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Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   
武夷山成矿带铀成矿地质条件优越,前人数十年铀矿地质勘查找矿,在带内先后发现了数十个铀矿床和上百个铀矿(化)点带。文章在介绍地质背景和成矿特征基础上,总结了铀成矿规律,提出区内进一步找矿,一方面应对现有矿床、矿化点带开展深边部成矿条件和矿化信息调查,探索深部成矿潜力,加大勘查找矿深度,扩大资源量;另一方面,加强以印支期花岗岩为基底或围岩、深大断裂构造发育和有燕山晚期次火山活动叠加地段的勘查找矿,积极探索新类型,努力开辟新地区。  相似文献   
南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡表层沉积物的酸解烃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡表层沉积物的酸解烃分布特征,并佐以热释汞和蚀变碳酸盐的分析。从酸解烃中甲烷含量的低值和C1/(C2+C3)比值,以及乙烯的存在等判断,布兰斯菲尔德海峡沉积物的烃类气体来自于生物成因。  相似文献   
石硐沟铅锌银矿床赋存于野牛滩花岗闪长岩侵入体外接触带中,矿床严格受石硐沟断裂带构造控制,矿化带长4 770m,矿体在矿化带中具分段赋存特征,而矿床中成矿元素具有从中温向中低温富集特征。通过对该矿床地质特征、物探及化探异常特征综合分析,认为该区域是寻找铅锌、钨钼矿,同时也是寻找金、银、铜、铁矿地区,具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
针对松辽盆地南部大情字井向斜区葡萄花油层石油成藏及富集规律研究程度低的问题,从有效烃源岩、优质储层、油源断层及断裂密集带4个方面入手,深入开展石油富集规律及成藏模式研究。根据断裂发育特征及构造高程,将向斜区进一步划分为3个次级构造单元,并对不同构造单元油藏类型和石油分布特征进行剖析:向斜断裂深洼区以断层-岩性油藏为主;向斜过渡缓坡区以岩性油藏、断层-岩性油藏和构造-岩性油藏为主;向斜过渡陡坡区发育少量岩性油藏。平面上,受断裂密集带发育位置的影响,石油主要呈条带状富集于向斜断裂深洼区和过渡缓坡区;垂向上,受储层发育位置的影响,石油集中分布于葡萄花油层Ⅱ砂组。以此为基础分析向斜区石油富集规律,得出石油富集的4个主控因素:①有效烃源岩厚度控制石油富集;②油源断层组成垂向优势输导通道;③分流河道岔道口是石油富集的有利部位;④断裂密集带控制石油富集。最终建立了向斜区4种成藏模式:①向斜断裂深洼区黑157井以南,嫩一段烃源岩供烃,超压倒灌,油源断层沟通,反向构造控藏;②向斜断裂深洼区黑157井以北,青一段烃源岩供烃,油选择性充注分流河道成藏及断裂密集带内断层组合形成的局部构造控藏;③向斜过渡缓坡区,构造-岩性和岩性圈闭控藏模式;④向斜过渡陡坡区岩性圈闭控藏模式。  相似文献   
岔路口巨型斑岩钼矿的发现是近年来大兴安岭北段森林覆盖区找矿的重大突破,其规模居中国北方钼矿之首。矿床位于伊勒呼里山南1 029高地火山机构旁侧,成矿与晚侏罗世—早白垩世以超浅成相侵入的石英斑岩、花岗斑岩及其相伴产生的隐爆作用有密切时空关系。矿体产于火山沉积岩和成矿斑岩体中,钼矿化以呈网脉状和细脉的裂隙充填形式为主,少量为大脉状和细脉浸染状;钼矿体呈隐伏穹隆状,延深巨大。热液蚀变发育、分带性明显,以硅化强烈、萤石化广泛为显著特征。矿区剥蚀程度甚低,地表大范围表现为泥化带,仅中心地带发育有弱石英绢云母化和低品位钼矿化;向深部蚀变矿化逐渐增强,矿化延深达千米。钼矿体上部共伴生有脉状铅锌银矿化。成矿同期火山岩碱质含量高,该矿床为碰撞拼接后陆内伸展构造环境中岩浆活动产物,成矿岩浆-热液体系具高氟富硫高氧化的特征,与美国的Climax钼矿较为相似。该矿床的发现和探明,为研究斑岩-脉状钼锌银成矿体系提供了范例,对区域构造-岩浆过程研究与区域找矿勘查均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
藏北地区砂金指纹特征及其对原生金的指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砂金指纹(化学成分)特征是利用砂金寻找原生金的重要手段之一.研究表明,藏北地区砂金成色具明显的不均匀性,化学成分在东、西部地区变化较大,反映区内砂金对原生金具有继承性,并受后期地质作用改造明显,表明其原生金来源可能具有近距离搬运的多来源特征;自然金微量元素含量特征则指示:本区原生金的类型主要为浅成低温热液型,矿石富含As、Sb、Cu、Pb、Zn,且剥蚀程度较小,在砂金富集区附近有望找到规模较大的原生金矿床.  相似文献   
地勘单位在向企业化经营转变的过程中 ,投资兴办了许多企业 ,但不少项目以失败告终。文章分析探讨了失败的原因 ,并提出相应的对策  相似文献   
月球探测与人类社会的可持续发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1959年至1976年的18年是人类第一次月球探测高潮,美国和前苏联共成功发射了45个月球探测器,获取了382kg的月球岩石和月壤样品,这些探测资料和月球样品的系统分析与研究,大大促进了人类对月球、地球和太阳系的认识,并带动了一系列基础科学的创新,促进了一系列应用科学的发展。通过从1976年至1994年近18年浩如烟海的月球探测数据和资料的消化、分析与综合研究后,1994年Clementine环月探测器的发射,标志新的一轮探月高潮的开始。当前,国际探月活动刚进入重返月球、逐步建设月球基地的阶段,而逐步开发利用月球矿产资源、能源和特殊环境,建设月球基地,为人类社会的可持续发展服务,已成为新世纪月球探测的总体目标。本在系统分析已有的探测与研究资料基础上,论述了开发利用月球上具有的巨大能源库、丰富的矿产资源和独特的环境资源将对人类社会可持续发展所具有的深远意义。  相似文献   
This work restored the erosion thickness of the top surface of each Cretaceous formations penetrated by the typical well in the Hari sag, and simulated the subsidence burial history of this well with software BasinMod. It is firstly pointed out that the tectonic subsidence evolution of the Hari sag since the Cretaceous can be divided into four phases: initial subsidence phase, rapid subsidence phase,uplift and erosion phase, and stable slow subsidence phase. A detailed reconstruction of the tectonothermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation histories of typical well was undertaken using the EASY R_0% model, which is constrained by vitrinite reflectance(R_0) and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions. In the rapid subsidence phase, the peak period of hydrocarbon generation was reached at c.a.105.59 Ma with the increasing thermal evolution degree. A concomitant rapid increase in paleotemperatures occurred and reached a maximum geothermal gradient of about 43-45℃/km. The main hydrocarbon generation period ensued around 105.59-80.00 Ma and the greatest buried depth of the Hari sag was reached at c.a. 80.00 Ma, when the maximum paleo-temperature was over 180℃.Subsequently, the sag entered an uplift and erosion phase followed by a stable slow subsidence phase during which the temperature gradient, thermal evolution, and hydrocarbon generation decreased gradually. The hydrocarbon accumulation period was discussed based on homogenization temperatures of inclusions and it is believed that two periods of rapid hydrocarbon accumulation events occurred during the Cretaceous rapid subsidence phase. The first accumulation period observed in the Bayingebi Formation(K_1 b) occurred primarily around 105.59-103.50 Ma with temperatures of 125-150℃. The second accumulation period observed in the Suhongtu Formation(K_1 s) occurred primarily around84.00-80.00 Ma with temperatures of 120-130℃. The second is the major accumulation period, and the accumulation mainly occurred in the Late Cretaceous. The hydrocarbon accumulation process was comprehensively controlled by tectono-thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation history. During the rapid subsidence phase, the paleo temperature and geothermal gradient increased rapidly and resulted in increasing thermal evolution extending into the peak period of hydrocarbon generation,which is the key reason for hydrocarbon filling and accumulation.  相似文献   
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