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在103-105a的尺度上,地磁场强度变化是影响陆地宇生核素生成速率的主要因素,其影响程度取决于样品的地理位置和暴露时间。根据已有的磁场古强度数据,模拟200 ka以来海拔2 km、25°N和40°N的地表10Be生成速率的变化,进而分析地表宇生核素生成速率变化对岩石暴露年代测定的影响及其模式年龄的校正。校正磁场强度变化后,海拔2 km、25°N上,50-200 ka的模式年龄可被压缩14%~19%,大于1σ的误差,相同海拔40°N上的模式年龄可减小约8%。对中低纬两组模式年龄的校正充分证明,磁场强度引起的陆地宇生核素生成速率变化是暴露年代测定中主要误差源之一,尤其在低纬高海拔地区这一影响更不容忽视。  相似文献   
为查明典型黄土-古土壤系列地层结构的水分运移及湿陷变形规律,依托西安北至机场城际轨道项目于渭北黄土塬区所进行的大型试坑浸水试验,采用现场实时观测的方法,跟踪测试了无渗水孔条件下的湿陷性土层浸水渗透及湿陷变形。结果表明:在浸水前期,渗透水流以垂直运动为主,整体形态似一不断加大的“秤砣”形,随着水分运移至埋深较大土层时(约15.0 m),水平运动开始加大,直至达到水分入渗扩散角界限,最终,浸润区及饱和区均呈现形似倒置“漏斗”的形态;受水分扩散的影响,沉降过程可划分为:初始浸水段-剧烈湿陷段-湿陷稳定段-停水孔压消散段-固结沉降段-沉降稳定段;古土壤层阻碍了水分的垂直渗透速度,并对其上土层的侧向扩散起到一定促进作用,停水后,则起到隔绝水分向下快速扩散的作用。研究结果为认识典型黄土-古土壤系列场地水分运移及湿陷变形规律提供了参考,也可为该地区未来工程建设提供指导及借鉴。  相似文献   
台风暴雨型浅层滑坡失稳机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对台风暴雨耦合作用下浅层滑坡的失稳机理进行研究。在总结福建台风暴雨型滑坡灾害特征的基础上,提出风荷载对斜坡变形失稳的影响机理是通过植被造成坡体开裂,从而影响坡体的入渗规律。应用GeoStudio软件计算台风暴雨入渗条件下裂隙坡体中暂态非饱和渗流场的变化,以及对斜坡稳定性的影响。计算结果表明:裂隙坡体由于在裂隙处形成集中入渗点,雨水的入渗速度大于无裂隙的坡体,坡体达到饱和状态所需要的时间大为缩短。裂隙深度、间距对滑坡稳定系数的影响较大,裂隙深度越大、间距越小,在相同的降雨条件下滑坡的稳定系数越小,滑坡失稳需要的降雨时长越短。裂隙宽度对滑坡稳定性的影响相对较小。  相似文献   
岩溶水是指赋存于岩溶孔隙中的地下水,是我国南方生产生活主要用水来源.随着社会对水资源需求的逐步扩大,岩溶水资源的开发利用越发重要.通过定期监测岳麓山泉水流量、电导率、pH值,结合岳麓山岩土层性质和长沙市降雨量,采用统计分析和Spearman秩相关系数法对泉水流量变化和泉水水质定性评价进行研究.研究结果表明,大气降雨对岩溶水进行补给从而使泉水流量增大,泉水流量的改变除与降雨量有关外,还受土壤入渗率和降雨时长的影响.采用Spearman秩相关系数法可定量计算电导率与时间的相关性,间接判断周围环境对泉水水质影响的难易程度,有利于识别电导率代表性位置泉眼,更好地监测和评价岩溶水.土壤酸沉降污染严重或酸雨频繁地区易导致岩溶水pH值呈酸性.对泉水流量和水质的研究有利于科学开发利用岩溶水资源.  相似文献   
白利雅盆地位于青藏高原东部,鲜水河断裂带北西段炉霍活断层与达曲活断层的斜接部位。通过野外实际考查,结合Google Earth地图发现白利雅盆地发育一系列的构造地貌:断层三角面、坡中槽、断错阶地、废弃河道、裂陷湖和阶地面变形。盆地发育的4级阶地是构造成因。废弃河道是新的断裂活动形成的新冲沟、新河道——达曲,其快速下切,废弃老河道,形成狭长的‘U’型沟谷。鲜水河断裂的北西段炉霍活断层切过T3河流阶地,说明其(白利雅以北)是在大约14.92kaB.P.以后形成的,可能预示着构造应力场的变化和白利雅盆地形成。对盆地4级阶地(T1,T2,T3和T4)的河流沉积物光释光(OSL)测年结果分别是 1.06±0.06kaB.P.,1.83±0.06kaB.P.,14.92±0.76kaB.P.和 42.48±2.35kaB.P.,代表了相应阶地的沉积年龄。这些结果与阶地前缘陡坎断错的距离计算显示,从42.48kaB.P.和14.92kaB.P.以来,断层走向平均移动速率分别为3.73mm/a和0.85mm/a,显示从中更新世晚期以来,鲜水河断裂带炉霍活断层水平滑移有减慢的趋势。在42.48~14.92kaB.P.,14.92~1.83kaB.P.和1.83~1.06kaB.P.,相邻阶地垂向隆升或河流下切的速率分别为0.14mm/a(T4~T3),4.66mm/a(T3~T2)和5.19mm/a(T2~T1),显示从中更新世晚期以来,阶地垂直隆升或河流下切有加快的趋势。  相似文献   
实践中发展的最大有效力矩准则   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
最大有效力矩准则发表以来, 不断得到新的野外观察和实验结果的验证, 正在得到国内外同行的支持。岩石的变形行为取决于自身力学性质、构造层次(包括温度、压力、流体压力等因素)和应变速率。浅构造层次中平面菱网状构造和剖面共轭膝褶带, 钝角面对缩短方向, 受最大有效力矩准则控制, 是对慢应变速率的构造响应。证明应变速率对变形行为的控制程度不亚于构造层次。韧、脆性构造的共存意味着构造演化过程为快、慢应变速率的交替。   相似文献   
A pollen‐inferred vegetation shift, from pioneer birch–pine woodland to mixed pine–summergreen oak forests, in the southern Alpine forelands, is commonly attributed to a centennial‐scale warming that occurred between the Gerzensee Oscillation (GO) and the Younger Dryas. Two microtephra layers bracketing the Younger Dryas onset (the Laacher See Tephra and the Vedde Ash) improve the chronology at Lago Piccolo di Avigliana (northern Italy) and allowed accurate correlation with Central European records where the GO is clearly detected. We used pollen percentages, pollen accumulation rates (PARs) and plant macrofossils to assess the population dynamics of Quercus, and leaf‐cuticle analysis for a better taxonomic identification of Quercus. Our results indicate that the species that was locally present was probably Quercus robur. PARs suggest that the population expansion started as early as the Bølling and followed an exponential increase through time. We attribute this gradual shift to increasing summer temperatures and longer growing seasons which contrast with a gradually decreasing temperature trend as recorded in Greenland ice cores and in Central Europe. Breaks or set‐backs in the PAR record may indicate the biotic response to minor Lateglacial cooling events of different life‐history stages in the Quercus population. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Biocrusts abound in southern Israel, covering the Hallamish dune field near Nizzana (NIZ) in the Negev (mean annual precipitation of 95 mm) and the coast of Nizzanim (NIM) near Ashdod (mean annual precipitation of 500 mm). While the hydrological response of the NIZ crust to natural rain events was thoroughly investigated, no data is available on the hydrological response of the NIM crust. Runoff was monitored in runoff plots during the years 2005–2008, and in addition, sprinkling experiments were carried out on NIM and NIZ crusts. For the evaluation of the possible factors that may control runoff initiation, fine content of the parent material, crust thickness, compressional strength, hydrophobicity, surface microrelief, organic matter, biomass (chlorophyll a and total carbohydrates) and the crust's species composition of NIM were studied and compared to that of NIZ. The data showed that in comparison to the NIZ crust that readily generated runoff, no runoff was produced by the NIM crust. This was so despite the fact that (1) Microculeus vaginatus predominated in both crusts, (2) the substantially higher rain intensities in NIM, (3) the greater thickness and higher chlorophyll content and (4) the lower microrelief at NIM in comparison to NIZ. The lack of runoff in NIM was explained by its low amounts of exopolysaccharides that did not suffice to affectively clog the surface and in turn to facilitate runoff initiation. The absence of runoff and its consequences on the NIM ecosystem are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A simple grid cell‐based distributed hydrologic model was developed to provide spatial information on hydrologic components for determining hydrologically based critical source areas. The model represents the critical process (soil moisture variation) to run‐off generation accounting for both local and global water balance. In this way, it simulates both infiltration excess run‐off and saturation excess run‐off. The model was tested by multisite and multivariable evaluation on the 50‐km2 Little River Experimental Watershed I in Georgia, U.S. and 2 smaller nested subwatersheds. Water balance, hydrograph, and soil moisture were simulated and compared to observed data. For streamflow calibration, the daily Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.78 at the watershed outlet and 0.56 and 0.75 at the 2 nested subwatersheds. For the validation period, the Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficients were 0.79 at the watershed outlet and 0.85 and 0.83 at the 2 subwatersheds. The per cent bias was less than 15% for all sites. For soil moisture, the model also predicted the rising and declining trends at 4 of the 5 measurement sites. The spatial distribution of surface run‐off simulated by the model was mainly controlled by local characteristics (precipitation, soil properties, and land cover) on dry days and by global watershed characteristics (relative position within the watershed and hydrologic connectivity) on wet days when saturation excess run‐off was simulated. The spatial details of run‐off generation and travel time along flow paths provided by the model are helpful for watershed managers to further identify critical source areas of non‐point source pollution and develop best management practices.  相似文献   
Soil water repellency is a widespread phenomenon with the capacity to alter hydrological and geomorphological processes. Water repellency decays with time, and the consequences are only of concern during the timescale at which the water repellency persists. This study aimed to characterize the influence of temperature and humidity on the breakdown of water repellency. Apparent contact angle measurements were carried out on samples consisting of sand treated with stearic acid as well as naturally repellent dune sands and composts. Temperature and humidity were controlled using a cooled incubator and a purpose designed enclosed box in which humidity could be raised or lowered. Results showed the contact angle of the stearic‐acid‐treated sands decayed with time and that there was a significant increase with stearic acid concentration. For all samples, the decay in apparent contact angle could be described with a continuous breakdown model. The stearic‐acid‐treated sands showed a significant increase in contact angle with relative humidity at a temperature of 10 and 20 °C. These differences diminished with increasing temperature. Similar results were seen for the dune sands and composts. Despite the influence of temperature and humidity on contact angles, there was no significant change in the rate at which the contact angle decayed in any sample. Absolute humidity was found to provide a more relevant indicator than relative humidity when assessing the influence of humidity on repellency over a range of temperatures. The contact angle initially increased with absolute humidity before plateauing owing to the confounding effect of temperature. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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