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土壤和沉积物中活性铁对有机质的吸附对有机质具有长期稳定和保存作用,从而在地质时间尺度上缓冲大气CO2浓度。本文利用连二亚硫酸钠还原性溶解提取活性铁氧化物(FeR)及与之结合的有机碳(Fe-OC),定量研究了南黄海沉积物中FeR与OC之间的结合方式以及FeR对OC的保存作用,讨论了深度增加对二者相互作用的影响。结果表明,南黄海沉积物中Fe-OC占沉积物总有机碳的份数(fFe-OC)为(13.2±7.47)%,即活性铁对OC的年吸附量为0.72 Mt,占全球边缘海沉积物TOC年埋藏通量的0.44%。Fe-OC的平均OC:Fe为4.50±2.61,表明共沉淀作用对有机质的保存起重要作用,且其比值随海源有机质含量增加而增加。Fe-OC稳定碳同位素(δ13CFe-OC)结果表明,FeR优先保存活性有机质,但这种选择性随OC:Fe增大而减弱。随深度增加,fFe-OC和δ13CFe-OC均未表现出显著变化,这与该海域沉积物中有机质活性较低、铁还原作用较弱有关。  相似文献   
邹大鹏  阎贫  卢博 《海洋学报》2012,34(3):80-86
在由垂直声速梯度建立的地声模型基础上,通过引入沉积物与海水声速比和沉积物压缩波与切变波声速比两个表征沉积物声学特征参数得到更全面和有实际指导意义的地声模型。在沉积物声波传播FCMCM模型基础上,基于热作用和重力作用下沉积物两相介质的应力应变分析,建立TFCMCM和DFCFCM模型,运用模型校正表层沉积物声速特征来计算和解释地声模型。根据海底表层沉积物存在低声速和高声速两种类型,结合沉积物沿纵深孔隙度不变和变化两种类型,得到南海海底沉积物的两类四种典型地声模型:低声速孔隙度不变型、低声速孔隙度减小型、高声速不变型和高声速孔隙度减小型。运用这四种典型地声模型的组合解释了卢博提出的南海三种典型声速结构。认知声速结构将为南海声学探测海底、划分海底区域提供模型支持。  相似文献   
Research on colluvial depositional systems has recently emphasized periglacial and high‐altitude settings, and the relations between Quaternary slope stratigraphy and climate change. This article examines the role of variable slope morphology, surface hydrology and microclimate in controlling colluvial sedimentation along a coastal tract of the hyperarid Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Direct accessibility of active surfaces is accompanied by uninterrupted stratigraphic exposures along the base of slopes, allowing direct comparisons between surface processes and the resulting sedimentary record. Four slope sectors are identified, based on differences in morphology and processes over active surfaces. Colluvial sedimentation is controlled by complex interactions of slope gradients and profiles, exposure to dominant winds, and potential runoff pathways, which vary considerably between different sectors. Major differences are evident between these hyperarid deposits and slope sedimentation in periglacial and temperate settings, including the complete absence of pedogenic activity and clay minerals; the volume of aeolian deposits and their role in controlling processes which redistribute sediment downslope, extending colluvial aprons; and the occurrence of runoff processes only where favoured by particular topographic configurations. Depositional surfaces range from steep talus cones, to debris‐flow‐dominated and aeolian‐dominated colluvial aprons, to an aeolian ramp subject to reworking by mass flows and flash floods. Consequently, facies associations and architectures at outcrop are highly variable and highlight the importance of spatial variations in slope morphology and processes in producing distinct, coeval colluvial stratigraphies within a single environmental context. Discrepancies between active processes and the corresponding stratigraphic signatures are also evident in some sectors; for example, preservation of alluvial and aeolian facies in stratigraphic sections does not always reflect the dominant processes over active slopes. Together with the spatial variability in processes and deposits along these slopes, this suggests that caution is required when extracting palaeoenvironmental information from analyses of colluvial successions.  相似文献   
为预测未来全球的气候变化,必须了解在过去水圈、气圈与生物圈的各自作用以及它们是如何相互影响的。为此,IGBP(国际地圈-生物圈计划)组织了过去全球变化项目(PAGES)。湖相沉积物保存着与PAGES有关的不同时空尺度的丰富的地球系统历史信息,特别是湖相沉积物包含着可以说明全球气候变化的水圈与生物圈的陆源组分的反应。这种信息对了解影响气候变化的流域是如何发展的至关重要。笔者应用西伯利亚贝加尔湖与中国西北部青海湖作为两个实例,叙述了多学科研究湖相沉积物物理与化学参数,并利用这些参数测定了晚更新世湖区及其流域对过去气圈的变化以及日幅射分布的影响  相似文献   
黄河沉积物向渤海湾扩散的沉积地球化学示踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用ICP-AES和ICP-MS对渤海中部118°54′E左右南北向断面的表层沉积物中53种常、微量及稀土元素进行了测试,研究了其含量变化和分布特征,并进行了物质组成分析。研究表明:该区沉积物以B94站为界,南北差异明显,南部区域沉积物以黏土质粉砂为主,富集Al2O3,CaO,Fe2O3,MgO,MnO,P2O5和TiO等常量元素以及绝大多数的微量元素和稀土元素等与细颗粒黏土矿物相关的元素;北部区域沉积物以粉砂-砂为主,富集SiO2,K2O和Na2O等常量元素以及Zr,Ba,Sr,Sb和Hf等微量元素,稀土元素相对亏损。物源对比表明南部沉积物具有黄河来源沉积物特点,北部沉积物具有滦河来源特点,两者的分界大致在38°42′N附近。河口动力过程、渤海环流是影响该区沉积物扩散的主要因素。  相似文献   
Seasonal dynamics of elemental sulfur in two coastal sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A spectrophotometric method for elemental sulfur (S0) analysis without interference from other reduced sulfur compounds was adapted for the use in reducing sediments. The S0 distribution in two coastal sediments was studied regularly from summer to winter and compared to factors regulating the S0 accumulation, such as redox potentials, the rate of bacterial sulfide production and the general sulfur chemistry. Dense coatings of sulfur bacteria developed on the sediment surface of a sulfuretum which had an S0 concentration of up to 41 μmol S cm?3. The 2·5-mm thick bacterial coating contained 40% of all S0 in the sediment. A more typical marine sediment with a few cm thick oxidized surface layer had an S0 maximum of 1–3 μmol S cm?3 at 2–4 cm depth. The S0 maximum in both sediments increased from summer to winter as the sediments gradually became more oxidized. The deeper layers maintained a low S0 concentration. Most of the S0 in the upper few mm of a laboratory sulfuretum was present inside sulfur bacteria and actively migrated up and down with the bacteria depending upon the changing light and oxygen conditions.  相似文献   
南极无冰区古海蚀龛沉积——古环境研究的新材料   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
首次在西南极菲尔德斯半岛长城站地区发现了保存完好的古海蚀龛沉积物 ,研究表明它是后期冰水湖泊沉积环境下的产物 ,该沉积剖面的形成环境反映了本地区距今 46 0 0年以来地貌演化、冰盖进退与古气候的演化过程。古海蚀龛沉积剖面的发现 ,为目前主要基于湖泊沉积物、海洋沉积物及冰芯等进行的南极无冰区古环境研究领域 ,提供了一种新的研究载体。  相似文献   
文章根据吉林双辽地区风沙堆积物中的Fe3+/Fe2+值,计算了风沙堆积时的古温度及其变化,结合堆积物的定年数据,建立了该区76.9±6.0~17.8±1.4kaB.P.期间温度波动旋回。结果表明:这一地质时期吉林双辽地区年均温度变化于1.13℃~8.70℃之间,整体较现在为低,应为末次冰期影响所致。该研究得到的松辽平原末次冰期的温度数据,为系统建立松辽平原晚更新世古气候年表提供了重要基础资料。  相似文献   
A 487‐year annually laminated (varved) sediment record from Nicolay Lake, Cornwall Island, in the Canadian High Arctic was evaluated to determine the impact that years with high sediment yields had on sediment yields in subsequent years. All of the 40 largest years showed evidence for increased sediment yield in the subsequent 10–30 years. The positive anomalies in lagging years were approximately scaled according to the size of the initiating year, although many intermediate years (25‐ to 100‐year recurrence) showed weak or variable responses. The smallest events considered (10‐ to 25‐year recurrence) showed a consistent, but low‐amplitude response. Additionally the 10‐year events revealed frequent negative sediment yield anomalies in the preceding decade. This behaviour was interpreted as a frequent sediment activation cycle initiated by the modest year, and leading to sediment yield hysteresis lasting 15–25 years. The largest years (greater than 50‐year recurrence) showed consistently above‐average sediment yields in the preceding decade, in part due to the frequent occurrence of moderate (Q10) years. It is hypothesized that temporary storage of sediment and previous initiation of erosion sites resulted in extraordinary sediment yields during intense summer rainfall events. This study demonstrates the potential use of varved lake sediment records to improve our understanding of long‐term sediment dynamics. These records present an opportunity to further develop and test sediment dynamic and routing models to gain insight into the interaction of time and space in fluvial and sediment delivery processes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为了建立江汉平原沉积物示踪的磁学模型,对汇入江汉平原的主要河流现代沉积物磁学特征进行了研究,结果表明:(1)在江汉平原范围内,无论长江、汉江,还是周边的漳河、沮水、玛瑙河和清江,它们的现代沉积物的磁学参数特征均显示出明显的差异,而且和源区表壳岩性也显示出极好的相关性;(2)长江和汉江现代沉积物中铁磁性矿物均以亚铁磁性矿物为主,它们主导了样品的磁性特征,但长江沉积物比汉江沉积物亚铁磁性矿物含量高;(3)长江和汉江沉积物的亚铁磁性矿物晶粒都以假单畴-多畴为主,并且长江沉积物磁性颗粒总体上要比汉江的粗;(4)在汇入江汉平原的主要支流中,汉江的亚铁磁性矿物含量远远高于其他支流,且磁性矿物的晶粒也比其他支流的粗;(5)除汉江以外的支流中,玛瑙河沉积物中磁性矿物的晶粒比较细且不完全反铁磁性矿物含量较高,漳河中的超顺磁物质含量较高,而清江中不完全反铁磁性矿物含量较高且磁性矿物的晶粒相对较粗.上述结果表明,在江汉平原利用沉积物的磁学特征可达到沉积物物源示踪的目的.   相似文献   
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