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提出一种波纹钢管铅阻尼器,介绍了其构造、工作机理、布置形式及特点,采用ABAQUS软件,建立钢管阻尼器、波纹钢管阻尼器和波纹钢管铅阻尼器有限元模型,对其应力分布,传力路径和滞回性能进行模拟分析。结果表明:波纹钢管铅阻尼器耗能减震机理明确,工作性能和耗能性能稳定,滞回曲线饱满以及耗能能力强,具有良好的变形和延性,极限变形大;波纹钢管铅阻尼器通过在波纹钢管内设置铅芯使初始刚度、承载能力和耗能能力得到大幅度提高,既有效保持了波纹钢管的变形能力,又避免波纹钢管发生局部屈曲,使波纹钢管耗能能力得到充分发挥。波纹钢管铅阻尼器在1mm小位移下就可以进入耗能,而且很快进入稳定耗能状态,等效阻尼比稳定在0.3~0.4之间。  相似文献   
绿洲边缘夏季小气候特征及地表辐射与能量平衡特征分析   总被引:13,自引:15,他引:13  
利用“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测试验”加强期(IOP)在甘肃省酒泉市金塔绿洲观测的资料,分析了夏季金塔绿洲边缘的小气候特征及地表辐射收支和地表能量平衡特征。作为绿洲沙漠相互作用的界面,在白天绿洲边缘的垂直运动仍然是以上升气流为主,并且其小气候主要受土壤湿度的影响。中午前后绿洲边缘的总辐射最大值在1000W.m-2左右,净辐射>700W.m-2;在白天,仅有个别天数的感热通量超过100W.m-2,最大值仅为150W.m-2左右。在整个观测期,有超过70%的天数出现负感热通量。而Bowen比在±10-1量级,地表能量不平衡的差额较大,约28%。  相似文献   
为研究风浪作用下水生植物对水流结构的影响,选取太湖中两种典型沉水植物(苦草与马来眼子菜)为研究对象,分别对苦草植物斑块与马来眼子菜植物斑块内外水体的瞬时流速进行野外现场测量,利用瞬时流速的能量谱分布将波浪流速与紊动流速分离,分别分析水生植物对时均流速、波浪流速以及紊动能的影响。风浪影响下,水体中存在流向与测量时近水面处盛行风向一致的水流;波浪流速以垂向流速为主,且波浪流速自水面向床底逐渐减小;紊动能在水面处达到最大值,并向床底方向逐渐减小。与无植被条件相比,苦草与马来眼子菜的存在减小了时均流速、波浪流速以及紊动能。两种植物形态上的差异,导致其对水流结构的影响不同:苦草叶片阻流面积在冠层中部达到最大,使得时均流速与波浪流速在苦草中部位置的减小程度最大;马来眼子菜叶片主要集中于冠层顶部(水面附近),其对时均流速以及波浪流速的减小作用在水面处达到最大。  相似文献   
地埋管热泵技术是采集地表以下200 m深度内的浅层地热能进行供热制冷的新型能源利用技术,而该技术在贵州碳酸盐岩分布区的应用和推广之所以受到制约,其主要原因是岩溶地层中建造垂直换热孔的难度大、成本较高。通过贵州省有色科技大楼附楼采用垂直地埋管式与基础桩螺旋盘管式有效组合的换热系统,在岩溶一般至中等发育的碳酸盐岩地层中开发利用浅层地热能的成功经验的介绍,为地埋管热泵技术在贵州岩溶地区的应用和推广提供参考。  相似文献   
通过对MM5和CALMET风能资源数值模拟耦合模式的计算流程分析,基于并行运算思想,设计了MM5和CALMET耦合模式模拟运算的多作业管理方式。在浙江省风能资源高分辨率数值模拟试验中,完成浙江区域1个月时间段的风能资源参数模拟运算,MM5和CALMET耦合模式在实施多作业管理方式前后,CALMET模式的运算时间由原来的1501.2 min缩短为149.5 min,运算时效提高了9倍;整个耦合模式的运算时间由原来的1709.9 min缩短为358.2 min,运算时效提高了4倍。数值模拟试验证实了多作业管理方式可在现有计算资源的基础上,大幅提高数值模式的运算时效,且随着数值模式模拟时间段的加长和模拟区域范围的扩大,多作业管理方式对数值模式运算功效的增强越加明显。  相似文献   
基于BDS的混合动力船舶节能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的油电混合动力推进系统,柴油机和电动机采取PTH驱动方式,采用燃油和电能混合提供推进动力,可以依据BDS导航的航行区域以及航行速度选择不同动力源输出.经过燃油经济性和效益分析,与传统推进系统相比,应用基于BDS的混合动力推进系统,公务船运营成本降低26%,增加的初始建造投资成本3年内可以收回;金枪鱼延绳钓船综合节油15%~20%,通过节油方式可在4年内收回初始建造投资成本.基于BDS的混合动力系统可以增加推进冗余度,提高船舶安全性,具有良好的节能减排和节约运营成本的效果.  相似文献   
Recently, the technology has been developed to make wave farms commercially viable. Since electricity is perishable, utilities will be interested in forecasting ocean wave energy. The horizons involved in short-term management of power grids range from as little as a few hours to as long as several days. In selecting a method, the forecaster has a choice between physics-based models and statistical techniques. A further idea is to combine both types of models. This paper analyzes the forecasting properties of a well-known physics-based model, the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Wave Model, and two statistical techniques, time-varying parameter regressions and neural networks. Thirteen data sets at locations in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico are tested. The quantities to be predicted are the significant wave height, the wave period, and the wave energy flux. In the initial tests, the ECMWF model and the statistical models are compared directly. The statistical models do better at short horizons, producing more accurate forecasts in the 1-5 h range. The ECMWF model is superior at longer horizons. The convergence point, at which the two methods achieve comparable degrees of accuracy, is in the area of 6 h. By implication, the physics-based model captures the underlying signals at lower frequencies, while the statistical models capture relationships over shorter intervals. Further tests are run in which the forecasts from the ECMWF model are used as inputs in regressions and neural networks. The combined models yield more accurate forecasts than either one individually.  相似文献   
一个陆面过程参数化模式与 MM5的耦合   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
殷达中  陈家宜 《大气科学》2000,24(2):177-186
在法国陆面过程模式的基础上,为了表示冠层叶片遮挡对水分蒸发阻抗的影响,在植被覆盖部分引入了遮盖因子,然后将这个修正的陆面过程参数化模式耦合到MM5模式中。耦合后的模式模拟出了因为降水造成土壤湿度变化和植被覆盖动态作用对地面通量的影响,而原MM5模式模拟结果则没有反映上述动态变化对地面通量的作用。原MM5模式和耦合模式模拟了1993年8月17日到20日以内蒙古半干旱草原为中心的中尺度区域的气象场,模拟结果和IMGRASS预观测资料进行了对比,对比说明新的陆面过程模式提高了MM5模式对地面通量和边界层各物理量(风、温、湿)的模拟精度。  相似文献   
This paper concerns the seismic response of structures isolated at the base by means of High Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRB). The analysis is performed by using a stochastic approach, and a Gaussian zero mean filtered non‐stationary stochastic process is used in order to model the seismic acceleration acting at the base of the structure. More precisely, the generalized Kanai–Tajimi model is adopted to describe the non‐stationary amplitude and frequency characteristics of the seismic motion. The hysteretic differential Bouc–Wen model (BWM) is adopted in order to take into account the non‐linear constitutive behaviour both of the base isolation device and of the structure. Moreover, the stochastic linearization method in the time domain is adopted to estimate the statistical moments of the non‐linear system response in the state space. The non‐linear differential equation of the response covariance matrix is then solved by using an iterative procedure which updates the coefficients of the equivalent linear system at each step and searches for the solution of the response covariance matrix equation. After the system response variance is estimated, a sensitivity analysis is carried out. The final aim of the research is to assess the real capacity of base isolation devices in order to protect the structures from seismic actions, by avoiding a non‐linear response, with associated large plastic displacements and, therefore, by limiting related damage phenomena in structural and non‐structural elements. In order to attain this objective the stochastic response of a non‐linear n‐dof shear‐type base‐isolated building is analysed; the constitutive law both of the structure and of the base devices is described, as previously reported, by adopting the BWM and by using appropriate parameters for this model, able to suitably characterize an ordinary building and the base isolators considered in the study. The protection level offered to the structure by the base isolators is then assessed by evaluating the reduction both of the displacement response and the hysteretic dissipated energy. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过选取两个典型海外工程项目案例,分别采用波浪特征参数法和波浪谱法对工程海域波浪条件进行分析,并比较这两种方法在作业波浪条件、波浪特征认知程度上的差异,以及对海港水域平面布置产生的影响。对于波浪能量在频域及方向上存在多峰谱情况的海域,基于全谱的波浪特征参数系列数据有可能出现以下两种情况:1)主峰波向掩盖次峰波向;2)主峰波向错配次峰周期。对于上述两种情况,若仅采用波浪特征参数法对工程海域作业波浪条件进行分析,并指导海港水域平面布置,则极可能忽略或误判个别敏感波向、关键频域段的部分波浪能量,从而误导设计,为后续项目运营埋下隐患。对于以上情形,宜采用波浪谱法深入分析工程海域波浪能量在整个频域及各个方向上的详细分布及构成,并对关键波向、关键频域段的波浪能量进行量化,评估其对海港水域平面布置的影响,从而最大程度地避免由于波浪输入条件误判带来的风险。  相似文献   
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