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The University of Wisconsin–Madison and NASA–Goddard conducted acomprehensive multi-wavelength observing campaign of coma emissionsfrom comet Hale–Bopp, including OH 3080 Å, [O I] 6300 Å H2O+ 6158 Å, H Balmer-α 6563 Å, NH2 6330 Å, [C I] 9850 ÅCN 3879 Å, C2 5141 Å, C3 4062 Å,C I 1657 Å, and the UV and optical continua. In thiswork, we concentrate on the results of the H2O daughter studies.Our wide-field OH 3080 Å measured flux agrees with other, similarobservations and the expected value calculated from published waterproduction rates using standard H2O and OH photochemistry.However, the total [O I] 6300 Å flux determined spectroscopically overa similar field-of-view was a factor of 3-4 higher than expected.Narrow-band [O I] images show this excess came from beyond theH2O scale length, suggesting either a previously unknown source of[O I] or an error in the standard OH + ν→ O(1 D) + H branching ratio. The Hale–Bopp OH and[O I] distributions, both of which were imaged tocometocentric distances >1 × 106 km, were more spatiallyextended than those of comet Halley (after correcting for brightnessdifferences), suggesting a higher bulk outflow velocity. Evidence ofthe driving mechanism for this outflow is found in the Hα lineprofile, which was narrower than in comet Halley (though likelybecause of opacity effects, not as narrow as predicted by Monte-Carlomodels). This is consistent with greater collisional coupling betweenthe suprathermal H photodissociation products and Hale–Bopp's densecoma. Presumably because of mass loading of the solar wind by ionsand ions by the neutrals, the measured acceleration of H2O+ downthe ion tail was much smaller than in comet Halley. Tailwardextensions in the azimuthal distributions of OH 3080 Å,[O I], and [C I] , as well as a Doppler asymmetry in the[O I] line profile, suggest ion-neutral coupling. While thetailward extension in the OH can be explained by increased neutralacceleration, the [O I] 6300 Å and [C I] 9850 Å emissions show 13%and >200% excesses in this direction (respectively), suggesting anon-negligible contribution from dissociative recombination of CO+and/or electron collisional excitation. Thus, models including theeffects of photo- and collisional chemistry are necessary for the fullinterpretation of these data.  相似文献   
上海天文台原子频标研究50年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国科学院上海天文台1958年开始原子频标的研究,先后研制成功氨分子钟和各种类型的氢原子钟,并实现主动型氢钟的商品化生产。迄今为止,已经研制生产主动型氢钟60多台,广泛用于科学技术各领域。该文简单介绍了上海天文台原子频标的发展、性能指标的改进和氢钟的应用概况,并对今后的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
贵州织金县城关镇荷花村的地表土(拌煤粘土)曾被证实普遍高氟且被认为与地氟病长期严重流行密切相关。本文新的研究证实:该村拌煤粘土的氟含量均值为1284μg/g(620.8~2816μg/g,n=45);表观酸度均值为p Ha=4.92(4.03~6.35,n=45),而实际酸度均值达到3.67(2.09~5.03,n=45);实测硫酸根总量均值为4465μg/g(1165~7003μg/g,n=45),且酸度与硫酸根总量呈正相关(相关系数:0.7920),表明该村拌煤粘土含氟量较高且已酸化,酸的存在形式可能是酸性硫酸盐如Na HSO4。据此推论,这里的拌煤粘土在与煤共燃烧或被加热条件下,酸性硫酸盐可能分解煤和粘土中氟化物而释放出氟化氢,且根据酸碱平衡估算出了氟化氢释放量均值为455μg/g(9.1~1643μg/g,n=45)。类似现象在其他地氟病流行区是否具有普遍性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
老挝中部沙湾拿吉盆地上白垩统农波组钾盐蒸发岩是研究区域成矿卤水演化的重要材料。盐类矿物中微量元素的含量及其变化特征共同揭示了成盐物质应该主要来自海水,但深部水的补给也具有重要作用。研究结果表明,所谓的含盐系"基底"硬石膏只是水-岩作用下下盐层底部溶滤后的残余物。光卤石中偏负的δD、δ18O值及Br的海相特征则指示了该矿物是浓缩海水混合大气水后蒸发的产物,陆相水对成矿卤水演化过程产生了一定影响。农波组下盐层蒸发岩可分为3个不同的演化阶段。(1)海相输入阶段:海水进入成盐盆地,石盐大量沉积,海侵作用早期具有明显的波动性而后期较稳定;该阶段末期发生了海相输入向陆相输入的转变,陆相输入在水文封闭和收缩的成盐盆地中逐渐占据主导地位,卤水组分因深部水输入而发生变化。(2)非海相输入及混合卤水蒸发阶段:混合卤水蒸发形成钾盐,光卤石沉积过程中发生了一次轻微的卤水淡化事件。(3)沉积后改造阶段:已沉积的光卤石岩在陆相水淋滤作用下转变为钾石盐岩,钾石盐是光卤石被交代后的次生矿物。系统的微量元素和氢氧同位素分析表明,非海相输入在成矿卤水演化及沉积后的改造过程中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   
氢能是中国能源系统低碳转型和实现2060年前碳中和目标的重要技术选择之一。根据原料来源可以将氢分为绿氢、蓝氢和灰氢,其制备成本和碳排放强度存在较大差异。文中以中国氢能生产现状为基础,建立基于学习曲线的平准化制氢成本(LCOH)模型,测算不同制氢技术从2020年到2060年的成本变化趋势。结果表明:现阶段灰氢成本最低,绿氢成本最高;到2030年绿氢成本将下降至20~25元/kg;2050年后,绿氢将成为成本最低的制氢方式(含碳排放成本),而且PEM(质子交换膜)电解水制氢的成本将低于AE(碱性)电解水制氢,光伏+PEM电解水制氢成本将下降至12元/kg。电解槽和电力成本下降是未来绿氢成本下降的主要驱动因素。敏感性分析表明,运营维护成本和关键技术学习率是影响绿氢成本下降速度的重要参数。  相似文献   
According to 73 snow samples collected in the southeast and southwest of Tibetan Plateau in January,2021,the characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes(δD and δ18O)fractionation in dry season and the influence of water vapor migration on the chemical composition change of snow profile were revealed by measuring the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen and soluble inorganic ions in snow,and the relationship between stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen and climate and the composition and source of soluble inorganic ions were discussed. The results show that the local meteoric waterline of snowpack in the whole study area is δD=7. 86δ18O+11. 8(R2=0. 95),which is close to the Lhasa winter meteoric waterline,and the slope and inter⁃ cept of the meteoric waterline in the southeast are slightly lower than those in the southwest. δD and δ18O fluctu⁃ ates from -178. 11% to -68. 07% and -23. 80% to -9. 61%,respectively,and the d-excess values fluctuate from 11. 03% to 23. 49%,showing low values of δD and δ18O in winter,and high d-excess values. The surface layer is relatively enriched in heavy isotopes,and the isotope values are higher than those of the lower snow sam⁃ ples,and the water vapor migration inside the snow makes the slope of the relationship between δD and δ18O dif⁃ ferent. The concentration sequence of the main soluble inorganic ions is Ca2+>SO42->Na+>NO3->Cl->K+>Mg2+> NH4+,of which Ca2+(42. 47%),SO42-(23. 53%)accounted for the largest proportion of cation and anion,re⁃ spectively,and the average concentration of ions in the southeast was higher than that in the southwest. The re⁃ sults of principal component analysis show that terrigenous sources are the main source of ions in snow,and NH4+ and some NO3- are related to human activities. The backward air mass trajectory shows that the source of water vapor is related to the water vapor transport controlled by the upper-altitude westerly circulation,and most of the ions are terrestrial mineral dust carried by westerly winds in winter. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   
张麻井铀钼矿是沽源-红山子铀成矿带南段的典型矿床。矿体主要赋存于早白垩世张家口组三段中酸性火山岩中,成矿与次流纹斑岩密切相关,受北北东向F45、北西向F3断裂及西辛营破火山机构联合控制。流体包裹体研究表明,包裹体以液体类型为主,均一温度介于160~220℃,盐度介于0.5%~2.5%(NaCl),密度介于0.87~0.93 g/cm~3,成矿流体以中低温、中低盐度为主,属浅成中低温热液成矿类型。氢氧同位素特征显示,矿床主成矿热液期流体δD介于-124.9‰~-96.2‰,■介于-10.7‰~-3.3‰,表明成矿热液主要来自大气降水。  相似文献   
喜马拉雅山南地区拥有丰富的地热资源。开展地热水和钙华成因机制的研究,有助于了解地热资源特征和古气候变迁信息,对丰富山南地热资源的系统性研究和青藏高原气候环境变化研究均具有重要理论意义。本文以喜马拉雅东段山南地区的邛多江、古堆和曲卓木的三个温泉为研究对象,通过采集温泉地热水和钙华数据,综合分析了地热水水-岩作用特征、热储温度估算、补给来源追溯和温泉钙华的成因类型、形成年代、古气候意义等。结果表明:邛多江温泉的水化学类型为HCO3·Cl-Na·Ca型;古堆日若沸泉的水化学类型为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na型;古堆茶卡沸泉的水化学类型为Cl-Na型;曲卓木热泉的水化学类型为Cl·SO4-Na·Ca型。温泉地热水中的阴阳离子来源主要是硅酸盐岩的溶解以及部分碳酸盐岩和盐岩的溶解。由于温泉地热水均未达到水-岩平衡状态,利用石英地热温标得出浅部热储温度为129~148℃,利用硅-焓图解得出深部热储温度和冷水混合比例为181~221℃和58%~65%;氢氧同位素显示地热水补给高程为4467~5303 m。在山南地区,地热水受到高海拔大气降水和冰雪融水的补给,通过主要断裂构造运移到深部加热并在高温高压下沿着裂隙、节理上升,然后与浅层冷水混合,最后沿浅部地表松散破碎带出露形成温泉。温泉钙华CaO占比43.43%~56.66%,且显示出轻稀土元素富集的特点;δ13C指示温泉钙华为热成因,钙华中的碳主要来自于深部碳酸盐岩的变质成因,仅古堆日若沸泉有部分地幔碳;14C测年显示钙华的年龄为21280±70~43500年,Mg/Ca、Mg/Sr比值指示降雨量在43.50 ka年由峰值迅速减弱,并在42 ka~21.28 ka年期间降雨量又逐渐增强。  相似文献   
Though the S. Susanna spring system is one of the biggest water sources in the central Apennines, its hydrogeological dynamics have been scarcely investigated. This study tried to clarify some of the factors controlling the recharge/discharge processes of this spring by modelling the available climate series, water balance equations and new isotopic and quantitative data, using statistical and raster overlay functions embedded in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data were recorded monthly over a 2‐year period at the spring itself and in eight rain gauges in Reatini Mountains. The effective infiltration rate was calculated using the Kennessey coefficients and the Turc equation. Finally, the recharge area was identified with the help of an expert evaluation procedure. Local δ18O and δD versus altitude regression curves were used to validate the digital recharge model by comparing their expected values with the values actually measured. Recharge process was framed within the perspective of the ongoing local climate trends. The current discharge rate of 4·1 m3·s?1 is significantly lower than the average value of 5·5 m3·s?1 measured up to the 1980s, confirming the fall in the recharge/discharge rate. The hydrogeological system shows a delayed response, due to an average groundwater residence time in the aquifer, which is estimated to be about 15/20 years on the basis of the offset between calculated and observed isotope data at the main spring. For this reason the system is presently not equilibrated and is gradually changing towards a final equilibrium discharge estimated in about 3·4 m3·s?1. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
冲绳海槽浮岩中碳、氢同位素组成特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用分阶段热解释放气体质谱分析法研究了冲绳海槽浮岩热解释放气中CO2和H2O的碳、氢同位素组成,结果显示:浮岩中原生CO2和H2O主要释放于400~1 000℃,CO2的碳同位素组成介于-6.7×10-3~-22.7×10-3,H2O的氢同位素组成从-45×10-3变到-71×10-3,均落入幔源火山岩的变化范围,而且浮岩的氢同位素组成与海槽区玄武岩的氢同位素组成非常接近,这表明冲绳海槽浮岩与玄武岩之间具有密切的成因联系,浮岩岩浆和玄武岩岩浆是同源岩浆不同程度结晶分异的产物.另外,这些浮岩较洋中脊玄武岩要贫13C,并富集D,同时具有从洋中脊玄武岩向岛弧玄武岩变化的趋势,这表明浮岩岩浆在形成或上升过程中可能受到俯冲板块释放流体的影响.  相似文献   
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