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YML铁矿区位于几内亚福雷卡里亚省,富铁矿以条带状赤铁矿和铁角砾岩矿为主。矿区内共发育7条矿体,条带状赤铁矿体6条,铁角砾岩矿体1条。条带状赤铁矿体赋存部位多为向形地段,次级紧密褶皱发育,沿走向和倾向有逐渐变薄和尖灭的趋势;铁角砾岩矿体覆盖于地表,以风化壳的形式出现。矿床类型属复合类型,即海底热液喷气沉积叠加后期构造变质型+风化淋滤型。该区具备铁矿形成和保存的地质条件,且已发现具一定储量、品位较高的条带状赤铁矿和大面积的铁角砾岩分布区,区内铁矿找矿远景较好。  相似文献   
对长江三角洲北翼江苏南通地区NT钻孔(长60.9 m)进行了系统的环境磁学分析,并结合岩性特征、粒度、漫反射光谱(DRS)等手段,探讨了全新世早、晚期潮滩沉积的磁性特征及其古环境意义。NT孔自下而上可分为6层(U1~U6层),其中U2层下部(49.9~44.8 m)和U6层(7.5~0.3 m)为潮滩沉积,具有较低的退磁参数S比值及较高的硬剩磁(HIRM)和SIRM/χ,表明反铁磁性矿物如赤铁矿、针铁矿等含量和比例较高。结合漫反射光谱(DRS)分析,发现U6层上部盐沼(1.5~0.3 m)赤铁矿和针铁矿富集,U2层下部的盐沼仅富集赤铁矿。这一差异与U2层和U6层形成的时期和沉积环境有关。U2层形成于晚更新世晚期至早全新世,且曾长期暴露地表,有利于赤铁矿的形成,其后随着海平面的持续上升,盐沼不断垂向加积,始终处于水下环境,不利于针铁矿的形成;U6层形成于晚全新世三角洲海岸的进积过程中,氧化还原相互交替的环境有利于针铁矿的形成,后期成陆后的成土作用生成了较多的磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿。研究表明,全新世三角洲发育过程中,不同时期形成的盐沼具有不同的磁性特征,磁性特征的研究可以提供潮滩沉积环境演变的信息,对三角洲古环境重建研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
对贵州威宁沉积型赤铁矿石进行了工艺矿物学研究,重点研究了该矿石的矿物组成、主要矿物嵌布特征和主要含铁矿物赤铁矿的单体解离情况。研究表明,该矿石属于低磷、低硫、微细粒嵌布的赤铁矿石;矿石中主要铁矿物以赤铁矿为主,其次为磁铁矿和褐铁矿,主要脉石矿物以石英为主,其次为绿泥石、云母、高岭石等粘土矿物;赤铁矿嵌布粒度极细,平均粒度0.015mm,且赤铁矿与脉石矿物嵌布关系复杂。本研究为该矿石的开发利用提供基础资料。  相似文献   
本文利用褐铁矿中针铁矿经热脱水相变获得以纳米晶赤铁矿为主要物相的纳米-微米多级孔结构材料,并用于模拟净化富Mn~(2+)地下水。同时考察了热处理温度、初始pH值、初始Mn~(2+)浓度、吸附反应时间等对材料去除溶液中Mn~(2+)的影响。XRD、TEM、BET表征结果表明,300℃热处理产物中赤铁矿孔径最小为2.7 nm,比表面积最大达到107.4 m~2/g。吸附实验结果表明,在pH值5~10的范围内,p H值对煅烧褐铁矿颗粒对Mn~(2+)去除效果影响较小;材料在贫氧条件下对水中低浓度Mn~(2+)的最大吸附量为6.45 mg/g;吸附动力学符合准二级动力学模型;褐铁矿热处理形成的纳米晶赤铁矿对Mn~(2+)具有吸附和催化氧化作用,其中的杂质锰氧化物对Mn~(2+)的吸附和催化氧化具有增强作用。  相似文献   
冀西北长城纪宣龙式铁矿层中微体植物化石的发现及其意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杜汝霖  刘志礼 《地质论评》1992,38(2):184-189
本文研究的是笔者等在冀西北长城系串岭沟组宣龙式铁矿层中发现的微体植物化石,这些化石都保存在铁质叠层石(肾状赤铁矿)和铁质核形石(鲕状赤铁矿)的基本层中。微化石以丝状体为主,部分为球状体。归属于原核生物蓝藻门颤藻科的两个属和色球藻科的一个属。化石层同位素年龄约在1800—1757Ma。这些化石与北美冈弗林特组微化石比较,既有些相似,又有些区别。该化石的发现为研究铁矿的成因,指示沉积环境及层位对比都很有意义。  相似文献   
To further evaluate the potential of magnetic anisotropy techniques for determining the origin of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in sedimentary rocks, several new remanence anisotropy measurement techniques were explored. An accurate separation of the remanence anisotropy of magnetite and hematite in the same sedimentary rock sample was the goal.In one technique, Tertiary red and grey sedimentary rock samples from the Orera section (Spain) were exposed to 13 T fields in 9 different orientations. In each orientation, alternating field (af) demagnetization was used to separate the magnetite and hematite contributions of the high field isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM). Tensor subtraction was used to calculate the magnetite and hematite anisotropy tensors. Geologically interpretable fabrics did not result, probably because of the presence of goethite which contributes to the IRM. In the second technique, also applied to samples from Orera, an anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence (AAR) was applied in af fields up to 240 mT to directly measure the fabric of the magnetite in the sample. IRMs applied in 2 T fields followed by 240 mT af demagnetization, and thermal demagnetization at 90°C to remove the goethite contribution, were used to independently measure the hematite fabric in the same samples. This approach gave geologically interpretable results with minimum principal axes perpendicular to bedding, suggesting that the hematite and magnetite grains in the Orera samples both carry a depositional remanent magnetization (DRM). In a third experiment, IRMs applied in 13 T fields were used to measure the magnetic fabric of samples from the Dome de Barrot area (France). These samples had been demonstrated to have hematite as their only magnetic mineral. The fabrics that resulted were geologically interpretable, showing a strong NW-SE horizontal lineation consistent with AMS fabrics measured in the same samples. These fabrics suggest that the rock's remanence may have been affected by strain and could have originated as a DRM or a CRM.Our work shows that it is important to account for the presence of goethite when using high field IRMs to measure the remanence anisotropy of hematite-bearing sedimentary rocks. It also shows that very high magnetic fields (>10 T) may be used to measure the magnetic fabric of sedimentary rocks with highly coercive magnetic minerals without complete demagnetization between each position, provided that the field magnetically saturates the rock.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of different Fe2O3 bulk contents on the calculated phase equilibria of low‐T/intermediate‐P metasedimentary rocks. Thermodynamic modelling within the MnO–Na2O–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (MnNKFMASHTO) chemical system of chloritoid‐bearing hematite‐rich metasedimentary rocks from the Variscan basement of the Pisani Mountains (Northern Apennines, Italy) fails to reproduce the observed mineral compositions when the bulk Fe2O3 is determined through titration. The mismatch between observed and computed mineral compositions and assemblage is resolved by tuning the effective ferric iron content by P–XFe2O3 diagrams, obtaining equilibration conditions of 475 °C and 9–10 kbar related to a post‐compressional phase of the Alpine collision. The introduction of ferric iron affects the stability of the main rock‐forming silicates that often yield important thermobaric information. In Fe2O3‐rich compositions, garnet‐ and carpholite‐in curves shift towards higher temperatures with respect to the Fe2O3‐free systems. The presence of a ferric‐iron oxide (hematite) prevents the formation of biotite in the mineral assemblage even at temperatures approaching 550 °C. The use of P–T–XFe2O3 phase diagrams may also provide P–T information in common greenschist facies metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   
The Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic metasiliciclastic rocks of the southern Serra do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, are host to historically important alluvial deposits of diamonds and gold. Detrital gold grains often comprise Au–Pd–Pt intermetallic compounds, with low Ag contents, which contain inclusions of tourmaline and titaniferous hematite (up to ~ 6 wt.% TiO2). The latter minerals connect the alluvial mineralisation to the rutile–hematite–quartz veins and tourmalinisation observed in the quartzitic country rocks of the alluvial gravel. The quartzite (Sopa-Brumadinho Formation of lacustrine to fan-deltaic origin) is affected by pervasive B metasomatism with F-bearing tourmaline replacing the recrystallised quartz fabric. The tourmaline belongs to the alkali group, with Mg/(Mg + Fe) and X/(X + Na) ratios in the ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 and 0.18 to 0.29, respectively, where X represents vacancies in the X site. Boron-isotopic values of tourmaline vary from ~ 1 to − 10.4‰ δ11B. The B-isotope range, in conjunction with the Na–Mg-rich tourmaline composition, and the widespread occurrence of tourmalinite in the Sopa-Brumadinho Formation suggest a derivation from non-marine evaporitic brines. Brines are capable of transporting otherwise immobile Ti and explain, under oxidising conditions, the fractionation of Ag from Pd to precipitate palladiferous gold with extremely high Pd/Ag ratios. Zirconium-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz temperatures for a variety of hematite-rich veins suggest episodic vein emplacement over a temperature range from around 500 °C to ~ 350 °C. Cross-cutting relationships and episodic vein emplacement indicate a late-Brasiliano age.  相似文献   
瓦西乡产出的南红玉中的红色点状及火焰纹典型包裹体分别是石英中的红色球粒与红色管状包裹体。鏡下及扫描电镜(SEM)研究,红色球粒分布在"三色"层水晶的菱面体单形晶面的间歇层面中,由红色核、黑色壳和红色表层组成;火焰纹管状包裹体主要出现在条带水晶中,管的方向垂直水晶的菱面体晶面,管的内壁呈黑色,外壳为红色。其球粒表层或管外壳的颜色、厚度及透光性则直接影响南红的颜色质量与润泽性。研究表明,球粒状和火焰状包裹体主要由片状、鳞片状或板片状赤铁矿组成;球粒圈层中的赤铁矿晶体c轴取向呈规律变化,可能与其V2O5含量有关。据水晶晶体中的球粒、管及共生矿物绿帘石、黄铜矿包裹体的红外光谱(IR)及流体包裹体均一法测温与激光拉曼(LRS)分析,球或管的赤铁矿属含有机质的低温热液(约160℃)成因,成矿溶液中的有机质也是促使铁氧化物凝聚形成具不同圈层结构的红色球粒与管的主要原因。有机质可能来自下二叠统茅口组碳酸盐。  相似文献   
红色花岗岩中的赤铁矿及岩石中赤铁矿的人工合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对红色花岗岩的研究,发现红色花岗岩的成色矿物为赤铁矿。赤铁矿主要赋存在长石等矿物的解理缝及其显微缝隙中,赤铁矿的含量越多,颜色越红。本文对赤铁矿的成因作了简要分析,认为红色花岗岩中的赤铁矿大多为高氧逸度条件下的产物。由此设计了在花岗岩中人工合成赤铁矿的技术方法,对重要技术参数做了说明。通过在花岗岩中人工合成赤铁矿,可使普通浅色(灰白、浅肉红色)花岗岩改变为红色,对提高普通花岗岩的利用率有一定意  相似文献   
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