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为探究东南丘陵山区深水水库中生态浮床技术深度脱氮的效率及管理措施,以大型山谷型深水水库千岛湖为例,选取湿生植物空心菜(Ipomoea aquatica)和水生植物粉绿狐尾藻(Myriophyllum aquaticum),采用生态浮床技术,开展了原位模拟实验对比研究,探究不同营养盐浓度和光强下两种植物的生长状况与氮素去除效率。结果发现:(1)空心菜长势受营养盐和光照条件影响明显,添加氮磷后(TN=2.37 mg/L,TP=0.046 mg/L)的空心菜生物量是原位水体(TN=0.66 mg/L,TP=0.028 mg/L)的1.6倍,适当遮光有助于浮床植物生长,40%遮光条件下空心菜的生物量是不遮光条件下的1.5倍;而粉绿狐尾藻生长受营养盐和光照条件影响均较小。(2)空心菜对于水体氮素净化能力显著高于粉绿狐尾藻,在最佳条件下空心菜和粉绿狐尾藻对氮素的去除效率分别达到213.30和44.23 mg/(m2·d)。(3)空心菜去除氮主要以植物同化作用为主,占70%以上TN去除量,40%遮光环境通过明显提升空心菜同化吸收氮量和根系反硝化速率增强了氮的去除能力;粉绿狐尾藻同化吸收和反硝化脱氮作用各占50%左右,以遮光75%下脱氮效果最好。本研究表明,采用生态浮床技术能够强化深水水库的脱氮能力,空心菜更适合在氮浓度较高的水体生长,夏季为空心菜和粉绿狐尾藻浮床分别进行40%和75%的遮光处理将有更好的水质净化效果。因此,在滨岸湿地匮乏的深水水库实施多种植物搭配的生态浮床技术强化水体脱氮作用是一种行之有效的水质改善方法。  相似文献   
Low order channels comprise a large proportion of the links of every drainage basin, and are often at the centre of land management concerns. They exhibit hydrological and geomorphological characteristics atypical of higher order links. This paper examines the nature and causes of variations in the bed material texture of two streams on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. The extant, functional exponential model is found to be inadequate for explaining observed changes in grain size parameters with distance downstream. Recurrent disruption of sediment transport by large organic debris jams, and the sporadic contamination of the fluvial sediment population by colluvial inputs, preclude the development of longitudinal structure. Rather, grain size varies erratically over short distances. A stochastic model best describes the observed variations, and should be adopted as an alternative to the exponential model in low order links. Characteristic variances are controlled by the degree of hillslope-channel coupling, and the extent and characteristics of non-alluvial storage mechanisms.  相似文献   
Anabranching rivers consist of multiple channels separated by vegetated semi-permanent alluvial islands excised from existing floodplain or formed by within-channel or deltaic accretion. These rivers occupy a wide range of environments from low to high energy, however, their existence has never been adequately explained. They occur concurrently with other types of channel pattern, although specific requirements include a flood-dominated flow regime and banks that are resistant to erosion, with some systems characterized by mechanisms to block or constrict channels, thereby triggering avulsion. The fundamental advantage of an anabranching river is that, by constructing a semi-permanent system of multiple channels, it can concentrate stream flow and maximize bed-sediment transport (work per unit area of the bed) under conditions where there is little or no opportunity to increase gradient. On the basis of stream energy, sediment size and morphological characteristics, six types of anabranching river are recognized; types 1–3 are lower energy and types 4–6 are higher energy systems. Type 1 are cohesive sediment rivers (commonly termed anastomosing) with low w/d ratio channels that exhibit little or no lateral migration. They are divisible into three subtypes based on vegetative and sedimentary environment. Type 2 are sand-dominated, island-forming rivers, and type 3 are mixed-load laterally active meandering rivers. Type 4 are sand-dominated, ridge-forming rivers characterized by long, parallel, channel-dividing ridges. Type 5 are gravel-dominated, laterally active systems that interface between meandering and braiding in mountainous regions. Type 6 are gravel-dominated, stable systems that occur as non-migrating channels in small, relatively steep basins. Anabranching rivers represent a relatively uncommon but widespread and distinctive group that, because of particular sedimentary, energy-gradient and other hydraulic conditions, operate most effectively as a system of multiple channels separated by vegetated floodplain islands or alluvial ridges.  相似文献   
喻豪俊  彭社琴  赵其华 《岩土力学》2018,39(7):2537-2545
斜坡上的桩基础的承载性能是复杂多变的。对于四川西部山地地形较广泛,且地基覆盖层多为特有的碎石土地层来说,水平受荷桩的相关研究还较少。为了研究碎石土地基斜坡上单桩基础的水平承载特性及桩土间的相互作用,通过现场水平静载荷试验在坡度为0°、15°、30°、45°的条件下,探讨桩身变形、桩身弯矩、土压力的变化。运用FLAC3D有限元分析软件得出水平荷载作用下,碎石土斜坡不同坡度的桩基础与桩周土之间的应力云图、位移云图的变化特点。将数值模拟结果与现场试验结果进行了对比,提出了单桩水平临界荷载和极限荷载在不同坡度区间内取值时的折减系数,为实际工程提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
王炳龙  梅祯  肖军华 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):325-332
土工格室广泛运用于道路或铁路路基的补强和病害整治,针对不同几何尺寸土工格室的整治效果不同,采用焊距为340、400、680 mm和高度为0.10、0.15、0.20 m组合的9种不同规格土工格室进行整治铁路基床下沉病害的现场试验,并与换砂法试验进行了对比,分析不同整治法的轨下动应力衰减规律。结果表明,格室每增高0.01 m,动应力衰减增加约0.6%~1%;焊距每增加100 mm,动应力衰减降低约5%;相比较于换砂法,土工格室法轨下动应力衰减快、分布均,路基强度高,表明换填厚度的大小与整治方法密切相关。在试验的基础上提出了换填厚度设计容许应力法,综合考虑了路基应力水平、格室与砂垫层动应力衰减性能以及路基基床土的容许承载力,为换填厚度设计提供了理论设计方法。  相似文献   
人工砾石海滩变化及输移率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国采用砾石海滩在某些强动力区域进行海滩养护是一种新的尝试,具有很好的适用性。以厦门天泉湾人工砾石滩为研究对象,对2015年至2016年间10条海滩剖面开展了5次周期性监测,通过综合分析,得出在人工砾石滩竣工完成后的一年时间内,滩肩外沿线、岸线及滩面底角的砂砾分界线大幅度后退,滩肩宽度变窄;滩肩外沿线明显隆起,形成滩肩脊线;滩面坡度变大,且上游侧海滩的滩面普遍比下游侧海滩的滩面陡,一年后,岸滩整体变化趋于稳定。针对砾石滩不断向西南方向运移的现状,采用Leo C.van Rijn输移率公式计算砾石滩年平均输移率,并通过测量断面法、体积变化量法对Leo C.van Rijn公式计算结果进行验证,得出砾石滩年平均输移率的范围约为1 015.66~2 392.5 m~3/a。  相似文献   
王勇 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3387-3392
沉管隧道基础往往采用条带垄沟状先铺碎石垫层,该碎石垫层作为桩基与沉管结构传力构造的工程经验极少,为了解碎石垫层在工程荷载下的变形特性、传力机制及垄沟尺寸,及结构水平移动、回淤、垄沟偏位、桩顶倾斜等工程因素对其的影响等方面进行了物理模型试验研究。研究表明:(1)碎石级配的选择应同时考虑压缩模量、孔隙率、粒径等多种因素,过小粒径级配不适宜用于基础垫层;(2)垄沟的存在会大幅降低碎石垫层的压缩模量,压缩主要是由压密变形和垄沟导致的碎石颗粒侧向“挤出”造成;(3)支撑桩段碎石垫层的极限承载能力约为480 kPa,碎石垫层作为桩顶传力构造,受力变形机制复杂,个别影响因子十分敏感,需采取措施控制桩顶应力水平在碎石垫层极限承载能力范围内。  相似文献   
刘军  李波 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):531-536
防渗墙上接土工膜是围堰常用的防渗体系,两者变形是否协调是决定防渗成败的关键。以某围堰工程为例,通过围堰防渗体系中复合土工膜的受力分析和复合土工膜与砂砾料界面的直剪摩擦试验,研究了土工膜与填料之间的相互作用,提出了保证土工膜不被拉断应满足的条件。另外,通过离心模型试验监测复合土工膜在堰体与防渗墙变形过程中的应变,揭示了复合土工膜的受力性状和联接部位的破坏机制。结果表明,在一定上覆荷载作用下复合土工膜与堰体之间的摩阻力超过其所承受的拉伸力,导致预留伸缩节不能发挥作用;复合土工膜下部风化砂的固结变形使之与刚性防渗墙之间产生较大的差异沉降以及防渗墙与上游堰体的水平脱离,两种变形不协调均可导致与防渗墙联接部位的土工膜因受拉而破坏,在该基础上提出了改进的土工膜与防渗墙的联接型式和铺设方法。试验成果为指导围堰防渗体系的分析和设计提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   
Flow within the interfacial layer of gravel‐bed rivers is poorly understood, but this zone is important because the hydraulics here transport sediment, generate flow structures and interact with benthic organisms. We hypothesized that different gravel‐bed microtopographies generate measurable differences in hydraulic characteristics within the interfacial layer. This was tested using a high density of spatially and vertically distributed, velocity time series measured in the interfacial layers above three surfaces of contrasting microtopography. These surfaces had natural water‐worked textures, captured in the field using a casting procedure. Analysis was repeated for three discharges, with Reynolds numbers between 165000 and 287000, to evaluate whether discharge affected the impact of microtopography on interfacial flows. Relative submergence varied over a small range (3.5 to 8.1) characteristic of upland gravel‐bed rivers. Between‐surface differences in the median and variance of several time‐averaged and turbulent flow parameters were tested using non‐parametric statistics. Across all discharges, microtopographic differences did not affect spatially averaged (median) values of streamwise velocity, but were associated with significant differences in its spatial variance, and did affect spatially averaged (median) turbulent kinetic energy. Sweep and ejection events dominated the interfacial region above all surfaces at all flows, but there was a microtopographic effect, with Q2 and Q4 events less dominant and structures less persistent above the surface with the widest relief distribution, especially at the highest Reynolds number flow. Results are broadly consistent with earlier work, although this analysis is unique because of the focus on interfacial hydraulics, spatially averaged ‘patch scale’ metrics and a statistical approach to data analysis. An important implication is that observable differences in microtopography do not necessarily produce differences in interfacial hydraulics. An important observation is that appropriate roughness parameterizations for gravel‐bed rivers remain elusive, partly because the relative contributions to flow resistance of different aspects of bed microtopography are poorly constrained. © 2014 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrology of water-dependent ecosystems around the world has been altered as a result of flow regulation and extraction for a variety of purposes including agricultural and urban water supply. The flow regime of the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia is no exception, with attendant impacts on the health of the environment. Restoration of parts of the flow regime is a key feature of environmental flow delivery. However, environmental flow delivery in a system that is managed primarily to provide a secure and stable supply for irrigation presents challenges for managers seeking to return more natural flow variability in line with ecosystem requirements. The institutional arrangements governing releases of water from storage can influence the ability of managers to respond to natural cues, such as naturally rising flows in a river. As such, the legal and governance aspects of environmental flow delivery are likely to be important influences on the outcomes achieved.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Banks, S.A. and Docker, B.B., 2014. Delivering environmental flows in the Murray-Darling Basin (Australia)—legal and governance aspects. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 688–699.  相似文献   
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