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黄强兵  彭建兵  邓亚虹  范文 《岩土力学》2010,31(9):2882-2888
基于西安地裂缝成因、基本特征和未来活动趋势分析,通过几何缩比为1:5的地裂缝活动模型试验和地裂缝活动对盾构隧道影响的数值模拟计算,研究了西安地铁2号线隧道正交穿越地裂缝带的设防参数。通过分析地裂缝年平均活动速率和历史最大活动量,确定了与地铁2号线相交的各条地裂缝的最大垂直位移量的预测值和设计建议值。模型试验和数值模拟结果表明,正交条件下地铁隧道在地裂缝活动地段的设防宽度为60 m,即上盘为35 m,下盘为25 m;沿隧道纵向地裂缝两侧地层变形规律呈现台阶状突变变形,隧道纵向设计可将上盘视为整体下降来考虑;地铁隧道穿越地裂缝带必须分段设缝以适应地裂缝的变形,其分段长度在地裂缝主影响区按10 m进行设防,在一般影响区可按10~15 m进行分段设防。研究结果可为地铁隧道穿越地裂缝带的结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   
The proper identification and removal of outliers in the combination of rates of vertical displacements derived from GPS, tide gauges/satellite altimetry, and GRACE observations is presented. Outlier detection is a necessary pre-screening procedure in order to ensure reliable estimates of stochastic properties of the observations in the combined least-squares adjustment (via rescaling of covariance matrices) and to ensure that the final vertical motion model is not corrupted and/or distorted by erroneous data. Results from this study indicate that typical data snooping methods are inadequate in dealing with these heterogeneous data sets and their stochastic properties. Using simulated vertical displacement rates, it is demonstrated that a large variety of outliers (random scattered and adjacent, as well as jointly influential) can be dealt with if an iterative re-weighting least-squares adjustment is combined with a robust median estimator. Moreover, robust estimators are efficient in areas weakly constrained by the data, where even high quality observations may appear to be erroneous if their estimates are largely influenced by outliers. Four combined models for the vertical motion in the region of the Great Lakes are presented. The computed vertical displacements vary between  − 2 mm/year (subsidence) along the southern shores and 3 mm/year (uplift) along the northern shores. The derived models provide reliable empirical constraints and error bounds for postglacial rebound models in the region.  相似文献   
This paper presents a dynamic fully coupled formulation for saturated and unsaturated soils that undergo large deformations based on material point method. Governing equations are applied to porous material while considering it as a continuum in which the pores of the solid skeleton are filled with water and air. The accuracy of the developed method is tested with available experimental and numerical results. The developed method has been applied to investigate the failure and post‐failure behaviour of rapid landslides in unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using two different bedrock geometries that lie below the top soil. The models show different failure and post‐failure mechanisms depending on the bedrock geometry and highlight the negative effects of continuous rain infiltrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
龙平  王观石  胡世丽 《岩土力学》2015,36(6):1807-1814
利用傅里叶级数计算任意函数形式的弹性纵波垂直通过非线性结构面的透射波和反射波的速度波形。采用双曲模型描述结构面的变形特性,基于位移不连续模型,结合波振面处动量守恒定律,推导了弹性纵波垂直通过非线性结构面的基本方程。假设应力波在含结构面岩体中传播时,结构面的存在不改变应力波波形函数的最小正周期,运用傅里叶级数理论和周期延拓方法,得到了任意函数形式的弹性纵波垂直入射时透射波和反射波速度波形的傅里叶级数解,并验证了傅里叶级数解是合理的。利用傅里叶级数解,分析了单一频率的正弦谐波入射至结构面时,透射波中各阶谐波的振幅和相位与谐波阶数的关系。研究结果表明,各阶谐波的振幅与阶数呈负指数关系衰减,前7阶谐波振幅的衰减指数为谐波阶数的二次函数,当谐波阶数大于7时,衰减指数为谐波阶数的一次函数;各阶谐波的相位与谐波阶数呈线性关系。  相似文献   
针对大溶洞或裂缝漏失,利用研究的拦截式堵漏工具将堵漏浆拦截在一定位置,对大裂缝漏失地层、溶洞性漏失地层进行有效封堵,从而解决该类恶性漏失问题,提高钻探施工质量和钻探效率,降低钻探成本,为钻探工程特种漏失堵漏提供新途径。  相似文献   
基坑支护形成与边坡位移的相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过一超深基坑工程案例,根据现场监测数据探讨了复合土钉、灌注桩-锚杆等支护形式与基坑边坡位移的相关性.分析表明,对于复合土钉支护,加强对开挖浅层土时基坑边坡位移的控制(如在基坑浅部加大土钉长度、减小间距或较早设置预应力锚杆并加大其长度),对于有效控制基坑开挖过程中的边坡位移及其发展态势具有重要意义.工程实践表明,在严格的保证施工质量条件下复合土钉支护结构可以应用于挖深超过18m的深基坑工程中。  相似文献   
DB16智能大型岩土工程无损检测仪及其应用   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
介绍一种智能大型岩土工程无损检测仪及其应用。该仪器以大功率稀土超磁致伸缩换能器作震源,以与计算机并行接口连接的高速数据传输的16通道DB16数据采集系统进行声波采集,以高灵敏度的低频压电陶瓷(PZT)换能器作接收,用声波层析成像(CT)技术进行数据处理,检测结果用彩色等高图表示。该仪器从参数的设置到数据的采集、保存、CT数据的处理、CT成像等全在一专用软件中完成,操作方便快捷。给出了利用本仪器对某大型水库的泄流深孔挑流鼻坎混凝土浇注质量无损检测的应用实例。  相似文献   
螺旋桩基础抗拔试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异型的桩体几何形式增加了抗拔螺旋桩的桩土相互作用复杂性,抗拔试验研究有利于了解螺旋桩基础的承载机制和影响因素。通过16次原型桩抗拔试验,实测了单桩上拔荷载-位移曲线(U-Z曲线),该曲线表现出多拐点、渐进型特点,采用单位荷载的桩顶位移变化率、桩顶位移增量以及结合地基变形特征的方法判定了3种桩型的抗拔极限荷载。用U-Z曲线、lgU-Z曲线和P/Pu-Z曲线初步分析了桩体埋深、深宽比、首层叶片埋置深度以及叶片距宽比等参数对螺旋桩基础抗拔承载性状的影响。试验表明,抗拔螺旋桩的埋深、首层叶片埋置深度和叶片距宽比存在临界点,影响桩土的工作性状和破坏模式。  相似文献   
Runoff and precipitation scaling with respect to drainage area is analyzed for large river basins of the world, those with mean annual runoff in excess of 10 k3/yr. The usefulness of the specific runoff (runoff per unit drainage area, m/yr) to categorize runoff scaling laws across the complete spectrum of climatic and hydrologic conditions is evaluated. It is found that (1) runoff scales with drainage are in those river basins with specific runoff in excess of 0.15 m/yr (r2 = 0.88); (2) runoff scaling with drainage area shows remarkably high statistical correlation (r2= 0.97) in river basins with specific runoff equal to or larger than 1.0 m/yr; (3) runoff does not Inc.rease with Inc.reasing drainage area in river basins with specific runoff below 0.15 m/yr, where no discernible statistical association was found between runoff and drainage area; and (4) precipitation depth (m/yr) is inversely proportional to drainage area raised to a fractional exponent in river basins with specific runoff in excess of 0.15 m/yr.  相似文献   
李永辉  朱翔  周同和 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):388-396
基于郑州三环快速路工程开展的6个场地19根大直径灌注桩现场足尺试验,通过对比分析后注浆桩与未注浆桩实测结果,研究桩端后注浆对大直径灌注桩承载变形性状、荷载传递规律、桩端承载特性及桩侧摩阻力发挥性状的影响。结果表明,桩端后注浆条件下大直径灌注桩承载变形性能明显提高,且提高幅度受注浆龄期影响较为显著;在黄河中下游以中密~密实粉土、粉细砂及可塑~硬塑粉质黏土为主要冲积地层中桩长40 m左右的大直径灌注桩表现为摩擦型桩,但相比于未注浆桩,桩端后注浆桩传递至桩身下部及桩端的荷载更小;桩端后注浆在桩端下形成水泥沉渣坚硬固结体,有效地处理了桩端沉渣问题,且通过渗透劈裂作用,形成深度可达1 m的网状分布的水泥胶结体,加之对桩端土层的压密效应,显著提高了桩端支承性能与承载刚度;桩端后注浆显著提高大直径灌注桩桩侧极限摩阻力发挥水平,并降低了桩侧极限摩阻力对应的桩土相对位移,使得大直径灌注桩在较小的沉降下表现出较高的承载能力。  相似文献   
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