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韩博 《地质与勘探》2013,49(4):760-769
在钻进水合物地层过程中,井壁附近水合物的分解和环空中水合物的分解与再形成,很可能会引起井壁失稳坍塌以及环空堵塞等复杂情况,从而影响钻井的顺利进行。在此过程中,由各组分相互作用形成的钻井液微观结构起到了至关重要的作用。但由于多组分钻井液的微观结构非常复杂,文中仅针对组分简单的水基聚合物钻井液(NaCl、CMC、PVPK90相互组合),考虑钻井液在井底钻头与环空处所受的不同剪切作用(分别为600r/min和6000r/min),结合冷冻干燥方法,利用扫描电子显微镜观测了这两种剪切作用后不同组分的水基聚合物钻井液相应的微观结构。结果表明,聚合物分子以网络骨架结构形式悬浮于钻井液中,一小部分水分子、无机盐离子等被吸附在聚合物骨架结构表面上,大部分水分子、无机盐离子等小分子物质游离于聚合物网络骨架孔隙中;对于环空中含水合物的岩屑,热量主要通过网络骨架结构的热传导与充填其中流体的对流导热而传递至岩屑表面,而后通过热传导进一步向岩屑内部传递;钻井液的微观结构随着剪切作用、浓度与组分的改变而发生变化,这就对上述的传热过程产生影响,进而对钻井液中水合物分解的传热特性产生影响。  相似文献   
利用保山市及其郊区昌宁1964-2010年47 a的气象观测资料,主要选取城区与郊区同期的气温、相对湿度数据进行对比分析,发现保山市城市热岛、于岛强度均逐年增强.热岛强度季节变化春季最强,秋季最弱;日变化T02:00达到最强,而T 14:00最弱.干岛季节变化冬季最强,夏季最弱;日变化T02:00最强,而白天较弱.同时,利用灰色模型对保山市城市热岛与干岛强度进行关联度分析,结果表明:对城市热岛、干岛强度影响较大的人文因子均是年末人口,而影响最大的自然因子分别是降水量和总云量.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWiththerecentmodernizationandurbanizationofChi-na,urbanareashavegreatlyincreased, andgiantbuild-ings,especiallythosetallerthan100m,havebeendomi-nantincities,whichhave resultedinthegreatincreaseintheproportionofbuilding'sexternalsurfacetototalurbanarea.Thedifferencesofthermalpropertiesmain-lyinducedbysolarradiationbetweenbuilding'sexter-nalsurfacesareobviousfordifferentexposures,whichcaninevitablyinfluencethedistributionsofairtempera-turenearby,eventheverticaldistributionsofurb…  相似文献   
Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   
The interaction between two important mechanisms which causes streaming has been investigated by numerical simulations of the seabed boundary layer beneath both sinusoidal waves and Stokes second order waves, as well as horizontally uniform bottom boundary layers with asymmetric forcing. These two mechanisms are streaming caused by turbulence asymmetry in successive wave half-cycles (beneath asymmetric forcing), and streaming caused by the presence of a vertical wave velocity within the seabed boundary layer as earlier explained by Longuet-Higgins. The effect of wave asymmetry, wave length to water depth ratio, and bottom roughness have been investigated for realistic physical situations. The streaming induced sediment dynamics near the ocean bottom has been investigated; both the resulting suspended load and bedload are presented. Finally, the mass transport (wave-averaged Lagrangian velocity) has been studied for a range of wave conditions. The streaming velocities beneath sinusoidal waves (Longuet-Higgins streaming) is always in the direction of wave propagation, while the streaming velocities in horizontally uniform boundary layers with asymmetric forcing are always negative. Thus the effect of asymmetry in second order Stokes waves is either to reduce the streaming velocity in the direction of wave propagation, or, for long waves relative to the water depth, to induce a streaming velocity against the direction of wave propagation. It appears that the Longuet-Higgins streaming decreases as the wave length increases for a given water depth, and the effect of wave asymmetry can dominate, leading to a steady streaming against the wave propagation. Furthermore, the asymmetry of second order Stokes waves reduces the mass transport (wave-averaged Lagrangian velocity) as compared with sinusoidal waves. The boundary layer streaming leads to a wave-averaged transport of suspended sediments and bedload in the direction of wave propagation.  相似文献   
人工砾石海滩变化及输移率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国采用砾石海滩在某些强动力区域进行海滩养护是一种新的尝试,具有很好的适用性。以厦门天泉湾人工砾石滩为研究对象,对2015年至2016年间10条海滩剖面开展了5次周期性监测,通过综合分析,得出在人工砾石滩竣工完成后的一年时间内,滩肩外沿线、岸线及滩面底角的砂砾分界线大幅度后退,滩肩宽度变窄;滩肩外沿线明显隆起,形成滩肩脊线;滩面坡度变大,且上游侧海滩的滩面普遍比下游侧海滩的滩面陡,一年后,岸滩整体变化趋于稳定。针对砾石滩不断向西南方向运移的现状,采用Leo C.van Rijn输移率公式计算砾石滩年平均输移率,并通过测量断面法、体积变化量法对Leo C.van Rijn公式计算结果进行验证,得出砾石滩年平均输移率的范围约为1 015.66~2 392.5 m~3/a。  相似文献   


针对传统的模拟热环境时空演变模型欠缺可推广性,该文提出运用CA-Markov模型研究热环境变化趋势,既能有效模拟元胞时空格局变化,又能提高元胞转化预测精度,经验证Kappa指数为73.46%,具有较高的可信度。基于CA-Markov模型模拟的武汉中心城区热环境表明:2009—2018年低温区和次低温区呈现减少趋势,中温区显著增加,热岛略有增长,总体强度增大,热岛效应愈发明显;2009—2018年热岛演变呈西南-东北方向,有向西-东方向发展的趋势,热岛重心南偏西方向移动;2009—2018年热岛区域在景观水平上破碎度较高,热环境趋于复杂化。研究结果对武汉中心城区城市规划、生态环境改善等具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
Laboratory simulation of geogas microbubble flow   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Preliminary laboratory tests provided first data on the behavior of gas microbubbles through porous media in the framework of the geogas theory. Under experimented conditions with laboratory equipment arranged for pressure controlled gas-tracer injection and sampling, gas microbubbles moved up to ten times faster than singlephase flow in dry media under the same injection pressure. Microbubbles were determined to be very sensitive to changes in injection pressure and their terminal velocity seems to be described with good approximation by the Stokes formula. The capability of microbubbles to pick up and transport upward for short distances solid ultra-small particles (metallic and radionuclide compounds) has been proved. Results are consistent with a time-dependent process linked to the transport properties of microbubbles (e.g., flotation), such as that reported by some authors.  相似文献   
A reliable estimation of sediment transport in gravel‐bed streams is important for various practical engineering and biological studies (e.g., channel stability design, bed degradation/aggradation, restoration of spawning habitat). In the present work, we report original laboratory experiments investigating the transport of gravel particles at low bed shear stresses. The laboratory tests were conducted under unsteady flow conditions inducing low bed shear stresses, with detailed monitoring of the bed topography using a laser scanner. Effects of bed surface arrangements were documented by testing loose and packed bed configurations. Effects of fine sediments were examined by testing beds with sand, artificial fine sand or cohesive silt infiltrated in the gravel matrix. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that the transport of gravel particles depends upon the bed arrangement, the bed material properties (e.g., size and shape, consolidation index, permeability) and the concentration of fine sediments within the surface layer of moving grains. This concentration is directly related to the distribution of fine particles within the gravel matrix (i.e., bottom‐up infiltration or bridging) and their transport mode (i.e., bedload or suspended load). Compared to loose beds, the mobility of gravel is reduced for packed beds and for beds clogged from the bottom up with cohesive fine sediments; in both cases, the bed shear stress for gravel entrainment increases by about 12%. On the other hand, the mobility of gravel increases significantly (bed shear stress for particle motion decreasing up to 40%) for beds clogged at the surface by non‐cohesive sand particles. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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