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本实验以64d为限,设A1(34%),A2(38%),A3(42%)三个蛋白梯度水平和B1(5%),B2(8%),B3(11%)三个脂肪梯度水平,采用正交试验方法研究了饲料中不同脂肪及蛋白质水平对日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponensis)[平均体重(0.69±0.23)g]生长性能、体成分和消化酶活力的影响。结果表明,脂肪和蛋白质水平对日本沼虾成活率影响不显著(P0.05),脂肪水平对32d相对增重率和特定生长率影响显著(P0.05)。B3组的特定生长率和相对增重率均显著低于B1和B2组(P0.05)。全虾和肌肉的脂肪含量显著地受饲料脂肪水平的影响(P0.05)。饲料中蛋白质水平对全虾的干物质、蛋白质和灰分含量,以及肌肉中脂肪、蛋白质含量影响显著(P0.05)。饲料脂肪水平对肝胰脏中脂肪酶活力影响显著(P0.05),蛋白水平对肝胰脏中脂肪酶、蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力影响不显著(P0.05)。本文认为日本沼虾饲料脂肪水平应以5%—8%较为合适,蛋白质水平应在38%左右较为合适。  相似文献   
海州湾近岸张网渔获物种类组成和资源利用现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2011年3月~2012年12月海州湾沿岸定置张网调查资料,对海州湾张网渔获物组成进行比较分析。结果表明,张网渔获物组成具有明显的季节变化特征,春季以尖海龙(Syngnathus acus)、六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)、双斑蟳(Charybdis bimaculata)、长蛸(Octopus variabilis)、方氏云鳚(Enedrias fangi)和口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)为主,秋季主要为小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)、六丝钝尾虾虎鱼、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)、日本枪乌贼(Loligo japonica)、鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris),冬季主要为六丝钝尾虾虎鱼、口虾蛄、鲜明鼓虾(Alpheus heterocarpus)、细鳌虾(Leptochela gracilis)和日本鼓虾(Alpheus Japonicus)。主要经济鱼类小黄鱼在9、10月产量最高,但达到可捕体长的小黄鱼不足1%,主要经济虾类鹰爪虾在9、10月产量最高,取样中69.46%的鹰爪虾达到可捕体长。渔捞日志记录表明,9月份单船平均网产达到最大值(17.01kg/net),12月份单船平均网产最低(2.87kg/net)。建议对张网渔业加强管理,开展生态型渔具渔法的研究,放大网目尺寸,加强对近海资源的养护。  相似文献   
The Cuu Long Basin (Mekong Basin) is a rift basin off southern Vietnam, and the most important petroleum producing basin in the country. However, information on petroleum type and characteristics has hitherto been largely unavailable to the public. This paper presents petroleum geochemical data on nine oil samples from four different producing fields in the Cuu Long Basin: the Dragon (Rong), Black Lion (Sutu-Den), Sunrise (Rang ?ong) and White Tiger (Bach Ho) Fields. The oils are highly paraffinic with bimodal normal alkane distributions and show moderate pristane to phytane ratios and a conspicuous hyperbolic decrease in abundance with increasing carbon number of hopane homologues from C30 to C35. The TPP-index of Holba et al. (Holba, A.G., Dzou, L.I., Wood, G.D., Ellis, L., Adam, P., Schaeffer, P., Albrecht, P., Greene, T., Hughes, W.B., 2003. Application of tetracyclic polyprenoids as indicators of input from fresh–brackish water environments. Organic Geochemistry 34, 441–469) is equal to 1 in all samples which in combination with tricyclic triperpane T26/T25 ratios >1 and the n-alkane and hopane distributions mentioned above provide a strong indication of an origin from lacustrine source rocks. This is supported by the absence of marine C30 desmethyl steranes (i.e. 24-n-propylcholestanes) and marine diatom-derived norcholestanes. Based on the overall biological marker distributions, the lakes probably belonged to the overfilled or balanced-fill types defined by Bohacs et al. (Bohacs, K.M., Carroll, A.R., Neal, J.E., Mankiewicz, P.J., 2000. Lake-basin type, source potential, and hydrocarbon character. An integrated sequence-stratigraphic–geochemical framework. AAPG Studies in Geology 46, 3–34). The oils were generated from source rocks at early- to mid-oil-window maturity, presumably Oligocene lacustrine shales that are present in the syn-rift succession. Oils from individual fields may, however, be distinguished by a combination of biological marker parameters, such as the oleanane index, the gammacerane index, the relative abundance of tricyclic terpanes, the proportions of diasteranes and 28-norspergulane, complemented by other parameters. The oils of the Cuu Long Basin show an overall similarity to the B-10 oil from the Song Hong Basin off northern Vietnam, but are markedly different from the seepage oils known from Dam Thi Nai on the coast of central Vietnam.  相似文献   
Horizontal distributions of phytoplankton abundance,species composition as well as environmental factors were investigated in the surface waters of southern South China Sea(SCS) in early summer(May 16 to June 7) of 2009.In most areas of southern SCS,the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus were very low and DIN/DIP ratios usually were lower than the Redfield N/P Ratio of 16:1.Nitrogen nutrients were significant lower in the upwelling region off Vietnam.A total of 144 taxa of phytoplankton were identified in the study area.The dominant genera were Prorocentrum,Gonyaulax,Gyrodinium,Scrippsiella and Chaetoceros,respectively.Spatial patterns of early-summer phytoplankton abundance and species composition should be mainly controlled by the upwelling off Vietnam and the discharge of Mekong River in the southern SCS.Diatoms dominated in the nutritious Mekong River Estuary or upwelling region off Vietnam;while dinoflagellates dominated in the oligotrophic pelagic region.The canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) indicates that most of diatoms favor higher levels of silicate and phosphorus,as well as lower temperature;while most of dinoflagellates favor the lower silicate and phosphorous and higher temperature.Correlation and CCA results indicate that silicate,nitrate and temperature were the most relevant environmental factors to regulate the horizontal pattern of early-summer phytoplankton in the surface waters of southern SCS.  相似文献   
长江口水域的水系组成和特征的综合研究结果表明,长江、台湾暖流、气旋型涡旋和32°N附近的上升流从东、南、西、北四个方向向长江口水域提供了丰富的磷酸盐,并且均以不同的时间、方式和强度提供磷酸盐。长江口的浅海区南侧有上升流出现,这可由物理海洋、海洋化学和海洋生物调查数据予以证实。这样,展示了整个长江河口区水域磷酸盐的输送过程,为研究长江河口区磷酸盐的分布成因和浮游植物的生长过程提供了科学基础。  相似文献   
根据2002—2003年珠江口12个航次的调查资料,分析探讨了不同调查时间和区域浮游幼虫的组成类型、丰度变化和环境因子的影响。以表层盐度(S)变化将调查海域划分成三个区域:I区(S<25)、II区(2530)。12个航次的调查结果显示:调查海域共出现浮游幼虫12个类型,隶属5个动物门,II区和III区的类型数一般高于I区,软体动物门和棘皮动物门的幼虫只出现在II区和III区。其中2002年7月(夏季)、2003年1月(冬季)和4月(春季)的3个大航次结果表明珠江口浮游幼虫的平均丰度为61ind/m3,三个区域的平均丰度比较为II区(124ind/m3)>I区(33ind/m3)>III区(27ind/m3),春夏季的丰度高于冬季。另外在I区进行了9个小航次调查的研究表明:I区浮游幼虫平均丰度较高,月份之间的丰度差别明显,不同站位之间也有差别。温度和食料是影响珠江口浮游幼虫丰度变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
The effect of kelp Ecklonia maxima inclusion in formulated feeds on abalone growth and gut bacterial communities has not been previously investigated in South Africa. An eight-month on-farm growth trial was conducted with sub-adult Haliotis midae (~43 mm shell length) fed graded levels of kelp in formulated feeds. Kelp inclusion (0.44–3.54% of pellet dry mass) promoted faster growth (65.7–74.5% total mass gain), with better feed and protein conversions (apparent feed conversion ratio [FCR] 1.4–1.8, apparent protein efficiency ratio [PER] 2.3–2.7), as compared with the non-supplemented feed (52.3% total mass gain, FCR 2.1, PER 1.9; p < 0.001). Abalone-gut bacterial DNA was sequenced using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and the sequences were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at a 97% similarity level. A supplementary 16S rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis was employed. The dominant OTUs differed in terms of their relative abundances, with an autochthonous Mycoplasma strain being significantly more abundant (p = 0.03) in the gut of abalone fed a kelp-supplemented feed. The DGGE band patterns displayed higher within-group variability for abalone fed the control diet, suggesting that dietary kelp inclusion promotes gut-bacteria homeostasis. This may contribute to better feed utilisation and growth in abalone fed kelp-supplemented feeds.  相似文献   
采用持续投喂(对照组C)和周期性饥饿1d再投喂5d(S1F5)、周期性饥饿2d再投喂4d(S2F4)、周期性饥饿3d再投喂3d(S3F3)4种投喂策略,研究了周期性饥饿再投喂对曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella japonica)幼体(10.16±0.25g)的生长、体组成、氨基酸和脂肪酸的影响。结果表明:S3F3处理组中体重增重率、胴体长增长率及成活率三个指标均分别显著低于对照组C(P0.05),而S1F5和S2F4处理组三个指标均与对照组C差异不显著(P0.05)。另外,随着周期性饥饿时间的延长,体组成水分含量呈显著上升趋势(P0.05),而粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量均呈显著下降趋势(P0.05),灰分含量变化不显著(P0.05)。三个处理组中氨基酸总量(T)、必需氨基酸总量(E)均与对照组C差异不显著(P0.05);EPA、DPA和DHA含量均与对照组C差异不显著(P0.05)。综合上述结果表明,S1F5和S2F4组的曼氏无针乌贼幼体均出现了完全补偿生长,并且对其营养组成没有影响,建议曼氏无针乌贼幼体的最佳投喂模式为周期性饥饿2d再投喂4d。  相似文献   
We estimate (/T) P of the lower mantle at seismic frequencies using two distinct approaches by combining ambient laboratory measurements on lower mantle minerals with seismic data. In the first approach, an upper bound is estimated for |(/T) P | by comparing the shear modulus () profile of PREM with laboratory room-temperature data of extrapolated to high pressures. The second approach employs a seismic tomography constraint ( lnV S / lnV P ) P =1.8–2, which directly relates (/T) P with (K S /T) P . An average (K S /T) P can be obtained by comparing the well-established room-temperature compression data for lower mantle minerals with theK S profile of PREM along several possible adiabats. Both (K S /T) and (/T) depend on silicon content [or (Mg+Fe)/Sil of the model. For various compositions, the two approaches predict rather distinct (/T) P vs. (K S /T) P curves, which intersect at a composition similar to pyrolite with (/T) P =–0.02 to –0.035 and (K S /T) P =–0.015 to –0.020 GPa/K. The pure perovskite model, on the other hand, yields grossly inconsistent results using the two approaches. We conclude that both vertical and lateral variations in seismic velocities are consistent with variation due to pressure, temperature, and phase transformations of a uniform composition. Additional physical properties of a pyrolite lower mantle are further predicted. Lateral temperature variations are predicted to be about 100–250 K, and the ratio of ( lnp/ lnV S ) P around 0.13 and 0.26. All of these parameters increase slightly with depth if the ratio of ( lnV S / lnV P ) P remains constant throughout the lower mantle. These predicted values are in excellent agreement with geodynamic analyses, in which the ratios ( ln / lnV S ) P and ( / lnV S ) P are free parameters arbitrarily adjusted to fit the tomography and geoid data.  相似文献   
We evaluate the performance of a hand‐held XRF (HHXRF) spectrometer for the bulk analysis of iron meteorites. Analytical precision and accuracy were tested on metal alloy certified reference materials and iron meteorites of known chemical composition. With minimal sample preparation (i.e., flat or roughly polished surfaces) HHXRF allowed the precise and accurate determination of most elements heavier than Mg, with concentrations > 0.01% m/m in metal alloy CRMs, and of major elements Fe and Ni and minor elements Co, P and S (generally ranging from 0.1 to 1% m/m) in iron meteorites. In addition, multiple HHXRF spot analyses could be used to determine the bulk chemical composition of iron meteorites, which are often characterised by sulfide and phosphide accessory minerals. In particular, it was possible to estimate the P and S bulk contents, which are of critical importance for the petrogenesis and evolution of Fe‐Ni‐rich liquids and iron meteorites. This study thus validates HHXRF as a valuable tool for use in meteoritics, allowing the rapid, non‐destructive (a) identification of the extraterrestrial origin of metallic objects (i.e., archaeological artefacts); (b) preliminary chemical classification of iron meteorites; (c) identification of mislabelled/unlabelled specimens in museums and private collections and (d) bulk analysis of iron meteorites.  相似文献   
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