区域,ESA偏差要小于ERA且在大部分地区都表现出与观测一致的变化趋势。在空间上,ERA在东北、华北、西南变干的范围明显大于观测;然而,ERA能更好的体现观测土壤湿度的年际变化。相对于西部地区,东部地区ERA与观测的一致性最好,而ESA在受降水、植被、地形等因素影响较小的时段或区域与观测的一致性更好,对秋季土壤湿度的描述比春、夏季更准确。  相似文献   
The effects of wind-driven rain (WDR) on sand detachment were studied under various raindrop obliquities. Results suggested a significant reduction in compressive stress on sand surfaces for a two-dimensional experimental set-up in a wind tunnel. During experiments, sand particles in splash cups were exposed to both wind-free rain (WFR) and WDR driven by horizontal winds of 6.4, 8.9 and 12.8 m s−1 and rainfall intensities of 50, 60, 75 and 90-mm h−1 to assess the sand detachment rate (D, in g m−2 s−1). The effects of sand moisture state (dry and wet) on the detachment of different-sized particles (0.20–0.50 and 0.50–2.00 mm, respectively) were also tested. Factorial analysis of variance showed that shear and compressive stress components evaluated by horizontal and vertical kinetic energy flux terms (KEx and KEy, respectively, in J m−2 s−1) along with their vector sum (KEr, in J m−2 s−1) explained the variation in D. Neither sand size nor sand moisture was statistically significant alone although binary interactions of KEr, KEx and KEy with the sand size and three-way interaction of KEx, sand size and moisture were statistically significant. These results can be explained by size-dependent variation in sand compressibility and surface friction related to the total stress field developed by a given partition of shear and compressive stresses of wind-driven oblique raindrops (KEx/KEy). Further analysis of the variation of the unit sand detachment rate (Du = D/KEr = g J−1) with rain inclination (α, in degrees) better revealed the effect of WDR obliquity on Du that further changed with sand size class and moisture state. Finally, the difference in the resulting stress field differentiable by the oblique raindrop trajectories of the experiment over sand surface significantly affected the non-cohesive particle detachment rates, to some extent interacted with size-dependent compressibility and interface shear strength of sand grains.  相似文献   
The ecosystem services provided by forests modulate runoff generation processes, nutrient cycling and water and energy exchange between soils, vegetation and atmosphere. Increasing atmospheric CO2 affects many linked aspects of forest and catchment function in ways we do not adequately understand. Global levels of atmospheric CO2 will be around 40% higher in 2050 than current levels, yet estimates of how water and solute fluxes in forested catchments will respond to increased CO2 are highly uncertain. The Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility of the University of Birmingham's Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) is the only FACE in mature deciduous forest. The site specializes in fundamental studies of the response of whole ecosystem patches of mature, deciduous, temperate woodland to elevated CO2 (eCO2). Here, we describe a dataset of hydrological parameters – seven weather parameters at each of three heights and four locations, shallow soil moisture and temperature, stream hydrology and CO2 enrichment – retrieved at high frequency from the BIFoR FACE catchment.  相似文献   
The interaction between the land surface and the atmosphere is a crucial driver of atmospheric processes. Soil moisture and precipitation are key components in this feedback. Both variables are intertwined in a cycle, that is, the soil moisture – precipitation feedback for which involved processes and interactions are still discussed. In this study the soil moisture – precipitation feedback is compared for the sempiternal humid Ammer catchment in Southern Germany and for the semiarid to subhumid Sissili catchment in West Africa during the warm season, using precipitation datasets from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), from the German Weather Service (REGNIE) and simulation datasets from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the hydrologically enhanced WRF-Hydro model. WRF and WRF-Hydro differ by their representation of terrestrial water flow. With this setup we want to investigate the strength, sign and variables involved in the soil moisture – precipitation feedback for these two regions. The normalized model spread between the two simulation results shows linkages between precipitation variability and diagnostic variables surface fluxes, moisture flux convergence above the surface and convective available potential energy in both study regions. The soil moisture – precipitation feedback is evaluated with a classification of soil moisture spatial heterogeneity based on the strength of the soil moisture gradients. This allows us to assess the impact of soil moisture anomalies on surface fluxes, moisture flux convergence, convective available potential energy and precipitation. In both regions the amount of precipitation generally increases with soil moisture spatial heterogeneity. For the Ammer region the soil moisture – precipitation feedback has a weak negative sign with more rain near drier patches while it has a positive signal for the Sissili region with more rain over wetter patches. At least for the observed moderate soil moisture values and the spatial scale of the Ammer region, the spatial variability of soil moisture is more important for surface-atmosphere interactions than the actual soil moisture content. Overall, we found that soil moisture heterogeneity can greatly affect the soil moisture – precipitation feedback.  相似文献   
降水对荒漠土壤水热性质强迫研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
王胜  张强  卫国安  郭青厉 《高原气象》2004,23(2):253-258
利用“我国西北干旱区陆气相互作用试验”在甘肃省敦煌的观测资料,分析了不同大小的降水对土壤湿度、反照率以及地表温度的影响;随着降水量的增大,各地表物理量恢复到原先的状态也越慢;强降水时,5cm土壤湿度的驰豫期为7天.中降水为4天,微量降水为2天。由于降水性质(水和雪)和土壤状态的差异,冬季和夏季相比.降水对地表物理量的影响差不多,但冬季地表物理量的恢复时间要比夏季长得多。土壤湿度和反照率的驰豫期与降水有很好的相关。  相似文献   
采用混料设计方法,研究了WC、YG8、663-Cu含量变化对WC基复合胎体抗弯强度的影响规律。3种成分含量变化对抗弯强度有显著性影响,呈线性模型关系,得出了相应的回归方程。三者之间的影响大小是YG8>WC>663-Cu;3种成分含量变化对强度损失率影响很小,通过调整三者的成分比例,无法有效地提高胎体对金刚石的把持力。  相似文献   
大面积潮滩表层含水量的测定是潮滩研究中的难题,传统的测量方法难以同时满足高效和精度的要求。地面三维激光扫描技术凭借其高精度、高分辨率以及主动性强等优点,已经高效运用在潮滩地形研究中。但是,对潮滩含水量进行有效分析,仅利用点云的空间几何信息是不够的,还需要对点云的强度数据进行挖掘。地面激光扫描仪提供了包含目标表面光谱反射特性的点云强度数据,利用强度数据可以有效地进行目标表面特性提取。本文提出了一种新的长距离地面激光扫描仪强度数据改正方法,对入射角和距离效应进行有效改正。利用Riegl VZ-4000长距离地面激光扫描仪建立室内含水量模型并对上海市崇明岛一处潮滩进行测试分析,同时收集26个潮滩沉积物样品并利用传统干湿称重法进行含水量验证计算。结果表明:相比于传统技术,利用改正后的激光强度值估算大面积潮滩沉积物表层含水量是一种精确和高效的方法。改正后的激光强度值与潮滩表层含水量存在幂函数关系,相关系数为0.961,估算精度为91.94%。  相似文献   
The positive phase of the subtropical Indian Ocean dipole(SIOD) is one of the climatic modes in the subtropical southern Indian Ocean that influences the austral summer inter-annual rainfall variability in parts of southern Africa. This paper examines austral summer rain-bearing circulation types(CTs) in Africa south of the equator that are related to the positive SIOD and the dynamics through which specific rainfall regions in southern Africa can be influenced by this relationship. Four austral...  相似文献   
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