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为了找到适合天绘一号卫星三线阵相机在轨几何精化的模型和算法,首先分析了外方位线元素误差在几何参数精化中的影响,然后通过对定姿数据的预处理,消除了其中含有的高频噪声,并用正弦函数补偿了卫星平台飞行过程中的低频抖动,为三线阵相机每个镜头设计了姿态角常差模型。此外,根据传统的附加参数模型,构建了直接以像素坐标为观测值的内方位元素模型,并使用单侧有控外推的方式,确定最佳的精化模型参数组合及求解策略。试验表明,采用本文的精化方案,利用合理分布的控制点,天绘一号能达到平面精度约1 GSD,高程精度约0.8 GSD。  相似文献   
杜兰  周佩元  方善传  刘泽军  郭睿 《测绘学报》2016,45(11):1270-1277
基于日地关系建立地影模型,利用数值法可以高精度计算单个卫星的地影参数,但是难以快速而全面地分析某一类卫星的地影参数变化和分布规律。本文从日、地和卫星三者的几何关系出发,提出了一种基于空间视场的卫星地影直接建模方法。首先,分别利用轨道半长轴和太阳的周年视运动确定卫星地影的大小和位置变化;其次,基于球面几何分析法推导了卫星地影参数的计算公式以及扁率摄动等对长期预报的影响改正公式。对北斗混合星座中3类卫星的地影参数分析试验表明,卫星地影模型和地影参数解析法能够快速获得中高轨近圆轨道类型的星蚀规律信息。  相似文献   
北京地区对流层延迟模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨汀  张筱  宋福成  陈宜金 《测绘科学》2016,41(4):165-170
针对气象参数具有时空特性导致全球导航卫星系统测量精度不高的问题,该文探讨了北京地区对流层延迟模型建立的方法。使用2012年探空气象数据,基于最小二乘法拟合出北京地区气压、温度、露点温度随高程变化的关系式,建立了3层干延迟折射率模型、2层湿延迟折射率模型及天顶延迟折射率模型(BJ模型);采用Bernese软件,将BJ模型与Saastamoinen模型和Hopfield模型进行精度比较,结果表明BJ模型的残差均值及均方根均优于传统模型;同时,以1月份和7月份的BJ模型为例计算得出的区域模型适用于不同年份。  相似文献   
渔用电子仪器设备是否能正常工作,将直接影响捕捞船的安全与生产,对我国国外渔业企业的生存与发展具有举足轻重的作用。本文描述了作业于毛里塔尼亚海域的我国捕捞船的电子仪器设备现状与问题,并探讨了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   
依据模型冰物理性质控制其力学性质的原则 ,利用能量平衡观点建立了冰内未冻结液体含量同制冰过程中的冰池温度、降温及升温时间、模型冰厚度 (喷雾时间×流量 )的理论关系 ,以其量纲表达式作为预测模型冰物理和力学参数的综合控制指标 ;通过系统测量酒精溶液冰点温度、冰池大厅气温、模型冰温度、冰内未冻液含量、冰密度、冰压缩强度、冰弯曲强度和冰变形模量 ,获得了不同冰点温度模型冰的物理和力学参数同该综合控制指标的实验关系 ;实现了用人为可控制因子定量控制模型冰物理和力学参数的目的  相似文献   
现代潮滩依据多年平均潮位线划分高、中、低潮滩,这对于古代潮坪沉积相研究无实际意义。本文尝试用潮坪层序粒度参数剖面来划分沉积相。潮坪沉积物以粉砂为主,但敏感地反映沉积动力变化的却是粗、细尾部分。因此,在沉积相划分时主要依据粘土、砂含量及平均粒径的变化特征。分选系数是一重要依据,但要考虑絮凝沉积的影响。偏态和峰态变幅小、较复杂,在相划分中只具参考价值。利用粒度参数剖面进行潮坪沉积相划分可广泛应用于古代潮坪层序研究,而且根据中潮坪沉积厚度(x)与平均潮差(y)存在的显著性相关关系:y=1.8314x 157.31(单位cm),推算古潮差。  相似文献   
粤西水东湾现代沉积环境特征与泥沙搬运路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对粤西水东湾沉积地貌单元的现代沉积物分布特征分析与泥沙净搬运矢量计算表明,滨面斜坡沉积物主要由砂粒级物质组成,粒级参数Md,QD和SK具有从海向岸、自东向西变化的总趋势,泥沙净搬运趋势以向岸和西北为主。落潮三角洲沉积物较其邻近滨面斜坡有所粗化,分选从中部向两侧变好,泥沙在落潮流与波浪驱动下沿落潮三角洲边缘向西运动。口门内潮汐通道深槽泥沙净搬运趋势指向湖。湖区的沉积物以泥质为主,分选中等至差,并形成绕涨潮三角洲的泥沙环流元。  相似文献   
Dynamics of Turbidity in the Tweed Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results are presented of turbidity measurements made in the Tweed Estuary during 14–29 September 1993. The observations covered a spring-neap period of very strong and relatively weak tides, which included strong wave activity at the mouth of the estuary, the aftermath of a strong freshwater inflow event and a minor inflow event which coincided with neap tides. Turbidity levels between the mouth and the limit of saline intrusion during this period were observed to lie in the range 2–30 ppm. Temperature–salinity relationships, based on rapid sampling throughout the estuary, often indicated conservative mixing between riverine and coastal waters. Turbidity–salinity relationships throughout the estuary were approximately linear for most of the lower salinity range (<30) although the relationships varied throughout a tidal cycle. At the highest salinities, in the lower 2·5 km of estuary, significantly enhanced turbidities occurred during strong, onshore swell-wave conditions. Near-mouth turbidities were very low (<5 ppm) at high-water (HW) when the swell-wave height was small (<0·3 m). There was no correlation between near-mouth turbidity at HW and tidal range, whereas the correlation between near-mouth turbidity and swell-wave height explained over 90% of the variance in near-mouth turbidity. The temporal trends in freshwater turbidity and freshwater inflow during the fieldwork period were fairly similar. A statistically significant relationship existed between these variables when freshwater turbidity was correlated against inflow 30 h earlier. A ‘ model ’ of turbidity, based on 5 days of inflows and used to hindcast turbidity from 14 days of inflows between 16–29 September, explained over 80% of the variance in freshwater turbidity. Therefore, inflow exerted a significant control on the fluvial turbidity. It appears that very fine-grained particles were responsible for the observed turbidity in the central and upper reaches of the Tweed. During the flood, in the presence of strong wave activity in the coastal zone, larger sediment was rapidly winnowed in the lower reaches, close to the mouth, whereas fine silt particles remained in suspension and reached the limit of saline intrusion.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the added mass coefficients of a typical autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to changes in geometric parameters was investigated. Qualitative deductions were made concerning the effect of geometric variations. Then the added mass coefficients for several configurations of body geometry were generated for the Canadian Self-Contained Off-the-shelf Underwater Testbed (C-SCOUT) vehicle using the computer program Estimate Submarine Added Mass (ESAM). The changes in the added mass coefficients have direct relationships to the varied parameter. The results presented here are specific to the C-SCOUT, but may be extended to similar axisymmetric bodies.  相似文献   
The copepod Acartia tonsa appeared in Europe in the first half of the 20th century and colonized progressively European seas and estuaries, possibly transferred from North Atlantic Coast of America. It had been reported in the polyhaline area of the Gironde estuary for a long time but was first recorded in the oligo-mesohaline area in 1983. Its abundance has been increasing significantly. High abundances of A. tonsa were reported since 1999, supplanting the abundances of its autochthonous congeneric species, Acartia bifilosa. This colonization was characterized by analyzing the mean seasonal variability: (1) for three 5-year periods corresponding to three different steps of A. tonsa appearance (1978–1982, A. tonsa was absent; 1988–1992, low abundances of the species; and 1999–2003, high abundances of A. tonsa) in the oligo-mesohaline area and (2) for three stations distributed along the salinity gradient during the recent period. The aim of this work was to define if this colonization was due to natural or anthropogenic forcing and to evaluate its possible impact on autochthonous zooplanktonic community.Both natural and anthropogenic forcings seem to explain the colonization of Acartia tonsa in the oligo-mesohaline area of the Gironde estuary. First records (1983–1988) could be due to marine water inputs caused by high values of the North Atlantic Oscillation index. The global warming which caused the increase of the summer warm period, the marinisation of the system and the local decrease of the turbidity should have been the key factors favoring the establishment of the species. Anthropogenic forcings as the establishment of the nuclear power plant which locally causes warmer conditions are also important factors explaining the differences of seasonal cycle observed between oligo-mesohaline area and other stations: the seasonal pattern of A. tonsa in the oligo-mesohaline area was indeed characterized by an autumnal peak of abundances which has been observed in other stations and in many North European estuaries, and by a second spring peak that had only been observed in Southern estuaries.The introduction of Acartia tonsa in the Gironde estuary significantly changed the seasonal pattern of autochthonous copepods, by limiting their seasonal abundances without affecting their long-term population stability. Finally, the successful colonization of A. tonsa had led to the spread of the seasonal zooplanktonic production which could have had an impact on fish and shrimp productions.  相似文献   
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