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TheQvaluevariationsinthepreparingpro┐cesofrockruptureBINWANG1)(王彬),ZHAO-YONGXU1)(许昭永),JIN-MINGZHAO1)(赵晋明)YI-LIHU2)(胡毅力)1)Sei...  相似文献   
We have developed a least-squares method to determine simultaneously the depth and the width of a buried thick dipping dike from residualized magnetic data using filters of successive window lengths. The method involves using a relationship between the depth and the half-width of the source and a combination of windowed observations. The relationship represents a family of curves (window curves). For a fixed window length, the depth is determined for each half-width value by solving one nonlinear equation of the form f (z) = 0 using the least-squares method. The computed depths are plotted against the width values representing a continuous curve. The solution for the depth and the width of the buried dike is read at the common intersection of the window curves. The method involves using a dike model convolved with the same moving average filter as applied to the observed data. As a result, this method can be applied to residuals as well as to measured magnetic data. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the amplitude coefficient and the index parameter. The method is applied to theoretical data with and without random errors. The validity of the method is tested on airborne magnetic data from Canada and on a vertical component magnetic anomaly from Turkey. In all cases examined, the model parameters obtained are in good agreement with the actual ones and with those given in the published literature.  相似文献   
基于420芦山地震前后获取的峡口滑坡监测数据,对地震发生时峡口滑坡地下水位、深部位移及地表位移变化情况进行了分析,结果表明:(1)芦山地震前,峡口滑坡地下水位出现持续异常上升,涨幅在1m以上, 4月20日即芦山地震发生当日,地下水位达到峰值,震后,地下水位开始迅速下降,降幅在1.5m左右; (2)芦山地震发生当天,受芦山地震的影响,滑坡深部发生了一次大于1mm的位移,其后恢复基本稳定的状态。利用R/S分析方法对峡口滑坡稳定性进行分析,受芦山地震影响, 4月份峡口滑坡的Hurst指数明显有所下降,说明滑坡的稳定性有所降低。但总体上滑坡的Hurst指数均大于0.5,说明滑坡一直处于稳定状态。  相似文献   
Summary Little comprehensive information has been reported on the behaviour of room-and-pillar mines. The objective of this paper is to present case data on mine failures in the Illinois basin for use in practice. Presented are results of an ongoing study and details on the site characteristics of cases where sags have developed on the surface. Site data are reported to show the geologic, mining, and sag conditions that existed. Sags mainly develop from pillar, floor, or pillar-floor failure. The character of the sags depends upon the type of mine failure as well as the overburden response.Preliminary results show that the statistical no-risk tributary pressure decreases over 300% as the mine age increases from about 2 to 100 years at a long-term value of approximately 300 psi (2070 kPa). As more information is collected and more analysis is done, the allowable tributary pressure can be determined for different site conditions.A plot is also reported that depicts the relationship of the maximum subsidence to site conditions. It was found that the modified subsidence factor was heavily dependent upon the overburden rock thickness.  相似文献   
Fractal modelling has been applied extensively as a means of characterizing the spatial distribution of geological phenomena that display self-similarity at differing scales of measurement. A fractal distribution exists where the number of objects exhibiting values larger than a specified magnitude displays a power-law dependence on that magnitude, and where this relationship is scale-invariant. This paper shows that a number of distributions, including power-function, Pareto, log-normal and Zipf, display fractal properties under certain conditions and that this may be used as the mathematical basis for developing fractal models for data exhibiting such distributions. Population limits, derived from fractal modelling using a summation method, are compared with those derived from more conventional probability plot modelling of stream sediment geochemical data from north-eastern New South Wales. Despite some degree of subjectivity in determining the number of populations to use in the models, both the fractal and probability plot modelling have assisted in isolating anomalous observations in the geochemical data related to the occurrence of mineralisation or lithological differences between sub-catchments. Thresholds for the main background populations determined by the fractal model are similar to those established using probability plot modelling, however the summation method displays less capacity to separate out anomalous populations, especially where such populations display extensive overlap. This suggests, in the geochemical data example provided, that subtle differences in the population parameters may not significantly alter the fractal dimension.  相似文献   
本文引进了震级——频度关系的b值谱的概念,给出了计算b值谱的矩方法,对我国华北和西北地区分别计算和分析了以半年为单位的不同时段M_L≥3.0地震的b值谱线。所得结果表明,在研究区内发生6级左右以上大震前半年至一年半之内,b值谱的形态要出现较明显的前兆异常变化,因而可在地震预报中加以应用。  相似文献   
兰州地区既有构筑物的天然地基通常是粉土层,由于地下水位上升,这种地基土饱和,导致承载力下降,出现地基不安全现象。针对这一特点,提出了既经济、实用且简便的低压注浆加固地基的处理方法。  相似文献   
石寒 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1491-1494
根据主应力可分解为静水应力和偏应力,以及它们在应力莫尔圆和变形方面的相关性,推导出修正的莫尔-库仑理论的数学表达式。从理论上解决了库仑理论和莫尔理论存在的许多缺陷,特别是中间主应力对材料抗剪强度的影响。它的四参数准则的计算结果与一些混凝土的试验数据相当吻合。  相似文献   
This paper presents a boundary element method (BEM) procedure for a linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis in two‐dimensional anisotropic bimaterials. In this formulation, a displacement integral equation is only collocated on the uncracked boundary, and a traction integral equation is only collocated on one side of the crack surface. A fundamental solution (Green's function) for anisotropic bimaterials is also derived and implemented into the boundary integral formulation so that except for the interfacial crack part, the discretization along the interface can be avoided. A special crack‐tip element is introduced to capture the exact crack‐tip behavior. A computer program using FORTRAN has been developed to effectively calculate the stress intensity factors of an anisotropic bimaterial. This BEM program has been verified to have a good accuracy with previous studies. In addition, a central cracked bimaterial Brazilian specimen constituting cement and gypsum is prepared to conduct the Brazilian test under diametral loading. The result shows that the numerical analysis can predict relatively well the direction of crack initiation and the path of crack propagation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
杨仕升 《华南地震》1997,17(4):42-47
应用人工神经网络的方法,利用30次强震震后1天和2天内的地震资料作为学习样本,对广西及其邻区发生的4次地震的震型作了早期预测判定,结果表明应用效果较好,正确率达75%。该方法值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
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