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A Paleogene accretionary complex, the Mineoka–Setogawa belt is distributed adjacent to the northern portion of the collision zone between Honshu and Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) arcs in central Japan, comprising a mélange of ophiolitic fragments of various sizes. The Eocene-Oligocene plutonic rocks in this belt (gabbro, diorite, and tonalite) have been interpreted as fragments brought from the deep crust beneath the IBM arc through tectonic collisions. The geochemical characteristics of the gabbro and associated basaltic dike are similar to those of the Eocene IBM tholeiitic basalt; thus, the gabbro was likely formed via the crystallization of the Eocene tholeiitic basaltic magmas, which was produced by the partial meltings of a depleted mantle wedge. A comparison with experimental results and geochemical modeling indicates that the tonalite was generated by 10–30% dehydration melting of the gabbro. Actually, Eocene–Oligocene felsic veins, which are coeval with the plutonic rocks, occur in the Mineoka–Setogawa gabbro. Plagioclase crystals in the diorite comprise Ca-rich and -poor parts in a single crystal. Their compositional characteristics are consistent with those of plagioclase in the gabbro and tonalite, respectively. The textures and chemical composition of plagioclase indicate that the diorite was formed by the mixing between mafic and silicic magmas. The whole-rock composition of the diorite also indicates the evidence for the mixing between basaltic magmas which were fractionated to variable degrees and homogeneous silicic magma. The mixing model proposed from the first direct observations of the IBM middle crust exposed on the Mineoka–Setogawa belt is applied to the genesis of the Eocene to present intermediate rocks in the IBM arc. If the continental crust were created at intra-oceanic arc settings such as the IBM arc, the magma mixing model would be one of the most likely mechanisms for the genesis of the continental crust.  相似文献   
利用1958~2006年五营林区的地面资料,采用气候倾向率、累积距平、信噪比等气候统计方法,研究了近49a五营气候的变化趋势、气候突变和异常年份等。结果表明:五营林区近49a气候明显变暖,雪季升温较雨季快。降水量异常的年份增加,年降水量呈显著减少的趋势,-22.44mm/10a。前后10a降水中心生了明显的时空变化。雨季降水日数、年平均气温分别在1974年、1987年发生了气候突变。  相似文献   
介绍了沉积层速度-深度线性模型的原理及其基本特点,利用沿南海海盆深水区一条多道地震剖面解释的速度谱资料,将沉积层速度-深度线性模型应用于该剖面解释数据的时深转换中,建立了与之相关的一整套工作流程,整个流程实现了可视化,并考虑了沉积地层速度的横向变化,为地震剖面的地质解释提供了直观且更为可靠的素材。最后,分别从理论和实践角度分析探讨了该时深转换模型的应用前景和局限性,借此为后续研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   
A stochastic two-dimensional Fornasini-Marchesini's Model Ⅱ (2-D FMM Ⅱ) with multiplicative noise is given,and a filtering algorithm for this model, which is optimal in the sense of linear minimum-variance, is developed. The stochastic 2-D FMM Ⅱ with multiplicative noise can be reduced to a 1-D model, and the proposed optimal filtering algorithm for the stochastic 2-D FMM Ⅱ with multiplicative noise is obtained by using the state estimation theory of 1-D systems. An example is given to illustrate the validity of this algorithm.  相似文献   
The Pliocene to possibly Pleistocene uppermost Orubadi and Era Formations, southwest margin of the Papuan Peninsula, are interpreted as having been deposited in alluvial-fan, fan-delta and shallow-marine environments. The alluvial-fan facies consists primarily of lenticular, coarse-grained conglomerate (up to 2 m boulders) and cross-bedded and horizontally laminated sandstone. Conglomerate and sandstone were deposited in shallow fluvial channels and by overbank sheetfloods. The facies also contains thick mudflow diamictite and minor tuff and terrestrial mudstone. The shallow-marine and fan-delta facies, in contrast, consists of heterogeneously interbedded marine and terrestrial mudstone, sandstone, diamictite, conglomerate and limestone. Marine mudstone is calcareous, sandy, bioturbated, and contains marine shells. Limestone is mostly packstone that has a varied, open-marine fauna. Rare coral boundstone is also present. Marine sandstone is burrowed to bioturbated and is hummocky cross-stratified in places. Some marine mudstone contains sandstone pillows formed by loading of unconsolidated sand by storm waves. Other sandstone in the fan-delta facies is cross-bedded, lacks shells and was probably deposited by fluvial processes. Several conglomerate beds in the fan-delta facies are well sorted and imbricated and were also deposited by stream floods. The synorogenic Orubadi and Era Formations were deposited in a foreland basin formed from loading of the Papuan–Aure Fold and Thrust Belt on the edge of the Australian craton. Deformation in the fold and thrust belt was probably related to docking and compression of the Finisterre Terrane–Bismarck Arc against the New Guinea Orogen. The Era Formation interfingers with the reefal Wedge Hill Limestone in which reef facies likely grew on a deforming anticline. Era Formation siliciclastics were sourced from volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks that were uplifted in the orogen to the northeast. Volcanic sediment was derived mostly from a then-active volcanic arc likely related to southward subduction at the Trobriand Trough.  相似文献   
The Katherina ring complex (KRC) in the central part of south Sinai, Egypt, is a typical ring complex of late Neoproterozoic age (605–580 Ma). It was developed during the final tectono-magmatic stage of the north Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) during evolution of the Pan-African crust. The KRC includes Katherina volcanics, subvolcanic bodies, ring dykes and Katherina granitic pluton. The Katherina volcanics represent the earliest stage of the KRC, which was subsequently followed by emplacement of the subvolcanic bodies and ring dykes. The Katherina granitic pluton depicts as the latest evolution stage of the KRC that intruded all the early formed rock units in the concerned area. The Katherina volcanics are essentially composed of rhyolites, ignimbrite, volcanic breccia and tuffs. Mineralogically, the peralkaline rhyolites contain sodic amphiboles and aegirine. The rhyolite whole rock chemistry has acmite-normative character. The subvolcanic bodies of the KRC are represented by peralkaline microgranite and porphyritic quartz syenite. The ring dykes are semicircular in shape and consist mainly of quartz syenite, quartz trachyte and trachybasalt rock types. The Katherina subvolcanic rocks, volcanic rocks as well as the ring dykes are alkaline or/and peralkaline in nature. The alkaline granitic pluton forms the inner core of the KRC, including the high mountainous areas of G. Abbas Pasha, G. Bab, G. Katherina and G. Musa. These mountains are made up of alkaline syenogranite and alkali feldspar granite. The mantle signature recorded in the KRC indicates a juvenile ANS crust partial melting process for the generation of this system. The evolution of the KRC rocks is mainly dominated by crystal fractionation and crustal contamination. Mineral geothermometry points to the high temperature character of the KRC, up to 700–1100 °C.  相似文献   
针对地震仪器记录的地磁数据存在单点缺失和连续多点缺失而不利于地震数据处理和地震预报的问题,同时为了快速处理非震异常值,本文提出将时间序列自回归移动平均(ARMA)预测模型用于地磁数据插值处理,并与均值插值、线性插值进行对比分析。结果表明,均值插值、线性插值和 ARMA 模型单点缺失的平均标准误差分别为 0.110 2、0.006 9 和 0.000 1,连续多点缺失的平均标准误差分别为 0.258 23、0.194 2 和 0.004 86,说明 ARMA 模型在单点缺失和连续多点缺失时均具有较低标准误差,且能很好地保持实际观测序列的曲线形态,插值效果较好,有望成为地磁数据序列处理的一种新方法。  相似文献   
As the Mississippi River plays a major role in fulfilling various water demands in North America, accurate prediction of river flow and sediment transport in the basin is crucial for undertaking both short‐term emergency measures and long‐term management efforts. To this effect, the present study investigates the predictability of river flow and suspended sediment transport in the basin. As most of the existing approaches that link water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load possess certain limitations (absence of consensus on linkages), this study employs an approach that presents predictions of a variable based on history of the variable alone. The approach, based on non‐linear determinism, involves: (1) reconstruction of single‐dimensional series in multi‐dimensional phase‐space for representing the underlying dynamics; and (2) use of the local approximation technique for prediction. For implementation, river flow and suspended sediment transport variables observed at the St. Louis (Missouri) station are studied. Specifically, daily water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load data are analysed for their predictability and range, by making predictions from one day to ten days ahead. The results lead to the following conclusions: (1) extremely good one‐day ahead predictions are possible for all the series; (2) prediction accuracy decreases with increasing lead time for all the series, but the decrease is much more significant for suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load; and (3) the number of mechanisms dominantly governing the dynamics is three for each of the series. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A distributed physically-based model describing coupled surface–subsurface flows is applied to an instrumented catchment to investigate the links between runoff generation processes and the dynamics of saturated areas. The spatial characterization of the system is obtained through geophysical measurements and in situ observations. The model is able to reproduce the dynamics of the system through the calibration of only few parameters with a clear physical interpretation, providing a solid basis for our numerical investigations. Such investigations demonstrate the important control exerted by surface topography on the time evolution of saturated area patterns, mainly mediated by topographic curvature, that dictates both the dominant streamflow generation process at the local scale and the connection-disconnection dynamics of saturated areas. The relation between hillslope water storage and streamflow, Q = f(V), is shown to be highly hysteretical and dependent on the mean saturation of the catchment: higher degrees of saturation tend to yield one-to-one relationships between streamflow and water storage. On the contrary, streamflow-water storage relations are importantly affected by the specific configuration of saturated areas connected to the outlet when the system is far from complete saturation. This observation contradicts common assumptions of a one-to-one relationship Q = f(V) often used to justify widely observed power-law Q vs. dQ/dt recession curves. Furthermore, even when Q = f(V) becomes unique at high degrees of saturation, no power-law form emerged in our runs, speculatively because of the small size of the catchment formed by a single incision and the corresponding hillslope.  相似文献   

Transfer function models of the rainfall–runoff relationship with various complexities are developed to investigate the hydrological behaviour of a tropical peat catchment that has undergone continuous drainage for a long time. The study reveals that a linear transfer function model of order one and noise term of ARIMA (1,0,0) best represents the monthly rainfall–runoff relationship of a drained peat catchment. The best-fitted transfer function model is capable of illustrating the cumulative hydrological effects of the catchment when subjected to drainage. Transfer function models of daily rainfall–runoff relationships for each year of the period 1983–1993 are also developed to decipher the changes in hydrological behaviour of the catchment due to drainage. The results show that the amount of rain water temporarily stored in the peat soil decreased and the catchment has become more responsive to rainfall over the study period.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Katimon, A., Shahid, S., Abd Wahab, A.K., and Shabri, A., 2013. Hydrological behaviour of a drained agricultural peat catchment in the tropics. 2: Time series transfer function modelling approach. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1310–1325.  相似文献   
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