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Molecular and isotopic compositions of crude oils in the Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin confirm three genetic end-member oil groups and suggest extensive cross-formational hydrocarbon fluid flows in the Tertiary deltaic system. Inter- and intra-fractional variations in the geochemistry of the Tertiary-reservoired oils indicate that the oil source/maturity signatures were substantially masked by biomarkers that were picked up along migration pathways. Thus, many of the previously recognized “immature non-marine oils” are in fact thermally mature, probably derived from unpenetrated deeper marine source rocks. Although the effective source rock volumes have not been evaluated and their exact stratigraphic levels remain unknown, the relative timing of oil generation versus trap formation, rather than poor source quality, may be the cause of under-filled traps in the offshore area.  相似文献   
An obvious structural transformation between the early and the late stages of the middle Eocene rifting in the ZhuⅠ Depression, which has a significant impact on the formation and evolution of the Paleogene source-to-sink system, has recently been found. Based on comprehensive analysis of seismic, drilling and logging data in the study area, we argue that the structural transformation controls the basic elements of source-to-sink system, such as basin landscape, material source supply, transportation direction and sedimentary style, and affects the deep Paleogene reservoir conditions. Under the restriction of structural transformation, there are two typical source-to-sink models: source migration and fault transformation. Hydrocarbon accumulation related to structural transformation is commonly interpreted by two typical source-to sink models: source migration and fault transformation. The main source of the source migration model migrates under the influence of structural transformation, and the sedimentary boundary, accommodation space and depositional style change accordingly, forming a favorable superimposed and contiguous reservoir target;the supply, transportation and accumulation of provenance in the fault transformation model change orderly in time and space, forming the compound of co-existing fan-delta-beach sedimentary system and reservoir conditions have strong zonation. It is of great significance to explore the characteristics of source to sink system and sand-controlling model under the control of structural transformation in order to find high-quality reservoirs in Paleogene. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
Territorial control is central to the understanding of violent armed conflicts, yet reliable and valid measures of this concept do not exist. We argue that geospatial analysis provides an important perspective to measure the concept. In particular, measuring territorial control can be seen as an application of calculating service areas around points of control. The modeling challenge is acute for areas with limited road infrastructure, where no complete network is available to perform the analysis, and movements largely occur off road. We present a new geospatial approach that applies network analysis on a hybrid transportation network with both actual road data and hexagon‐fishnet‐based artificial road data representing on‐road and off‐road movements, respectively. Movement speed or restriction can be readily adjusted using various input data. Simulating off‐road movement with hexagon‐fishnet‐based artificial road data has a number of advantages including scalability to small or large study areas and flexibility to allow all‐directional travel. We apply this method to measuring territorial control of armed groups in Sub‐Saharan Africa where inferior transport infrastructure is the norm. Based on the Uppsala Conflict Data Program's (UCDP) Georeferenced Event Data (GED) as well as spatial data on terrain, population locations, and limited transportation networks, we enhance the delineation of the specific areas directly controlled by each warring party during civil wars within a given travel time.  相似文献   
应用10个样本旅游网站日均访问量的空间分布数据及网站功能资料,对样本旅游网站日均访问量与实际距离进行空间关系逆曲线拟合,进行距离衰减形态分异及其与网站功能相关性的研究.结果发现:1)旅游网站信息流距离衰减形态具有显著的波动性分异特征和地方性分异特征,随着旅游网站信息流距离衰减波动性分异特征从显著性到不显著性的变化,其距离衰减程度依次增强,其逆曲线衰减的符合程度依次上升;而随着旅游网站信息流距离衰减地方性分异特征由显著性到不显著性的变化,其距离衰减程度依次减弱,其逆曲线衰减的符合程度依次下降.表明不同网站间信息流距离衰减存在多样性变化.2)旅游网站信息流距离衰减形态的分异特征与旅游网站的主要功能之间关系密切:信息发布为主兼有预订功能的旅游网站距离衰减形态较为复杂;预订为主兼有信息发布的旅游网站和论坛为主的旅游网站距离衰减形态基本一致,波动性较小、地方性显著;政务为主的旅游网站距离衰减形态表现为波动性较大、地方性不显著的特征.依据旅游网站信息流距离衰减形态的规律,可指导旅游网站服务功能的建设和组织不同距离上的旅游流.  相似文献   
GIS的社会化及公众GIS   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
GIS(地理信息系统 )的发展继专业化和行业化阶段之后 ,正处于社会化发展阶段。在该阶段 ,GIS的主要作用是为公众提供信息服务。文章在分析了GIS的这种发展趋势的基础上提出了“公众GIS”的概念 ,即 :直接面向公众 ,为公众提供信息服务和辅助公众进行行为决策的地理信息系统。与传统GIS相比 ,公众GIS更具有信息服务业的特点。公众GIS的建设应该突出信息的全面性、现势性和准确性、系统的友好性以及数据的易维护性等原则。公众GIS的关键技术包括数据采集、网络、数据库、多媒体以及系统的友好性设计等技术。公众GIS在建设全国城市公众信息服务网、全国交通旅游信息网以及汽车导航信息系统等方面具有广阔的应用前景。文章对公众GIS的实例———“今日武汉”公众查询系统作了简要介绍。  相似文献   
基于GIS的山地林道网优化配置系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用系统选择永安元沙国有林业采育场的部分林班为示范,建立森林资源空间数据库.以ARC/INFO为开发平台,以山地林道网理论为指导,应用G IS技术、DBMS技术与数学规划集成技术,使用AML语言进行二次开发设计山地林道网优化配置系统,实现计算机辅助林道网配置,提高决策的科学性。  相似文献   
省级地震数据容灾备份技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对地震数据容灾备份技术进行了研究,探讨了地震数据容灾备份的重要性及设计方案,及开展此项工作的技术和流程。详细介绍了地震数据容灾备份所需的网络备份技术、数据复制技术、灾难检测技术和系统迁移技术。  相似文献   
海底勘查技术的最新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将介绍用于探测海底三维地质特征的海底勘查的最新发展。它主要包括海底地形测绘技术,海底形貌观测技术、海底地层声学探测技术等。  相似文献   
国外农情遥感监测系统现状与启示   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
大范围的可靠农情信息对粮食市场及相关政策的制定至关重要,是保障区域及全球粮食安全的重要依据,在全球气候变化、人口增长、土地利用/覆盖变化剧烈的背景下,对这一信息的需求也更加迫切.传统农情信息的获取依赖于庞大的调查队伍和大量的调查工作,信息的获取存在成本高、时效性差和结果受主观影响大的缺点.伴随着近30年遥感技术本身及其在农情信息获取领域能力的提升,一些国家与国际组织建设了各自的农情遥感监测系统,并开展了运行化的监测.对美国、欧盟、FAO、加拿大、巴西、阿根廷、俄罗斯、印度等主要的农情遥感监测系统进展进行了详细的介绍,并通过对这些系统的分析得到一些农情监测系统建设的启示.指出作物种植面积估算、单产预测、长势监测、旱情监测是农情遥感监测中最主要的4个主题.在面积估算方面,各个系统在遥感技术不断发展的同时对地面调查的依赖并没有减少,甚至得到了强化,这与遥感降低地面调查的初衷相违背,导致遥感技术在大范围农情监测中的潜力没有得到充分发挥,在单产预测方面,需要发展独立的遥感预测方法.提升遥感的作用是未来一段时间内农情遥感监测系统建设的主要方向.  相似文献   
 Surface contamination with radioactive caesium introduced into the environment after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant was high enough in the Crimean Mountains to allow using radiocaesium as an indicator of penetration of radioactive contamination into a karst system. Caesium concentrations have been studied in soils above Marble Cave, Tchatyrdag Plateau, in percolation waters and in sediments transported by percolation waters within the cave. Contamination of the daylight surface with 137Cs is about 30 kqB m–2 which is approximately 13 times higher than the density of global fallouts. Besides 137Cs, almost all samples showed presence of 134Cs with the 137Cs/134Cs ratio close to that of Chernobyl contaminations. Concentrations of 137Cs range from 9 to 15 mBq l–1 in the present percolation waters in the cave. In sediments related to percolation waters 134Cs is detected in some samples besides 137Cs, although the effect of 228Ac is not ruled out. Surprisingly, the highest concentrations of radiocaesium were measured in "old" sediments in the cave's lower series. These sediments are not associated with modern percolation and are represented by a clay/moonmilk alternating sequence deposited in an old dried cave lake. Moonmilk layers have higher caesium content than clay. It is assumed that Chernobyl caesium was transported into the cave with aerosols which were then deposited mainly in areas where condensation occurs. The sampling site is located just in the boundary between two microclimatic zones with a temperature gradient of 0.5  °C. Active condensation processes occur in this area. Caesium was not detected in another similar sampling site (old lake deposits) located within homogeneous microclimatic conditions. If the above interpretation is correct, these results show the geochemical significance of the aerosol-condensation mechanism of mass transport and localisation. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   
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