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孙军  刘东艳  钱树本 《海洋学报》2000,22(1):102-109
基于浮游植物细胞体积转换法获得的胶州湾浮游植物细胞生物量,计算了胶州湾水体中同采浮游植物生物量,并与浮游植物细胞计数结果进行了周年变化的比较和优势种分析。研究结果表明,调查期内,浮游植物细胞数量出现两次高峰(主峰1月份,次峰9月份),转换生物量仅出现一次高峰(8月份);优势种分析表明,上述峰值期的不同,与浮游植物群落结构及不同种群细胞的个体大小密切相关。浮游植物细胞体积转换生物量不仅能较客观地反映浮游植物现存量,又能从群落、种群结构角度解释能量分布及不同种群对浮游植物生物量的各自贡献。  相似文献   
费希杰 《热带地理》2000,20(3):175-179
为了解决上海缺乏深水港址和宁波、舟山港腹地范围狭小的问题,提出了两个相互关联的宏大构想:一是在杭州湾建造锁海大坝并展开大规模的围垦造陆;二是兴建宁波至舟山的跨海交通与输水工程。这两大构想一旦付诸实施,其直接效益主要有二:1.为长江三角洲增加数千平方公里的土地;2.今后可望在宁波-舟山建成世界超级大港和千万人口级特大城市。更进一步的影响则是在锁海大坝沿线和钱塘江下游沿岸将出现两个新的产业密集带与城镇  相似文献   
京津风沙源浑善达克沙地治理区退耕还林地的植被变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选择京津风沙源区浑善达克沙地治理区大兴安岭南部亚区2004年退耕的榆树-小叶锦鸡儿林及山杏林和浑善达克沙地亚区2002年退耕的榆树-小叶锦鸡儿、小叶锦鸡儿退耕林及榆树疏林沙地设置监测样地,对植被盖度、生物量、物种多样性等进行了连续4年的监测调查,结果表明:在大兴安岭南部亚区,退耕后4~7年,榆树-小叶锦鸡儿林总盖度和总生物量均极显著高于对照的蒿类草地(p<0.01),且呈逐年上升趋势;山杏人工林总盖度在前期低于天然胡枝子灌丛,但后期优于对照;山杏人工林总生物量逐年增加,并在2010年和2011年显著大于胡枝子灌丛(p<0.05)。榆树-小叶锦鸡儿和山杏人工林及其对照样地的Shannon-Wiener指数均呈波状变化,差异不显著。在浑善达克沙地亚区,退耕后6~9年,榆树-小叶锦鸡儿林地的总盖度显著高于小叶锦鸡儿和榆树疏林沙地(p<0.05),但榆树疏林沙地在年际间的变化更稳定,榆树疏林沙地总生物量在2008-2010年间均高于榆树-小叶锦鸡儿和小叶锦鸡儿人工林,但人工林逐年增加的趋势更明显。小叶锦鸡儿人工林和榆树疏林沙地的Shannon-Wiener指数明显高于榆树-小叶锦鸡儿林地,并且都呈波状增加趋势,而榆树-小叶锦鸡儿林地的Shannon-Wiener指数表现出与降雨变化同样的趋势。  相似文献   
东南极中山站-昆仑站断面最高和最低气温变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用中山站-昆仑站断面自动气象站2 m气温和同期再分析资料分析了南极沿海到内陆高原的最高和最低气温的变化特征, 并通过个例讨论了气温出现极端过程的天气背景. 结果表明: 南极中山站-昆仑站断面最高和最低气温季节变化趋势基本相似, 年际变化不明显. 最高气温标准偏差大于最低气温, 冬季气温标准偏差明显大于夏季, 且夏季气温变化幅度远小于冬季. 随海拔的增加, 最高气温年较差逐渐增大, 最低气温年变化的无芯率(气温没有明显的最小值程度)呈增大趋势, 夏季气温变化幅度逐渐增大, 冬季气温变化幅度的区域性差异不明显; 2005年7月25-31日的极端降温过程主要受到极涡、地面冷高压及下降风的共同影响.  相似文献   
Remote Sensing technologies are capable of providing high-resolution spatial data needed to set up advanced flood simulation models. Amongst them, aerial Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) surveys or Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) systems have long been used to provide digital topographic maps. Nowadays, Remote Sensing data are commonly used to create Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) for detailed urban-flood modelling. However, the difficulty of relying on top-view LiDAR data only is that it cannot detect whether passages for floodwaters are hidden underneath vegetated areas or beneath overarching structures such as roads, railroads, and bridges. Such (hidden) small urban features can play an important role in urban flood propagation. In this paper, a complex urban area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was chosen as a study area to simulate the extreme flooding event that occurred in 2003. Three different DTMs were generated and used as input for a two-dimensional (2D) urban flood model. A top-view LiDAR approach was used to create two DTMs: (i) a standard LiDAR-DTM and (ii) a Filtered LiDAR-DTM taking into account specific ground-view features. In addition, a Structure from Motion (SfM) approach was used to detect hidden urban features from a sequence of ground-view images; these ground-view SfM data were then combined with top-view Filtered LiDAR data to create (iii) a novel Multidimensional Fusion of Views-Digital Terrain Model (MFV-DTM). These DTMs were then used as a basis for the 2D urban flood model. The resulting dynamic flood maps are compared with observations at six measurement locations. It was found that when applying only top-view DTMs as input data, the flood simulation results appear to have mismatches in both floodwater depths and flood propagation patterns. In contrast, when employing the top-ground-view fusion approach (MFV-DTM), the results not only show a good agreement in floodwater depth, but also simulate more correctly the floodwater dynamics around small urban feature. Overall, the new multi-view approach of combining top-view LiDAR data with ground-view SfM observations shows a good potential for creating an accurate digital terrain map which can be then used as an input for a numerical urban flood model.  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带新沂-五河段晚第四纪活动的新证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郯庐断裂带对中国东部地区影响重大。已有研究表明,郯庐断裂带新沂-五河段第四纪以来有明显的新活动迹象。本文在前人工作的基础上,围绕郯庐断裂带新沂-五河段开展地震地质调查,在重点地段进行探槽开挖,结合断裂沿线地震活动分析,对郯庐断裂带新沂-五河段活动习性及未来地震危险性等进行了探讨。本文补充的很多第一手资料,可为研究郯庐断裂带新沂-五河段大地震复发规律及地震中长期预测等提供有价值的参考依据。  相似文献   
We present the frequency-dependent attenuation model for Fourier amplitude spectra of strong earthquake ground motion in Serbia from intermediate depth earthquakes in the Vrancea source zone in Romania. The development of this type of scaling is the essential first step toward developing the corresponding attenuation and scaling equations for pseudo relative velocity spectra (PSV), which are necessary for seismic macro- and microzoning in the territory of Serbia. Such scaling is necessary because the Vrancea source zone produces large earthquakes with shaking that attenuates differently from the local earthquakes in Serbia. Development of such a scaling model is associated with several difficulties, the principal one being the lack of recorded strong motion accelerograms at epicentral distances exceeding 300 km. To reduce uncertainties with such scaling, we require our preliminary scaling equations to be consistent with independent estimates of seismic moment, stress drop, and radiated wave energy. In the future, when the recorded strong motion data from Vrancea earthquakes increases several-fold of what it is today, it will become possible to perform this analysis again, thus leading to more reliable and permanent scaling estimates.  相似文献   
太湖局地小气候特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2004年12月至2009年2月无锡马山自动站和无锡学前街自动站气温数据,分析了太湖地区局地小气候的变化特征。结果表明:太湖地区局地小气候特征非常显著,总体上表现为年际、季际、月际和各时段的平均气温较其他地区异常偏低。但在不同的气象条件背景下如晴天、雨天和各种特殊天气存在不同的特点。晴天太湖地区主要表现为气温偏低;雨天春夏秋季主要表现为气温偏高,而冬季表现为气温偏低。高温、暴雪天气条件下,太湖地区主要为气温偏低但强度上存在很大的差异,而寒潮天气条件下太湖地区气温相较其他地区则时高时低。  相似文献   
The observations of the solar radio emission on September 11, 2001, with the RATAN-600 radio telescope (southern sector) at four centimeter wavelengths (1.92, 2.24, 2.74, and 3.21 cm) revealed synchronous brightenings in solar radio sources. These were identified on the solar photosphere with active regions that were spaced up to ~106 km apart (AR 9608 and AR 9616). We discuss manifestations of the possible mechanisms of synchronous brightenings in solar sources in a narrow microwave spectral band. The significant linear correlation (ρc = 0.84–0.92) between the relative fluxes of AR 9610 and AR 9608 at 1.92 and 2.24 cm and the significant linear correlation (ρc = 0.65–0.84) between the relative fluxes of AR 9606 and AR 9608 at 3.21 cm in a two-hour interval of observations are indicative of the interconnection between these active regions not only during flares and bursts, but also in the periods of their absence. This confirms the existence of a large-scale temporal component in the dynamics of the radio flux variations for these active regions. We found a difference between the temporal variations of the radio emission from the halo and the solar radio sources under consideration. The times of increase in the total solar soft X-ray (0.5–4.0 Å, 1.0–8.0 Å; GOES 8, GOES 10) flux are shown to coincide with the times of increase in the fluxes from the solar radio sources at short centimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   
浙江省"2004·14"号台风暴潮综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“2004·14”号台风是1956年以来登陆我国大陆最强的一次台风,影响范围广、强度强、降雨量大,给浙江省造成了严重灾害。本文对本次强台风特点、形成的暴雨洪水等做了较系统的分析,并与历史强台风进行了比较,对水利工程效益进行了分析。  相似文献   
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