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Abstract Blueschists occurring as layers in calcite marbles of the Meliata unit occur along the so-called Roznava tectonic line situated in the southern part of the Gemericum, Slovakia. Mineral assemblages and compositions from seven blueschists localities and one occurrence of amphibolite facies rocks overprinted by blueschist metamorphism were investigated. The most common minerals in the blueschists are blue amphibole, epidote and albite. Some Fe2+- and Al-rich rocks also contain garnet and chloritoid, respectively. Na-pyroxene with a maximum 50% jadeite component was also found. The blue amphiboles correspond mostly to crossite and also to glaucophane and ferroglaucophane in some samples. Almandine- and spessartine-rich garnet has very low MgO content (<3 wt%). The Si content in phengite ranges between 3.3 and 3.5 pfu calculated on the basis of 11 oxygens. The zoning patterns of blue amphibole, garnet and chloritoid suggest their formation during a prograde stage of metamorphism. The P-T conditions of metamorphism are estimated to be about 380–460° C and 10–13 kbar. Pressures of 7.5–8.5 kbar and temperatures of 350–370° C were obtained for some actinolite- and aegirine-rich rocks. Apart from chlorite, other mafic minerals formed during retrograde metamorphism are biotite and occasionally also actinolite.  相似文献   
Tethered current crosses are simple, reliable tools in making measurements of estuarine currents in the absence of surface waves. The standard error of the estimate of current speed is less than 5 cm s?1 for the particular crosses and weights used in a calibration experiment. The useful velocity range of these current crosses was 8–147 cm s?1, corresponding to a measured angle, α, from 2° to 30°. Regression of the independently measured current speed on (tan α)12 yielded coefficients of determination greater than 0·94, indicating that the drag coefficient is not a function of current speed. However, the calculated drag coefficients varied widely from 0·66 to 2·55, depending on the particular combination of cross and weight, varying drastically from the commonly assumed drag coefficient value of 1·12. Thus, in using current crosses, it is imperative to calibrate each cross against a current meter reading to determine an appropriate value for the drag coefficient for a particular current cross and weight.  相似文献   
Abstract. Plagioclase porphyroblasts from silvergrey schists belonging to the Nevado Filabride Complex in the Sierra Alhamilla (Betic Zone, SE Spain) are interpreted as having been formed preand synkinematically with respect to the second phase of deformation. Different types of inclusion patterns represent 'snap-shots'(high growth-rate/strain-rate ratio features) of the formation of a diffentiated crenulation cleavage during this second phase of deformation, by the processes of kinking, crenulation and associated differentiation.
Regional considerations indicate an Alpine age for this tectono-metamorphic event, which can be explained by the'hot emplacement'of the higher Nevado Filabride units. The observed structural evolution is not consistent with a pre-Alpine polyphase deformation history.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT All the Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Central Andes (from southern Ecuador to central Chile), except Recent ones, have been affected by episodes of regional metamorphism, without change in texture and structure. The metamorphism, which ranges from low zeolite to greenschist facies, can be classified as burial metamorphism because there is an overall increase in metamorphic grade with stratigraphic depth in the individual volcanic sequences separated by regional unconformities. Some sequences display metamorphic patterns transitional to ocean-floor and to geothermal field types, reflecting variations along and across the Andes in tectonic setting and thermal gradients. Volcanism was closely followed by metamorphism during each cycle characterizing the geological history of the Central Andes. The episodic nature of the metamorphism has led to breaks in metamorphic grade at regional unconformities and repetition of facies series, where strata of higher grade may even overlie those of lower grade. The existence of permeability-controlled distribution patterns of secondary minerals within individual flows shows that gradients of chemical activity, rate of reaction and Pfluid were acting, in addition to temperature and P,tot overall gradients, during the regional metamorphism. The alteration is accompanied by chemical changes and disturbances of the K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotope systems. Similarities between Mesozoic facies series in the western and eastern flanks of the Andes are consistent with a mechanism of ensialic spreading-subsidence.  相似文献   
Anhydrite solubility in H2O–NaCl solutions was measuredat 6–14 kbar, 600–800°C and NaCl mole fractions(XNaCl) of 0–0·3 in piston–cylinder apparatus.Solubilities were determined by weight changes of natural anhydritein perforated Pt envelopes confined with fluid in larger Ptcapsules. In initially pure H2O at 10 kbar and 800°C, CaSO4concentration is low (0·03 molal), though much largerthan at the same temperature and 1 kbar. Hematite-buffered experimentsshowed slightly lower solubilities than unbuffered runs. CaSO4solubility increases enormously with NaCl activity: at 800°Cand 10 kbar and XNaCl of 0·3, CaSO4 molality is 200 timeshigher than with pure H2O. Whereas CaSO4 solubility in pureH2O decreases with rising T at low T and P, the high-P resultsshow that anhydrite solubility increases with T at constantP at all XNaCl investigated. The effects of salinity and temperatureare so great at 10 kbar that critical mixing between sulfate-richhydrosaline melts and aqueous salt solutions is probable at900°C at XNaCl 0·3. Recent experimental evidencethat volatile-laden magmas crystallizing in the deep crust mayevolve concentrated salt solutions could, in light of the presentwork, have important implications regarding such diverse processesas Mount Pinatubo-type S-rich volcanism, high-f O2 regionalmetamorphism, and emplacement of porphyry Cu–Mo ore bodies,where anhydrite–hematite alteration and fluid inclusionsreveal the action of very oxidized saline solutions rich insulfur. KEY WORDS: anhydrite; sulfur; solubility; metamorphic brines; granulites  相似文献   
Progress () of the infiltration-driven reaction, 4olivine +5CO2 + H2O = talc + 5magnesite, that occurred during Barrovianregional metamorphism, varies at the cm-scale by a factor of3·5 within an 3 m3 volume of rock. Mineral and stableisotope compositions record that XCO2, 18Ofluid, and 13Cfluidwere uniform within error of measurement in the same rock volume.The conventional interpretation of small-scale variations in in terms of channelized fluid flow cannot explain the uniformityin fluid composition. Small-scale variations in resulted insteadbecause (a) reactant olivine was a solid solution, (b) initiallythere were small-scale variations in the amount and compositionof olivine, and (c) fluid composition was completely homogenizedover the same scale by diffusion–dispersion during infiltrationand subsequent reaction. Assuming isochemical reaction, spatialvariations in image variations in the (Mg + Fe)/Si of the parentrock rather than the geometry of metamorphic fluid flow. Ifinfiltration-driven reactions involve minerals fixed in composition,on the other hand, spatial variations in do directly imagefluid flow paths. The geometry of fluid flow can never be determinedfrom geochemical tracers over a distance smaller than the oneover which fluid composition is completely homogenized by diffusion–dispersion. KEY WORDS: Alpine Barrovian metamorphism; diffusion; metamorphic fluid composition; metamorphic fluid flow; reaction progress  相似文献   
WILLNER  ARNE P. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(9):1805-1833
In the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, two units, the Western andEastern Series, constitute coeval parts of a Late Palaeozoicpaired metamorphic belt dominated by siliciclastic metasediments.The Western Series also contains rocks from the upper oceaniccrust and represents an accretionary prism. Omnipresent high-pressureconditions are reflected by Na–Ca-amphibole and phengitein greenschists. Peak PT conditions of 7·0–9·3kbar, 380–420°C point to a metamorphic gradient of11–16°C/km. Three unique occurrences of blueschistyield deviating conditions of 9·5–10·7 kbar,350–385°C and are interpreted as relics from the lowermostpart of the basal accretion zone preserving the original gradientof 9–11°C/km along the subducting slab. Pervasiveductile deformation related to basal accretion occurred nearpeak PT conditions. Deformation and PT evolution of the metapsammopeliticrocks is similar to that of the metabasites. However, a raregarnet mica-schist yields peak PT conditions of 9·6–14·7kbar, 390–440°C reflecting a retrograde stage aftercooling from a high-temperature garnet-forming stage. It isconsidered to be an exhumed relic from the earliest siliciclasticrocks subducted below a still hot mantle wedge. A retrogradeoverprint of all rock types occurred at 300–380°C.Continuous reactions caused crystal growth and recrystallizationwith abundant free water mostly under strain-free conditions.They record a pressure release of 3–4 kbar without erasingpeak metamorphic mineral compositions. The Eastern Series lacksmetabasite intercalations and represents a less deformed retro-wedgearea. In the study area it was entirely overprinted at a uniformdepth at 3 ± 0·5 kbar with temperatures progressivelyrising from 400°C to 720°C towards the coeval Late Palaeozoicmagmatic arc batholith. The interrelated pattern of PT datapermits a conceptual reconstruction of the fossil convergentmargin suggesting a flat subduction angle of 25° with continuousbasal accretion at a depth of 25–40 km and a short mainintrusion pulse in the magmatic arc. The latter was accompaniedby the formation of a thermal dome in the retro-wedge area,which remained stable relative to the vertically growing accretionaryprism characterized by cyclic mass flow. KEY WORDS: paired metamorphic belt; greenschist; blueschist; central Chile; thermobarometry  相似文献   
Chemical composition and origin of alkaline granitic rocks in the Keivy area on the Kola Peninsula were investigated. Linear correlation analysis and principal-component analysis were used to determine the interrelation of major petrogenetic elements in alkaline granite and surrounding alkaline metasomatites. Estimates of linear correlation coefficients turned out to be different, and principal-component analysis of the chemical data revealed that there were three main components influencing variation of chemical composition. These factors can be interpreted in terms of petrological processes, which are different for alkaline granite and for the surrounding metasomatites, indicating a different origin of the rocks.  相似文献   
The Central Tianshan Tectonic Zone (CTTZ) is anarrow domain between an early Paleozoic southernTianshan passive continental margin and a late Paleo-zoic northern Tianshan arc zone, which is character-ized by the presence of numerous Precambrian meta-morphic basement blocks. Proterozoic granitoidgneisses and metamorphic sedimentary rocks,namely Xingxingxia and Kawabulag and Tianhugroups, are the most important lithological assem-blages in these metamorphic basement blocks, and alittle of …  相似文献   
The European remote sensing satellite (ERS-2) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data was used for temporal monitoring of soil moisture at Sukhothai, Thailand. Higher correlations were found between the observed soil moisture and the radar backscattering coefficient. The soil moisture distribution shows great variation in space and time due to its stochastic nature. In order to obtain a better understanding of the nature and causes of spatial variation of soil moisture, the extensive soil moisture measurements observed in Thailand and also remotely sensed ERS-2 SAR data were used for geostatistical analysis. The observed soil moisture shows seasonal variations with mean varying from 3.33 %v/v (dry season) to 33.44 %v/v (wet season). The spatial geostatistical structure also shows clear seasonal variations in the geostatistical characteristics such as range and sill. The sills vary from 1.00 (%v/v)2 for the driest day to 107.57 (%v/v)2 for one of the wet days. The range or the correlation lengths varies between 46.5 and 149.8 m for the wettest and driest periods. The nugget effect does not show strong seasonal pattern or trend but the dry periods usually have a smaller nugget effect than the wet periods. The spherical variogram model fits the sample variograms very well in the case of soil moisture observations while the exponential model fits those of the remotely sensed data. The ranges observed from the observed soil moisture data and remotely sensed data at the same resolution are very similar. Resolution degradation affects the geostatistical structure of the data by reducing the sills, and increasing the ranges.  相似文献   
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