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The glacial deposits of the eastern Lleyn Peninsula record the advance, coalescence and subsequent retreat and uncoupling of Welsh and Irish Sea ice-sheets during the Late Devensian cold stage. During advance a thick sheet of basal diamict was deposited over much of the area, and during retreat and uncoupling, which occurred after 14.5 ka, the eastern part of the area was dominated by the formation of a large sandur system draining from the retreating margin of the Irish Sea ice-sheet. Subsequent stages of retreat are marked by a series of arcuate cross-valley moraines formed either by ice-contact deposition during stillstand or by structural deformation during minor snout oscillation. In the western part of the area sedimentation was controlled by a series of dead-ice ridges running parallel to the retreating ice-margin and this led to the development of a complex assemblage of localised depositional environments including ice-front alluvial fans, marginal sandur troughs and pro-glacial lake basins, all formed under supraglacial ice-marginal conditions. No evidence of glaciomarine deposition is recorded. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
哈纳斯湖地区地貌与湖的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈纳斯湖位于阿尔泰山深处,最大水深188.5m,平均水深122.1m。横断面具典型的箱形形态,在其底部存在现代活动地堑。湖盆的成因是强烈的构造断陷加上山谷冰川的创蚀及终碛垄的堰塞。随着终绩垄被出流下切,湖泊面积变小。  相似文献   
青藏高原中东部最大冰期时代高度与气候环境探讨   总被引:60,自引:15,他引:60  
施雅风  郑本兴 《冰川冻土》1995,17(2):97-112
本文应用不同来源的各种资料,经逐步综合推导,认为最大冰期出现时间相当于深海氧同位素18-16阶段(0.72-0.52MaBP)。当时青藏高原低于现代1000M左右。高原中,东部唐古拉山,阿尼玛卿山、果洛山与稻城海子山4个山区的冰川面积达40000KM^2,为现代冰川面积的18倍,平衡线高度为3450-4250M,6-8月平均温度为2.3-3.4℃,年降水量为1260-1960MM,是现代平衡线上降  相似文献   
Basal rocks of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian Pagoda Formation at Mount Butters provide an unusual view of periglacial conditions in the central Transantarctic Mountains region prior to the initial advance of the Gondwanide ice sheet. These rocks were deposited on a high relief unconformity that developed on granite. Deposition within relief on the unconformity, possibly in the lee of a granite buttress, protected the rocks from erosion during subsequent overriding by the ice sheet. The succession reflects deposition in a glacial‐fed to ice‐contact lake that contained a freshwater crustacean fauna. Centimetre‐ to decimetre‐scale basal layers include breccia and coarse‐grained sandstone. The occurrence of breccia resting on weathered granite suggests sedimentation as scree and as mass flow deposits. Overlying decimetre‐to metre‐scale stratified diamictites interbedded with metre‐scale, coarsening‐upward successions of siltstone to cross‐laminated sandstone suggest lacustrine deposition by suspension settling, rain out of ice‐rafted debris, and deltaic progradation. Thin zones with abundant conchostracans and/or with prolific trace fossils, in addition to less common remains of other crustaceans, attest to the presence of a low diversity benthic fauna. Conchostracans are concentrated in a series of thin beds that reflect moderately lengthy, perhaps seasonal, periods of free‐flowing water. Patchy vertical and lateral distribution of intense bioturbation and profuse trace fossils probably reflect repeated colonization events during times of favourable environmental conditions. Massive diamictite overlies the basal rocks and indicates that the ice‐marginal lake was subsequently overridden by the late Palaeozoic ice sheet. Occurrences of lodgement till, glacitectonite and deformation till suggest deposition from temperate or warm‐based ice, whereas underlying lacustrine and deltaic deposits, along with a crustacean and trace fossil fauna, suggest temperate periglacial conditions. Previous studies have stressed that upper Palaeozoic glacigenic deposits in Antarctica, and in Gondwanaland, record deglaciation events. In contrast, rocks at Mt. Butters provide an unusual glimpse into an ice‐margin lake and its fauna just prior to ice sheet advance.  相似文献   
第四纪中期青藏高原冰冻圈的演化及其与全球变化的联系   总被引:43,自引:13,他引:43  
施雅风 《冰川冻土》1998,20(3):197-208
文章给出了冰冻圈的含义与组成,新生代42Ma前南极冰盖出现至中更新世,是地球上冰冰圈发展的漫长过程,青藏高原在早更新世只在个别高峰有冰川作用,直到1.1~0.6MaBP的昆(仑)黄(河)运动,将高原面抬升至3500m左右高度的降温作用和同时期地球接受日射的轨道转型*(由4.1万年周期的轨道倾斜率过渡为10万年周期的轨道偏心率控制)及相伴的降温作用相耦合。形成了测年数据在0.6~0.8MaBP间的倒  相似文献   
末次冰期短尺度气候突变事件:西南地区石笋记录的证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了广西和贵州 3个大型石笋的δ1 8O及δ1 3 C记录 ,末次冰期晚期所揭示的 10 2 ~ 10 3 a级的冷跃变事件 ,其时限为 11.4~ 12 .4kaB .P .,14.5kaB .P .,2 0kaB .P .,2 7kaB .P .,36~ 37kaB .P .及 41kaB .P .等。可与北欧和北大西洋的新仙女木及Heinrich型气候波动事件逐一对比 ,这些短周期的气候突变事件 ,时限上的各种记录可能有差异 ,也许是测试方法和测试对象的不同带来的误差 (包括测试误差 )。具有全球意义的一些气候突变事件 ,如果在发生的时间上都具有同时性 ,那么这种短期突变事件发生的动力机制问题 ,是否是目前人类尚未识别出来的天文因素的驱动 ,值得今后进一步研究。  相似文献   
释光测年是可对冰川地貌进行直接定年的一种测年技术,已被广泛应用于冰川沉积测年中,推动了第四纪冰川研究的深入发展。但冰川沉积释光测年还没有达到标准化的程度,实际应用中仍有不少问题需要探究,其中最受关注的是冰川沉积物释光信号晒退不完全的问题,即样品在埋藏前因曝光机会有限导致信号没有归零或仅部分归零。冰川沉积释光信号晒退程度与地貌部位和沉积环境密切相关。冰川沉积释光采样需注意几个方面:(1)详细的地貌学和沉积学调查及对采样点的选择;(2)较适合释光测年的冰水沉积和冰缘风成沉积采集及其与冰川作用期次的联系;(3)冰碛夹层中的冰水砂透镜体的选取;(4)冰碛垄采样时垂直与水平方向上的考量;(5)岩石释光测年的发展使砾石成为当前第四纪冰川释光测年采样的一种选择。室内进行释光等效剂量测试时,也有几个关键的选择:(1)粗颗粒石英光释光测年是末次冰期以来冰川作用的首选方法;(2)如果样品年代老于石英测年上限,或者石英不适合测试,则可考虑钾长石后红外高温释光测年方法;(3)单颗粒、小测片和岩石释光埋藏测年技术可以鉴别样品的晒退情况,是目前最适合冰川沉积释光测年的几种选择;(4)如有条件,尝试用不同矿物、不同粒径、不同方法进行测试对比和交叉检验。要获得第四纪冰川释光测年的最佳年代学结果,地貌学、沉积学和年代学的结合是非常必要的。  相似文献   
玉龙山西麓更新世冰川作用及其与金沙江河谷发育的关系   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
在玉龙山东麓更新世冰川作用研究的基础上,对其西麓和金沙江河谷中的古冰川与冰水沉积物的分布和特征进行了调查。结合ESR测年,划分出4次冰期,即0.7~0.6MaB.P.的玉龙冰期,0.53~0.45MaB.P.的干海子冰期,0.31~0.13MaB.P.的丽江冰期和晚更新世中晚期的大理冰期,其中玉龙冰期为规模较大的山麓冰川,丽江和大理冰期为山谷冰川,干海子冰期则为山麓冰川与山谷冰川的过渡类型。来自玉龙山西坡的玉龙冰期冰碛物充填于现今金沙江谷底的事实和大具金沙江下渡口西岸早更新世金沙江砾石层的发现表明,金沙江在早更新世早期即已存在,也说明了在该段金沙江河谷中多处发现的湖相沉积物是冰川沉积堰塞河谷而成石鼓古湖的结果。在该段金沙江河谷中仅发现拔河50m左右以内的4级河流阶地,且往往以这些湖相沉积为基座的现象,则是石鼓古湖被外泄后金沙江现代河谷形成的结果。  相似文献   
A reconstruction of deglaciation and associated sea-level changes on northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula, based on lithostratigraphical and geomorphological studies, shows that the initial deglaciation of presently ice-free areas occurred slightly before 7400 14C yr BP. Sea-level in connection with the deglaciation was around 30 m a.s.l. A glacier readvance in Brandy Bay, of at least 7 km, with the initial 3 km over land, reached a position off the present coast at ca. 4600 yr BP. The culmination of the advance was of short duration, and by 4300 yr BP the coastal lowlands again were ice-free. A distinct marine level at 16–18 m a.s.l. was contemporaneous with or slightly post-dates the Brandy Bay advance, thus indicating the relative sea-level around 4600–4500 yr BP. Our results from James Ross Island confirm that over large areas in this part of Antarctica the last deglaciation occurred late. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
天山玛纳斯河源鹿角湾冰川地貌与冰期序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞠远江  刘耕年 《冰川冻土》2005,27(6):907-912
在鹿角湾冰川区40 km2的考察范围内,共发育了18个冰斗.按斗底高度的不同,可以将18个冰斗分成3个高度等级,分别代表了3次雪线高度不同的冰进.冰斗朝向以偏北为主,说明水热条件对冰斗发育是限制因素.18号冰斗和2号冰斗朝向偏南,说明其所代表的冰进阶段水热条件组合有利于冰川的长期存在,从而发育了大规模的向阳冰斗.鹿角湾冰川共发育了10道保存比较完整的冰碛垄,按冰碛垄表面特征和产出位置,结合测年资料,将10道冰碛垄划分为5套冰碛地层.对冰碛垄上所采冰碛土样品进行年代测试的结果是:冰碛丘陵上组地层属于小冰期沉积,较早的两次冰进结束时间为(680±60)a BP和(250±60)a BP;冰碛丘陵组地层属于新冰期沉积,3次冰进结束年代分别为:(4.2±0.4)ka BP,(2.9±0.3)ka BP,(1720±60)a BP;末次冰期晚期结束年代为1.1~1.2 ka BP.其它几次冰进阶段未能取得可信的测年数据.  相似文献   
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