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??1999~2001??2001~2004????????????????嶫???GPS?????????вο?????任??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????α??λ?????????????????????????任?ο???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????仯?????????????????????????  相似文献   
张北—尚义地震区的壳幔构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对河北张家口地区的深地震测深宽角反射/折射剖面资料的研究表明:近东西向的张北—崇礼地壳断裂带与北西西向的张家口—渤海地壳深断裂带在张北62级地震区交汇。在这里延伸至莫霍面的地壳深断裂带和壳内界面的不连续处是汉诺坝大面积玄武岩溢出的通道。震区中上地壳内的局部速度逆转和下地壳内异常的低速带预示着岩浆活动仍较强烈。张家口—渤海地壳深断裂带近期活动可能是张北地震发生的主要因素  相似文献   
Salvi  S.  Quattrocchi  F.  Brunori  C. A.  Doumaz  F.  Angelone  M.  Billi  A.  Buongiorno  F.  Funiciello  R.  Guerra  M.  Mele  G.  Pizzino  L.  Salvini  F. 《Natural Hazards》1999,20(2-3):255-278
A priority task for correct environmental planningis to evaluate Natural Hazards, especially inhighly populated areas. In particular, thoroughinvestigations based on different Earth Sciencetechniques must be addressed for the Seismic HazardAssessment (SHA) in tectonically active areas. Notonly the management but also the multidisciplinaryanalysis of all the SHA-related data sets is bestperformed using a Geographic Information System. In this paper we show how a research-oriented GIS isbuilt and used in a practical case. The GeochemicalGeographic Information System (G2IS) wasdeveloped and applied to the Gargano promontory(southern Italy) in the framework of an EC researchproject, the Geochemical Seismic Zonation (GSZ)Project. This multidisciplinary – multiscalingpowerful tool is described in its structure, updatingprocedures and manipulation techniques. Preliminaryresults are presented on the detection of geochemically active fault zones and theircorrelation with remote sensing data and otherevidences of seismogenic structures.  相似文献   
Short-term wave design approach of marine structures, using nonlinear time domain simulations, is a design procedure that is recognized by various modern standard codes. One of the most challenging points of this approach is the evaluation of the characteristic extreme values for response parameters used in the design check equations. The most straightforward and recommended way to evaluate a response characteristic value is by fitting an extreme value probability distribution to the N-sample of extreme values extracted from N independent time domain simulations with duration equal to the short-term period indicated by the code, which is usually taken as 3 h. However, this procedure would not be practical for some types of marine structures, such as risers and mooring lines, under numerous design load cases and demanding huge finite element models. A more feasible approach would be to assess the response extreme value distribution using only a single short-term time domain simulation with duration shorter than 3 h. But reduced time simulations always introduce some additional statistical uncertainty into the extreme values estimates. This paper discusses a workable way of properly taking into account the statistical uncertainty associated with the simulation length in the assessment of a characteristic short-term extreme response value based on a single time series.  相似文献   
笔者对复杂性科学中的自组织临界性、瞬态混沌、混沌边缘和弱混沌四大理论和研究领域就其发展现状和最近动态作系统和深入的剖析后得出结论 ,认为以上四者是对自然界中开放、远离平衡、相互作用的巨大耗散动力学系统的时空演化这个统一事物的本质的面面观。笔者进一步将四者的相互关系归纳成一个重要的命题 :自然界中开放、远离平衡、相互作用的巨大耗散动力学系统的时空演化服从“自组织临界过程动力学” ,并且系统“在混沌边缘分形生长”。地质系统是自然界中的一种既十分重要 ,又异常复杂的开放、远离平衡、相互作用的巨大耗散动力学系统。它具有自组织临界性的内禀基本属性。它的时空行为服从地质作用的自组织临界过程动力学。地质系统位于有序和混沌之间的过渡时空域 ,即混沌边缘 ,其中系统呈规则与混沌运动并存和混合的弱混沌动力学状态 ,并且地质系统在混沌边缘分形生长。将上述命题演绎和整合成一种广泛适用于地质系统的地球科学的复杂性理论 ,名之为 :“地质作用的自组织临界过程动力学———地质系统在混沌边缘分形生长” ,并将其内容归纳成 6部分 :(1)自组织临界性、瞬态混沌、混沌边缘和弱混沌 ,(2 )多组分的耦合与相互作用及其相干与协同 ,(3)演化过程的分形动力学 ,(4 )作用的时空结构 ,(  相似文献   
钟建华 《湖南地质》1991,10(1):68-73
保和堂大冶灰岩中发育丰富的沉积构造,对之研究有助于保和堂、乃至整个湘中的大冶灰岩形成环境的探讨。其第一段岩石发育了丘状波痕、丘状交错层理及粒序层理,是风暴作用的反映;泥裂、水雹痕属于暴露环境。说明大冶灰岩沉积的早期仍属潮上或潮间碳酸盐台地相。中期海水加深,发育了水平层理、变形层理及包卷层理等,近于台地边缘斜坡相。晚期的粒序层理、虫迹等构造,反映了海水再度变浅的趋势。  相似文献   
Reliable estimation of wave run-up is required for the effective and efficient design of coastal structures when flooding or wave overtopping volumes are an important consideration in the design process. In this study, a unified formula for the wave run-up on bermed structures has been developed using collected and existing data. As data on berm breakwaters was highly limited, physical model tests were conducted and the run-up was measured. Conventional governing parameters and influencing factors were then used to predict the dimensionless run-up level with 2% exceedance probability. The developed formula includes the effect of water depth which is required in understanding the influence of sea level rise and consequent changes of wave height to water depth ratio on the future hydraulic performance of the structures. The accuracy measures such as RMSE and Bias indicated that the developed formula is more accurate than the existing formulas. Additionally, the new formula was validated using field measurements and its superiority was observed when compared to the existing prediction formulas. Finally, the new design formula incorporating the partial safety factor was introduced as a design tool for engineers.  相似文献   
松辽盆地三肇凹陷葡萄花油层成藏模式初探   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
运用源控含油气系统理论与综合分析技术,按成藏“层次分析”方法,通过对生、储、盖、圈(闭)静态要素及其内生、排、运、聚、散(失)动态过程的综合研究,对松辽盆地中央坳陷的三肇凹陷葡萄花油层成藏条件进行探讨,提出了以次级凹陷为中心、不同类型的油气聚集带紧邻并围绕次级凹陷最低部位呈环带状分布的大型凹陷内成藏模式,并进一步提出永乐次级凹陷中心及其三级聚油环带及徐家围子次级凹陷以西为"网式"运聚特征;在凹陷级成藏模式的指导下,通过对大面积密井网开发区综合解剖,提出三级构造带中单个的局部构造圈闭(群)、单个的(局部构造——)岩性圈闭(群)控油和成藏规律,为认识本区基本控油单元、油水分布规律、油气勘探及扩大新探区提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
滑坡治理中格构锚固结构的解析解分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在分析格构锚固结构受力的基础上 ,将格构梁简化为受集中力作用的弹性地基上的梁 ,提出了格构锚固结构的力学模型 ,利用 Winkler弹性地基上梁的解析解对格构梁进行了内力和变形的分析 ,发现格构梁的受力状况受弹性特征λ、梁格间距 ls以及悬臂长度影响 ;建议梁长 l与λ宜满足 lλ≥ 2π;采用较小间距的格构梁以及小吨位锚索 ,间距宜满足 lsλ<π/ 2 ,悬臂长度取 (0 .3~ 0 .5 ) ls,并将分析结论应用于三峡库区巴东太矶头东滑坡治理工程的设计中  相似文献   
本文设计独立基础框架和整体箱型基础框架结构模型,基于试验数据的对比分析,探讨基础类型与地震动特性对场地土以及结构自身地震响应的影响。试验结果及分析表明:地表结构的存在总体上是放大了地表加速度响应,放大最大幅度达到了40%,影响范围可达3倍的结构跨度,且具有一定埋深的箱型基础的影响大于浅埋独立基础。由于土体对独立基础的约束相对较弱,导致独立基础结构模型的加速度响应总体上大于箱型基础的;独立基础结构模型可能发生摇摆运动导致结构基础竖向响应的频谱特性含有较多的高频成分。另外,地震动特性对结构响应也较显著,其中脉冲地震动NR波的影响最为显著。  相似文献   
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