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理查逊数和晴空颠簸的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钟中  张金善 《气象科学》1996,16(1):56-62
对切变气流中重力内波的稳定性进行了数值计算,结果表明,判别晴空颠是否发生的临界Ri数随波长,层结稳定度和基本气流变强度的不同而有所变化,预报业务中用Ri〈0.25作为预报晴空的指标易出现空报。  相似文献   
The stability of a simple coupled ocean-atmosphere system similar to the one studied by Hirst with general ocean thermodynamics is investigated in which the atmospheric heating is determined by sea surface temperature anomalies as well as the convergence feedback (low level moisture convergence by the waves themselves). It is shown that the unstable coupled mode found by Hirst (UH mode) is profoundly modified by the convergence feedback. The feedback increases the unstable range of the UH mode and can increase its growth rate several folds. The maximally growing UH mode can become westward propagating for certain strength of convergence feedback. If the convergence feedback strength exceeds a critical value, several new unstable intraseasonal modes are also introduced. These modes are basically ‘advective’ modes. For relatively weak strengths of the convergence feedback the growth rates of these modes are smaller than that of the UH mode. As the atmosphere approaches ‘moist neutral’ state, the growth rates of these modes could become comparable or even larger than that of the UH mode. It is argued that these results explain why the El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal is clear in the eastern Pacific but not so in the western Pacific and they may also explain some of the differences between individual ENSO events. Our results also explain the aperiodic behaviour of some coupled numerical models. Importance of this process in explaining the observed aperiodicity of the ENSO phenomenon is indicated.  相似文献   
Constraining the process by which volcanoes become unstable is difficult. Several models have been proposed to explain the driving forces which cause volcanic edifices to catastrophically collapse. These include models for destabilisation of volcanic flanks by wedging due to dyke intrusion and the weakening of mechanical properties by pressurisation of pore fluids. It is not known which, if any, of the models are relevant to particular sector collapse events. Recent developments in the palaeomagnetic estimation of emplacement temperatures of volcaniclastic rocks have shown that even relatively low emplacement temperatures can be recorded by volcaniclastics with high fidelity. We have carried out a palaeomagnetic study of emplacement temperatures to investigate the role of igneous activity in the initiation of the 9,500 b.p. Murimotu sector collapse of Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. This debris avalanche deposit has three fades which are stratigraphically superimposed, and the lowermost fades contains three lithological assemblages representing different segments of the edifice which were transported with little internal mixing within the flow. We have determined that some of the dacite-bearing assemblage 1, fades 1 was hot (∼350 °C) during transport and emplacement, whereas none of the other lithological assemblages of fades contained hot material. Our interpretation is that a dacite dome was active on the ancient Ruapehu edifice immediately prior to the Murimotu sector collapse. The partially cooled carapace of the dome and material shed from this part was incorporated into the avalanche deposit, along with cold lavas and volcaniclastics. We have not found evidence for incorporation of material at or close to magmatic temperatures, at least in the sampled locations. Our palaeomagnetic work allows us to develop a comprehensive, new palaeomagnetic classification of volcaniclastics. Published online: 25 January 2003 Editorial responsibility: D. Dingwell  相似文献   
"96.1"高原暴雪过程三维条件性对称不稳定的数值研究   总被引:37,自引:22,他引:15  
王文  程麟生 《高原气象》2002,21(3):225-232
利用“96.1”青藏高原东北部暴雪过程的较成功的中尺度模拟的输出资料,用非纬向非平行基流中的对称不稳定模式,对“96.1”暴雪发生发展过程的动力学机制进行了三维基流中二维非线性对称不稳定数值模拟试验。结果表明,ψ场和ω场的三维配置与切变线的演变过程相当一致,说明用三维基流中二维非线性对称不稳定可能能较好地描述SI在切变线东伸南移过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   
“96·8”华北暴雨数值模拟与稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
边清河  丁治英  董金虎 《气象》2006,32(8):17-22
分析1996年8月发生在华北地区的台风暴雨过程的环流形势,发现:副热带高压与台风低压之间的气压梯度很大,宽广的偏南急流源源不断地向北输送水汽和能量,而太行山一带正处于汇合区,构成十分有利的暴雨天气形势。应用MM5数值预报方法对1996年8月4—5日的降雨天气过程进行数值模拟,并依据天气学原理和位涡理论对此过程的稳定性进行分析认为:(1)MM5数值预报模式较好地模拟出了台风暴雨的物理过程。(2)此次降雨的不稳定层结有南高北低现象,同时有对称不稳定和对流不稳定存在;条件性对称不稳定可使环流加速,对降水有一定的增幅作用。  相似文献   
2003年一次梅雨大暴雨成因的动力学研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
运用中尺度非静力模式MN5对2003年梅雨期一次大暴雨天气进行数值模拟,在降雨模拟基本正确的基础上分析暴雨发生原因。结果表明:该次梅雨大暴雨属于切变类暴雨,对流层低层有能量锋区、高层有惯性不稳定活动,暴雨区位于低空急流的左前方、高空急流的右前方。暴雨中心物理量要素的时间一高度演变显示:低层正涡度、辐合,高层负涡度、辐散,深厚的上升运动,等相当位温线抬升,湿位涡及其正、斜压分量3者负值加大均有利于降雨加强;暴雨减弱阶段,这些要素一般向相反方向转变。该次大暴雨的直接影响系统具有明显的中尺度时、空特点,大暴雨的发生与高层惯性不稳定和低层对流不稳定有关。  相似文献   
喀斯特区域的水化学不稳定性——以黔中地区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
黔中地区是岩溶作用发育的喀斯特区域.1993年秋和1994年春末采自该地区不同类型水样的水化学分析表明:碳酸盐岩裂隙泉水呈中偏碱性,为[C]Ca-Ⅱ型;秋季离子总量、HCO3-及Ca2+浓度大于春季.裂隙泉水流经地表一定距离后,HCO3-降低,pH及SO42-、Cl-、K+、Na+明显增高.黄果树的天星桥、水帘洞及落水潭三个部位河水的SO42-、Na+以及Fe3+、NO3-等浓度的季节性变化也更加明显.春季因瀑布暴气,CO2的逸出,钙华生成更强烈一些.红枫湖作为喀斯特区域地表水的汇集地,HCO3-与SO42-的当量比值仅2.1~2.4;Ca2+与Mg2+比值上升为2.4~4.2,Cl-浓度较碳酸盐岩裂隙泉水增高1倍;Na+浓度增高一个数量级.说明流域内地表土层溶蚀及人为污染影响的增强.土层孔隙水属强矿化水,而湖水呈现过渡特征.碳酸盐沉淀作用、硫酸盐矿化作用及固氮氨化作用,导致水质组成的显着差异.  相似文献   
A detailed barotropic, baroclinic and combined barotropic-baroclinic stability analysis has been carried out with mean monsoon zonal currents over western India, eastern India and S.E. Asia. The lower and middle tropospheric zonal wind profiles over western India are barotropically unstable. The structure and growth rate of these modes agree well with the observed features of the midtropospheric cyclones. Similar profiles over eastern India and S.E. Asia, however, are barotropically stable. This is attributed to weak horizontal shear, inherent to these profiles. The upper tropospheric profiles, on the other hand, are barotropically unstable throughout the whole region. The features of these unstable modes agree with those of observed easterly waves. The baroclinic and combined barotropic-baroclinic stability analyses show that the baroclinic effects are not important in tropics. Though the barotropic instability of the mean zonal current seems to be res ponsible for the initial growth of the mid-tropospheric cyclones, neither barotropic nor baroclinic instability of the mean zonal current seem to explain the observed features of the monsoon depressions.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic instability, which develops on the contact surface between two fluids, has great importance in astrophysical phenomena such as the inhomogeneous density distribution following a supernova event. In this event acceleration waves pass across a material interface and initiate and enhance unstable conditions in which small perturbations grow dramatically. In the present study, an experimental technique aimed at investigating the above-mentioned hydrodynamic instability is presented. The experimental investigation is based on a shock-tube apparatus by which a shock wave is generated and initiates the instability that develops on the contact surface between two gases. The flexibility of the system enables one to vary the initial shape of the contact surface, the shock-wave Mach number, and the density ratio across the contact surface. Three selected sets of shock-tube experiments are presented in order to demonstrate the system capabilities: (1) large-initial amplitudes with low-Mach-number incident shock waves; (2) small-initial amplitudes with moderate-Mach-number incident shock waves; and (3) shock bubble interaction. In the large-amplitude experiments a reduction of the initial velocity with respect to the linear growth prediction was measured. The results were compared to those predicted by a vorticity-deposition model and to previous experiments with moderate- and high-Mach number incident shock waves that were conducted by others. In this case, a reduction of the initial velocity was noted. However, at late times the growth rate had a 1/t behavior as in the small-amplitude low-Mach number case. In the small-amplitude moderate-Mach number shock experiments a reduction from the impulsive theory was noted at the late stages. The passage of a shock wave through a spherical bubble results in the formation of a vortex ring. Simple dimensional analysis shows that the circulation depends linearly on the speed of sound of the surrounding material and on the initial bubble radius.  相似文献   
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