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富碱斑岩中超镁铁深源包体岩石的矿物学特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在云南省鹤庆县六合乡富碱斑岩体中找到超镁铁深源岩石包体,这对于研究富碱斑岩的起源和演化及其成岩成矿作用具有重要意义。本文较系统地研究了深源包体岩石的矿物学特征,揭示该深源包体具有原始上地幔岩在地幔条件下受到一定程度富集地幔流体交代作用改造的特征,具有富集地幔低程度部分熔融属性,为富碱斑岩的成岩成矿演化提供了重要的矿物学依据。  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带中南段新生代玄武岩源区地幔特征及其演化   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
郯庐断裂带中南段新生代玄武岩随时代逐渐变新 ,碱性逐渐增强 ,轻、重稀土元素分离程度及不相容元素的富集程度也逐渐增强 ,Sr、Nd同位素组成越来越亏损。古地温线特征表明 ,断裂带之下的上地幔具有高的大地热流值。老第三纪拉斑玄武岩地幔源区主要以轻微富集的EMⅠ组分为主 ,新第三纪以来的碱性玄武岩来源于亏损地幔。研究区地幔源区随时间的演化受老第三纪软流圈上涌的影响 ,大量的深源流体对上部岩石圈地幔进行广泛的交代 ,从而使郯庐断裂带下面的岩石圈地幔出现不相容元素和LREE富集 ,且由轻微富集地幔转变为亏损地幔。  相似文献   
张广才岭燕山早期白石山岩体成因与壳幔相互作用   总被引:34,自引:19,他引:34  
出露于东北地区张广才岭的白石山岩体,其全岩-矿物Rb-Sr等时线年龄为196士4 Ma,表明形成于中生代的燕山早期,而非传统认识上的印支期.岩体主岩和闪长质包体均具有低ISr(≈0.705)和正εNd(t)(+1.7~+2.2)值的特点,反映岩体成因与地幔具有密切的联系.地质学、岩石学和地球化学的详细研究表明该岩体具有壳幔混合成因,闪长质包体是较基性的地幔岩浆进入主岩浆中淬火结晶而成,花岗质岩浆的源区主要为新生的地壳物质.动力学分析表明,本区在华北板块和西伯利亚板块碰撞拼合后,由于东侧大洋板块的俯冲及后续的岩石圈拆沉效应,导致软流圈地幔上隆及幔源岩浆的板底垫托,并进而造成先存和新生地壳的部分熔融和不同源区岩浆的混合作用.底垫的新生地壳是兴蒙造山带造山后晚期形成的.因此,古生代-中生代是本区地壳生长的重要时期,且这种地壳生长是在垂向构造机制下进行的.  相似文献   
Large scale structural mapping of the Oman ophiolite indicates that the Mansah area (Sumail massif) was a ridge off-axis region at the time the ophiolite was detached. This paper presents a detailed structural mapping of the region. We show that, as opposed to other off-axis areas, it contains plunging lineations, correlated with a thick Moho transition zone and chromite pods, indicative of a mantle diapir. However this diapir has a discontinuous structure, it is bounded by shear zones and types of diabases that are not found elsewhere in Oman; it also has a broken crust, strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration. This suggests that Mansah fossilized an off-axis diapir intruding a cooling lithosphere. It may be a good candidate to be the root of an off-axis seamount such as those found in the East Pacific, and may bring new insights into this particular volcanism which we are only beginning to explore.  相似文献   
The global mid-ocean ridge system is one of the most active plate boundaries on the earth and understanding the dynamic processes at this plate boundary is one of the most important problems in geodynamics. In this paper I present recent results of several aspects of mid-ocean ridge studies concerning the dynamics of oceanic lithosphere at these diverging plate boundaries. I show that the observed rift valley to no-rift valley transition (globally due to the increase of spreading rate or locally due to the crustal thickness variations and/or thermal anomalies) can be explained by the strong temperature dependence of the power law rheology of the oceanic lithosphere, and most importantly, by the difference in the rheological behavior of the oceanic crust from the underlying mantle. The effect of this weaker lower crust on ridge dynamics is mainly influenced by spreading rate and crustal thickness variations. The accumulated strain pattern from a recently developed lens model, based on recent seismic observations, was proposed as an appealing mechanism for the observed gabbro layering sequence in the Oman Ophiolite. It is now known that the mid-ocean ridges at all spreading rates are offset into individual spreading segments by both transform and nontransform discontinuities. The tectonics of ridge segmentation are also spreading-rate dependent: the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge is characterized by distinct bulls-eye shaped gravity lows, suggesting large along-axis variations in melt production and crustal thickness, whereas the fast-spreading East-Pacific Rise is associated with much smaller along-axis variations. These spreading-rate dependent changes have been attributed to a fundamental differences in ridge segmentation mechanisms and mantle upwelling at mid-ocean ridges: the mantle upwelling may be intrinsically plume-like (3-D) beneath a slow-spreading ridge but more sheet-like (2-D) beneath a fast-spreading ridge.  相似文献   
The European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) and associated fault systems transect all Variscan Massifs in the foreland of the Alps. ECRIS was activated during the Eocene in the foreland of the Pyrenees and Alps in response to the build-up of collision-related intraplate stresses. During Oligocene and Neogene times ECRIS evolved by passive rifting under changing stress fields, reflecting end Oligocene consolidation of the Pyrenees and increasing coupling of the Alpine Orogen with its foreland. ECRIS is presently still active, as evidenced by its seismicity and geodetic data.Uplift of the Massif Central and the Rhenish Massif, commencing at the Oligocene–Miocene transition, is mainly attributed to plume-related thermal thinning of the mantle–lithosphere. Mid-Burdigalian uplift of the SW–NE-striking Vosges–Black Forest Arch, that has the geometry of a doubly plunging anticline breached by the Upper Rhine Graben, involved folding of the lithosphere. Late Burdigalian broad uplift of the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif reflects lithospheric buckling whereas late Miocene–Pliocene uplift of its marginal blocks involved transpressional reactivation of pre-existing crustal discontinuities. Crustal extension across ECRIS, amounting to no more than 7 km, was compensated by a finite clockwise rotation of the Paris Basin block, up warping of the Weald–Artois axis and reactivation of the Armorican shear zones. Intermittent, though progressive uplift of the Armorican Massif, commencing in the Miocene, is attributed to transpressional deformation of the lithosphere.Under the present-day NW-directed compressional stress field, that came into evidence during the early Miocene and further intensified during the Pliocene, the Armorican Massif, the Massif Central, the western parts of the Rhenish Massif and the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif continue to rise at rates of up to 1.75 mm/y whilst the Vosges–Black Forest arch is relatively stable.Uplift of the Variscan Massifs and development of ECRIS exerted strong controls on the Neogene evolution of drainage systems in the Alpine foreland.  相似文献   
Inference of mantle viscosity from GRACE and relative sea level data   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite observations of secular changes in gravity near Hudson Bay, and geological measurements of relative sea level (RSL) changes over the last 10 000 yr in the same region, are used in a Monte Carlo inversion to infer-mantle viscosity structure. The GRACE secular change in gravity shows a significant positive anomaly over a broad region (>3000 km) near Hudson Bay with a maximum of ∼2.5 μGal yr−1 slightly west of Hudson Bay. The pattern of this anomaly is remarkably consistent with that predicted for postglacial rebound using the ICE-5G deglaciation history, strongly suggesting a postglacial rebound origin for the gravity change. We find that the GRACE and RSL data are insensitive to mantle viscosity below 1800 km depth, a conclusion similar to that from previous studies that used only RSL data. For a mantle with homogeneous viscosity, the GRACE and RSL data require a viscosity between  1.4 × 1021  and  2.3 × 1021  Pa s. An inversion for two mantle viscosity layers separated at a depth of 670 km, shows an ensemble of viscosity structures compatible with the data. While the lowest misfit occurs for upper- and lower-mantle viscosities of  5.3 × 1020  and  2.3 × 1021  Pa s, respectively, a weaker upper mantle may be compensated by a stronger lower mantle, such that there exist other models that also provide a reasonable fit to the data. We find that the GRACE and RSL data used in this study cannot resolve more than two layers in the upper 1800 km of the mantle.  相似文献   
南美洲南部的Pali Aike火山岩区第四纪碱性玄武岩中普遍发育含石榴石的斜方辉石岩包体。这种斜方辉石岩既作为独立的捕掳体存在又以细脉的形式穿插于橄榄岩捕掳体中。斜方辉石岩普遍含富Ti矿物,并且次生斜方辉石含橄榄石和单斜辉石残晶。与含石榴石橄榄岩中的斜方辉石相比,这种次生的斜方辉石以高TiO2、中等含量的Al2O3以及低Mg#为特征,表明它是在一种高度分异演化的富Ti熔体交代作用下通过消耗橄榄石和单斜辉石方式形成的。斜方辉石岩全岩的Co、Ni略低,Cr和铂族元素(PGE)含量与地幔橄榄岩相当,表明这些元素在交代作用过程中相对稳定,而交代介质带入的组分以碱质(K2O+Na2O)、Ti、Si、Al和S为主。交代的斜方辉石在现代活动岛弧和古克拉通的地幔橄榄岩捕掳体中多有报道。与这些环境中地幔样品的斜方辉石相比,PaliAike地区的次生斜方辉石含有相对高的Ti和Al,以及相对低的Mg。高Ti低Mg属性反映了交代介质可能来源于下伏的软流圈地幔并且经历了高度的分异和演化过程。Pali Aike地区所见到的这种交代斜方辉石和斜方辉石岩在其他被上涌软流圈影响的陆下岩石圈地幔中可能普遍存在。这些研究对了解中国华北-东北中生代以来的岩石圈地幔减薄机制有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
文章通过分析豫西地区的大量地质矿产资料后发现,区内存在"小岩体成大矿"的规律。认为豫西地区自燕山期以来,随着地幔热柱的演化,区内地壳运动转为伸展活动,地壳减薄、地幔不均衡上隆和中酸性岩浆脉动式上侵;中酸性岩浆脉动式上侵过程打通了深部成矿物质上升的通道,使得含矿流体能够到达地壳上部,并在幔枝构造外围主次级拆离带、岩体内外接触带、构造裂隙等适宜部位集聚成矿。  相似文献   
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