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The Manus Basin in the eastern Bismarck Sea is a fastopening backarc basin behind the New Britain arc-trench system. Within the basin, motion between the Pacific and Bismarck plates about a pole located at 11° S, 145° E, occurs along three major leftlateral transform faults and a variety of extensional segments. We interpret SeaMARC II sidescan and other geophysical data to show that a Brunhes age plate reorganization created new extensional boundaries and a microplate between the NW-trending Willaumez, Djaul, and Weitin transforms. Two linked spreading segments formed in backarc basin crust between the Willaumez and Djaul transforms: the ESE-trending extensional transform zone (ETZ) in the west and the Manus spreading center (MSC) in the east. Positively magnetized crust on the MSC forms a wedge varying in width from 72 km at its southwest end to zero at its northeast tip, with corresponding Brunhes spreading rates varying from 92 mm/yr to zero. The MSC forms the northwestern boundary of the 100 km-scale Manus microplate and opens at 51°/m.y. about a pole near its apex at 3°02S, 150°32E. Opposite the MSC, bordering the arc margin of New Britain, the microplate is bound by a zone of broadly distributed strike slip motion, extension, and volcanism. Within this area, the Southern Rifts contain a series of grabens partially floored by lava flows. Left-lateral motion between the Pacific and Bismarck plates appears to drive the counterclockwise pivoting motion of the Manus microplate and the complementary wedge-like opening of the MSC and the Southern Rifts. The pivoting motion of the microplate has resulted in compressional areas along its NE and SW boundaries with the Pacific and Bismarck plates respectively. East of the microplate, between the Djaul and Weitin transforms and within the arc margin of New Ireland, another zone of broad extension referred to as the Southeast Rifts takes up opening in a pull-apart basin. There, en echelon volcanic ridges may be the precursors of spreading segments, but erupted lavas include calcalkaline volcanics. Kinematic modeling and marine geophysical observations indicate that the responses to similar amounts of extension in the eastern Manus Basin have varied as a function of the different types of pre-existing crust: arc crust tectonically stretched over a broad area whereas backarc crust underwent relatively little stretching before accommodating extension by seafloor spreading.  相似文献   
We have conducted the first detailed survey of the recording of a geomagnetic reversal at an ultra-fast spreading center. The survey straddles the Brunhes/Matuyama reversal boundary at 19°30 S on the east flank of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), which spreads at the half rate of 82 mm yr-1. In the vicinity of the reversal boundary, we performed a three-dimensional inversion of the surface magnetic field and two-dimensional inversions of several near-bottom profiles including the effects of bathymetry. The surface inversion solution shows that the polarity transition is sharp and linear, and less than 3–4 km wide. These values constitute an upper bound because the interpretation of marine magnetic anomalies observed at the sea surface is limited to wavelengths greater than 3–4 km. The polarity transition width, which represents the distance over which 90% of the change in polarity occurs, is narrow (1.5–2.1 km) as measured on individual 2-D inversion profiles of near-bottom data. This suggests a crustal zone of accretion only 3.0–4.2 km wide. Our method offers little control on accretionary processes below layer 2B because the pillow and the dike layers in young oceanic crust are by far the most significant contributors to the generation of marine magnetic anomalies. The Deep-Tow instrument package was used to determine in situ the polarity of individual volcanoes and fault scarps in the same area. We were able to make 96 in situ polarity determinations which allowed us to locate the scafloor transition boundary which separates positively and negatively magnetized lava flows. The shift between the inversion transition boundary and the seafloor transition boundary can be used to obtain an estimate of the width of the neovolcanic zone of 4–10 km. This width is significantly larger than the present width of the neovolcanic zone at 19°30 S as documented from near-bottom bathymetric and photographic data (Bicknell et al., 1987), and also larger than the width of the neovolcanic zone at 21° N on the EPR as inferred by the three-dimensional inversion of near-bottom magnetic data (Macdonald et al., 1983). The eruption of positively magnetized lava flows over negatively magnetized crust from the numerous volcanoes present in the survey area and episodic flooding of the flanks of the ridge axis by extensive outpourings of lava erupting from a particularly robust magma chamber may result in a widened neovolcanic zone. We studied the relationship between spreading rate and polarity transition widths obtained from 2-D inversions of the near-bottom magnetic field over various spreading centers. The mean transition width corrected for the time necessary for the reversal to occur decreases with increasing spreading rate but our data set is still too sparse to draw firm conclusions from these observations. Perhaps more interesting is the fact that the range of the measured transition widths also decreases with spreading rate. In the light of these results, we propose a new model for the spreading rate dependency of polarity transition widths. At slow spreading centers, the zone of dike injection is narrow but the locus of crustal accretion is prone to small lateral shifts depending on the availability of magmatic sources, and the resulting polarity transition widths can be narrow or wide. At intermediate spreading centers, the zone of crustal accretion is narrow and does not shift laterally, which leads to narrower transition widths on the average than at slow spreading centers. An intermediate, or even a slow spreading center, may behave like a fast or hot-spot dominated ridge for short periods of time when its magmatic budget is increased due to melting events in the upper mantle. At fast spreading centers, the zone of dike injection is narrow, but the large magmatic budget of fast spreading centers may result in occasional extensive flows less than a few tens of meters thick from the axis and off-axis volcanic cones. These thin flows will not significantly contribute to the polarity transition widths, which remain narrow, but they may greatly increase the width of the neovolcanic zone. Finally the gabbro layer in the lower section of oceanic crust may also contribute to the observed polarity transition widths but this contribution will only become significant in older oceanic crust (50–100 m.y.).  相似文献   
The Pito Rift area is the site of actively deforming oceanic lithosphere that has been primarily under extension for at least the past million years, based on kinematic reconstructions. The major morphologic features, Pito Deep and Pito Seamount, are aligned toward the Euler pole for relative motion between the Easter and Nazca plates. SeaMARC II side-scan and bathymetry data indicate that there are two general modes of faulting currently active in the Pito Rift area. One is associated with incipient rifting of old (3 Ma) Nazca lithosphere by large NW-SE normal faults, and the other is associated with a broad area of right-lateral transform shear between the Nazca and Easter plates. This transform shear is distributed over a broad region because of the northward growth of the East Rift and parallel tectonic rifting within the Pito Rift area. The majority of the Pito Rift area is composed of preexisting blocks of Nazca plate that are back-tilted away from Pito Deep and strike perpendicular to present and previous relative plate motions. This observation suggests that block-faulting and back-tilting are the primary mechanisms responsible for the distributed lithospheric extension, in agreement with gravity and magnetic analyses (Martinez et al., this issue).The only recent volcanic flows observed in side-scan data are from the Pito Seamount area and to the outside of the outer pseudofault of the East Rift. The significance of the young flows near the outer pseudofault is not understood. We interpret the flows extending northwest from the Pito Seamount as representing a newly formed seafloor spreading axis within the Pito Rift area. Gravity and magnetic analyses (Martinez et al., this issue) together with SeaMARC II bathymetry and side-scan data support this interpretation.Based on the tectonic evolution of the Easter microplate, we propose an evolutionary model for the formation of the Pito Rift area, where new tectonic grabens form immediately west of the previous graben and with slightly more counterclockwise orientation. The duration and history of tectonic activity for each graben are not well constrained.  相似文献   
Marine magnetic data extracted from the geophysical database of the SHOM (the French Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service) offer a first overview of the magnetic offshore environment in the Gulf of Saint-Malo (Brittany, France). Their cross-interpretation with available geological and geophysical knowledge provides a new land and sea model of the western part of the Late Proterozoic North Armorican Cadomian belt. In particular, marine data exhibit relatively intense and heterogeneous magnetic signatures, mainly interpreted as the offshore prolongation of plutonic, volcanic, and metamorphic geologic formations recognized onshore. Imprints of major faults well known on land can be inferred at sea from discontinuities and shifting of magnetic anomalies or followed by high-resolution bathymetry. An impressive and dense dolerite dyke swarm propagated on more than 50 km from the coast seaward. Dykes are characterized by both 1-km-deep and less than 50-m-deep superficial magnetic responses, suggesting the existence of deeply rooted super dykes to which individual small-scale structures are connected.  相似文献   
The mineral magnetic properties of Pleistocene aeolian dune sands from the island of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain) were studied in order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental evolution of Pleistocene climates during their formation. The palaeodunes on Fuerteventura mainly consist of carbonate sands admixed with dust and material of volcanic origin. Due to the low magnetic background caused by the diamagnetic character of carbonate sands, these archives offer a lot of potential for environmental magnetic studies to detect the imprint of dust, volcanic material and paedogenesis. Four sections of alternating palaeosurface–aeolianite sequences in palaeodune fields have been analysed by means of extensive rock magnetic measurements. These Quaternary archives consist of deposits originating from different sources. I. material blown from the shallow shelf, II. material of volcanic origin, and III. long-range transported dust. The rock magnetic findings enable a more detailed interpretation of the palaeosurfaces within the sequences. We are able to differentiate semiquantitatively between the different source materials on one hand and to distinguish on the other hand those from soil-forming processes. Soil formation is only weakly developed in the dust imprints in the palaeosol aeolianite sequences, linked to sparse vegetation cover during the Pleistocene on Fuerteventura.  相似文献   
The Buchan Rift, in northeastern Victoria, is a north–south-trending basin, which formed in response to east–west crustal extension in the Early Devonian. The rift is filled mostly with Lower Devonian volcanic and volcaniclastic rock of the Snowy River Volcanics. Although the structure and geometry of the Buchan Rift and its major bounding faults are well mapped at the surface, a discrepancy exists between the surface distribution of the thickest rift fill and its expected potential field response. To investigate this variation, two new detailed land-based gravity surveys, which span the rift and surrounding basement rocks in an east–west orientation, have been acquired and integrated with pre-existing government data. Qualitative interpretation of the observed magnetic data suggests the highly magnetic rocks of the Snowy River Volcanics have a wider extent at depth than can be mapped at the surface. Forward modelling of both land-based gravity data and aeromagnetic data supports this interpretation. With the Snowy River Volcanics largely confined within the Buchan Rift, resolved geometries also allow for the interpretation of rift boundaries that are wider at depth. These geometries are unusual. Unlike typical basin inversions that involve reactivation of rift-dipping faults, the bounding faults of the Buchan Rift dip away from the rift axis and thus appear unrelated to the preceding rifting episode. Limited inversion of previous extensional rift faults to deform the rift-fill sequences (e.g. Buchan Synclinorium) appears to have been followed by the initiation of new reverse faults in outboard positions, possibly because the relatively strong igneous rift fill began to act as a rigid basement ramp during continued E–W crustal shortening in the Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny. Overthrusting of the rift margins by older sediments and granite intrusions of the adjacent Tabberabbera and Kuark zones narrowed the exposed rift width at surface. This scenario may help explain the steep-sided geometries and geophysical expressions of other rift basins in the Tasmanides and elsewhere, particularly where relatively mechanically strong basin fill is known or suspected.  相似文献   
Analysis of the multi-channel seismic reflection, magnetic and bathymetric data collected along a transect, 1110 km long parallel to 13° N latitude across the Bay of Bengal was made. The transect is from the continental shelf off Madras to the continental slope off Andaman Island in water depths of 525 m to 3350 m and across the Western Basin (bounded by foot of the continental slope of Madras and 85° E Ridge), the 85° E Ridge, the Central Basin (between the 85° E Ridge and the Ninetyeast Ridge), the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda Arc. The study revealed eight seismic sequences, H1 to H8 of parallel continuous to discontinuous reflectors. Considering especially depth to the horizons, nature of reflection and on comparison with the published seismic reflection results of Currayet al. (1982), the early Eocene (P) and Miocene (M) unconformities and the base of the Quaternary sediments (Q) are identified on the seismic section. Marked changes in velocities also occur at their boundaries.In the Western Basin the acoustic basement deepening landward is inferred as a crystalline basement overlain by about 6.7 km of sediment. In the Central Basin possibly thicker sediments than in the Western Basin are estimated. The sediments in the Sunda Arc area are relatively thick and appears to have no distinct horizons. But the entire sedimentary section appears to be consisting of folded and possibly faulted layers.The comparatively broader wavelength magnetic anomalies of the Central Basin also indicate deeper depth of their origin. Very prominent double humped feature of the 85° E Ridge and broad basement swell of the Ninetyeast Ridge are buried under about 2.8 km thick sediments except over the prominent basement high near 92° E longitude. The positive structural relief of the buried 85° E Ridge in the area is reflected in magnetic signature of about 450 nT amplitude. Flexural bulge of the 85° E Ridge and subsidence of the Ninetyeast Ridge about 24 cm my–1 rate since early Eocene period have been inferred from the seismic sequence analysis.  相似文献   
Intense rainfall following wildfire can cause substantial soil and sediment redistribution. With concern for the increasing magnitude and frequency of wildfire events, research needs to focus on hydrogeomorphological impacts of fire, particularly downstream fluxes of sediment and nutrients. Here, we investigate variation in magnetic enhancement of soil by fire in burnt eucalypt forest slopes to explore its potential as a post‐fire sediment tracer. Low‐frequency magnetic susceptibility values (χlf) of <10 µm material sourced from burnt slopes (c. 8·0–10·4 × 10?6 m3 kg?1) are an order of magnitude greater than those of <10 µm material derived from long‐unburnt areas (0·8 × 10?6 m3 kg?1). Susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (χARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) values are similarly enhanced. Signatures are strongly influenced by soil and sediment particle size and storage of previously burnt material in footslope areas. Whilst observations indicate that signatures based on magnetic enhancement show promise for post‐fire sediment tracing, problems arise with the lack of dimensionality in such data. Magnetic grain size indicators χfd%, χARM/SIRM and χfd/χARM offer further discrimination of source material but cannot be included in numerical unmixing models owing to non‐linear additivity. This leads to complications in quantitatively ascribing downstream sediment to source areas of contrasting burn severity since sources represent numerical multiples of each other, indicating the need to involve additional indicators, such as geochemical evidence, to allow a more robust discrimination. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Aerogeophysical and seismological data from a geophysical survey in the interior of East Antarctica were used to develop a conceptual tectonic model for the Lake Vostok region. The model is constrained using three independent data sets: magnetic, seismic, and gravimetric. A distinct change in the aeromagnetic anomaly character across Lake Vostok defines a crustal boundary. Depth to magnetic basement estimates image a 400-km-wide and more than 10-km-deep sedimentary basin west of the lake. Analysis of teleseismic earthquakes suggests a relatively thin crust beneath Lake Vostok consistent with predictions from kinematic and flexural gravity modelling. Magnetic, gravity, and subglacial topography data reveal a tectonic boundary within East Antarctica. Based on our kinematic and flexural gravity modelling, this tectonic boundary appears to be the result of thrust sheet emplacement onto an earlier passive continental margin. No data presently exist to date directly either the timing of passive margin formation or the subsequent shortening phase. The preserved thrust sheet thickness is related to the thickness of the passive margin crust. Because a significant amount of time is required to erode the thrust sheet topography, we suggest that these tectonic events are Proterozoic in age. Minor normal reactivation of the thrust sheet offers a simple mechanism to explain the formation of the Lake Vostok Basin. A low level of seismicity exists in the vicinity of this tectonic boundary. The existence of a crustal boundary in the Antarctic interior provides new constraints on the Proterozoic architecture of the East Antarctic craton.  相似文献   
The Transantarctic Mountains are a major geologic boundary that bisects the Antarctic continent, separating the low-lying, tectonically active terrains of West Antarctica from the East Antarctic craton. A new comprehensive aerogeophysical data set, extending 1150 km from the Ross Sea into the interior of East Antarctica provides insights into the complex structure inland of the Transantarctic Mountains. Geophysical maps, compiled from 21 000 km of gravity, magnetic and subglacial topography data, outline the boundaries of several geologic and tectonic segments within the survey area. The coherent pattern in magnetic data and mesa topography suggests a subglacial extent of the Transantarctic Mountains 400–500 km inland the last exposed rock outcrops. We estimate the maximum thickness of a potential sediment infill in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin to be less than 1 km, based on gravity modeling and source depth estimates from magnetic data. The coherent nature of the potential field and topography data, together with the northwest–southeast trends, define the Adventure Subglacial Trench and the Resolution Subglacial Highlands as a tectonic unit. The crustal structure and the strong similarity of the observed gravity with fold-and-thrust belts suggest a compressional scenario for the origin of the Adventure Subglacial Trench and the Resolution Subglacial Highlands. The complexity and apparent structural control of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin raise the issue of what influence pre-existing structures may have played in the formation of the Transantarctic Mountains system. The previous hypothesis of a thermal boundary beneath the mountains is difficult to reconcile with our new gravity data. The apparent difficulties to match our new data with certain key aspects of previous models suggests that a reassessment of the existing uplift models is necessary. We have modeled the prominent gravity anomaly over the Transantarctic Mountains with thicker crust.  相似文献   
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