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流域水文模型计算域离散方法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
常用的概念性水文模型 ,能够很好地模拟水文时间变化过程 ,但没有考虑水文变量和水文参数的空间变化与空间不均匀性。随着空间数据的获取手段的增多以及空间离散技术的发展 ,考虑水文参数和水文变量空间变化的分布式水文模型得到了极大的发展。本文详细介绍了分布式流域水文模型中用到的几种不同计算域离散方法 ,并讨论了河道汇流模型中常用到的有结构网格和无结构离散网格。地理信息系统技术对计算域离散有辅助作用 ,其有利于无结构离散网格的自动生成和交互修改 ,并可结合遥感技术 ,使水文模型能获取精确的空间分布的水文参数和水文变量。  相似文献   
In the southeastern Holstein region, located to the east of the metropolitan zone of Hamburg, northern Germany, a groundwater investigation program was conducted from 1984 to 2000 by the State Agency for Nature and Environment (Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt, LANU) of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, with the aim of providing long-term, ecologically acceptable groundwater management plans for the region. The focal point of the investigation comprised the determination of groundwater recharge rates. The investigation method was based on the transfer of available lysimeter results from other regions to comparable regions within the area studied. With the help of lysimeter equations, potential amounts of percolation water were calculated. The groundwater recharge rate was then determined after subtraction of the surface runoff which was calculated for the entire area. All computations were performed with a spreadsheet program. Groundwater recharge rates were calculated for two areas. One consisted of roughly determining groundwater recharge rates for the total region (1,392 km2) of southeastern Holstein. The overall goal of these investigations was to identify potential areas of water exploitation. Areas in which groundwater recharge rates are high and groundwater outflow is low are particularly suited to water exploitation, since inflow rates into deeper aquifers are high. These areas are located on the flanks of the Elbe and Stecknitz River valleys. Subsurface groundwater runoff to these lowlands would be reduced through groundwater withdrawal. However, the resulting decline in shallow groundwater tables would be so small that it would have no detrimental ecological effects. Groundwater recharge rates were also calculated for a 110-km2 area in the outskirts of Hamburg (Grosshansdorf model area) which is intensively developed for water supply. These investigations showed that the amount of groundwater recharge is already being withdrawn to a large extent. Approximately 65% of the recharge rate is currently withdrawn by the waterworks in this area, thus making further increases in exploitation rates unjustifiable from an ecological point of view. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
I.horoductionPleNorthwestPacificOceanisti1elnostfrequentlyaffeCtedareaoftropicalcyclone(TC).AboLIt36percentTCoftheworldoccurinffosarea[2],andthenumberofTCWhichlandedonChinawiti1n1akimumwindforcescalesoverlOisabout35percentofti1atintheeastemcoastalcoLUitriesofAsia[l].BothrainstormsandfloodsMide,theidriuenceofTCareheaVyinChina,suchastherainfalldePthof2749mm/3datXinliao,Taiwanandpeakdischargeof44,6oOm'/satHuanggo(55,42okn'),YalujiangRjver.Therefore,TCisanimportantfaCtorforflooddisas…  相似文献   

Dealing with uncertainty is key in socio-hydrological analysis. As such, thinking through what uncertainties mean for whom and when is key. This discussion contribution introduces three issues related to defining uncertainties. The first issue deals with the problem of defining uncertainty as a given external reality. The second issue deals with who decides about relevant uncertainties. The third issue deals with the issue whether coupled human-hydrological systems can be seen as existing on their own. Finally, the text provides two examples of hydrological research that try to be explicit about our dealing with multiple (interpretations of) realities.  相似文献   

Large-sample hydrology (LSH) relies on data from large sets (tens to thousands) of catchments to go beyond individual case studies and derive robust conclusions on hydrological processes and models. Numerous LSH datasets have recently been released, covering a wide range of regions and relying on increasingly diverse data sources to characterize catchment behaviour. These datasets offer novel opportunities, yet they are also limited by their lack of comparability, uncertainty estimates and characterization of human impacts. This article (i) underscores the key role of LSH datasets in hydrological studies, (ii) provides a review of currently available LSH datasets, (iii) highlights current limitations of LSH datasets and (iv) proposes guidelines and coordinated actions to overcome these limitations. These guidelines and actions aim to standardize and automatize the creation of LSH datasets worldwide, and to enhance the reproducibility and comparability of hydrological studies.  相似文献   

We thank the authors, Brunella Bonaccorso and Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen for their constructive contributions to the discussion about the attribution of changes in drought and flood impacts. We appreciate that they support our opinion, but in particular their additional new ideas on how to better understand changes in impacts. It is great that they challenge us to think a step further on how to foster the collection of long time series of data and how to use these to model and project changes. Here, we elaborate on the possibility to collect time series of data on hazard, exposure, vulnerability and impacts and how these could be used to improve e.g. socio-hydrological models for the development of future risk scenarios.  相似文献   

One of the most significant anticipated consequences of global climate change is the change in frequency of hydrological extremes. Predictions of climate change impacts on the regime of hydrological extremes have traditionally been conducted by a top-down approach that involves a high degree of uncertainty associated with the temporal and spatial characteristics of general circulation model (GCM) outputs and the choice of downscaling technique. This study uses the inverse approach to model hydrological risk and vulnerability to changing climate conditions in the Seyhan River basin, Turkey. With close collaboration with the end users, the approach first identifies critical hydrological exposures that may lead to local failures in the Seyhan River basin. The Hydro-BEAM hydrological model is used to inversely transform the main hydrological exposures, such as floods and droughts, into corresponding meteorological conditions. The frequency of critical meteorological conditions is investigated under present and future climate scenarios by means of a weather generator based on the improved K-nearest neighbour algorithm. The weather generator, linked with the output of GCMs in the last step of the proposed methodology, allows for the creation of an ensemble of scenarios and easy updating when improved GCM outputs become available. Two main conclusions were drawn from the application of the inverse approach to the Seyhan River basin. First, floods of 100-, 200- and 300-year return periods under present conditions will have 102-, 293- and 1370-year return periods under the future conditions; that is, critical flood events will occur much less frequently under the changing climate conditions. Second, the drought return period will change from 5.3 years under present conditions to 2.0 years under the future conditions; that is, critical drought events will occur much more frequently under the changing climate conditions.  相似文献   
本文利用全球陆面数据同化系统与降雨观测数据,以陕西半湿润区陈河流域为研究对象,驱动WRF-Hydro模型,研究该模型的表现和适用性,并在结构、参数、输入输出和模拟结果方面与新安江模型对比.考虑到次表面层与实际包气带的区别,引入土层厚度乘子ZSOILFAC对前者进行等比缩放,发现其与新安江模型反推包气带的厚度有较好的一致性.研究表明:在陈河流域中WRF-Hydro计算步长须在建议值的基础上缩小; WRF-Hydro模型善于模拟洪水细节,新安江模型表现好且稳定;前者的径流深和洪峰合格率平于或略低于后者;在两个指标均合格的洪水中,前者平均均方根误差比后者小21.5%,但对于其他洪水,前者平均均方根误差比后者大56.2%; WRF-Hydro在洪水起涨时刻模拟较好,表现出其在中小流域应用的潜力.  相似文献   
黄河流域分布式水文模型初步研究与进展   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
结合国家重点基础研究规划项目"黄河流域水资源演化规律与可再生性维持机理"的研究,综述了黄河流域分布式水文模型研究的主要进展,包括分布式水文模型的特点和基本结构、分布式水文模型中的数字高程模型(DEM)和水文学基础、地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)在分布式水文模拟中的应用等方面的内容,对未来分布式水文模型的研究提出几点认识。  相似文献   
Lake Tana Basin is of significant importance to Ethiopia concerning water resources aspects and the ecological balance of the area. Many years of mismanagement, wetland losses due to urban encroachment and population growth, and droughts are causing its rapid deterioration. The main objective of this study was to assess the performance and applicability of the soil water assessment tool (SWAT) model for prediction of streamflow in the Lake Tana Basin, so that the influence of topography, land use, soil and climatic condition on the hydrology of Lake Tana Basin can be well examined. The physically based SWAT model was calibrated and validated for four tributaries of Lake Tana. Sequential uncertainty fitting (SUFI‐2), parameter solution (ParaSol) and generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) calibration and uncertainty analysis methods were compared and used for the set‐up of the SWAT model. The model evaluation statistics for streamflows prediction shows that there is a good agreement between the measured and simulated flows that was verified by coefficients of determination and Nash Sutcliffe efficiency greater than 0·5. The hydrological water balance analysis of the basin indicated that baseflow is an important component of the total discharge within the study area that contributes more than the surface runoff. More than 60% of losses in the watershed are through evapotranspiration. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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