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锡在花岗质熔体和流体中的性质及分配行为研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元素在流/熔体间的交换、分配过程是岩浆热液矿床形成的重要环节,作为与岩浆活动有密切成因联系的典型矿种之一,锡在花岗质熔体和流体中的存在形式、分配行为及其影响因素是认识其成矿机理的关键。锡在花岗质熔体和流体中的分配特征不仅受温度、压力、氧逸度等条件的制约,流体组成和熔体的NBO/T(非桥氧键/桥氧键)、碱含量、AlK/Al(总碱与铝含量比)也是制约锡分配行为的重要因素;挥发分F、Cl对锡在流体、熔体中的地球化学行为影响尤为明显。  相似文献   
Xenoliths entrained in alkaline basalts and kimberlites give strong evidence that mantle carbonatitic and carbonated high alkaline mafic silicate melts, which are initially produced at very low degrees of partial melting (?1%), percolate and accumulate to form impregnations with a melt concentration of up to 10%. At present no compaction model has explained such huge local amplification of melt concentration. Recently, Bercovici et al. [1] have shown that the commonly used equations of compaction are not sufficiently general to describe all melt percolation processes in the mantle. In particular, they show that, when the melt concentration in the mantle is very low, the pressure jump ΔP between the solid and liquid fractions of the mantle mush is very important and plays a driving role during compaction. 1-D compaction waves generated with two different systems of equations are computed. Three types of wave-trains are observed, i.e. (1) sinusoidal waves; (2) periodic waves with flat minima and very acute maxima (‘witch hat waves’); (3) periodic solitary waves with flat maxima and extremely narrow minima (‘bowler hat waves’). When the initial melt distribution in the mantle is quite homogeneous, the compaction waves have sinusoidal shapes and can locally amplify the melt concentration by a factor less than two. When there is a drastic obstruction at the top of the wetted domain, the pressure jump ΔP between solid and liquid controls the shape of the waves. If the computation assumes the equality of pressure between the two phases (ΔP=0), the compaction wave has a ‘bowler hat shape’, and locally amplifies the melt concentration by a factor less than 5. Alternatively, simulations taking into account the pressure jump between phases ΔP predict compaction waves with ‘witch hat shape’. These waves collect a large quantity of melt promoting the development of magmons with local melt concentration exceeding 100× the background melt concentration. It is inferred that in a mantle with very low concentrations of carbonatitic or high alkaline mafic silicate melt the magmons are about 1 km thick and reach, in less than 1 Ma, a melt concentration of about 10%. The magmons are likely generated below the lithosphere at some distance away from the center of hot spots. This can explain the development of mantle carbonatitic eruptions in the African rift and the carbonatite and high alkaline mafic silicate volcanic activity in oceanic islands.  相似文献   
基于硅酸盐熔体不混溶相平衡实验资料,采用氧化物规则溶液的活度模型,建立了预测岩浆不混溶作用的热力学方法,研究了氧化物组分在不混溶两液相之间的分配系数与温度、压力和岩浆成分之间的关系.由此,可以预测天然岩浆不混溶作用,计算不混溶的起始温度、共轭两液相的成分及含量.计算的不混溶两液相中SiO2,Al2O3,FeO的摩尔分数平均残差为3.0%~4.0%,其他氧化物平均残差小于1.0%,不混溶两液相的摩尔分数平均残差约为1.0%.对阳原岩体的模拟计算表明,磁铁矿-磷灰石矿床的形成与球粒状黑云辉石正长岩岩浆在1150~1250℃下的不混溶作用有关;计算的共轭两液相的相对含量与岩相学证据吻合.  相似文献   
Olivine + clinopyroxene ± amphibole cumulates have beenwidely documented in island arc settings and may constitutea significant portion of the lowermost arc crust. Because ofthe low melting temperature of amphibole (1100°C), suchcumulates could melt during intrusion of primary mantle magmas.We have experimentally (piston-cylinder, 0·5–1·0GPa, 1200–1350°C, Pt–graphite capsules) investigatedthe melting behaviour of a model amphibole–olivine–clinopyroxenerock, to assess the possible role of such cumulates in islandarc magma genesis. Initial melts are controlled by pargasiticamphibole breakdown, are strongly nepheline-normative and areAl2O3-rich. With increasing melt fraction (T > 1190°Cat 1·0 GPa), the melts become ultra-calcic while remainingstrongly nepheline-normative, and are saturated with olivineand clinopyroxene. The experimental melts have strong compositionalsimilarities to natural nepheline-normative ultra-calcic meltinclusions and lavas exclusively found in arc settings. Theexperimentally derived phase relations show that such naturalmelt compositions originate by melting according to the reactionamphibole + clinopyroxene = melt + olivine in the arc crust.Pargasitic amphibole is the key phase in this process, as itlowers melting temperatures and imposes the nepheline-normativesignature. Ultra-calcic nepheline-normative melt inclusionsare tracers of magma–rock interaction (assimilative recycling)in the arc crust. KEY WORDS: experimental melting; subduction zone; ultra-calcic melts; wehrlite  相似文献   
Silicate melts are very active in the interior of the Earth and other terrestrial planets, and are important carriers for the transport of material and energy. The determination of the equation of state(EOS) for silicate melts and the acquisition of a precise quantitative relationship between molar volume(or density) and temperature, pressure, and composition is essential for simulating the generation, migration, and eruption processes of magmas and the evolution of the magma ocean stage during the early formation of the Earth and other terrestrial planets, for calculating and modeling the phase equilibria involving silicate melts, and for revealing the variation of the microstructure of silicate melts with pressure. However, it is experimentally challenging to determine the volumetric properties of silicate melts and the accumulated density data at high pressure are still very limited due to a series of problems such as: the high liquidus temperature of silicate rocks; proneness for silicate melts to react with sample capsules to change the melt composition; and proneness for melts to flow and leak during the high pressure and high temperature experiments. In recent years, there is rapid progress in the high pressure and high temperature experimental techniques, in terms of not only the extension of temperature and pressure ranges but also the improvement on the accuracy of measurements, and the emergence of new methods for in-situ measurements. Here, we review the widely-used theoretical models of ambient-pressure and high-pressure EOS for silicate melts, and illustrate some problems that need to be solved urgently:(1) the room pressure EOS for iron-and titanium-bearing silicate melts needs to be improved;(2) the partial molar properties of the H2 O and CO2 components in silicate melts containing volatile components may vary markedly with the melt composition, which need to be addressed in high-pressure EOS;(3) how the formulation and applicable range of EOS correspond to changes in melt structure and compression mechanism requires further study. We highlight the basic principle and applicable range of various methods for determining the EOS for silicate melts, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of doublebob Archimedes method, fusion curve analysis, shock compression experiments, sink-float method, X-ray absorption, X-ray diffraction and ultrasonic interferometry. Future trends in this field are to develop experimental techniques for in situ measurements on melt density or sound velocity at high temperature and high pressure and to accumulate more experimental data,and on the other hand, to improve the theoretical models of the EOS for silicate melts by a combination of research on the microstructure and compression mechanisms of silicate melts.  相似文献   
玻安岩为一类具有特殊地球化学性质的岩石,具有高SiO2(>52%)、高MgO(>8%)和低TiO2(<0.5%)等特征。前人认为其形成主要是在俯冲起始阶段大洋板块所释放的流体导致亏损程度较高的难熔地幔楔发生熔融,因此其成因的研究对深入理解板块俯冲起始等地球动力学问题具有重要意义。虽然普遍认为俯冲物质对玻安岩岩浆源区具有重要贡献,但玻安岩中元素的不同富集程度反映了复杂的俯冲板片流体物理化学性质和对玻安岩形成的不同影响。通过对比分析伊豆–小笠原(Izu-Bonin)和北祁连造山带大岔大坂地区玻安岩样品,发现二者具有明显的地球化学差异:与伊豆–小笠原玻安岩相比,大岔大坂玻安岩中没有呈现“U”型稀土配分模式,不富集轻稀土元素或Zr、Hf等元素;而二者流体活动性/不相容元素比值(如Ba/La)变化较大,并具有较高的(87Sr/86Sr)i。这些特征反映了俯冲板片释放的流体和熔体分别对大岔大坂和伊豆–小笠原玻安岩岩浆地幔源区的贡献,从而表明大岔大坂玻安岩形成过程与伊豆–小笠原玻安岩所代表的俯冲初始形成模型不同,更可能形成于存在弧后扩张作用的成熟岛弧阶段。结合区域地质背景和前人研究,本文针对大岔大坂玻安岩成因提出了两种与俯冲初始阶段无关的可能形成机制:① 玻安岩产出于弧后扩张中心,弧后岩石圈的拉张环境和较热的地幔上隆区为玻安质岩浆的形成提供了温压条件,充分交代的水化地幔楔和蛇纹岩化地幔也参与了玻安质岩浆的形成;② 虽与弧后扩张中心相关,但玻安岩的产出位于前弧或弧。由于弧后地幔对弧下深度地幔楔进行侧向加热,导致地幔楔内部对流重新启动,弧后地区已经熔融出弧后玄武岩的残余橄榄岩进入前弧–弧下地幔楔,地幔楔底部和俯冲板片表面被重新加热而发生变质脱水,富水流体交代上部地幔楔使其部分熔融形成玻安质岩浆。  相似文献   
The country rock in southern Finland formed mainly during the Svecofennian orogeny ca. 1.9 Ga ago. The middle and lower crust was partially melted 1.83 Ga ago due to crustal thickening and subsequent extension. During this event, S-type migmatites and granites were formed along a 100×500 km zone. This Late Svecofennian Granite–Migmatite zone (LSGM zone) is a large crustal segment characterised by roughly E–W trending sub-horizontal migmatites and granites. Combined ductile E–W shear movements and NNW–SSE compressional movements defined a transpressional tectonic regime during the emplacement. Partial melts that moved through the crust pooled as granite sheets or froze as migmatites. Major transpressive shear zones border the LSGM zone, which forms a tectonic and metamorphic zone that crosscuts the earlier Svecofennian granitoids. Based on field observations and geochemical data from two sets of outcrops, we show that the great volumes of late-orogenic granites and migmatites in southern Finland were transported and emplaced as small chemically variable batches, possibly extracted from different protoliths. These melt batches were transported along repeatedly activated channels and collected at some horizontal level in the crust. In the Nagu area, the melt batches were trapped under a roof-layer of amphibolite and the whole complex was synchronously folded into open folds with steep axial surfaces and E–W trending fold axes. The sheets of microcline granite are, in places, strongly sheared; the microcline phenocrysts are imbricated and subsequent deformation of the microcline phenocrysts indicates syn-tectonic movements of the layers as well as a syn-tectonic mechanism for the late-magmatic fractionation. Depending on the degree of crystallisation of the individual melt batches during shearing at different intensities, the granites have slightly different appearances. Some sheared zones show a cumulate-like trace element geochemistry, indicating that melt fractions were expelled from the system, producing layers of deformation enhanced fractionated granites and cumulate layers. Our interpretation is that the Nagu area shows shear-assisted fractionation mechanisms in granitic melts, and that similar processes are responsible for the fractionation trends seen in the sub-horizontal sheeted granites in Hämeenlinna at higher levels in the crust.  相似文献   
本文利用作者首次设计改进的固液制样术、金管处理术及测试分析程序完成了铅、锌在花岗质硅酸盐熔体和共存含水流体间的分配实验,确定了一系列铅锌流-熔分配系数;并从分配模型和熔体地球化学等方面探讨了铅锌的流-熔分配规律和机理。实验结果和理论分析均表明,在含水花岗质岩浆体系中,氯(钠)有利于铅、锌的流-熔分离,而氟(钾)则相对地阻碍了这种分离。  相似文献   
The compositions of various transition-zone and lower-mantle phases and coexisting carbonatic melts were determined by exploratory melting experiments in chemically complex CO2-bearing systems at 20–24.5 GPa and 1600–2000 °C. The melts are highly ultramafic, enriched in K, Na, Ca, Fe, and Mg, and depleted in Al and Si. Melting experiments were also carried out with the compositions on the join Mg2SiO4–Na2CO3 at 3.7 GPa and 1200–1600 °C. The solidus assemblage of MgCO3 and Na2MgSiO4 melts incongruently to produce forsterite and Na-rich melt. The new results and other recent studies in CO2-bearing systems suggest that carbonatic melt could be present, either transiently or permanently, in the whole Earth's upper mantle and at least the uppermost lower mantle. Carbonate-melt metasomatism is recognized as a process that could have a major effect on the composition and structure of the deep mantle, and thus play an important role in its evolution. Due to the unique properties of the carbonatic melt, its circulation in an otherwise static mantle could be a more efficient process than the solid-state convection for maintaining equilibrium in most of the mantle not involved directly in plate tectonics.  相似文献   
At the Krafla central volcano in north-east Iceland, two main phases of rhyolite volcanism are identified. The earlier phase (last interglacial) is related to the formation of a caldera, whereas the second phase (last glacial) is related to the emplacement of a ring dike. Subsequently, only minor amounts of rhyolite have been erupted. The volcanic products of Krafla are volumetrically bimodal. Geochemically, there is a series of basaltic to basalto-andesitic rocks and a cluster of rhyolitic rocks. Rocks of intermediate to silicic composition (icelandites and dacites) show clear signs of mixing. The rhyolites are Fe-rich (tholeiitic), and aphyric to slightly porphyritic (plagioclase, augite, pigeonite, fayalitic olivine and magnetite). They are minimum melts on the quartz-plagioclase cotectic plane in the granite system (Qz-Or-Ab-An). The rhyolites at Krafla were produced by near-solidus, rather than nearliquidus fractionation. They are interpreted as silicic minimum melts of hydrothermally altered crust, mainly of basaltic composition. They were primarily generated on the peripheries of an active basaltic magma chamber or intrusive domain, where sufficient volumes of crust were subjected to temperatures favorable for rhyolite genesis (850–950° C). The silicic melts were extracted crystal-free from their source in response to crustal deformation.  相似文献   
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