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Hydrogen is named as possible energy carrier for future energy systems. However, the impact of large-scale hydrogen use on the atmosphere is uncertain. Application of hydrogen in clean fuel cells reduces emissions of air pollutants, but emissions from hydrogen production and leakages of molecular hydrogen could influence atmospheric chemistry. This paper combines a global energy system model and a global atmospheric model to explore the range of impacts of hydrogen on atmospheric chemistry. We found that emissions of molecular hydrogen may range from 0.2 up to 10% (or 25-167 Tg hydrogen/yr) for a global hydrogen energy system. The lower end of this range would in fact be equal to current emissions from fossil fuel combustion. Hydrogen energy use leads to a clear decrease in emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide, but large-scale hydrogen production from coal may lead to net increase in emissions of nitrous oxide and volatile organic compound. Compared to a reference scenario, this would lead to positive impacts on surface concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and ozone. However, if hydrogen leakage would not be minimised it leads to an increase in methane lifetimes and a decrease in stratospheric ozone concentrations.  相似文献   
During September 25 to October 28, 1985, the enzyme fluorometric (Lazrus et al., 1985) and the peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence (Klockow and Jacob, 1986; Jaeschke, 1986) techniques for analyzing H2O2 were compared in laboratory studies at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. and under field conditions at the Whiteface Mt. field station of the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, Albany, New York, U.S.A. Both methods showed excellent agreement, with a maximum deviation of ±5%. Only at unusually high concentrations of some potential atmospheric species could slight interferences be observed. During the experiments the detection limits were 1.3×10-8 mol/l (0.44 ppbm) of H2O2 for the fluorometric instrument and 4×10-8 mol/l (1.36 ppbm) of H2O2 for the chemiluminescence instrument. For the chemiluminescence technique, the response to methylhydroperoxide was approximately 80-fold less than that to an equivalent concentration of H2O2.  相似文献   
大气降水的水汽来源主要是海洋,而借助降水稳定同位素空间分布格局可以反演水汽输送路径,进而示踪水汽来源。利用全球降水同位素监测网数据,基于GIS平台完成了中国大陆夏季大气降水δD、δ18O和过量氘空间格局表征。中国大陆夏季氢氧稳定同位素空间分布存在着地域分异,其成因与不同水汽源及诸多环境效应密切相关。非季风区内的西北内陆高值中心与欧亚大陆自蒸发及经由西风带输送的大西洋水汽相关,青藏高原高值则是由高程效应所造成。季风区内大气降水稳定同位素总体呈现出自东南向西北递减趋势,多由纬度效应、大陆效应共同作用而形成;我国西南地区氢氧稳定同位素明显低于同纬度东南地区的,西南地区地形复杂和气流暖湿造成的雨量效应应该是主因。过量氘空间格局则与中国大陆三大气候带分界线基本吻合,区分了西北内陆低值区、青藏高原高值区及东部的自西南向东北递减趋势显著区。依据季风区内大气降水过量氘空间分布特征,大体推断出中国大陆西南夏季风与东南夏季风的区域影响分界可能在"长沙—西安"一线附近。  相似文献   
The study of water vapour sources and water cycle patterns in the Yellow River source region is of great significance for ensuring water resource security in the arid and semi-arid regions of northern China. We established a precipitation stable isotope observation system in the Yellow River source region for three consecutive years (2020–2022), systematically analysed the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of precipitation stable isotopes 2H and 18O in the Yellow River source region and their interrelationships with environmental factors and topography, and explored the regional water vapour transport pathways by using the HYSPLIT model and combining with the global reanalysis data. The results show that: (1) the δ18O and δ2H values of precipitation in the Yellow River source region follow the seasonal pattern, with the first half of the year being richer than the second half of the year; (2) the spatial variations of δ18O of precipitation in the Yellow River source region show a low in the southwest and a high in the northeast; (3) the water vapour source in the source area is basically stable, and the complex transport paths and the cross-effects of the local factors determine the stable isotope characteristics of the water, and the stable isotope characteristics of the water are determined by the cross-effects of the local factors, because the source of the water vapour and the local factors such as the height will not change significantly in the short term. Since the source of water vapour and local elevation factors will not change significantly in the short term, the precipitation pattern in the source area of the Yellow River can be considered to be basically stable.  相似文献   
水源动态补给和转化是影响湿地水文过程及其生态效应的重要机制,在黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的战略背景下,开展沿黄湿地多水源组成分析及转化关系研究,是揭示干旱半干旱区水量转化及湿地生态系统演变机制的关键.本文根据山西省汾河入黄口湿地的水文节律变化特征,选择2019年旱季(5月)、主汛期(7月)和汛末(9月)作为典型时期,...  相似文献   
韩玉丽  卜红梅 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):1968-1979
极端降水是影响水环境质量的重要气象因素之一,随着全球气候变暖,极端降水事件的频率和量级呈显著上升的趋势,对湖泊水化学和水环境产生了深刻的影响.白洋淀是华北地区重要的湖泊型湿地和生态功能区,为查明极端降水条件下白洋淀主淀区的水化学和水质特征,本研究利用Piper三线图、Gibbs图和多元统计方法阐明了白洋淀极端降雨后的水化学特征、氢氧稳定同位素特征和水质空间变化,揭示了极端降水条件对白洋淀主淀区水化学和水质的影响.结果表明:(1)在极端降水条件下,白洋淀主淀区湖水呈弱碱性,水化学类型主要为Ca-HCO3·SO4型,极端降水减弱了蒸发结晶作用和人类活动等因素对白洋淀主淀区湖水水化学组成的影响.极端降水是导致白洋淀主淀区pH、电导率和总溶解性固体发生大幅度变化的原因之一.(2)极端降水条件下白洋淀主淀区湖水的δ2H和δ18O值的范围分别为-60.86‰~-35.01‰和-8.84‰~-3.45‰,其值均与水深呈显著负相关.极端降水使得白洋淀主淀区湖水的氢、氧稳定同位素贫化,但对其空间分布的影响不大,湖水氢...  相似文献   
在地震地下流体研究中,地下水补给及循环过程是重要的研究内容之一,氢氧同位素示踪技术是目前研究该过程的常用手段。南昌地震台流体观测井自2013年8月22日投入观测以来,其基础数据未进行有效分析,通过对南昌井水样数据进行氢氧同位素及水化学实验分析,结果表明:井水主要补给源为直接大气降雨,补给前经历了一定蒸发作用;水—岩反应不充分,属于未成熟水;水样中无明显优势阳离子,Ca2+、Na+占主体,优势阴离子为HCO3,表明井水属重碳酸型水;水源补给高程约582 m。南昌地震台流体观测井总体受大气降水影响较大。  相似文献   
The Luliang and Baoshan basins are two small ba- sins in Yunnan Province. In the recent ten years or so, there have been found a number of natural gas pools of commercial importance in the two basins. Although the gas pools are small in size, the natural …  相似文献   
石碌大型—超大型铁矿赋存于石碌群第六层中段条带状透辉石透闪石岩、铁质千枚岩和铁质砂岩中。铁矿体形态总体呈层状-似层状,沿地层走向连续分布,受石碌群第六层和北西向北一复向斜联合控制。矿床可划分为5期:海底喷溢沉积期、区域变质期、矽卡岩期、石英-硫化物期和表生期,石碌铁矿主要形成于喷溢沉积期和区域变质期。其中区域变形变质作用与古特斯洋沿着昌江-琼海断裂带向南俯冲及随后的与印支地块的碰撞作用有关,区域变形变质作用形成于印支期(约243Ma)。喷溢-沉积期包裹体为气液二相包裹体,均一温度多集中在150~210℃,盐度变化于0.71%~3.06%NaCl。矽卡岩早期阶段石榴子石、绿帘石和石英中包裹体均一温度变化范围宽,介于150~497℃,峰值出现于230~310℃、370~410℃和450~470℃3个区间,包裹体盐度变化于1.23%~22.31%NaCl,出现4%~7%NaCl、11%~13%NaCl和21%~22%NaCl 3个峰值区间。矽卡岩期晚期阶段石英和方解石中气液二相包裹体均一温度变化于155~286℃,峰值出现于170~210℃和230~250℃2个区间,包裹体盐度变化于1.40%~7.17%NaCl。含CO2三相包裹体均一温度变化于218~533℃,明显比气液二相包裹体高,包裹体盐度变化于4.98%~8.35%NaCl。石英-硫化物期石英和方解石中均一温度变化于151~462℃,峰值出现于170~250℃、290~310℃和370~390℃3个区间,包裹体盐度变化于1.05%~16.53%NaCl,有1%~4%NaCl和14%~17%NaCl二个区间。矽卡岩期早期阶段和晚期阶段石英同时出现气液二相包裹体、富CO2包裹体、含CO2三相包裹体,由流体不混溶作用所引起,成矿流体来源于岩浆流体。虽然矽卡岩期成矿流体能导致磁铁矿交代赤铁矿,但对铁矿的富集不起决定作用,相反导致矿石的贫化。  相似文献   
To quantitatively analyze the response of distributions and hydrogen isotopic compositions (SD) of plant leaf wax to moisture, and to better understand their implications for paleoclimatic reconstruction, we measured av- erage chain length (ACL) and 8D values of n-alkanes and n-fatty acids (n-FAs) from Orinus kokonorica, a typical and representative plant in Lake Qinghai area, along a distance transect extending from lakeshore to wetland to dry- land in the arid ecosystem. The results showed that the ACL values of n-alkanes and n-FAs were negatively corre- lated with soil water content (SWC) with R2~0.593 and R2=0.924, respectively. This is as a result of plant's response to water loss with more abundance in long-chain n-alkyl lipids under increasing aridity by analyzing relationships between the molecular ratios of long-chain n-alkyl lipids (n-alkanes and n-FAs) from O. kokonorica and SWC. The 8D values of C29 n-alkane and C28 n-FA were also negatively correlated with SWC with R2-0.778 and R2-0.760, respectively, which may due to enhanced D-enrichment in leaf water by evapotranspiration (soil water evaporation and leaf water transpiration) with increasing aridity. Our results demonstrated that moisture exerts a significant con- trol on the ACL and 8D values from O. kokonorica in an arid ecosystem. This preliminary study on a modern single plant (O. kokonorica) sets a foundation for comprehending these values as quantitative proxies for paleo-humidity reconstruction.  相似文献   
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