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随着城市化进程的加剧,人类对土地的需求量越来越大,且发展模式也以2维的平面式开发转向3维的立体空间建设,进入了土地立体开发阶段。3S技术、网络技术及摄影测量技术的不断进步,以及数字化城市等直观可视化的大型项目的开展,已经出现很多3维地籍建立方法及具体应用案例,伴随着倾斜摄影技术、LIDAR等高新航空摄影测量技术系统出现和发展,为3维地籍系统建立提供了一条新的可行之路,本文结合3维地籍、先进航空摄影测量技术相关概念和发展情况,对先进航空摄影测量技术应用于3维地籍系统建立的难点及优势进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   
The extent to which a water body can support submerged macrophytic vegetation provides an indicator of its degree of eutrophication. Regular, quantitative assessment of macrophyte populations enables changes in the trophic state of the system to be observed. A combination of aerial photography and underwater videography has proved to be an efficient method for calculating macrophyte coverage of large coastal areas.  相似文献   
本文提出用于地下成像无源地震方法的分析,在该方法中应用环境地震噪声作为地下散射体的照明源。该成像算法能够以递归方式将新的数据融入到成像中,这使成像背景噪声随时间减少。在空间域不相干环境背景噪声的假设前提下推导出成像算法的点-扩展函数。点-扩展函数表征成像的分辨率,即接收排列长度和环境带宽的函数。  相似文献   
The Jornada Experimental Range and the New Mexico State University Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center are fruitful areas to study the long-term effects of rangeland remediation treatments which started in the 1930s. A number of diverse manipulations were completed under the direction of federal agency and university scientists, and abundant remote sensing imagery is available to assist in relocating the treatments and evaluating their success. This is particularly important because few of the treatments were maintained following the loss of scientific personnel coinciding with the start of World War II, and most records of Civilian Conservation Corps scientific work were lost with the disbanding of the agency in 1942. Aerial photography, which was systematically used to image the United States beginning in the 1930s, can be used to identify types of treatments, measure areal coverage, estimate longevity, and help plan locations for new experiments. No long-lasting vegetation response could be determined for contour terraces, brush water spreaders, strips grubbed free of shrubs (despite the fact that these strips have remained visible for 65 years), and mechanical rootplowing and seeding. Distinct positive, long-term vegetation responses could be seen in aerial photos for water retention dikes, certain fenced exclosures, and some boundaries where different land management practices meet. It appears from both aerial photos and existing conventional records that experimental manipulation of rangelands has often been ineffective on the landscape scale because treatments are not performed over large enough contiguous areas and hydrological and ecological processes overwhelm the treatments. In addition, treatments are not maintained over time, treatment evaluation periods are sometimes too short, multi-purpose treatments are not used to maximize effects, and treatments are often not located in appropriate sites.  相似文献   
无人机倾斜摄影技术,是一种全新的地理信息获取手段,本文通过该技术制作出了深汕合作区实景三维模型及数字线画图,平面点位中误差和高程中误差均符合国家1:500地形图相关规范,可作为深汕合作区城市规划及建设的基本资料,为城市规划部门的决策提供了便利.通过清晰的纹理将城市及农村地物逼真地进行展示,对监管城市违法建筑物及新农村建...  相似文献   
基于旋翼无人机倾斜摄影测量的城市三维实景建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对旋翼无人机倾斜摄影在三维建模的可行性及精度是否满足测量要求问题,本文以兰州市某区为例,利用ContextCapture软件对旋翼无人机倾斜摄影采集的数据进行了三维实景建模,并采用测区范围内均匀采集的外业实测控制点、检查点及测量数据验证所建立体模型的平面精度及测量精度。实验表明:采用多旋翼倾斜无人机获取数据,建立实景三维模型的中误差小于2像素,为后期行业应用提供了一定技术参考。  相似文献   
地震映像法及其应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
简述了地震映像法的特点,并列举了在各种浅部不均体探测中的应用实例,指出了提高其应用效果,拓宽其应用领域应研究的问题.  相似文献   
宁振伟 《测绘通报》2021,(3):159-163
随着测绘地理信息使用需求的变化及测绘数据获取技术的进步,全息测绘成为新型基础测绘数据生产的一种思路.SLAM背包结合车载激光扫描系统以其灵活、全时、室内外一体、高精度及全息采集的方式,在地面及内部信息的获取中具有效率高、信息全的特点.与无人机倾斜航测相结合采集目标的全景三维信息,融合处理后可获得测区的全息数据,能为社区...  相似文献   
崩塌风险识别是崩塌灾害防治的基础。高位崩塌一般具有突发性、隐蔽性、高差大等特点,给信息采集、灾害识别和风险评估等工作带来了极大的挑战。针对这一工程难题,以白龙江流域九龙峡高位斜坡为例,基于倾斜摄影三维模型,确定高位崩塌识别指标,探索结构面信息提取方法,提出赤平投影定性分析与InSAR定量分析相结合的崩塌风险评估模型,形成了崩塌识别、稳定性分析和形变监测三者相结合的高位崩塌识别与风险评价的全过程模式。结果显示:(1)2020年1月—2022年6月,研究区斜坡最大累积变形量为120 mm,研究区东侧斜坡、西侧坡脚、南侧突出山咀变形较为强烈,变形等级以一、二级为主,灾害危险等级较高。(2)研究区共有崩塌危岩体22处(高风险7处,占32%;中风险11处,占50%;低风险4处,占18%),分布高度在37~640 m之间,高风险危岩主要集中在南侧突出的山咀、东侧斜坡以及西侧坡脚地带。分析结果与公路灾害养护历史资料相吻合,验证了倾斜摄影和InSAR技术在高位崩塌风险识别方面的可行性,为该技术在崩塌灾害防治方面的应用提供了依据和借鉴。  相似文献   
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