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The evaluation of potential rock slope problems using stereographic projection techniques known as kinematic analysis is one of the most important parts of a slope stability investigation to be carried out in jointed rock media. In conventional stereoprojection techniques for the assessment of possible rock slope failures, the peak orientations of joints together with the slope geometry and the friction angle of the weakness planes are used. Other possible joint orientations which may be encountered in the rock media are ignored, although they belong to the group of joint peak orientations. In this study, nearly vertical jointed andesites cropped out at the Altindag settlement region in Ankara were studied in order to evaluate the relevance of this ignored discontinuity orientation data on slope stability. As a result, probabilistic risk maps for planar, toppling and wedge failures were produced using the kinematic rules and digital elevation model of the study area. The comparison of the distribution of the actual failures in the area and the probabilistic risk maps prepared for the study area revealed that all of the identified failures are found to be located in the higher risk zones on the probabilistic risk maps.  相似文献   
Catalogues of actual observed intensities are constructed for three towns in the Ionian Islands. They are used for seismic hazard assessment and the results are compared with those obtained by standard approaches; that is, by statistics applied to the data computed from epicentral parameters. The results show that seismic hazard is better assessed using observed rather than computed data, but preparation of the local catalogue presents non-trivial difficulties.  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):143-155
This article examines possibilities associated with the cultivation of balanced regional images via the use of simple methods. Two experiments based on the primacy effect and the painting picture rule, or visual depiction of regions, were conducted. The results show significant differences in the formation of regional images. More specifically, the presentation of positive prior knowledge and the depiction of regional aspects with strong visual cues led to the formation of regional images that were more balanced. In conclusion, these simple teaching methods are effective for cultivating balanced regional images, an important element of geography education.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the morphotectonic evaluation of the Delhi region in northern India to understand its impact on land use and urban development. To accommodate heavy urbanization and population rise (being the capital of India), the area has undergone tremendous environmental degradation resulting from a mismatch between adopted land use and morphotectonic considerations. The geomorphic and drainage signatures of the region have evolved out of interaction of varied geological parameters including neotectonic activities. We have evaluated the changes in the drainage pattern of the Yamuna River in the Delhi region to underline its significance in geomorphic evolution and subsequent land use and/or land suitability. The Yamuna River has shown variations both in channel position and geometry over the last two centuries. The observed migration pattern of the river (shifting of confluences, position and disposition of palaeochannels, etc.,) cannot be attributed to normal river phenomenon and appears to have been effected by neotectonic changes. In addition, some case studies are discussed to underline the significance of geomorphic factors in urban development.  相似文献   
A unique historical data set describing the 142 storms each producing losses in excess of $100 million in the United States during the 1950–89 period were analyzed to describe their temporal characteristics. The storms caused $66.2 billion in losses (in 1991 values), 76% of the nation's insured storm losses in this period. These extreme storm catastrophes (SCs) were most prevalent in the south, southeast, northeast, and central U.S., with few in and west of the Rocky Mountains. Storm incidences were high in the 1950s, low in the 1960s-early 1970s, and increased in the 1980s. Losses due to SCs peaked in the 1950s, again in the late 1960s, with a lesser peak after 1985. The areal extent of storm losses peaked after 1975 and was least in the 1960s. The temporal variations of the three storm measures (incidence, losses, and extent) did not agree except when they all peaked in the 1950s. Regionally-derived time distributions of SCs showed a marked north-south differences in the United States with a U-shaped 40-year distribution in the northern half of the nation, and a relatively flat trend until a peak in the 1980s in the southern regions. The temporal distributions of hurricane-caused catastrophes differed regionally with occurrences in the prime areas, the southern, southeastern, and northeastern U.S., each quite different. Temporal distributions of thunderstorm and winter storm catastrophes were regionally more uniform.  相似文献   
Three earthquakes that happened over two days in May 1951 caused extensive damage to villages in a small area of eastern El Salvador (Central America). Contemporary hypocentral solutions indicated focal depths, confirmed by re-calculations using available seismic data, of the order of 90 km, suggesting events associated with the subducted Cocos plate. Macroseismic observations strongly indicate that the earthquakes were of very shallow focus and this is supported by wave-form modeling and the appearance of seismograms recorded in Guatemala. A re-evaluation of the location and source characteristics for these events is presented, together with a fault plane solution and additional macroseismic evidence. The implications for seismic hazard and risk assessment in Central America, where shallow earthquakes of moderate magnitude, frequently occurring in clusters, pose the greatest threat to settlements which, like the area affected by these events, are concentrated along the axis of Quaternary volcanoes.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(4):360-382
Many European urban regions have experienced a transformation from a compact monocentric toward a less compact polycentric urban region since the 1960s. The debate on emerging polycentricity in Europe so far tends to be more theoretical than analytical. The trend toward increasingly polycentric urban regions is meanwhile beyond dispute, but the effects of this transformation on urban regions and their components have only been explored to a limited extent. Are the "old" central cities only losing people, functions, and status to the new urban centers, or do these centers complement each other and specialize in terms of economic activities and population composition? This article presents evidence for the Amsterdam urban region regarding population distribution, selective migration, job growth, and economic specializations of the region's subcenters. It will become clear from our data that the Amsterdam urban region has indeed become more polycentric, but also that Amsterdam has managed to remain a vital center. The newer and older urban subcenters have become increasingly important, but rather than competing with Amsterdam, they develop in a complementary way.  相似文献   
东喜马拉雅南迦巴瓦峰地区地质构造十分复杂,对该区板块缝合带的空间位置问题,长期以来,一直认为沿雅鲁藏布江呈弧形展布。笔者以ETM+为主要信息源,以遥感与GIS为技术支撑,对南峰地区的断裂构造进行了详细的遥感解译分析,从构造统计分析的角度对断裂构造进行定量研究,从分维值及趋势值的空间分布及变化特征分析,认为缝合带的南东段、北段大致沿雅鲁藏布江展布,而北西段位于雅鲁藏布江的北西侧,沿东久-米林(断裂带)展布,这也与近几年来开展了1∶25万区域地质调查获得的新认识相一致。  相似文献   
本文通过对豫东、豫北等河南农业主产区80年代以来工业化进程的调研分析,在总结经验教训的基础上,针对这些地区工业发展的特殊条件,提出了平原农区工业化的基本思路和途径,主导产业的选择和注意处理的几个问题。  相似文献   
刘宏新  金琦 《海岸工程》2006,25(3):78-80
施工企业在投标时应在充分理解招标文件、施工图及做好投标前的现场考察的基础上,根据企业自身的管理水平及市场行情做好投标书。介绍了预算价编制、施工组织设计编制、定额及费用选取、报价分析及最终报价中的一些技巧性问题。  相似文献   
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