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针对Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据利用线性回归算法拟合结果不够精确的问题,本文提出了二次多项式回归算法对其进行拟合,二次多项式是指这个多项式的项数超过1,且最高次方数为2。采用二次多项式回归和线性回归算法分别对2015年随机选择的一天和4-6月的AOD数据进行拟合,并将两种方法拟合的结果进行对比分析。研究结果显示,针对同一组Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据的拟合,二次多项式回归方法拟合得到的RMSE、MAE、R值比线性回归拟合方法得到的值精度都要高很多,说明二次多项式回归拟合方法在Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据的拟合方面优于线性回归方法的拟合,证明了二次多项式回归拟合方法适用于此方面的研究,而且能够提升Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据拟合结果的精度。 相似文献
The separation of the influence of nutrients and climate on the varve time-series of baldeggersee, Switzerland 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
The varve data-set from a freeze-core taken in the deepest part of Baldeggersee was subjected to different multivariate statistical
analyses in order to estimate the amount of variance in the varve thickness measures explicable by past climate and by the
trophic state of the lake. A comparison of two different time-periods (1902 to1992 versus 1920 to 1980) revealed that the
lake restoration programme since 1982 has had a significant impact on the formation of the seasonal layers. Results of the
partitioning of the variance in the varve thickness measures showed that about two thirds of the variance are unexplained
by a climate and trophic state model and that trophic state explains 6%, whereas climate accounts for about 28% of the variance
before the effect of lake restoration had a strong impact on the varves. Among the climate parameters the amount of annual
precipitation is a strong predictor for explaining the thickness of both dark layer and total couplet thickness, whereas summer
precipitation is important for the thickness of the light layer. 相似文献
区域可持续与高质量发展需定期监测并科学评估。综合指数评价是应用最为广泛、信息传输效率最高的评估方法。该方法将表征区域发展质量不同侧面的系列指标加权聚合为单个指数,其核心是采用或客观或主观的方式确权。客观确权基于指标的数值统计特性实现,故权重值随指标值而改变,实非“客观”;主观确权能反映决策者智慧,但指标过多时难以实现。学界新提出的基于耦合排序权和熵权法的综合指标法允许决策者确权时仅给出权重排序,但仅支持低维情况(限制为3个指标)。本文在其基础上,借助对偶线性规划推导,使其适用性不再受限于指标数(即实现高维排序权)。同时,对指标的聚合方式进行修改,扩大了算法的适用范围;对熵权法的使用进行修正,增强了算法结果的可解译性。基于推导结果,本文进一步发展出单排序、复排序、全排序3种不同模式下的综合指数计算方法,以满足决策者主观性强、弱、无等不同情况。最后,将算法用于全球可持续发展格局的时空评价分析。本文新发展的算法同时适用于高低不同维度的指数聚合、可兼顾决策者不同层次的主观参与度,具有较强的普适性。 相似文献
利用有理函数模型替代严格传感器模型已经成为当前高分辨率遥感影像通用的数据标准.对于附加有理函数模型系数的线阵CCD遥感影像,提出了一种利用反解有理函数模型实现倾斜像片与水平像片转换方法.其主要原理同传统框幅式倾斜影像与水平影像的转换相似:将倾斜像片上像点投影到物方水平面上;然后在物方水平面上根据原始倾斜像片的地面采样间隔进行重采样,即可获取线阵CCD遥感影像的水平影像.最后通过试验分析比较原始影像和纠正后的倾斜像片,得出关于纠正后线阵CCD卫星遥感影像的几何特性. 相似文献
利用高光谱数据进行植被生化成分反演方法研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
高光谱数据包含着丰富光谱信息,能够定量地分析物质成分[1]。由高光谱数据,可以运用多元逐步线性回归方法反演植被生化组分含量,从而达到监测植被生长状况的目的[2]。本文具体介绍了多元逐步线性回归方法,及其在氮、木质素和纤维素含量估算中的应用。 相似文献
This paper presents the closed‐form solutions for the elastic fields in two bonded rocks induced by rectangular loadings. Each of the two bonded rocks behaves as a transversely isotropic linear elastic solid of semi‐infinite extent. They are completely bonded together at a horizontal surface. The rectangular loadings are body forces along either vertical or horizontal directions and are uniformly applied on a rectangular area. The rectangular area is embedded in the two bonded rocks and is parallel to the horizontal interface. The classical integral transforms are used in the solution formulation, and the elastic solutions are expressed in the forms of elementary harmonic functions for the rectangular loadings. The stresses and displacements in the rocks induced by both the horizontal and vertical body forces are also presented. The numerical results illustrate the important effect of the anisotropic bimaterial properties on the stress and displacement fields. The solutions can be easily implemented for numerical calculations and applied to problems encountered in rock mechanics and engineering. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
台风对海洋叶绿素a浓度影响的定量遥感初探 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
研究台风对海洋水色环境的影响,是目前海洋遥感技术又一应用领域。由于台风期间天气恶劣,遥感资料较少,国际上主要针对个别典型台风,研究其对海表温度、海洋叶绿素a浓度及初级生产力的影响,很少通过遥感资料系统地对这一影响进行定量分析和建模。自2000到2007年,过境中国近海以及西北太平洋海域台风近百次,作者通过系统地分析这期间MODIS,SeaWiFS的3A级叶绿素a浓度数据,结果发现:(1)台风促进了相应海域叶绿素a浓度的大幅增长,总体上平均增长约1.426倍,个别区域在5倍以上,同时,该增长一般延后3~6d,在7~10d后恢复到原来的水平;(2)进一步对这些数据进行一元统计线性回归,发现叶绿素a浓度增长比(Rchl-a)与台风影响因子(Tsub>w)满足如下关系:Rchl-a=0.0012Tsub>w+1.017,其相关系数达0.8;(3)台风期间叶绿素a浓度与无台风时叶绿素a浓度之间有很强的线性关系,其关系满足:Cchl-a=1.2367C0chl-a+0.0636,且相关系数高达0.98。这一初步研究结果对进一步通过遥感手段深入研究台风对海洋水色环境的影响有借鉴意义。 相似文献
Angela Dikou 《Marine Ecology》2009,30(4):405-415
Skeletal linear extension rates of a foliaceous, IndoPacific, skiophilous, heterotrophic, scleractinian Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander 1786) were obtained along a sediment/nutrient load gradient at the southern islands of Singapore. Measurements were made during November 1999– November 2000 using the alizarin red‐S staining technique. Suspended particulate matter concentration (r2adj = 0.76), turbidity (r2adj = 0.59), the organic content of suspended sediments (r2 = 0.50), and nitrite‐nitrate concentration (r2adj = 0.50) were significant predictors of the skeletal linear extension rate of M. ampliata. Maximum linear extension growth rates of M. ampliata (mean ± SD: 1.43 ± 0.67–3.26 ± 0.59 cm·year?1) were comparable to 15‐year‐old accounts at the same research sites, indicating adaptation to low‐light, high‐sediment waters. 相似文献
动态分段技术是交通地理信息系统(GIS-T)中一项重要的线性要素动态显示与分析技术,该文提出了一种时空动态分段模型,使动态分段系统的组成成分融入时态因素,并将属性的时态信息作为属性信息表的字段存储,通过时态地理信息系统技术完成物理段的时态变化。利用统一建模语言(UML)的类图设计方式开发了物理模型,描述了时空动态分段模型中对象之间的关系,并定义了必要的属性和操作;同时基于线性参照系统(LRS)表达空间实体的方法,概括了模型中所涉及到的主要拓扑关系。实验表明,时空动态分段模型弥补其他模型将时空参考分为时间参考和空间参考所产生的不足,而且更明确地将多重属性和物理实体有机结合起来。 相似文献