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The influences of human activities on regional climate and weather are tremendous. The re-gional temperature and the distributing of wind field are influenced, whereas the precipitation in-tensity and the spatial and temporal distribution of the precipita…  相似文献   
Following recent applications of numerical modelling and remote sensing to the thermal bar phenomenon, this paper seeks to review the current state of knowledge on the effect of its circulation on lacustrine plankton ecosystems. After summarising the literature on thermal bar hydrodynamics, a thorough review is made of all plankton observations taken in the presence of a thermal bar. Two distinct plankton growth regimes are found, one with production favoured throughout the inshore region and another with a maximum in plankton biomass near the position of the thermal bar. Possible explanations for the observed distributions are then discussed, with reference to numerical modelling studies, and the scope for future study of this interdisciplinary topic is outlined.  相似文献   
南极阿德雷岛湖泊沉积210Pb、137Cs定年及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测试了南极阿德雷岛两个湖泊 (Y2和G)沉积物的2 10 Pb和137Cs比度 .根据2 10 Pb和137Cs比度垂向变化特征 ,采用CRS模式对G湖进行了定年 ,年龄跨度大约为 134± 43年 ,并据此计算了G湖的沉积速率 .近大约 10 0年来G湖呈增长变化的沉积速率以及沉积物2 10 Pb ,137Cs蓄积量和沉降通量远大于大气直接沉降 ,可能是温度升高引起该地区大量冰雪 (盖 )融水携带补充的结果 .  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地是中国北方很重要的沉积盆地,但由于盆地范围较广,局部地区环境变化差异较大,目前对泥河湾盆地的环境变化的认识还较为局限。文章通过对下沙沟剖面(厚度260 m)的河湖相沉积物进行详细的岩石磁学和磁组构研究,以尝试恢复下沙沟地区以及盆地东部古湖环境的演化过程,希望能够对泥河湾盆地环境变化提供一些新的指示。研究结果显示,样品中磁性矿物以PSD的磁铁矿颗粒为主,部分样品中含有少量赤铁矿。下沙沟剖面的沉积物受后期扰动很小,属于正常的重力沉积。沉积物磁面理(F)比磁线理(L)更发育,磁组构参数中磁面理F、各向异性度Pj和水流速度函数Fs对环境变化的响应更加明显,古水流分析结果显示下沙沟地区没有长期稳定的流向,环境变化情况复杂。根据下沙沟剖面河湖相沉积物的磁性地层学年龄框架,以郝家台剖面顶部河湖相沉积物的年龄作为该剖面的顶界,得到了下沙沟剖面2.7~0.3 Ma的磁组构参数变化特征。结合岩性和磁组构参数变化的阶段性特征,将下沙沟地区以及盆地东部古湖环境演化历史分为5个阶段:2.7~2.4 Ma,古湖早期逐渐扩张,于早更新世达到了古湖发育的最盛时期,水体动荡,略不稳定;2.4~1.9 Ma,环境变化主要受气候因素影响,下沙沟地区水动力频繁变化,古湖经历了一次扩张和收缩;1.9~1.3 Ma,下沙沟地区的沉积主要受控于河流作用,盆地东部主要受到构造因素的影响,古湖处于持续收缩的阶段;1.3~0.9 Ma,下沙沟地区环境变化剧烈,受中更新世气候转型的影响较大,古湖东部也较大范围的受到中更新世气候转型的影响;0.9~0.3 Ma,全球气候变化剧烈,对古湖东部环境也有一定的影响,但整体还处于水体较为稳定的湖泊环境,古湖并未开始消亡。

鄱阳湖成因与演变的历史论证   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
苏守德 《湖泊科学》1992,4(1):40-47
本文通过大量史料分析和地质钻孔证据,认为鄱阳湖大水面形成于公元400年前后,为距今约1600年的年青湖泊。鄱阳湖形成的直接和主导因素是长江主泓道南移到湖口一带,因江水阻碍赣江水的下泄,使湖泊水域向南扩张,到唐初面积最大时曾达6000km~2。之后,鄱阳湖水位和面积的变化主要取决于湖口处长江水位的变化。  相似文献   
太湖和大浦河口风成流、风涌水的数值模拟及其单站验证   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
介绍了太湖风成流和风涌水的数值摸拟工作。使用两种不同水平分辨率的数值模式,利用中日合作研究组在大浦河口实测的水位、湖流和风的资料对模拟结果进行了验证。结果指出,模式对风涌水及流向有较好的预报能力,流速的预报尚待进一步改进。  相似文献   
Extensive storage of upper-basin Piedmont sediment and apparent low sediment supply to streams in lower-basin Coastal Plain areas generates questions as to the source of alluvium in lower reaches of rivers of the U.S. Atlantic drainage. This was investigated on the Neuse River, North Carolina, using a mineralogical indicator of sediment source areas. The utility of mica flakes for discriminating between Piedmont and non-Piedmont sources of sediment in the lower Coastal Plain reaches of the Neuse was established on the basis of an examination of the U.S. National Soils Database and of 26 soil surveys of the North Carolina Coastal Plain. From the Neuse River estuary to 48 km upstream there are no mica flakes in floodplain soils or in river bank and channel shelf sediments. Mica flakes become more common upstream. This suggests that a very small proportion of the sediment eroded in the Piedmont portion of the watershed is delivered to the river mouth. The small amounts which presumably do reach the lower Coastal Plain are so diluted by Coastal Plain-derived alluvium that no Piedmont origin can be discerned. This demonstrates a dominantly Coastal Plain source and underscores the importance of storage and discontinuous transport in fluvial sediment systems. More importantly, results suggest that upper- and lower-basin sediment dynamics are not only non-linearly related, but may be virtually decoupled.  相似文献   
The 1991 Pinatubo eruption left 5–6 km3 of debris on the volcano slopes, much of which has been mobilized into large lahars in the following rainy seasons. Also during the eruption, collapse, localized in part along preexisting faults, left a caldera 2.5 km in diameter that almost immediately began to accumulate a 1.6 × 108 m3 lake. By 2001, the water had risen to the fault-controlled Maraunot Notch, the lowest, northwestern portion of the caldera rim comprising the physiographic sill of the Caldera Lake. That year, a narrow artificial canal dug into an old volcanic breccia underlying the outlet channel failed to induce a deliberate lake breakout, but discharge from heavy rains in July 2002 rapidly deepened the notch by 23 m, releasing an estimated 6.5 × 107 m3 of lake water that bulked up into lahars with a volume well in excess of 1.6 × 108 m3. Lakes in other volcanoes have experienced multiple breakouts, providing practical motivation for this study. Fieldwork and high-resolution digital elevation models reveal andesites and ancient lacustrine deposits, strongly fractured and deformed along a segment of the Maraunot Fault, a prominent, steeply dipping, left-lateral fault zone that trends N35°–40°W within and parallel to the notch. Seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active. The fault zone appears to have previously been the erosional locus for a large channel, filled with avalanche or landslide deposits of an earlier eruption that were exhumed by the 2002 breakout floods. The deformed lacustrine sediments, with an uncalibrated 14C age of 14,760 ± 40 year BP from a single charcoal sample, attest to the existence of an earlier lake, possibly within the Tayawan Caldera, rim remnants of which survive as arcuate escarpments. That lake may well have experienced one or more ancient breakouts as well. The 2002 event greatly reduced the possibility of another such event by scouring away the erodible breccia, leaving less erodible fractured andesites and lacustrine rocks, and by enlarging the outlet channel and its discharge capacity. Several lines of evidence indicate, however, that future lahar-generating lake breakouts at the notch may keep populations of Botolan municipality downstream at risk: (1) a volume of 9.5 × 107 m3 of lake water remains perched 0.8 km above sea level; (2) seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active and movements of sufficient magnitude could enlarge the outlet and the discharge through it; (3) more likely, however, with or without earthquake activity, landslides from the steep to overhanging channel walls could block the channel again, and a major rainstorm could then cause a rise in lake level and sudden breakouts; (4) intrusion of a new dome into the bottom of the lake, possibly accompanied by phreatic explosions, could expel large volumes of lahar-generating water.  相似文献   
李相虎  张奇  邵敏 《地理科学进展》2012,31(9):1164-1170
基于1998-2007 年热带测雨卫星(TRMM) 3B42 V6 降雨数据分析鄱阳湖流域降雨时空分布特征, 并利用40个气象站观测日降雨数据对TRMM数据在不同子流域、不同降雨强度及不同季节里的精度进行了对比分析, 弥补了以往只评价整体精度的不足。结果显示:鄱阳湖流域北部地区修水、饶河子流域较易出现暴雨, 导致雷达信号衰减, 使TRMM对大雨强降雨的探测出现较大偏差;流域内降雨以10~50 mm为主, 其雨量占到总雨量的60%;流域降雨在年内1-3 月中旬为干旱少雨期, 3 月下旬-9 月初为湿润多雨期, 9-12 月再次进入干旱少雨期;而空间分布呈东、西部大, 中部小的格局;同时发现, 在赣南山区TRMM降雨较观测雨量低300~400 mm, 这可能受高程和坡度的影响, 使TRMM对山区降雨的探测精度也出现较大偏差。  相似文献   
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