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Information about the magmatic to hydrothermal transition is preserved in late-stage features of quartz phenocrysts and endoskarn alteration in some Cu–Zn skarn deposits such as the Empire Mine in Idaho. Important features include: (1) quartz phenocrysts with strong resorption textures such as vermicular zones of igneous groundmass cutting primary quartz cathodoluminescence banding, (2) anomalous amounts of endoskarn (more than 50% of mineralized rock), (3) high F activities as evidenced by fluorite as an accessory mineral in igneous rocks, in alteration assemblages, and in fluid inclusions and by high F in hydroxyl sites in igneous biotite and amphibole, and (4) direct association of Zn, which normally is deposited distally at low temperature, with Cu in proximal locations and in endoskarn. These features are explained by the following model: (1) F lowers the solidus temperature of the magma, thus changing the timing, temperature, and duration of hydrothermal fluid exsolution. (2) Upon magmatic vapor saturation the F-rich hydrothermal fluids form bubbles that adhere to quartz phenocrysts and chemically corrode/tunnel into the quartz forming vermicular resorption textures. (3) F-rich hydrothermal fluids also promote the formation of endoskarn; silicic rocks are attacked by F-rich fluids in the same sense that carbonate wall rocks are dissolved by weakly to moderately acidic hydrothermal fluids. (4) Low fluid exsolution temperature facilitated by high F activity promotes high Zn/Cu ratios in proximal locations due to the solubility of Zn relative to Cu at lower temperatures. This model may be applicable at other localities such as the world-class Cu–Zn skarn Antamina mine, as well as some tin and rapakivi granites.  相似文献   
Distance,time and scale in soil erosion processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This commentary brings together, as a virtual Special Issue, a number of recent papers in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms that are all related to issues of scale in soil erosion. Empirical concepts that were developed in the 1940s are now in need of re‐thinking, and papers are increasingly exploring, through modelling and measurement, appropriate ways to recognize the mechanisms that connect processes across time and space scales. Issues include a more nuanced approach to selective transportation, responses to variability in surface and sub‐surface conditions and the need to analyse measurements in ways that can be transferred between sites and storms. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
腾冲热海火山地热区近期水热爆炸的阶段性演化特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
水热爆炸是活动性地热田的典型显示。腾冲热海火山地热区历史上曾发生过强烈的水热爆炸活动,但前期一度沉寂。1993年以来水热爆炸活动再度活跃。在过去十年间,研究区内发生过较大的爆炸喷发事件20余次,且规模越来越大。本文根据对爆炸形成泉点的选出气体化学和氦同位素组成的测试结果,研究了区内近期水热爆炸活动的演化特征。逸出气体化学和氦同位素组成特征指示,区内近期引发水热爆炸活动的气体源区有从浅层、中层向深层发展的趋势;作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。  相似文献   
桐柏山太白顶、殷店和天河口一带,发育有大量的L构造岩,拉伸线理极其发育,面理较弱,线理产状向南东东倾伏,倾伏角为1°~20°。桐柏山L构造岩具有以下主要特征:在三维空间上,L构造岩强烈发育杆状构造,这种“杆”状构造是由大量沿X轴方向定向排列连在一起的椭球体矿物构成的,其变形机制主要为石英的颗粒边界迁移和长石的位错蠕变,形成的平均压力为0.59GPa,平均温度为550 ℃~600 ℃,形成于中-高温-中压环境,变质相为高绿片岩相到低角闪岩相,形成深度大致在15~20 km,属于中地壳的产物。L构造岩在桐柏山的发现可能反映了桐柏山造山带中桐柏杂岩岩块相对两侧榴辉岩岩片具有近东西向挤出构造的特征。  相似文献   
西藏羊八井地热田水热蚀变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
朱梅湘  徐勇 《地质科学》1989,(2):162-175
本文对羊八井地热田钻扎ZK-201、ZK-301和ZK-308的岩心进行了较系统的蚀变矿物学、岩石学和流体包体研究。划分出6个蚀变矿物共生组合及蚀变分带,讨论了蚀变过程中岩石化学变化的特点,并推测了蚀变的温度和酸碱度条件。研究表明,热田曾处于极度的活动状态,最高温度达220-240℃,由于冷水的入侵,热田在目前钻探所及范围已冷却了50-70℃。蚀变矿物分布模式表明,目前热田流体主通道位于北部,热田进一步的开发应以寻找北部深部高温流体为主。  相似文献   
张家口市崇礼区北部完成了1∶5万地球化学测量,小西湾侵入岩位置恰与化探工作圈定的AS33,即小西湾综合异常高度套合.利用区域资料及异常查证所获得的大比例尺地质、物化探数据,对该区成矿条件进行了综合分析,并推测了矿化蚀变的形成机制及其矿化蚀变体主要赋存位置.通过推断该区矿化机制并建立模型,认为该区具有寻找中高温热液型多金属矿床的潜力,并对下一步的勘查方向提出了建议.  相似文献   
河南省嵩县前河金矿矿床地质特征和找矿方向   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
前河金矿床属构造蚀变岩型中低温热液矿床,位于马超营大断裂及燕山期合峪花岗岩体的北部.文章分析了矿床含矿建造和构造控矿因素,详述了金矿床的地质特征、找矿方向和找矿标志,进而为该区下一步找矿指出方向.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于矢栅协同的地表覆盖变化信息提取方法,并详细分析了其关键技术。在变化检测指标设计中,提出顾及遥感指数量化范围拉伸的变化发现算法;通过选取试验区,利用统计计算与空间叠置分析,提取出地表覆盖变化发生区域与变化类型信息,对方法的可行性进行了验证。研究表明,该方法以地理国情普查成果本底数据作为基础,可获得高精度的地表覆盖变化信息,能够为地理国情监测提供一种适用而有效的、基于高分辨率遥感影像的变化信息提取模式。  相似文献   
卸荷状态下岩爆岩石变形破裂机制的实验岩石力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐林生  王兰生  李天斌 《山地学报》2000,18(Z1):102-107
岩爆是高地应力区地下工程中常见的一种卸荷破坏地质灾害现象。本文按照地下洞室开挖过程中围岩的实际受力状态,采用卸荷三轴试验方法,探讨了岩爆岩石的变形破坏特征和岩爆形成力学机制问题。  相似文献   
微生物絮凝剂絮凝活性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用微生物絮凝剂对2g/L,200目高岭土悬浊液絮凝率的测定,得出培养液中絮凝活性分布及活性菌产生絮凝剂时的最佳条件.这种菌产絮凝剂的最佳条件如下pH值7.5~9.0,温度28~30℃,300r/min摇床培养45~60h.  相似文献   
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