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在流纹质岩浆中,存在两种不混溶的熔体,一种熔体富SiO_2贫FeO,另一种则相反。从熔体结构的角度看,前一种熔体富桥氧,后者则富自由氧。水的解聚作用可以改变流纹质岩浆的结构,即降低它的聚合程度,因此,含水流纹岩浆的粘度低于玄武岩浆的粘度,从而使流纹岩中流纹构造发育。 实际工作中应避免混淆流纹岩与酸性熔结凝灰岩。  相似文献   
本文以乐游户外运动俱乐部网站为案例,探讨中小型“自我依托”户外运动俱乐部网站信息流对人流生成的导引作用问题,认为这种作用经过网站访问者的信息获取、知识转化、认知与决定的过程而发生,经过网站交流媒介的信息、集聚、交流和组织四种平台而完成。本文也初步确定与信息流对人流生成的导引作用相关的决策影响要素,认为计划、资金、会员以及赞助商和媒体4种要素对俱乐部网站的良好运行能起到决定性作用。通过将网站使用者作为出发点来研究虚拟一现实组织特征,也能发现许多信息社会人文地理学发展的问题。  相似文献   
田文岭  杨圣奇  黄彦华 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):775-782
鉴于试验砂岩内摩擦角较大及峰后脆性强的特点,选用颗粒流程序PFC2D中的cluster单元进行模拟,在常规三轴压缩试验校正的基础上得到一组能够真实反映砂岩宏观力学行为的细观参数,模拟了砂岩两种卸围压路径,结果表明其峰值强度随初始轴向应力的增大而不断增大,其规律与试验相同。选取了两种卸围压路径微裂纹数目随应力-应变的演化趋势进行分析,结果表明卸围压对试样造成的损伤较加轴压大,同时初始轴向应力增大一定程度上增加了试样承受破坏的能力。通过对不同应力路径裂纹两侧位移场的分析可知卸围压会造成颗粒在横向产生位移不连续,导致试样破坏。  相似文献   
震后泥石流松散物质显著增多,临界雨量降低,导致泥石流暴发频率增加、规模增大,从而使震后灾区泥石流堵江事件频繁发生,给灾区带来严重的二次灾害。为了评价震后泥石流堵江概率大小,本文在野外考察基础上,获得研究区泥石流沟基础数据,并根据水文模型计算不同频率下的泥石流规模; 在此基础上利用泥石流堵江公式,获取研究区域泥石流堵江危险程度(数值),并结合研究区域已发生的泥石流堵江事件,界定了泥石流堵江公式的临界值,使之能够更加准确用来判定泥石流堵江概率,并对 5·12 地震极震区都汶公路沿线的7条泥石流在不同频率下的泥石流堵江概率进行评价。评价结果显示:牛眠沟和关山沟在暴发50a及其以上泥石流时,会发生堵江; 烧房沟、红椿沟和磨子沟在暴发10a及其以上泥石流时,会发生堵江事件; 洱沟和太平沟在暴发5a及其以上泥石流时便可能发生堵江; 上述泥石流沟一旦发生堵江,便会给映秀镇和都汶公路带来严重灾难。通过本文获取的堵江临界值可以作为判定泥石流堵江的参考标准,为泥石流防治、预报提供参考,同时可以为灾后重建和预防二次灾害提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   
Central India is traversed by a WSW-ENE trending Narmada-Son lineament (NSL) which is characterized by the presence of numerous hot springs, feeder dykes for Deccan Traps and seismicity all along its length. It is divided in two parts by the Barwani-Sukta Fault (BSF). To the west of this fault a graben exists, whereas to the east the basement is uplifted between Narmada North Fault (NNF) and Narmada South Fault (NSF). The present work deals with the 2-D thermal modeling to delineate the crustal thermal structure of the western part of NSL region along the Thuadara-Sindad Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile which runs almost in the N-S direction across the NSL. Numerical results of the model reveal that the conductive surface heat flow value in the region under consideration varies between 45 and 47mW/m2. Out of which 23mW/m2 is the contribution from the mantle heat flow and the remaining from within the crust. The Curie depth is found to vary between 46 and 47 km and is in close agreement with the earlier reported Curie depth estimated from the analysis of MAGSAT data. The Moho temperature varies between 470 and 500°C. This study suggests that this western part of central Indian region is characterized by low mantle heat flow which in turn makes the lower crust brittle and amenable to the occurrence of deep focused earthquakes such as Satpura (1938) earthquake.  相似文献   
X-ray fluorescent spectroscope analysis easily finds ratios of geochemical elements in soil. Applying the method of ratio matching to measured ratios, the classification of geological layers, and the flow directions of groundwater can be determined. This method is applied to three hill slopes in Japan and the results are in good agreement with the observations and measurements of soil cores obtained by drilling. The classification of geological layers is found to be quantitatively connected with the rates of organic matter in soil cores. Received: 5 February 1999 · Accepted: 7 September 1999  相似文献   
北碚醪糟坪泥石流防治工程,在施工中使用了多工艺方法,泥石流前缘采用桩、粱、锚支挡工程,相互连接及帷幕灌浆,改变土质性能,加强稳定性,泥石流中段大胆采用碎石毛石重力坝,阻拦上部泥石流,加上盲沟连接碎石桩和重力坎,排泄地下水、地表水。为了防止泥石流上段北岸继续造成滑塌,在北岸进行护坡桩保护。后缘是根据彻底根治原则,用人工挖孔抗滑桩,桩上端与横粱相连,粱与锚桩连接,切断了泥石流物质来源。该泥石流是地表水和地下水不畅通而引起的,在泥石流中下部修建了盲沟网格,明渠修建在下部外围稳定的土体上,水渠沟沟相通,最后集中排泄到明渠中流走。该泥石流采用综合整治方法,大胆使用碎石桩毛石重力坎,这一工艺获得了理想效果。  相似文献   
应用PIV系统研究横流中近壁水平圆柱绕流旋涡特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
应用粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对横流中近壁水平圆柱绕流进行了试验研究。介绍了试验原理及装置,讨论了试验参数的选取和粒子的跟随性问题。分析了上游来流的流动特性,显示了亚临界雷诺数下间隙比为0.5时圆柱后尾流区旋涡产生、发展和消亡的动态过程,比较了时均流场和瞬时流场旋涡结构。对圆柱尾迹的旋涡脱落特性进行了分析,得出在试验条件下斯特劳哈尔数保持为常数0.2的结论。  相似文献   
以黄骅坳陷官142断块中生界油藏为例,探讨巨厚砂岩储层流动单元的研究方法。巨厚砂岩储层流动单元研究包括两个层次,一为确定渗流屏障和连通体的分布,二为连通体内部储层渗流差异分析。研究表明,官142断块渗流屏障主要有泥质屏障、钙质砂岩胶结屏障和钙质砂砾岩胶结屏障3种类型。通过对连通体内部砂体渗流差异性分析,将连通体划分为3类流动单元。其中A类流动单元以粗孔、粗喉类型为主,渗流性能好,吸水强度大;B类流动单元储层为中孔、中喉型,渗流性能中等,吸水强度次之;C类流动单元储层多为粉细砂岩、砂砾岩或钙质胶结稍差的储层,吸水强度较差。通过流动单元的划分与研究,对预测该区的剩余油分布规律和优化调整方案提供依据。  相似文献   
Flume experiments were conducted on different bed stages across the ripple–dune transition. As flow velocity increases, an initially flat bed surface (made of fairly uniform sandy material) is gradually transformed into a two‐dimensional rippled bed. With further increase in velocity, two‐dimensional ripples are replaced by irregular, linguoid ripples. As the average velocity necessary for the ripple–dune transition to occur is imposed on the bed surface, these non‐equilibrium linguoid ripples are further transformed into larger, two‐dimensional dunes. For each of these stages across the transition, a concrete mould of the bed was created and the flow structure above each fixed bed surface investigated. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to study the flow characteristics above each bed surface. Detailed profiles were used along a transect located in the middle of the channel. Results are presented in the form of spatially averaged profiles of various flow characteristics and of contour maps of flow fields (section view). They clearly illustrate some important distinctions in the flow structure above the different bedform types associated with different stages during the transition. Turbulence intensity and Reynolds stresses gradually increase throughout the transition. Two‐dimensional ripples present a fairly uniform spatial distribution of turbulent flow characteristics above the bed. Linguoid ripples induce three‐dimensional turbulence structure at greater heights above the bed surface and turbulence intensity tends to increase steadily with height above bed surface in the wake region. A very significant increase in turbulence intensity and momentum exchange occurs during the transition from linguoid ripples to dunes. The turbulent flow field properties above dunes are highly dependent on the position along and above the bed surface and these fields present a very high degree of spatial variability (when compared with the rippled beds). Further investigations under natural conditions emphasizing sediment transport mechanisms and rates during the transition should represent the next step of analysis, together with an emphasis on quadrant analysis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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