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本文通过卫星照片解译对天山地区的地层进行了划分,尤其是通过线性构造的解译把天山地区分成了若干个不同性质的地块,并对构造规模进行了分级。此外,还讨论了新老构造的继承关系,构造与岩体之间的相互依存关系等。本文又通过环形体的解译进一步确定了火山岩的喷发期次、活动规模及其与铀矿化的关系。通过对花岗岩体侵入期次和相带的划分,进而在解译中配合四道能谱测量判读标志来分析不同影象地质体的可能含铀丰度。另外还探讨了褶皱构造各要素的半定最估算的可能性。  相似文献   
A rapid and inexpensive method was developed for the determination of trace silver in polymetallic ore samples by use of eggshell membrane (ESM), a natural biomaterial, as the solid‐phase extraction (SPE) adsorbent coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The ESM was used for the separation/pre‐concentration of silver, and the parameters affecting sensitivity, such as pH, sample flow rate, eluent volume and eluent flow rate, were carefully investigated. ESM was found to be an effective solid phase extractant for the adsorption of trace silver over a wide range of acidity from 0.02 to 0.50 mol l?1 HNO3. The sample solution in 0.4 mol l?1 HNO3 was pumped through an ESM microcolumn at the rate of 1.0 ml min?1. Silver was absorbed, and then eluted with a solution of 1.0% m/v thiourea–0.5% v/v HCl. Under these optimal conditions, ESM exhibited a good enrichment efficiency for silver with a dynamic adsorption capacity of 1.7 mg g?1. The proposed method was applied to the FAAS determination of trace silver in polymetallic ores and geological reference materials, GSO‐2, 3 and 5, and GSD‐11, GSD‐12, and the determined values were in good agreement with certified values.  相似文献   
We evaluate the performance of a hand‐held XRF (HHXRF) spectrometer for the bulk analysis of iron meteorites. Analytical precision and accuracy were tested on metal alloy certified reference materials and iron meteorites of known chemical composition. With minimal sample preparation (i.e., flat or roughly polished surfaces) HHXRF allowed the precise and accurate determination of most elements heavier than Mg, with concentrations > 0.01% m/m in metal alloy CRMs, and of major elements Fe and Ni and minor elements Co, P and S (generally ranging from 0.1 to 1% m/m) in iron meteorites. In addition, multiple HHXRF spot analyses could be used to determine the bulk chemical composition of iron meteorites, which are often characterised by sulfide and phosphide accessory minerals. In particular, it was possible to estimate the P and S bulk contents, which are of critical importance for the petrogenesis and evolution of Fe‐Ni‐rich liquids and iron meteorites. This study thus validates HHXRF as a valuable tool for use in meteoritics, allowing the rapid, non‐destructive (a) identification of the extraterrestrial origin of metallic objects (i.e., archaeological artefacts); (b) preliminary chemical classification of iron meteorites; (c) identification of mislabelled/unlabelled specimens in museums and private collections and (d) bulk analysis of iron meteorites.  相似文献   
The Miocene northeast Honshu magmatic arc, Japan, formed at a terrestrial continental margin via a stage of spreading in a back‐arc basin (23–17 Ma) followed by multiple stages of submarine rifting (19–13 Ma). The Kuroko deposits formed during this period, with most forming during the youngest rifting stage. The mode of magma eruption changed from submarine basalt lava flows during back‐arc basin spreading to submarine bimodal basalt lava flows and abundant rhyolitic effusive rocks during the rifting stage. The basalts produced during the stage of back‐arc basin spreading are geochemically similar to mid‐ocean ridge basalt, with a depleted Sr–Nd mantle source, whereas those produced during the rifting stage possess arc signatures with an enriched mantle source. The Nb/Zr ratios of the volcanic rocks show an increase over time, indicating a temporal increase in the fertility of the source. The Nb/Zr ratios are similar in basalts and rhyolites from a given rift zone, whereas the Nd isotopic compositions of the rhyolites are less radiogenic than those of the basalts. These data suggest that the rhyolites were derived from a basaltic magma via crystal fractionation and crustal assimilation. The rhyolites associated with the Kuroko deposits are aphyric and have higher concentrations of incompatible elements than do post‐Kuroko quartz‐phyric rhyolites. These observations suggest that the aphyric rhyolite magma was derived from a relatively deep magma chamber with strong fractional crystallization. Almost all of the Kuroko deposits formed in close temporal relation to the aphyric rhyolite indicating a genetic link between the Kuroko deposits and highly differentiated rhyolitic magma.  相似文献   
蔡运龙 《地球科学进展》2009,24(12):1301-1308
"尺度"是认识世界和管理世界的一个重要视角,多尺度之间的相互关联是当前重要的学术前沿论题.尺度关联研究面临的主要问题是:①对scaling的理解不能局限于"尺度转换"或"尺度耦合",而需要对不同尺度的多种复杂关系("连通性")有综合的认识;②要正确认识尺度综合的目标,据此明确综合什么,如何综合;③解决尺度综合的方法不能仅从数学模型着手.以贵州喀斯特高原土地系统变化为研究案例,设计一个对贵州省域、乌江流域、猫跳河流域和若干小流域等多空间尺度土地变化进行综合的研究方案,力图为解决上述问题作出贡献.该案例研究针对土地管理可持续性决策多尺度协调的实际需求,以不同尺度之间"连通性"的判定为基础,重新厘定尺度综合在土地变化科学中的意义和内涵;以定性和定量相结合的途径,建立尺度综合的方法体系,包括基于尺度综合目标的土地变化及其驱动力和效应多尺度表征与数据协调方法,各尺度土地变化及其驱动力和效应之间"连通性"的发现与论证,土地变化及其驱动力和效应的多尺度综合集成;提供喀斯特地区土地变化格局、过程及其驱动力和效应的尺度综合研究案例,提供省域、省内大流域、中流域、小流域土地管理可持续性决策多尺度协调的依据和参数标准.  相似文献   
完达山区旋卷构造位于黑龙江省东部,发育于完达山优地槽褶皱带内,构成饶河复背斜。该复背斜总体呈近南北向,略向西突出的弧形逆掩推覆于宝清过渡带。用旋卷构造"三大特征"对比,一系列弧形褶皱和断裂向北东方向收敛,向南东方向撒开,围绕以蛤蟆河岩体为中心旋扭,内旋面向撒开方向、外旋面向收敛方向旋扭,具压性—压扭性特征。这一旋卷构造是由富锦——小佳河断裂的剪切牵引为主、敦密深大断裂的左旋走滑剪切为辅的联合作用形成的。根据旋扭构造的发育情况大体划分了三个旋扭层。目前已知的铜金矿(点)床主要分布于各旋扭层的撒开段,但收敛段找矿潜力较大,其次为各旋扭层界面和向西弧形突出部位也具一定的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
The anomaly response characteristics of the vertical line‐source 3D borehole‐to‐surface model are simulated by an adaptive finite element method. The calculation shows that the anomaly in the radial direction is pressed and the closer to the source, the more pronounced, the anomaly is stretched in the direction perpendicular to the radius. Adding a B pole in the Y direction can offset the effect of stretching to some extent. The anomaly that is closer to the source of the profile is clearer than the anomaly that is far from the source. The research results are of great significance for guiding the practical application of the borehole‐to‐surface electrical method.  相似文献   
喻建荣 《四川地质学报》2010,30(3):278-279,311
义敦印支岛弧褶皱带地质构造演化复杂,岩浆活动十分活跃,成矿地质地球化学条件优越,金、银、铜、铅、锌、锡等金属矿产资源丰富。西南三江为有色、贵金属资源富集区,义敦为花岗岩型锡-银多金属矿集区。根据区域成矿环境及研究区成矿条件分析,找矿潜力巨大,有望取得找矿突破。  相似文献   
从黔南、桂北的航天遥感图像上可以清楚地看出,地表的宏观岩溶地貌明显地受控于区域性大型“X”共轭节理系统,此类节理构成一幅巨型的渗滤网,成为大气降水下渗的主要通道,从而导致被其穿透的岩石遭受溶蚀,形成以线性岩溶谷地为主体的岩溶景观。即水平地层分布区,呈片状“X”形网络结构;直立地层分布区,呈羽状条带结构。水体下渗至潜水面后,将主要沿“X”节理走向向当地最低侵蚀基准面排泄,从而形成复杂的地下管道网络系统。首次利用网上Google Earth影像研究喀斯特环境,解决了只能依赖航片和卫星照片才能研究地球地貌的瓶颈,这对地貌研究和喀斯特石漠化的研究和治理提供了廉价便利的影像材料。  相似文献   
浅谈阿舍勒黄铁矿型多金属矿的垂直分带   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿舍勒黄铁型多金属矿床位于阿尔泰地槽褶皱系的中泥盆统安山质—英安质火山—沉积岩中.矿体充填在火山管道内或火山口近侧,主矿体隐伏地下.矿化元素有铁、铜、铅、锌、金、银、硫、钡等,伴生有锗、镓、铟、硒、镉、铋等.矿体上部形态复杂并有分枝,向深部连成一体,是一个向北东侧伏的筒状体.矿体自上而下具垂宜分带,依次为:重晶石—硅化带;黄铁矿—多金属带;黄铁矿—铜、锌带等…  相似文献   
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