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Burrows of the thalassinidean shrimps Neaxius acanthus and Corallianassa coutierei are striking aspects in tropical seagrass beds of the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Burrow construction, behaviour, burrow type and associated commensal community were investigated to clarify the ecological role and food requirements of these shrimps and their commensals. Gut content analysis and stable-isotope data were used to unravel the food sources and the trophic interactions among the commensal community.Individuals of Neaxius acanthus were caught on Bone Batang Island. In narrow aquaria filled with sediment they constructed burrows resembling those found in the field. During burrow construction and maintenance only little sediment was brought to the surface, most was sorted and compacted to create a distinct lining. Maintenance work by single shrimps typically took about 5 min, after which the shrimp walked up to the entrance and rested for a similar period of time. There were no differences in behaviour between day and night. Intrasexual encounters inside the burrow were characterised by a high level of aggression and all resulted in one participant being driven out of the burrow. Intersexual encounters led to coexistence with both animals taking turns in burrow maintenance and guarding the entrance. Offered seagrass leaves were pulled underground, cut into pieces and eventually integrated into the lining. Burrows of Corallianassa coutierei resembled a deep U-shape. Chambers branching off halfway down and at the deepest point contained seagrass fragments. All steep parts of the burrow were lined similar to burrows of N. acanthus.No commensals were found associated with Corallianassa coutierei. However, burrows of Neaxius acanthus in the field typically contained a pair of shrimps, up to 8 individuals of the commensal bivalve Barrimysia cumingii and large numbers of gammarid amphipods. Other animals found associated with the burrow were the goby Austrolethops wardi, a palaemonid shrimp species and two species of tube-building polychaetes, one of which was also found as an epibiont on N. acanthus.Stable-isotope and gut content analyses indicate that the diet of Neaxius acanthus, its commensal Austrolethops wardi, and Corallianassa coutierei is mainly derived from detrital seagrass leaves, with a potential contribution of sediment organic matter and seagrass epiphytes. In contrast the isotopic signature of Barrimysia cumingii suggests the presence of symbiotic sulphide metabolism bacteria. This study underlines that, besides their interactions with the surrounding ecosystem, thalassinid shrimp burrows play an important role as a sub-habitat with a unique associated fauna.  相似文献   
The B/Ca ratio of planktonic foraminifer shells has been used as a proxy for reconstructing past ocean carbonate chemistry. However, recent studies have revealed significant uncertainties associated with this proxy, such as whether seawater temperature or [ CO_3~(2-)] is the dominant control on the partition coefficient(K_D) of planktonic foraminiferal B/Ca. To address these uncertainties and thus improve our understanding of the planktonic foraminiferal B/Ca proxy, we analysed B/Ca ratios in the tests of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei(300–355 μm) and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata(355–400 μm) in surface sediment samples from the tropical western Pacific and South China Sea. The relationship between these B/Ca ratios and bottom water calcite saturation states(Δ[ CO_3~(2-)]) is weak, thus suggesting only a small dissolution effect on the B/Ca of the two species. The correlation coefficients(R~2) between the B/Ca ratios of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata and environmental parameters(e.g., temperature, salinity, phosphate, DIC and ALK) in the tropical western Pacific and South China Sea are not high enough to justify using B/Ca ratios as a palaeoenvironmental proxy in the study areas. The significant correlation between K_D values of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata and carbonate system parameters(e.g.,[ CO_3~(2-)], DIC, ALK, pH and [ HCO_3~-]) in the study area reflect chemical links between the K_D denominator and these variables. Based on our surface sediment calibration, an empirical relationship between the K_D of N.dutertrei and temperature is proposed in the tropical western Pacific. We also generated a record of B/Ca ratios in N. dutertrei(300–355 μm) from Core MD06-3052 in the tropical western Pacific over the past 24 ka to evaluate the application of the revised B/Ca proxy method. Based on the reconstructed empirical relationship for B/Ca and subsurface seawater ALK, we estimated subsurface seawater carbonate system parameters in the tropical western Pacific since 24 ka. In general, the estimated subsurface seawater pH and [ CO_3~(2-)] show an increase with time, and the record of subsurface seawater pCO_2 shows a decrease with time, in the tropical western Pacific over the past 24 ka. The consistent trends in subsurface seawater pCO_2 and opal flux during deglaciation may imply that the reported increase in subsurface water pCO_2 in the study area was promoted by enhanced upwelling in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
1IntroductionThe tropical West Pacific warm pool(TWP-WP),which spans an area roughly between10°Nto10°S of the equator from Indonesia to the dateline,has the world’s warmest sea surface temperature ofbeing greater than29℃.With the increase of recog-niz…  相似文献   
Boundary-layer wind structure in a landfalling tropical cyclone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, a slab boundary layer model with a constant depth is used to analyze the boundary-layer wind structure in a landfalling tropical cyclone. Asymmetry is found in both the tangential and radial components of horizontal wind in the tropical cyclone boundary layer at landfall. For a steady tropical cyclone on a straight coastline at landfall, the magnitude of the radial component is greater in the offshoreflow side and the tangential component is greater over the sea, slightly offshore, therefore the greater total wind speed occurs in the offshore-flow side over the sea. The budget analysis suggests that: (1) a greater surface friction over land produces a greater inflow and the nonlinear effect advects the maximum inflow downstream, and (2) a smaller surface friction over the sea makes the decrease of the tangential wind component less than that over land. Moreover, the boundary layer wind structures in a tropical cyclone are related to the locations of the tropical cyclone relative to the coastline due to the different surface frictions. During tropical cyclone landfall, the impact of rough terrain on the cyclone increases, so the magnitude of the radial component of wind speed increases in the offshore-flow side and the tangential component outside the radius of maximum wind speed decreases gradually.  相似文献   
本文使用中国气象局、美国联合台风预警中心和日本气象厅的3套热带气旋最佳路径资料(CMA资料、JTWC资料和RSMC资料)分析了1951—2016年西北太平洋热带气旋活动特征。3套资料反映的结果如下:热带气旋主要发生在10°N—25°N范围内,且1980年前其位置点在纬度上有南移的变化趋势,1980年后则相反;移速主要分布在2~6 m/s区间,在25°N左右移速明显加快,1980年前移速呈显著减小趋势;最大持续风速主要分布在10~15 m/s区间,1980年前最大持续风速有减小趋势;在风速较大的区域热带气旋最大风速半径较小,2001—2016年热带气旋和台风最大风速半径每年分别减小0.46 km和0.54 km。CMA和RSMC资料的结果高度一致,而JTWC资料结果与它们都存在一定的差异。热带气旋位置点频数和强度的变化受资料间差异的影响较大,而其位置及移速的变化则受影响较小。  相似文献   
李志  孟强  薛亮 《海洋科学进展》2020,38(2):199-210
孟加拉湾与其他热带海盆不同,在季风影响下,该地区热带气旋具有双气旋季的独特结构(4—5月的春季转换期和10—11月的秋季转换期)。虽然孟加拉湾气旋频数在10—11月较多,但是4—5月超强气旋(Saffir-Simpson 4,5级)的生成率却远高于10—11月。1981—2016年,春季转换期内孟加拉湾超强气旋都与第一支北传季节内振荡(First Northward-propagating Intra-Seasonal Oscillation,FNISO)相应而生,然而并不是所有伴随FNISO发生的气旋都能发展成为超强气旋。因此本研究以气旋生成指数为基础,利用气旋最佳轨道数据以及NCEP的海气参量数据,诊断指出孟加拉湾夏季风形成的强垂直风速剪切配合低层大气旋度和气旋潜在强度抵消夏季风期间水汽对气旋生成的促进作用,造成双峰分布,而中层大气相对湿度差异双峰不对称的主因。FNISO强度的不同与深对流中心与气旋中心的相对位置的差异,使得部分气旋受季节内振荡影响更大,强深对流的超越作用导致更显著的高低层大气温差,促使气旋具有且达到更大的潜在强度。在年际尺度上大气高低层温差的不同也是引起气旋潜在强度不同的主要原因。当季节内尺度和年际尺度共同作用,使得部分气旋发展成为超强气旋。  相似文献   
香港经常受到西北太平洋热带气旋的影响,对该地区热带气旋持续时间的研究有助于经济社会的稳定发展。按照气象和天文台警告信号,热带气旋分为不同的强度等级。建立热带气旋持续时间的Poisson-Weibull复合分布模型,相应获得持续时间重现值的求解公式,分别用于不同热带气旋分类下持续时间多年一遇重现值的计算中。基于1987-2016年袭港热带气旋数据的分析结果表明,Poisson-Weibull分布适用于不同的持续时间分类样本;强的热带气旋经常会伴随较长的持续时间,这将会对该地区造成更为严重的破坏,这可为防灾减灾提供参考。  相似文献   
选用海面至20℃等温线所处深度水层的平均温度来表征研究海域海洋上层热含量。利用这一特征值,分析1986—1990年期间热带西太平洋边缘海域海洋上层热含量在秋季的分布特征和年际变化。结果表明:(1)热含量呈南高北低分布,在7.5-22.1°N范围内。以130°E断面为代表,热含量的平均递减率为0.179(℃/纬度);(2)热含量的分布主要取决于环流系统,其等值线因受黑潮和棉兰老海流的影响而由纬向分布转向经向分布。某些区域因受暖涡及冷涡的影响而呈封闭状分布;(3)热含量的年际变化与E1Nino事件存在着很好的相关性,在E1Nino事件发生期间,热含量变得很低,高热含量(大于26.5℃)海区的分布范围明显缩小。  相似文献   
热带太平洋海平面高度季节内振荡的空间分布特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据三年卫星高度计(TOPEX/POSEIDON)资料和涡分辨率的海洋环流(POP)模式模拟计算的海平面高度资料,利用功率谱和最大熵谱的方法,揭示了热带太平洋海平面高度季节内振荡的空间分布特征。研究表明:准30d 周期的振荡集中出现在东太平洋(160°W 以东)赤道两侧,分别以5°S和5°N 为中心的纬向带状域中;准90d 振荡出现在分别以20°S和20°N为中心的南北二个纬向带状域中,北太平洋西部振荡最明显;准60d 振荡集中出现在分别以10°N和10°S为中心的带状海域中,北太平洋比南太平洋更明显,但比准90d 振荡信号弱;从TOPEX资料分析还发现在赤道中太平洋(5°N~5°S,170°W~120°W),准60d 振荡也较明显  相似文献   
登陆我国热带气旋活动的年代际变化分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
叶英  董波 《海洋预报》2002,19(2):23-30
本文利用1950-1999年西北太平洋热带气旋资料,对50年来登陆我国热带气旋的月际、年际和年代际变化及异常情况进行了统计分析,指出了登陆我国的热带气旋频数存在明显的年代际差异,并对比分析了同期的副热带高压等海洋大气环流指数的统计特征。  相似文献   
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