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Magmas often contain multiple interacting phases of embedded solid and gas inclusions. Multiphase percolation theory provides a means of modeling assemblies of these different classes of magmatic inclusions in a simple, yet powerful way. Like its single phase counterpart, multiphase percolation theory describes the connectivity of discrete inclusion assemblies as a function of phase topology. In addition, multiphase percolation employs basic laws to distinguish separate classes of objects and is characterized by its dependency on the order in which the different phases appear. This paper examines two applications of multiphase percolation theory: the first considers how the presence of bubble inclusions influences yield stress onset and growth in a magma's crystal network; the second examines the effect of bi-modal bubble-size distributions on magma permeability. We find that the presence of bubbles induces crystal clustering, thereby 1) reducing the percolation threshold, or critical crystal volume fraction, ?c, at which the crystals form a space-spanning network providing a minimum yield stress, and 2) resulting in a larger yield stress for a given crystal volume fraction above ?c. This increase in the yield stress of the crystal network may also occur when crystal clusters are formed due to processes other than bubble formation, such as heterogeneous crystallization, synneusis, and heterogeneity due to deformation or flow. Further, we find that bimodal bubble size distributions can significantly affect the permeability of the system beyond the percolation threshold. This study thus demonstrates that larger-scale structures and topologies, as well as the order in which different phases appear, can have significant effects on macroscopic properties in multiphase materials.  相似文献   
We present a semi-analytic treatment of galactic winds within high-resolution, large-scale cosmological N -body simulations of a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe. The evolution of winds is investigated by following the expansion of supernova-driven superbubbles around the several hundred thousand galaxies that form in an approximately spherical region of space with diameter 52  h −1 Mpc and mean density close to the mean density of the universe. We focus our attention on the impact of winds on the diffuse intergalactic medium. Initial conditions for mass loss at the base of winds are taken from Shu, Mo & Mao. Results are presented for the volume filling factor and the mass fraction of the intergalactic medium (IGM) affected by winds, and their dependence on the model parameters is carefully investigated. The mass-loading efficiency of bubbles is a key factor to determine the evolution of winds and their global impact on the IGM: the higher the mass loading, the later the IGM is enriched with metals. Galaxies with 109 < M < 1010 M are responsible for most of the metals ejected into the IGM at   z = 3  , while galaxies with   M < 109 M   give a non-negligible contribution only at higher redshifts, when larger galaxies have not yet assembled. We find a higher mean IGM metallicity than Lyα forest observations suggest, and we argue that the discrepancy may be explained by the high temperatures of a large fraction of the metals in winds, which may not leave detectable imprints in absorption in the Lyα forest.  相似文献   
通过对西藏海拔最高、面积最大湖泊-纳木错周缘湖相沉积、湖岸堤的野外调查和湖岸阶地的水准测量,发现在纳木错沿岸拔湖48m以下,发育有6级湖岸阶地,拔湖48~139.2m发育有高位湖相沉积。湖相沉积物的同位素测年结果表明,纳木错湖泊发育与藏北高原东南部古大湖演化可划分为3个阶段:①116~37kaB.P.间的古大湖期;②37~30kaB.P.间的外流湖期;③30kaB.P.以来的纳木错期。根据纳木错晚更新世以来湖相沉积中粘土矿物的X光衍射分析结果,以及采用比值法、高岭石法和衍射峰法的研究,探讨了粘土矿物所显示的环境变化信息。粘土矿物成分变化表明,该区已具备了寒温带干旱、半干旱区的气候环境特征。为研究青藏高原的湖泊演化、气候变化、古地理变迁及其隆升过程等提供了新资料。   相似文献   
在全球陆地大气水分亏缺(VPD)已经增加、并将持续增强的背景下,新疆大气环境是否趋于干旱化值得探讨。利用1961—2020年地面气象观测资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验等方法,研究了新疆VPD的分布及时空演变特征。结果表明:(1)近60 a来新疆VPD整体呈现显著增加趋势,增幅为0.015 kPa·(10a)-1。VPD在2005年发生突变,突变前为弱波动变化,突变后呈增加趋势。(2)各季节VPD均以增势为主,其中春、夏季增幅较大,冬季增幅最小。春、秋季VPD突变特征与年变化较为一致,夏季略晚(2006年出现突变)。(3)空间分布上,VPD呈现“山区低、盆地高”的鲜明格局。时空演变分析表明,全疆大范围地区(近83.65%的气象站点)VPD呈增势变化,而VPD呈下降趋势的站点多分布在天山山脉东段的北麓以及南疆盆地的北、西北缘。季节尺度上,春季VPD呈增势变化的站点数占比最高(96.15%),是新疆大气水分胁迫范围最广的时段,而冬季大气水汽含量相较稳定。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionAccordingtogeologicalstructure ,theGansu Ningxia Qinghaiareabelongstothenortheastmar ginofQinghai Tibetblock .Thisareahasbeenpaidmuchattentionby geo specialistsinChinaandabroadbecauseofitssignificanttectonicmovement,itsintensiveseismicity ,anditsimportanceinearth quakehazardmitigation .IntheDevelopmentPro gramonNationalKeyBasicResearchesundertheProject“MechanismandPredictionofContinentalStrongEarthquakes”,themechanismsofcontinen talstrongearthquakesarestudied ,usinghypo…  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东部热力作用的期次和特点   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
盆地深部由于地球内蕴藏的巨大热源和岩石圈放射性元素蜕变热构成的热能,可通过多种热传导方式释放,如岩浆类热流物质向地壳浅部或近地表上部传递热力形成地热异常和热力作用。鄂尔多斯盆地东部晋西挠褶带热力作用发育具有与华北板块早白垩世发生的重要构造转换和岩石圈减薄事件等背景相关,深部岩浆侵入和热力作用事件的发生可使该区地下深处形成许多隐伏的中深成侵入岩或浅成-喷发相岩体及其伴随的热力构造。早白垩世这次强烈的构造热力变动伴有盆地东翼大面积的抬升隆起、吕梁断隆带的翘倾、离石断裂带和晋西挠褶带及西倾大斜坡的形成。以紫金山碱性杂岩体为代表的岩浆热力作用表现为一个多期形成的岩筒、岩床状碱性侵入体,地球化学特点是富碱、Fe,贫Mg;稀土元素含量高,无Eu异常;表现出岩浆侵入有明显的两组方向和多期多阶段侵入或喷发,可侵入到二叠纪—三叠纪地层中。盆地东部火成岩同位素测年数据统计岩浆-热力作用高峰期在110~150Ma。挑选紫金山碱性杂岩体3件单颗粒锆石样数百粒,进行U-Pb同位素SHRIMP测年,其中17组锆石样年龄在125~132Ma,相当于早白垩世。与华北地区早白垩世较普遍的构造热事件具有一致性。此外,还发现有早期(石炭纪—二叠纪)岩浆热力作用事件。构造演化分析显示多期多阶段热力作用特点。鄂尔多斯盆地东部热力作用对盆地油气煤铀多种能源成矿成藏富集研究与勘探评价具有重要意义。  相似文献   
In hierarchical models, where spheroidal galaxies are primarily produced via a continuous merging of disc galaxies, the number of intrinsically red systems at faint limits will be substantially lower than in 'traditional' models where the bulk of star formation was completed at high redshifts. In this paper we analyse the optical–near-infrared colour distribution of a large flux-limited sample of field spheroidal galaxies identified morphologically from archival Hubble Space Telescope data. The I 814− HK ' colour distribution for a sample jointly limited at I 814<23 mag and HK '<19.5 mag is used to constrain their star formation history. We compare visual and automated methods for selecting spheroidals from our deep HST images and, in both cases, detect a significant deficit of intrinsically red spheroidals relative to the predictions of high-redshift monolithic-collapse models. However, the overall space density of spheroidals (irrespective of colour) is not substantially different from that seen locally. Spectral synthesis modelling of our results suggests that high-redshift spheroidals are dominated by evolved stellar populations polluted by some amount of subsidiary star formation. Despite its effect on the optical–infrared colour, this star formation probably makes only a modest contribution to the overall stellar mass. We briefly discuss the implications of our results in the context of earlier predictions based on models where spheroidals assemble hierarchically.  相似文献   
塔里木河流域的水文特性在过去几十年内发生了深刻变化,源流的年径流总体增加,而干流发生量级洪水的频次与洪峰流量也有显著增长,干流防洪压力不断增长。通过从洪水传播时间、削峰率、耗水率三个方面对塔里木河干流上游(肖夹克-英巴扎)分河段展开系统分析,揭示了干流上游洪水传播的一般规律;在此基础上构建了一维水沙演进的数学模型,模型通过2010年洪水验证后,模拟了2017年干流洪水演进过程,模拟结果精度较高,显示了该数学模型的合理性和广阔的应用前景。研究成果不但从科学上揭示了中亚代表性内陆多沙河流的洪水特性,对于塔里木河干流的防洪管理与洪水资源化利用也有重要意义。  相似文献   
鞍山陈台沟地区出露有大量太古宙花岗质岩石和变质层状岩系,是研究太古代地壳形成与演化的经典地区之一。通过对该区岩石单元、构造特征研究,较系统地划分了岩石单元,具体分析了各单元组构及构造变形特征。细粒奥长花岗质糜棱岩、似斑状花岗质糜棱岩和中--细粒花岗质片麻岩具有古太古代花岗质岩石的特点,共同经历地壳中--深部层次的韧性变形改造。细粒奥长花岗岩为中太古代岩浆事件的产物,表现为非透入性的变形方式和部分韧--脆性形变组构。鞍山群层状变质岩石主要记录了新太古代中--浅部地壳层次的强烈变形事件。中粗粒白云母花岗岩就位,标志早期不同的构造变形作用在新太古代末期基本结束。在此基础上,讨论了本区太古宙地壳的形成与演化过程。  相似文献   
秦岭勉略缝合带组成与古洋盆演化   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
秦岭勉略构造带是典型的蛇绿构造混杂岩带,带内组成复杂、变形强烈,其主导构造样式表现为以系列北倾逆冲断层为格架,不同岩片推覆叠置的叠瓦状构造。详细的组成及构造研究表明,缝合带由洋盆形成演化不同阶段、不同性质的陆缘沉积岩系、不同类型蛇绿岩以及洋盆俯冲-碰撞造山过程中以不同方式出露的构造岩块组成,同时区域地层对比表明勉略古洋盆形成过程具有自西而东“剪刀式”打开扩展的性质与特点。  相似文献   
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