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Applicability of log-Gumbel (LG) and log-logistic (LL) probability distributions in hydrological studies is critically examined under real conditions, where the assumed distribution differs from the true one. The set of alternative distributions consists of five two-parameter distributions with zero lower bound, including LG and LL as well as lognormal (LN), linear diffusion analogy (LD) and gamma (Ga) distributions. The log-Gumbel distribution is considered as both a false and a true distribution. The model error of upper quantiles and of the first two moments is analytically derived for three estimation methods: the method of moments (MOM), the linear moments method (LMM) and the maximum likelihood method (MLM). These estimation methods are used as methods of approximation of one distribution by another distribution. As recommended in the first of this two-part series of papers, MLM turns out to be the worst method, if the assumed LG or LL distribution is not the true one. It produces a huge bias of upper quantiles, which is at least one order higher than that of the other two methods. However, the reverse case, i.e. acceptance of LN, LD or Ga as a hypothetical distribution, while the LG or LL distribution is the true one, gives the MLM bias of reasonable magnitude in upper quantiles. Therefore, one should avoid choosing the LG and LL distributions in flood frequency analysis, especially if MLM is to be applied.  相似文献   
We conducted a land change analysis to determine if the forest communities of presettlement and present contain areas that are analogous in composition, using surveys of the Holland Land Company (1797–1799) and U.S. Forest Service (1991–1993) from western New York. Gridded forest-type maps are produced from each survey using two models: a uniform model that assumes each data grid cell is occupied by a single forest type, and a mixture model in which grid cells are assumed to be occupied by multiple forest types in different proportions. The mixture model consistently detects a larger area of analogous communities in the two time periods at both global and local scales.  相似文献   
严伯铎 《测绘工程》2001,10(4):45-47
推导了起始数据误差对双点测边交会定点精度影响的估算式,并依此给出顾及起始数据误差的点位精度计算公式。  相似文献   
针对东南沿海地区GNSS大气可降水量(PWV)计算过程参数多、数据量大、效率不高且易产生累积误差等问题,本文基于中国东南沿海地区2017~2018年18个CORS站的GNSS数据,分析GNSS-PWV与对流层延迟(ZTD)、地面气温(Ts)和地面大气压(Ps)之间的线性关系,并利用多元线性拟合方法建立多因子GNSS-PWV直接转换模型,为研究区提供简捷高效的PWV计算方法。结果表明,GNSS-PWV与ZTD、Ps和Ts之间具有良好的相关性,相关系数分别为0.98、-0.65和0.78;基于ZTD、Ps和Ts的多因子PWV模型RMS为0.33 mm,精度最高,明显优于基于ZTD的单因子PWV模型(4.66 mm),而基于ZTD和Ps的双因子PWV模型RMS为0.50 mm。  相似文献   
土地利用现状图的数字化是建立土地利用数据库的主要技术手段之一,图斑作为土地利用现状图的主要要素,其矢量化方法的优化与否不仅关系着整个数据采集的进程,而且还将影响到土地信息系统的稳定与否。文章针对传统的图斑矢量化引起的面域交叉、对象撕裂等问题研究提出了基于弧段的图斑矢量化方法,并通过线状地物与图斑的叠合分析,建立线状地物...  相似文献   
A computational method of energy evaluation is derived to study the elastic responses and energy distribution of actively controlled single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) structures during earthquakes. Contrary to the common perception that applying active control force pumps energy into the structure, the applied control force can actually reduce the energy in the structure by reducing the input energy from earthquakes to the structure. In addition, applying control force can dissipate a large amount of energy in the structure when this control force is applied in the direction opposite to the displacement and velocity responses. To demonstrate this energy mechanism in active controlled structures, the two most popular control algorithms, optimal linear control (OLC) and instantaneous optimal control (IOC) algorithms, are used to calculate the control response and energy spectra. One‐step time delay is incorporated into the algorithms to take into consideration the practical aspect of active control. The effects of different earthquakes and damping ratios on control energy and response spectra are studied. These studies show that both OLC and IOC are very effective in reducing the structural displacement and velocity responses by reducing the input earthquake energy as well as dissipating a large amount of energy in the structure. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于1980年、2005年和2015年3期区域精密水准网观测资料,利用线性动态平差模型计算获取大别山地区水准网长期垂直运动速度场图像。研究发现,淮河平原地表下沉较为严重,大别山呈现弱隆升趋势运动,长江谷地边缘地区较大别山区呈现明显的隆升运动。跨郯庐断裂带水准剖面结果显示,垂直运动与地形呈负相关和弱相关。  相似文献   
利用高光谱数据进行植被生化成分反演方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高光谱数据包含着丰富光谱信息,能够定量地分析物质成分[1]。由高光谱数据,可以运用多元逐步线性回归方法反演植被生化组分含量,从而达到监测植被生长状况的目的[2]。本文具体介绍了多元逐步线性回归方法,及其在氮、木质素和纤维素含量估算中的应用。  相似文献   
中国土壤湿度的时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张蕾  吕厚荃  王良宇  杨冰韵 《地理学报》2016,71(9):1494-1508
基于中国155个农业气象观测站1981-2010年逐旬土壤湿度资料,分析了全国和12个气候区域0~50 cm逐层的土壤湿度时空分布规律,采用趋势分析和Cramér-von Mises(CVM)方法探究了土壤湿度的变化趋势及突变性。结果表明:西南、江淮、东北、江南、江汉、黄淮和华南地区各层土壤湿度均高于全国平均值,内蒙古地区最低;随着深度增加,西南地区土壤湿度增加最明显,仅青藏高原地区土壤湿度减小。不同区域0~50 cm各层土壤湿度年变化和季节变化差异明显,并具有阶段性特征,大部地区深层土壤湿度高于浅层;总体上,新疆、华南、华北、青藏高原、东北、黄淮地区1981-2010年土壤湿度减小趋势显著,其中新疆地区减小最为明显。除江淮地区外,各区域土壤湿度均存在较为明显的年际差异,突变时段主要集中在20世纪80年代后期至90年代初期、90年代后期两个时间段。  相似文献   
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