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徐进军 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》1997,22(4):355-357
综合分析和比较了自回归模型和回归模型的特点,提出了采用线性综合模型来预报崩滑体变形的思想,以弥补自回归模型或回归模型预报的不足。实测资料的处理结果表明,综合线性模型具有特别的适用性。 相似文献
Aref M.O.AL-JABALI Abdo S.AL-MAQTARY Hussein AL-AKHALI Mohammed HAZAEA Fadel AL-AGHBARI 《东北亚地学研究》2009,(1)
According to topography of Yemen,most areas and villages are located at obligated crest,toe of mountain and under cliffs.Therefore Al-Huwayshah consisting of Tawilah sandstone group is characterized by steep slope reach to 90° in some areas.This area is affected by strong tectonic movements and faults that occurred during the geological epochs.This effect enhances to find out fractures and joints as well as the rocks become brittle and ready to slide depending on the position of area.And there are some frac... 相似文献
中国西部地区典型岩质滑坡机理研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
本文根据作者在中国西部地区多年的研究工作实践,对几类典型的大型岩质斜坡变形及失稳机理进行了较为深入的分析,重点阐述了这些大型滑坡形成的地质条件、斜坡变形过程及发生机理的"概念模型",其中包括滑移-拉裂-剪断的三段式模式、挡墙溃决模式、"超级强夯"模式等.这些机理及模式的提出,对这一地区的防灾减灾实践具有一定的指导意义. 相似文献
结合河北省太行山区阜长公路滑坡整治工程,利用工程物探、地质钻探等综合勘察手段,分析了某小型滑坡的发生发展机理,明确了该滑坡属牵引-外扩式浅层碎石类滑坡。本着经济、技术可行的整治原则,提出了采用竖向预应力锚杆挡墙整治滑坡技术措施。该方法利用锚固于地基中的锚杆对墙体施加的竖向预应力平衡滑坡体的下滑力,以达到减少圬工,降低工程造价的目的。并详细分析了竖向预应力锚杆挡墙的设计思路,介绍了其施工工艺及技术要点。良好的整治效果表明了该方法的有效性,可为同类工程地质灾害整治提供技术支持。 相似文献
本文概述了成都市彭县通济乡境内的龙门山区,1990年8—9月上旬发生的暴雨、山洪、山崩、滑坡泥石流灾害。重点论述通济乡红山村滑坡性质,基本特征,成因及发展趋势,最后提出防治滑坡的初步意见。 相似文献
Brent V. Alloway David J. Lowe David J. A. Barrell Rewi M. Newnham Peter C. Almond Paul C. Augustinus Nancy A. N. Bertler Lionel Carter Nicola J. Litchfield Matt S. McGlone Jamie Shulmeister Marcus J. Vandergoes Paul W. Williams NZ‐INTIMATE members 《第四纪科学杂志》2007,22(1):9-35
It is widely recognised that the acquisition of high‐resolution palaeoclimate records from southern mid‐latitude sites is essential for establishing a coherent picture of inter‐hemispheric climate change and for better understanding of the role of Antarctic climate dynamics in the global climate system. New Zealand is considered to be a sensitive monitor of climate change because it is one of a few sizeable landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere westerly circulation zone, a critical transition zone between subtropical and Antarctic influences. New Zealand has mountainous axial ranges that amplify the climate signals and, consequently, the environmental gradients are highly sensitive to subtle changes in atmospheric and oceanic conditions. Since 1995, INTIMATE has, through a series of international workshops, sought ways to improve procedures for establishing the precise ages of climate events, and to correlate them with high precision, for the last 30 000 calendar years. The NZ‐INTIMATE project commenced in late 2003, and has involved virtually the entire New Zealand palaeoclimate community. Its aim is to develop an event stratigraphy for the New Zealand region over the past 30 000 years, and to reconcile these events against the established climatostratigraphy of the last glacial cycle which has largely been developed from Northern Hemisphere records (e.g. Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Termination I, Younger Dryas). An initial outcome of NZ‐INTIMATE has been the identification of a series of well‐dated, high‐resolution onshore and offshore proxy records from a variety of latitudes and elevations on a common calendar timescale from 30 000 cal. yr BP to the present day. High‐resolution records for the last glacial coldest period (LGCP) (including the LGM sensu stricto) and last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT) from Auckland maars, Kaipo and Otamangakau wetlands on eastern and central North Island, marine core MD97‐2121 east of southern North Island, speleothems on northwest South Island, Okarito wetland on southwestern South Island, are presented. Discontinuous (fragmentary) records comprising compilations of glacial sequences, fluvial sequences, loess accumulation, and aeolian quartz accumulation in an andesitic terrain are described. Comparisons with ice‐core records from Antarctica (EPICA Dome C) and Greenland (GISP2) are discussed. A major advantage immediately evident from these records apart from the speleothem record, is that they are linked precisely by one or more tephra layers. Based on these New Zealand terrestrial and marine records, a reasonably coherent, regionally applicable, sequence of climatically linked stratigraphic events over the past 30 000 cal. yr is emerging. Three major climate events are recognised: (1) LGCP beginning at ca. 28 000 cal. yr BP, ending at Termination I, ca. 18 000 cal. yr BP, and including a warmer and more variable phase between ca. 27 000 and 21 000 cal. yr BP, (2) LGIT between ca. 18 000 and 11 600 cal. yr BP, including a Lateglacial warm period from ca. 14 800 to 13 500 cal. yr BP and a Lateglacial climate reversal between ca. 13 500 and 11 600 cal. yr BP, and (3) Holocene interglacial conditions, with two phases of greatest warmth between ca. 11 600 and 10 800 cal. yr BP and from ca. 6 800 to 6 500 cal. yr BP. Some key boundaries coincide with volcanic tephras. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
阿西克剖面记录的西天山地区黄土磁学性质及古气候意义初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取阿西克剖面作为研究对象,对伊犁地区末次间冰期以来的沉积的黄土地层的磁学特征进行分析。结果发现,伊犁地区黄土地层的磁性矿物有磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿、针铁矿,磁学性质受亚铁磁性的磁铁矿(和磁赤铁矿)控制;MD和PSD是地层中亚铁磁性矿物的主要磁畤状态,随着成壤强度增加,地层中的SP和SD颗粒相对含量逐渐增加;亚铁磁性矿物含量与地层并不完全对应。对磁学参数控制机制的分析表明,本剖面磁学性质受控因素比较复杂,磁性矿物含量主要受控于物源的磁学性质,成壤作用对地层中细粒磁性矿物含量具有很大影响,还原作用可能对底部古土壤层的磁学性质造成一定影响,但对整个剖面的磁学性质影响相对较小。 相似文献
Huu Duy Nguyen;Quoc Huy Nguyen;Quan Vu Viet Du;Viet Thanh Pham;Le Tuan Pham;Thanh Van Hoang;Quang-Hai Truong;Quang-Thanh Bui;Alexandru-Ionut Petrisor; 《Geological Journal》2024,59(2):636-658
Landslides lead to widespread devastation and significant loss of life in mountainous regions around the world. Susceptibility assessments can provide critical data to help decision-makers, for example, local authorities and other organizations, mitigating the landslide risk, although the accuracy of existing studies needs to be improved. This study aims to assess landslide susceptibility in the Thua Thien Hue province of Vietnam using deep neural networks (DNNs) and swarm-based optimization algorithms, namely Adam, stochastic gradient descent (SGD), Artificial Rabbits Optimization (ARO), Tuna Swarm Optimization (TSO), Sand Cat Swarm Optimization (SCSO), Honey Badger Algorithm (HBA), Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The locations of 945 landslides occurring between 2012 and 2022, along with 14 conditioning factors, were used as input data to build the DNN and DNN-hybrid models. The performance of the proposed models was evaluated using the statistical indices receiver operating characteristic curve, area under the curve (AUC), root mean square error, mean absolute error (MAE), R2 and accuracy. All proposed models had a high accuracy of prediction. The DNN-MPA model had the highest AUC value (0.95), followed by DNN-HBA (0.95), DNN-ARO (0.95), DNN-Adam (0.95), DNN-SGD (0.95), DNN-TSO (0.93), DNN-PSO (0.9) and finally DNN-SCSO (0.83). High-precision models have identified that the majority of the western region of Thua Thien Hue province is very highly susceptible to landslides. Models like the aforementioned ones can support decision-makers in updating large-scale sustainable land-use strategies. 相似文献
非连续分布的黄土地层在中国关中平原地区广泛分布,由于其特殊的地层结构,在评价地基湿陷性时自重湿陷量的室内计算值与现场实测值有较大的差异。为此,文章以关中盆地渭河北岸黄土塬地层为研究对象,开展了室内湿陷性试验和现场大型试坑浸水试验,对比了现场与室内湿陷量差异的影响因素。同时在结合数值计算的基础上,分析了现场浸水试验的渗流特征。研究结果显示:场地现场试验和室内试验的自重湿陷量比值小于0.1,产生此差异的原因包括黄土地层的非连续性和不均匀性、室内试验的取样扰动因素以及现场试验的浸水条件差异;黄土的非连续性形成的层拱效应是造成室内试验与现场试验差异的主要原因,其削弱了部分向上传递的变形、阻碍了向下传递的自重应力,同时造成渗流过程的不连续;计算自重湿陷量时,可采用根据地层时代分层的计算方法,该方法可为该地区未来的工程建设提供理论指导。 相似文献