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Abstract Analogue flume experiments were conducted to investigate the transport and sedimentation behaviour of turbulent pyroclastic density currents. The experimental currents were scaled approximately to the natural environment in three ways: (1) they were fully turbulent; (2) they had a very wide range of particle sizes and associated Rouse numbers (the ratio of particle settling velocity to effective turbulent eddy velocity in the current); and (3) they contained particles of two different densities. Two sets of surge‐type experiments were conducted in a 5 m long, water‐filled lock‐exchange flume at five different volumetric particle concentrations from 0·6% to 23%. In one set (one‐component experiments), the currents contained just dense particles; in the other set (two‐component experiments), they contained both light and dense particles in equal volume proportions. In both sets of experiments, the population of each component had a log‐normal size distribution. In the two‐component experiments, the size range of the light particle population was selected in order to be in hydrodynamic equivalence with that of the dense particles. Dense particles were normally graded, both vertically and downstream, in the deposits from both sets of experiments. The mass loading (normalized to the initial mass of the suspension) and grain size of the dense component in the deposits decreased with distance from the reservoir and were insensitive to initial total particle concentration in the currents. On the other hand, in the two‐component experiments, the light particles were extremely sensitive to concentration. They were deposited in hydrodynamic equivalence with the dense particles from dilute currents, but were segregated efficiently at concentrations higher than a few per cent. With increasing particle concentration, the large, light particles were carried progressively further down the flume because of buoyancy effects. Deposits from the high‐concentration currents exhibited reverse vertical grading of the large, light particles. Efficient segregation of the light component was observed even if the bulk density of the current was less than that of the light particles. In both sets of experiments, marked inflexions in the rate of downstream decline in mass loading and maximum grain size of the dense component can be attributed to the presence of two different particle settling regimes in the flow: (1) particles with Rouse numbers >2·5, which did not respond to the turbulence and settled rapidly; and (2) particles with Rouse numbers <2·5, which followed the turbulent eddies and settled slowly. The results are applied to the transport and sedimentation dynamics of pyroclastic density currents that generate large, widespread ignimbrites. Field data fail to reveal significant departures from aerodynamic equivalence between pumice and lithic clasts in three such ignimbrites: the particulate loads of some large ignimbrites are transported principally in turbulent suspensions of low concentration. In some ignimbrites, the well‐developed inflexions in curves of maximum lithic (ML) size vs. distance can be attributed to the existence of distinct high and low Rouse number particle settling regimes that mark the transition from an overcharged state to one in which the residual particulate load is transported more effectively by turbulence.  相似文献   
Radial movement of an unconfined leaky aquifer was studied with respect to hydraulic forces that are induced by well recharge and discharge. New analytic solutions in the velocity and displacement fields were found and applied to describe transient movement in an unconfined leaky aquifer. Linear momentum and mass balance of saturated porous sediments, the Darcy-Gersevanov law, and the analytic solution of hydraulic drawdown for unsteady flow within the unconfined leaky aquifer were introduced to find the new solutions. Analytic results indicate that the nonlinear relation between the initial hydraulic head (h0) and the well function has an insignificant effect on the aquifer transient movement when the drawdown s<0.02h 0. When the well function is simplified with different assumptions and pumping conditions, the new solutions correspondingly reduce to cases that are similar to the Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, and Theis transient movement of a confined leaky aquifer. It was found that large leakance is important in slowing radial movement and reducing aquifer deformation. Flow velocity in the aquifer is more responsive to leakance than to cumulative displacement within the aquifer. The zones and boundary with tensile stress can be located using the same approach applied to a confined aquifer for risk assessment of earth fissuring.
Résumé Le mouvement radial dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre a été étudié en considérant les forces hydrauliques induites par la recharge et le prélèvement au niveau d’un puits. De nouvelles solutions analytiques des champs de vitesse et de déplacement ont été trouvées et appliquées pour décrire le mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre. Pour trouver les nouvelles solutions, le moment linéaire et le bilan de masse dans les sédiments poreux saturés, la loi de Darcy-Gersevanov, et la solution analytique du rabattement hydraulique pour un écoulement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre sont pris en compte. Les résultats analytiques montrent que la relation non-linéaire entre le potentiel hydraulique initial (h0) et la fonction de puits a un effet insignifiant sur le mouvement transitoire de l’aquifère quand le rabattements s <0.02h0. Si la fonction de puits est simplifiée en tenant compte de différentes hypothèses et conditions de pompage, les nouvelles solutions se réduisent en conséquence à des cas similaires au mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable captif selon Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, et Theis. Il s’est avéré qu’une drainance élevée est importante pour le ralentissement du mouvement radial et la réduction de la déformation de l’aquifère. La vitesse d’écoulement dans l’aquifère est plus sensible à la drainance qu’au déplacement cumulé dans l’aquifère. Les zones et la frontière présentant des contraintes de traction peuvent être localisées en utilisant la même approche appliquée à un aquifère captif pour l’évaluation des risques de fissuration du sol.

Resumen Se ha estudiado el movimiento radial en un acuífero no confinado con fuga en relación a las fuerzas hidráulicas que son inducidas por la descarga y recarga del pozo. Se encontraron nuevas soluciones analíticas en los campos de desplazamiento y velocidad, las cuales se aplicaron para describir el movimiento transitorio en un acuífero no confinado con fuga. Se han introducido cálculos de balance de masa y momentum lineal de los sedimentos porosos saturados, la Ley Darcy-Gersevanov, y la solución analítica de descenso hidráulico para flujo sin régimen permanente dentro del acuífero no confinado con goteo para encontrar las nuevas soluciones. Los resultados analíticos indican que la relación no lineal entre la presión hidráulica inicial (h0) y la función del pozo tiene efecto insignificante en el movimiento transitorio del acuífero cuando el descenso s < 0.02h0. Cuando se simplifica la función del pozo en base a diferentes supuestos y condiciones de bombeo se reducen las nuevas soluciones a casos que son similares a el movimiento transitorio Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, y Theis de un acuífero confinado con goteo. Se encontró que las fugas grandes son importantes en la disminución del movimiento radial y en la reducción de la deformación del acuífero. La velocidad de flujo en el acuífero responde más a las fugas que al desplazamiento acumulativo dentro del acuífero. Pueden localizarse zonas y límites con esfuerzos tensionales usando el mismo enfoque aplicado a acuíferos confinados para evaluación de riesgo de generación de fracturas en el terreno.

泥石流物源区基岩岩性特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一定区域内总体均匀的超强降水,并不会导致地形地貌条件大致相同的沟谷流域都发生泥石流,主要原因在于基岩岩性特征的差别。基岩构造总体较均一时,表部松散物的流失是持续渐进的;基岩为软硬相间的岩层,或者受到线性构造破坏,容易出现差异风化,表部物质呈脉动式剥蚀,可以为泥石流启动提供较好的物源条件。  相似文献   
本文以东营凹陷北部陡坡带为例论述了陆相断陷盆地陡坡复杂扇体油藏评价思路与方法。分析了陡坡带特殊性及复杂性,针对复杂扇体油藏精细等时地层对比、控砂机制、有效储层划分和油气分布的纵向分带性提出了有效的研究方法,并形成了一整套有针对性的勘探技术流程,在东营凹陷乃至济阳坳陷具有较好的推广前景。  相似文献   
Prediction of long‐term settlement and control of gas pollution to the environment are two principle concerns during the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The behavior of settlement and gas flow in MSW landfills is complicated due to the combined effect of mechanical deformation of the solid skeleton and continuous biodegradation of the waste. A one‐dimensional settlement and gas flow model is presented in this paper, which is capable of predicting time evolution of settlement as well as temporal and spatial distribution of gas pressure within multi‐layered landfills under a variety of operating scenarios. The analytical solution to the novel model is evaluated with numerical simulation and field measurements. The resulting efficiency and accuracy highlight the capability of the proposed model to reproduce the settlement behavior and gas flow in MSW landfills. The influences of operating conditions and waste properties on settlement and gas pressure are examined for typical MSW landfills. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用2009年6月18 ~22日的1°×1°NCEP(美国环境预报中心)再分析资料和TBB(相当黑体亮温)资料等,分析“莲花”的环境场和结构对路径的影响.结果表明:19日11:00 ~20日14:00,“莲花”移动方向与引导气流方向有一定的偏离,这段时间里,“莲花”向偏北方向移动的主要原因是,“莲花”的低层风场存在较明...  相似文献   
台风"杜鹃"影响期间福建大风天气的特点及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
凌士兵  高珊  刘铭 《台湾海峡》2005,24(1):15-21
台风“杜鹃”影响期间,福建大风天气出现的比较早,而且范围比较大.本文通过对天气尺度的环境场、具有代表性的单站资料的对比分析,寻求大风出现的原因.还深入利用MM5模式对台风的气压场、风场、流场等进行数值模拟,分析结果表明台湾地形倒槽的形成对此次大风天气出现有着重要的作用,此外从流场分型的角度进一步分析台湾地形倒槽的形成原因.  相似文献   
辽河盆地东部凹陷热历史及构造—热演化特征   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
根据辽河盆地东部凹陷大地热流测量和镜质体反射率数据,恢复了该区的热历史,结果表明:东部凹陷热流呈现古热流高现今热流低的变化特征,沙河街组三段沉积期到东营组沉积期(距今43~25Ma)盆地热流为66~82mWm2,现今热流值为47~70mWm2。构造沉降史分析显示,盆地经历了早期的裂谷阶段(距今43~25Ma)和后期的热沉降阶段,裂谷阶段包含了两个裂谷亚旋回。盆地现今较低的大地热流和较高的古热流及典型的裂谷型构造沉降样式为东部凹陷的构造—热演化提供了重要认识。  相似文献   
长江口北支盐水倒灌的数值模型研究   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
20世纪80年代以来,国内对长江口盐水入侵进行了大量系统专门的研究,对长江口的盐水入侵规律有了一个比较基本的认识.但是,长江口特别是在南支及南北港的盐度变化规律极其复杂,主要有盐度的周日变化峰值与潮流变化关系不尽协调,落潮时盐度反而最大;盐度的纵向分布上游比下游高;盐度的半月变化峰值一般发生在小潮和寻常潮期间,而且各测点盐度峰值的发生时间不尽一致[1,2]等等.其中北支盐水向南支倒灌是引起长江口盐度变化异常复杂的主要原因[1-5].北支倒灌在长江口盐度变化中扮演了重要的角色,掌握北支倒灌是认识长江口盐水入侵规律特别是南支和南北港盐度变化规律的重要内容,同时也是长江口淡水咨源利用的一个重要方面.  相似文献   
Structural analyses in the well-exposed Hilti mantle section in the Oman ophiolite suggest a model of forceful horizontal flow in the uppermost mantle at the edge of a diapir below a oceanic spreading center. Detailed structural mapping, focussed on high-T deformation (i.e., asthenospheric flow), revealed a gently undulated flat structure with a uniform east-west flow direction. When it is related to the N–S to NNW–SSE trending, vertical sheeted dike complex located to the east, this mantle flow is parallel to the spreading direction. Because the Moho is so flat lying, a large dunite occurrence at the south-western region is possibly ascribed to the Moho Transition Zone. Kinematic analysis shows that the shear direction generally changes from top-to-the west in the upper level, to top-to-the east in the lower level with respect to the Moho. This shear sense inversion is explained by a model of forceful flow due to an active mantle uprise and it is not compatible with a passive mantle uprise. In the plan section, the boundary of the shear sense inversion is subparallel to the flow direction and subperpendicular to the spreading axis. In cross section, the boundary appears to occur at various depths in the range of 200 m to 500 m. It shows that the active mantle uprise in the diapir center resulted in a channelled horizontal flow.  相似文献   
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